Attribute grammars were introduced in the late 60's. In the 70's they found use in compiler work, a use that is continuing to grow. A more recent development is that of the ``attribute grammar programming paradigm''. A number of environments have been built to support this paradigm. W/AGE is one such environment. It consists of several functions that extend the standard environment of the pure lazy functional programming language Miranda. W/AGE has been used in the construction of various types of program including natural language interpreters, database front-ends, file-processors, theorem provers, and VLSI specification transformers.
In this paper we describe a database interface that is loosely based upon some of the concepts proposed by Richard Montague in his approach to the interpretation of natural language. The system is implemented as an executable attribute grammar specified in a higher order, lazy, pure functional programming language. The attribute grammar formalism provides a simple means of implementing Montague's notion of "semantic rule to syntactic rule correspondence" and the higher order functional language in which the attributes grammar is constructed provides an appropriate vehicle for implementing Montague's higher order semantics. The purpose of the paper is two-fold: (i) to demonstrate that many of Montague's ideas can be used to advantage in creating natural language interfaces to databases, and (ii) to introduce a method for implementing attribute grammars in functional languages that is suitable for investigating both grammars and semantic theories of language.
Contrary to a widely-held belief it is possible to construct executable specifications of language processors that use a top-down parsing strategy and which have structures that directly reflect the structure of grammars containing left-recursive productions. A novel technique has been discovered by which the non-termination that would otherwise occur is avoided by 'guarding' top-down left-recursive language processors by non-left-recursive recognizers. The use of a top-down parsing strategy increases modularity and the use of left-recursive productions facilitates specification of semantic equations. A combination of the two is of significant practical value because it results in modular and expressively clear executable specifications of language processors. The new approach has been tested in an attribute grammar programming environment that has been used in a number of projects including the development of natural language interfaces, SQL processors and circuit design transformers within a VLSI design package.
Natural language interfaces represent one of the most common applications of natural language processing. In the eighties, not only a considerable increase in natural language interface refinement has been achieved, but also methods for design and evaluation have been worked out. One might think that a natural language interface of the nineties would be properly described in terms of three parameters, viz. begin itemize item transportability item modifiability by the user item generality end itemize We have implemented a software package for plane geometry constructions called THALES footnote THALES is a product of Cogito Co., Ltd, Hungary supplied with a natural language interface. Our experience with THALES shows that none of these features is attainable in the near future. Rather, natural language interfaces based on well-defined subsets of languages and supplemented with possibly full semantics appear to be real candidates for applications in the following years.
When Knuth introduced attribute grammars, he observed that although ``oriented primarily towards programming languages, the same methods appear to be relevant also in the study of natural languages''. We demonstrate that his intuition is computationally justifiable, based on the algebraic equivalence of attribute grammars and Montague's theory of Universal Grammar. We discuss the relationship between attribute grammars, axiomatic theories and logic programming. We find that attribute grammars can be used to encode an algebraic specification of a natural language, attributed translation used to compute representations of the `meaning' of a sentence at different levels of abstraction, and that the specifications can be implemented as logic programs. We illustrate the application of non-deterministic attributed translation to natural language by the specification of a subset of Montague's PTQ, including a treatment of some semantic ambiguities