Fabien Seyfert's homepage

: fabien.seyfert at inria.fr

I'm a research scientist in the field of electrical engineering with a particular focus on microwave electronics. My interest lie in the development of identification and design methods for devices such as filters, multiplexers, antennas and amplifiers. As transfer functions of such systems typically live in strongly structured functional spaces I have special interest in harmonic analysis, functional approximation theory and related convex and non-convex optimization problems. Eventually the final realisation and tuning of microwave hardware is usually performed at hand of equivalent electrical circuits: circuit theory is therefore also central to my work. If you want to have an overview of what I'm doing you can have a look at my HDR (professorial thesis, written in English).

I led the Factas team at Inria in Sophia Antipolis till October 2021 and am currently on leave. You'll find here a short CV.


I'm the co-author of matlab toolboxes dedicated to synthesis and tuning of high-frequency filters,


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