Glauco Garcia Scandaroli

DSc. Candidate



My name is Glauco Garcia Scandaroli, and I am currently a DSc. candidate working at the INRIA of Sophia-Antipolis under the supervision of DSc. Pascal Morin.

I work with nonlinear estimation and inertial-visual data fusion. My studies aim mainly at developing new nonlinear observers to accomplish pose estimations and camera-to-IMU calibration. Currently, I am also interested in direct visual methods to reconstruct pose and outlier-robust estimation.

My fellowship is currently funded by grants from the Conseil Général Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur and the Direction Générale de la Compétitivité, de l’Industrie et des Services (DGCIS) through the Rapace 2 project leaded by Geocean.

In this homepage you can find more information about me, my research interests and my publication list.