Concurrent Control Systems: from Grafcet to VHDL
Frédéric MALLET, Daniel GAFFE, and Fernand BOERI Senior Member IEEE
Laboratoire I3S, UPRES_A 6070 CNRS, Université de Nice-Sophia Antipolis
Abstract: The Automated Production Systems (APS) are composed of concurrent interacting entities. Then any model should exhibit parallel and sequential behaviours. The Grafcet is now well established in manufacturing to specify the awaited behaviour of the APS. Moreover, programmable components increase modularity and allow a higher integration rate of circuits. This paper intends to study the hardware implemntation of a Grafcet specification into such a component. Those components have to be programmed using an hardware description language. So we focus on inherent problems of such an approach and we study different kinds of possible solutions to automatically translate a Grafcet specification into a VHDL program. In particular, we introduce a solution based on synchronnous language works about symbolic research of stability states. This compiler only accepts the stable grafcets. In addition, this solution provides some way to generate a VHDL code and to check some safety properties on Grafcet.

© 2000 IEEE Computer Press.
  author    = {Fr{\'e}d{\'e}ric Mallet and
               Daniel Gaff{\'e} and
               Fernand Bo{\'e}ri},
  title     = {Concurrent Control Systems: From Grafcet to VHDL},
  booktitle = {Euromicro Conference, 2000. Proceedings of the 26th},
  year      = {2000},
  volume    = {1},
  pages     = {230--234},
  address   = {Maastricht},
  month     = sep,
  keywords  = {circuit CAD, concurrency control, formal specification, hardware
       description languages, integrated circuit manufacture},
  ee        = {},
  crossref  = {DBLP:conf/euromicro/2000},
  doi       = {10.1109/EURMIC.2000.874637}
  title     = {26th EUROMICRO 2000 Conference, Informatics: Inventing the
               Future, 5-7 September 2000, Maastricht, The Netherlands},
  booktitle = {EUROMICRO},
  publisher = {IEEE Computer Society},
  year      = {2000},
  isbn      = {0-7695-0780-8},
  bibsource = {DBLP,}