  • Current Projects

    • THEMIS: 3D vision-based modeling of natural underwater scenes

    • MobiVIP: Autonomous navigation of small urban vehicles using sensor-based control

    • MINIROC: On-line indoor environment modelling and localization of an indoor mobile robot

    • ROBEA: Robotique et Entités Artificielles:

      • BODEGA: Navigation autonome et sûre en environnement urbain

      • AEROB: Robots mobiles terrestres et aériens en environnements extérieurs: modélisation de l'environnement et navigation sûre basée sur la vision.

  • Past Projects

    • VIGOR: Visually guided robots using uncalibrated cameras

    • EDF: 2 1/2 D visual servoing

This is a research project funded by IFREMER (Toulon) and it concerns 3D vision-based modeling of natural underwater scenes. The objective is to design an active stereovision head controlled via visual servoing techniques. This is a joint contract with the start-up URATEK. This work will be pursued in the context of a PhD program funded by the Ifremer and the PACA region.


This project, coordinated by Visa at Sophia-Antipolis, has obtained the national label Predit. It aims at evaluating new multimode transportation services in urban areas. Five public research labs and seven industrial partners are involved. Icare is in charge of the autonomous navigation of small urban vehicles using sensor-based control. An original feature of the approach lies in the learning phase, with data acquisition performed by using a man-driven vehicle in order to build a geo-referenced model of the urban environment. This model is subsequently updated when the autonomous mode is activated.


On-line indoor environment modelling and localization of an indoor mobile robot platform equipped with multiple sensors (laser range-finder, inertial gyrometer, odometry). This is a typical SLAM (Simultaneous Localization And Mapping) problem based on sensory data fusion, complemented with control/navigation issues.


  • AEROB: Ground and aerial robots in outdoor environments. On-line acquisition/modeling of the environment and safe vision-based navigation.

  • BODEGA:Safe Navigation in Urban Environments}. Dealing with the autonomous navigation of a car in an urban environment using vision and GPS sensors.


    VIGOR is a 3-year Esprit Reactive Long Term Research project that started in February 1998. It is developing new techniques for visual guided control of robot manipulators using several uncalibrated cameras. The VIGOR consortium has six partners, 2 Universities (University of Cambridge and Hebrew University of Jerusalem), 2 research institutes (INRIA and IITB), and 2 industrial partners (Sinters and OSS). Sinters is a SME located in Toulouse which is specialized in robot manufacturing and hardware/software integration of robots and sensors. OSS is a shipyard located in Odense where large-scale robotic platforms are in operation for handling and welding of ship parts.


    This project has been funded by the Research and Development Division of EDF (the French power industry) and carried out at INRIA Rennes in the VISTA Project. The main application of this work is the control of the end-effector of a robot for any tracking or positioning task: for example the automatic manipulation of maintenance tools in nuclear power plants. The work has concerned the extension of visual servoing techniques to unknown scenes and an uncalibrated camera. A new approach, called 2 1/2 D visual-servoing, has been proposed and tested with a redundant robot manipulator.