The code has been written in C. The following stands for unix/linux systems, but it should not be difficult for windows folks to achieve to compile it.
cc -O -I. -o gener-mask gener-mask.c chamfer.c -lm
gener-maskgives the list of available options for the command line. The -help option, i.e.
gener-mask -helpwill give you more details about each of them
gener-mask -dim 3 -size 3 -bowill print the geometry of a 3x3x3 chamfer mask (the -bo option means "build only", i.e. do not compute the coefficients):
#VECTORS = 3 v[# 0] = ( 1 0 0) c=0 v[# 1] = ( 1 1 0) c=0 v[# 2] = ( 1 1 1) c=0
#CONES = 1 ERR MIN = 0.060191 ERR MAX = 0.060191
c[# 0] = [( 1 0 0) ( 1 1 0) ( 1 1 1)], E=0.060191
gener-mask -dim 3 -size 3 -z 2 -boit yields
#VECTORS = 5 v[# 0] = ( 1 0 0) c=0 v[# 1] = ( 1 1 0) c=0 v[# 2] = ( 1 1 1) c=0 v[# 3] = ( 1 0 1) c=0 v[# 4] = ( 0 0 1) c=0 #CONES = 3 ERR MIN = 0.024113 ERR MAX = 0.090827 c[# 0] = [( 1 0 0) ( 1 1 0) ( 1 1 1)], E=0.090827 c[# 1] = [( 1 0 1) ( 1 0 0) ( 1 1 1)], E=0.088750 c[# 2] = [( 0 0 1) ( 1 0 1) ( 1 1 1)], E=0.024113
gener-mask -dim 3 -error 0.025 -bowill generate a mask which sectors have an error less than 0.025, i.e.
#VECTORS = 5 v[# 0] = ( 1 0 0) c=0 v[# 1] = ( 1 1 0) c=0 v[# 2] = ( 1 1 1) c=0 v[# 3] = ( 2 1 1) c=0 v[# 4] = ( 2 1 0) c=0 #CONES = 3 ERR MIN = 0.017352 ERR MAX = 0.024113 c[# 0] = [( 1 0 0) ( 2 1 0) ( 2 1 1)], E=0.024113 c[# 1] = [( 2 1 1) ( 1 1 0) ( 1 1 1)], E=0.024103 c[# 2] = [( 2 1 0) ( 1 1 0) ( 2 1 1)], E=0.017352
gener-mask -dim 3 -error 0.012 -boand
gener-mask -dim 3 -error 0.012 -size 7 -bo
gener-mask -dim 3 -vectors 4 -bowill generate a mask of 4 vectors within the considered 1/nth of the space (in 3-D, in an isotropic lattice 1/48th of the space is considered, with an anisotropy along only one dimension (either -y Y or -z Z is specified) 1/16th of the space is considered, and with anisotropies along two dimensions (both -y Y and -z Z are specified) 1/8th of the space is considered).
