Search results for keyword `applic.DFA'

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W. A. Babich and Mehdi Jazayeri. The method of attributes for data flow analysis. Acta Informatica, 10(3):245-272, October 1978. part 1: Exhaustive Analysis, part 2: Demand Analysis.

W. A. Babich. High level data flow analysis using a parse tree representation of the program. report TR 77-006, Department of Comp. Sc., University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC, May 1977.

M. D. Carroll and Barbara G. Ryder. Incremental data flow analysis via dominator and attribute updates. In 15th ACM Symp. on Principles of Progr. Languages, pages 274-284. ACM press, San Diego, CA, January 1988.

Pierre Deransart and Jan Maluszynski. Relating logic programs and attribute grammars. Rapport de recherche 393, Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en Automatique (INRIA), 1985.

O. Edelstein and S. Sagiv. Machine independent optimizations via attribute grammars. Technical Report TR88.187, IBM Israel Scientific Center, Haifa, 1986.

Rodney Farrow. Attributed Grammar Models for Data Flow Analysis. Ph.D. thesis, Rice University, Houston, TX, May 1977.

Rajiv Gupta, Lori Pollock, and Mary Lou Soffa. Parallelizing data flow analysis. In Proceedings of the Workshop on Parallel Compilation, Kingston, Ontario, Canada, May 1990.

Mehdi Jazayeri. Live variable analysis, attribute grammars, and program optimization. manuscript, Department of Comp. Sc., University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC, March 1975.

Martin Jourdan and Didier Parigot. Techniques for Improving Grammar Flow Analysis. In Neil Jones, editor, European Symp. on Programming (ESOP '90), volume 432 of Lect. Notes in Comp. Sci., pages 240-255, Copenhague, 1990. Springer-Verlag. (Gzipped PostScript, 17 pages, 76745 bytes)
Grammar Flow Analysis (GFA) is a computation framework that can be applied to a large number of problems expressed on context-free grammars. In this framework, as was done on programs with Data Flow Analysis, those problems are split into a general resolution procedure and a set of specific propagation functions. This paper presents a number of improvement techniques that act on the resolution procedure, and hence apply to every GFA problem: grammar partitioning, non-terminals static ordering, weak stability and semantic stability. Practical experiments using circularity tests for attribute grammars will show the benefit of these improvements.

Ulrich Möncke and Reinhard Wilhelm. Grammar flow analysis. In Henk Alblas and Borivoj Melichar, editors, Attribute Grammars, Applications and Systems, volume 545 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 151-186. Springer-Verlag, New York-Heidelberg-Berlin, June 1991. Prague.
This paper specifies the theoretical basis for the implementation of different generators of the OPTRAN system. Grammar Flow analysis uses the techniques of data flow analysis at the meta level of compiler construction. The analogue of the states in data flow analysis are the syntax trees together with some information that is associated with trees by propagation functions. One example is the association of characteristic graphs, another example is the association of sets of matching tree patterns.

Danièle Néel and Michaneh Amirchahy. Removal of invariant statements from nested loops in a single effective compiler pass. In Conf. on Programming Languages and Compilers for Parallel and Vector Machines, pages 87-96. ACM press, New York, NY, March 1975. Published as ACM SIGPLAN Notices, volume 10, number 3.

Hanne Riis Nielson and Flemming Nielson. Flow logics for contraint based analysis. In Kai Koskimies, editor, Compiler Construction CC'98, volume 1383 of Lect. Notes in Comp. Sci., pages 109-127, portugal, April 1998. Springer-Verlag.
Flow logic offers a compact and versatile notation for expressing the acceptability of solutions to program analysis problems. In contrast to previous logical formulations of program analysis it aims at integrating existing approaches to data flow analysis and control flow analysis. It is able to deal with a broad variety of language paradigms, program properties, kinds of formal semantics, and methods used for computing the best solution. In this paper we illustrate how a compositional flow logic (in ``succinct'' form) can be systematically transformed into an efficient exhaustive procedure for computing the best solution of a set of constraints generated. This involves transformations to attribute grammars and to specifications of the (``verbose'') form used in control flow analysis.

Barbara G. Ryder and M. D. Carroll. Incremental data flow analysis via attributes. report LCSR-TR-93, Department of Comp. Sc., Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ, June 1987.

S. Sagiv, O. Edelstein, Nissim Francez, and M. Rodeh. Resolving circularity in attribute grammars with applications to data flow analysis. In 16th ACM Symp. on Principles of Progr. Languages, pages 36-48. ACM press, Austin, TX, January 1989.

M. Sonnenschein. Graph translation schemes to generate compiler parts. ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems, 9(4):473-490, October 1987.
Graph translation schemes-GTSs-are a generalization of attribute grammars and of some ideas in Koster's language CDL2. They are specially designed to support a compiler writer in defining parts of the back-end of his compiler, but they can also be useful for the specification of the analysis pass of a compiler. GTSs combine elements of functional and of algorithmic specification techniques to allow iterative attribute evaluation and attributing of program graphs. GTSs consist of only a few syntactical elements. We present operational semantics and discuss improvements in the efficiency of the prosposed implementation of GTSs.

Reinhard Wilhelm. Computation and use of data flow information in optimizing compilers. Acta Informatica, 12(3):209-225, 1979.

Reinhard Wilhelm. Global flow analysis and optimization in the MUG2 compiler generating system. In Steven S. Muchnick and Neil D. Jones, editors, Program Flow Analysis: Theory and Applications, pages 141-159. Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 1981.