Search results for keyword `divers.denot'

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R. Barbuti, M. Bellia, P. Degano, G. Levi, E. Dameri, C. Simonelli, and A. Martelli. Programming environment generation based on denotational semantics. In D. Ferrari, M. Bolognani, and J. Goguen, editors, Theory and Practice of Software Technology, pages 51-83. North-Holland, Amsterdam, 1983.

J. Bodwin, L. Bradley, K. Kanda, D. Litle, and Uwe Pleban. Experience with an experimental compiler generator based on denotational semantics. In ACM SIGPLAN '82 Symp. on Compiler Construction, pages 216-229. ACM press, Boston, MA, June 1982. Published as ACM SIGPLAN Notices, volume 17, number 6.

Laurian M. Chirica and David F. Martin. Toward compiler implementation correctness proofs. ACM Trans. Progr. Languages and Systems, 8(2):185-214, April 1986.

Henning Christiansen and Neil D. Jones. Control flow treatment in a simple semantics-directed compiler generator. In Dines Björner, editor, Formal Description of Programming Concepts II, pages 73-97. North-Holland, Amsterdam, 1983.

Harald Ganzinger. Some principles for the development of compiler from denotational language definitions. Bericht TUM-INFO-8006, Institut für Informatik, Tech. University München, May 1980.

Harald Ganzinger. Transforming denotational semantics into practical attribute grammars. In Neil D. Jones, editor, Semantics-Directed Compiler Generation, volume 94 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 1-69. Springer-Verlag, New York-Heidelberg-Berlin, 1980.

Harald Ganzinger. Denotational semantics for languages with modules. In Dines Björner, editor, Formal Description of Programming Concepts II, pages 3-23. North-Holland, Amsterdam, 1983.

Katsuhiko Gondow and Takuya Katayama. Attribute grammars as record calculus. Technical Report 93TR-0047, Tokyo Institute of Technology, 1993.
We present a new denotational semantics of attribute grammars that are based on Cardelli's record and lambda calculus. Our goal is to define, using the semantics, computational models based on attribute grammars for describing structure-oriented software development environments. As the first step toward the end, we present as extensions of the semantics formal definitions of OOAG (object oriented attribute grammars) and higher order attribute grammars. They have the capability to transform structures of attributed trees depending on their attribute values. The rest of this paper is written in Japanese.

Neil D. Jones and D. A. Schmidt. Compiler generation from denotational semantics. In Séminaires Langages et Traducteurs 1978-1981, pages 51-74. INRIA, Rocquencourt, 1981.

Neil D. Jones and M. Tofte. Some principles and notations for the construction of compiler generators. internal report, Datalogisk Institut, University of Copenhagen, July 1983.

Don Milos, Uwe F. Pleban, and George Loegel. Direct implementation of compiler specifications or the pascal P-code compiler revisited. In 11th ACM Symp. on Principles of Progr. Languages, pages 196-207. ACM press, Salt Lake City, Ut, January 1984.

Jukka Paakki. Paradigms for Attribute-grammar-based Language Implementation. Ph.D. thesis, Department of Comp. Sc., University of Helsinki, February 1991.

Larry Paulson. A Compiler Generator for Semantic Grammars. Ph.D. thesis, Department of Comp. Sc., Stanford University, 1981.

Larry Paulson. Compiler generation from denotational semantics. In Bernard Lorho, editor, Methods and Tools for Compiler Construction, pages 219-250. Cambridge University Press, New York, New York, 1984.

Uwe F. Pleban. Compiler protyping using formal semantics. In ACM SIGPLAN '84 Symp. on Compiler Construction, pages 94-105. ACM press, Montréal, June 1984. Published as ACM SIGPLAN Notices, volume 19, number 6.

Ravi Sethi. Control flow aspects of semantics-directed compiling. ACM Trans. Progr. Languages and Systems, 5(4):554-595, 1983. See also: report CSTR 98, Bell Labs., Murray Hill, NJ (September 1981) and ACM SIGPLAN '82 Symp. on Compiler Construction, Boston, MA, published as ACM SIGPLAN Notices 17, 6, pp. 245-260 (June 1982).