gener-mask -dim 3 -z 2 -bo -vectors 9and
gener-mask -dim 3 -z 2 -bo -vectors 9 -size 5
gener-mask -dim 3 -size 3(the -bo option is no more specified) generates
#VECTORS = 3 v[# 0] = ( 1 0 0) c=0 v[# 1] = ( 1 1 0) c=0 v[# 2] = ( 1 1 1) c=0 #CONES = 1 ERR MIN = 0.060191 ERR MAX = 0.060191 c[# 0] = [( 1 0 0) ( 1 1 0) ( 1 1 1)], E=0.060191
Error = 0.267949 445.162 % / OPT --- Epsilon = 0.788675 --- Elapsed time = 0.000000 ms --- dmin = 0.577350 dmax = 1.000000 v[# 0] = ( 1 0 0) w= 1 v[# 1] = ( 1 1 0) w= 1 v[# 2] = ( 1 1 1) w= 1 Error = 0.171573 285.046 % / OPT --- Epsilon = 1.207107 --- Elapsed time = 0.000000 ms --- dmin = 1.000000 dmax = 1.414214 v[# 0] = ( 1 0 0) w= 1 v[# 1] = ( 1 1 0) w= 2 v[# 2] = ( 1 1 1) w= 2 ... ... ... Error = 0.079446 131.988 % / OPT --- Epsilon = 3.072526 --- Elapsed time = 0.000000 ms --- dmin = 2.828427 dmax = 3.316625 v[# 0] = ( 1 0 0) w= 3 v[# 1] = ( 1 1 0) w= 4 v[# 2] = ( 1 1 1) w= 5 ... ... ... Error = 0.061054 101.433 % / OPT --- Epsilon = 20.235455 --- Elapsed time = 30.000000 ms --- dmin = 19.000000 dmax = 21.470911 v[# 0] = ( 1 0 0) w= 19 v[# 1] = ( 1 1 0) w= 27 v[# 2] = ( 1 1 1) w= 33
Best possible error = 0.060191 [ 1] [ 1] [ 1] [ 0] [ 1] [ 1] --- err %/opt eps time [ 0] [ 0] [ 1] 1 1 1 --- 26.794919 ( 445.2) 0.788675 0.00 1 2 2 --- 17.157288 ( 285.0) 1.207107 0.00 2 3 3 --- 12.701665 ( 211.0) 1.984059 0.00 2 3 4 --- 10.102051 ( 167.8) 2.224745 0.00 3 4 5 --- 7.944565 ( 132.0) 3.072526 0.00 4 6 7 --- 6.787889 ( 112.8) 4.291288 0.00 7 10 12 --- 6.389617 ( 106.2) 7.401106 10.00 11 16 19 --- 6.320549 ( 105.0) 11.709777 10.00 12 17 21 --- 6.255385 ( 103.9) 12.800735 10.00 19 27 33 --- 6.105399 ( 101.4) 20.235455 30.00
The -matlab option (by specifying -matlab filename in the command line) generates a Matlab file commands that allows to visualize the distribution of errors (in percentage) on the mask sectors. The figures
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gener-mask -dim 3 -size 5 -y 1.0 -z 1.0 -matlab mask_size5.m -boand
gener-mask -dim 3 -size 7 -y 1.0 -z 1.0 -matlab mask_size7.m -bo
The command
gener-mask -help
[-dim %d] [-mask-size|-mask|-size %d] [-error %f] [-vectors %d]
[-prebuild|-pb %d] [-build-only|-bo] [-y %f] [-z %f]
[-f %d] [-l %d]
[-res %s] [-matlab %s] [-latex %s]
[-help|--help] [-examples|-ex]
===== mask construction =====
-dim %d : space dimension (3 or 2 (default))
-mask-size|-mask|-size %d : mask size
3 (default) -> mask 3x3 or 3x3x3
5 -> mask 5x5 or 5x5x5
-vectors %d : maximal number of vectors in mask
if -mask-size is also specified (after in the command line)
the vectors are restricted in the given neighborhood
-error %f : maximal sector error
0.01 means 1%
can be used in conjunction with -mask-size and -vectors
-prebuild|-pb %d : prebuilt masks (assume dim=3)
admissible values:
3, 333 -> mask 3x3x3
5, 555 -> mask 5x5x5
7, 777 -> mask 7x7x7
this was implemented for comparison with (Fouard, IVC, 2005)
-y %f : pixel or voxel dimension along Y
-z %f : voxel dimension along z
-build-only|-bo: do not compute weights
===== weight computing =====
-f %d : first weight value (default=1)
-l %d : last weight value (default=20)
===== output controlling =====
-res %s : specify output text file (default is stdout)
-matlab %s : specify output matlab file
nice plot of mask errors
-latex %s : specify output matlab file
latex table of computed weights
===== misc =====
-help : print this help
-examples|-ex : print some command lines examples
Authors : Gregoire Malandain & Celine Fouard