Interface between the FNC-2 system and the Cosy Compiler system


Our own experiment in the Esprit projet COMPARE, the interests of interface FNC-2 with the Cosy compiler system are the following:

In the context of the Esprit project COMPARE, more than 50 000 lines of specification in FNC-2 were written and used to establish the back-end of a C compiler (sparc) to integrate on COSY compiler system. This back-end was defined using the meta code generator PAGODE.

The Cosy version of FNC-2 corresponds the version of COSY compiler system at the end of COMPARE project (1996). Thus this version fSDL of FNC-2 does not make start from the standard distribution of FNC-2, but the work of update of this version does not seem to require an insurmountable work.

List of References to the Cosy Compiler system

COSY: A Revolution in Compiler Construction
Cosy (Ace)
Smart (GMD)
Prepare Esprit Project
Slides of a talk given in French by Martin Jourdan at IRISA on November 21, 1995 (tar-gziped PostScript, 422 kb)

List of Papers

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The documents distributed by this server have been provided by the contributing authors as a means to ensure timely dissemination of scholarly and technical work on a noncommercial basis. Copyright and all rights therein are maintained by the authors or by other copyright holders, notwithstanding that they have offered their works here electronically. It is understood that all persons copying this information will adhere to the terms and constraints invoked by each author's copyright. These works may not be reposted without the explicit permission of the copyright holder.

Updated on Fri Aug 22 10:25:27 1997

Uwe A\3mann. How To Uniformly Specify Program Analysis and Transformation. In P. Fritzson, editor, Compiler Construction (CC). Springer, 1996. (PostScript)

The COMPARE Consortium. Repport of toolselection taskforce. draft, Compare Consortium, august 1991. confidential.

The COMPARE Consortium. fsdl. draft, Compare Consortium, novembre 1994. confidential.

The COMPARE Consortium. Using pagode and fnc-2 in compare. draft, Compare Consortium, july 1994. confidential.

The COMPARE Consortium. Cosy compilers overview of their construction and operation with glossary, list of acronyms and index. draft, Compare Consortium, march 1995. confidential.

Jürgen Vollmer. Dataflow equations for parallel programs that share memory. Technical report gmd-1101-dfepp, Universität Karlsruhe, july 1994. Deliverable 2.11.1 of the ESPRIT Project COMPARE # 5933. (PostScript)