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Isabelle Attali and Didier Parigot. Integrating Natural Semantics and Attribute Grammars: the Minotaur System. Rapport de recherche 2339, INRIA, 1994. (Gzipped PostScript, 19 pages, 128408 bytes)
This papers describes the principles and the functionalities of the Minotaur system. Minotaur is a generic interactive environment based on the integration of the Centaur system and the FNC-2 system, two systems widely used to specify syntax and semantics of programming languages and generate efficient semantic tools from these specifications. We show how Attribute Grammars techniques can be adequate for evaluation of a quite large subclass of Natural Semantics specifications, including specifications of an arithmetic calculator, a tree transformation, a type-checker for an Algol-like language, ... For this subclass of Natural Semantics specifications, the Minotaur system automatically generates an incremental and efficient (in time and memory) evaluator which gives to Natural Semantics an industrial strength implementation.

Victor E. Tavernini. Translating natural semantic specifications to attribute grammars. report UIUCDCS-R-88-1407, Department of Comp. Sc., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, May 1988.