Search results for
keyword `applic.protocol'
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- [36]
- D. P. Anderson
and L. H. Landweber.
Protocol specification by real-time attribute grammars.
In Y. Yemini, R. Strom, and S. Yemini, editors, 4th Internat. Workshop on
Protocol Specification, Testing, and Verification, pages 457-465,
Amsterdam, 1984. North-Holland.
Skytop Lodge, PA.
- [37]
- D. P. Anderson.
Automated protocol implementation with RTAG.
IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, 14(3):291-300, March
RTAG is a language based on an attribute grammar notation
for specifying protocols. Its main design goals are: 1) to support concise
and easily understood expression of complex real-world protocols, and 2) to
serve as the basis of a portable software system for automated protocol
implementation. This paper summarizes the RTAG language, gives examples of
its use, sketches the algorithms used in generating implementation from these
specifications, and describes a UNIX-based automated implementation system
for RTAG.
- [38]
- Laurent Andrey and
André Schaff.
Description and prototyping of OSI protocol entities using attribute
Technical Report 95-R-271, Centre de recherche en Informatique de Mancy,
- [39]
- Laurent Andrey and
André Schaff.
Description et prototypage
d'entité de protocole OSI par grammaire attribuées.
Technical report, Centre de recherche en Informatique de Mancy, 1996.
- [40]
- Laurent Andrey.
Protocoles de communication et
grammaires attribuées.
PhD thesis, Université de Mancy, 1995.
- [138]
- Nigel P. Chapman.
Defining, analysing and implementing communication protocols using attribute
Formal Aspects of Computing, 2(4):359-392, 1990.
- [374]
- O. Haas.
Formal protocol specification based on attribute grammars.
In M. Diaz, editor, 5th Internat. Workshop on Protocol Specification,
Testing, and Verification, pages 39-48, Amsterdam, June 1985.
- [396]
- Diane Hernek and
David P. Anderson.
Efficient automated protocol implementation using RTAG.
Technical Report UCB//CSD-89-526, California Berkeley, August
RTAG is a system for automated implementation of
communication protocols from formal specifications. The RTAG specification
language is based on attribute grammars, and allows complex protocols to be
specified concisely and with minimal need for additional program code. This
paper describes a set of techniques for efficient automated implementation of
protocols from RTAG specifications, and compares the performance to that of
hand-coded protocol implementations. We conclude that in many cases the
performance of RTAG-based protocol implementation is acceptable for
experimental or production uses