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Bill P. Buckles, Frederick E. Petry, and Yuet-Ying Cheung. Attribute grammars for the heuristic translation of query languages. Information Systems, 14(6):507-514, 1989.

L. Fegaras, D. Maier, and T. Sheard. Specifying rule-based query optimizers in a reflective framework. In Third International Conference on Deductive and Object-Oriented Databases, pages 146-168, Phoenix, Arizona, December 1993.
Numerous structures for database query optimizers have been proposed. Many of those proposals aimed at automating the construction of query optimizers from some kind of specification of optimizer behavior. These specification frameworks do a good job of partitioning and modularizing the kinds of information needed to generate a query optimizer. Most of them represent at least part of this information in a rule-like form. Nevertheless, large portions of these specifications still take a procedural form. The contributions of this work are threefold. We present a language for specifying optimizers that captures a larger portion of the necessary information in a declarative manner. This language is in turn based on a model of query rewriting where query expressions carry annotations that are propagated during query transformation and planning. This framework is reminiscent of inherited and synthesized attributes for attribute grammars, and we believe it is expressive of a wide range of information: logical and physical properties, both desired and delivered, cost estimates, optimization contexts, and control strategies. Finally, we present a mechanism for processing optimizer specifications that is based on compile-time reflection. This mechanism proves to be succinct and flexible, allowing modifications of the specification syntax, incorporation of new capabilities into generated optimizers, and retargeting the translation to a variety of optimization frameworks. We report on an implementation of our ideas using the CRML reflective functional language and on optimizer specifications we have written for several query algebras

E. Gansner, T. R. Horgan, Chandra M. R. Kintala, D. J. Moore, and P. Surko. Semantics and correctness of a query language translation. In 9th ACM Symp. on Principles of Progr. Languages, pages 289-298. ACM press, Albuquerque, NM, January 1982.

Chandra M. R. Kintala. Attributed grammars for query language translation. In 2nd ACM Symp. on Principles of Database Systems, pages 137-148. ACM press, March 1983.

Reino Kurki-Suonio. An exercise on formal definition of a simple data retrieval system. report A7, Department of Comp. Sc., University of Tampere, August 1974.

Theodore W. Leung. Compiling object-oriented queries. Technical Report CS-94-05, Department of Computer Science, Brown University, February 1994.
The effectiveness of database query optimization is dependent on the optimizer's ability to make efficient use of physical resources in a computer system. The optimizer decides how to use those resources in the plan generation step. We describe an approach to plan generation where physical level rewriting produces performance increases which cannot be obtained via source level transformations. Example optimizations serve as a demonstration of a new rule language based on list and tree pattern matching. A formalism similar to attribute grammars computes information needed by the plan generator. Many of the techniques presented are reminiscent of compiler optimizations. We conclude by describing the work that will be completed in the thesis.

Eva-Maria M. Mueckstein. Q-TRANS: Query translation into english. In 8th Int. Joint Conf. on Artificial Intelligence, pages 660-662. Karlsruhe, August 1983.

Eva-Maria M. Mueckstein. Controlled natural language interfaces: the best of three worlds. In ACM Computer Science Conf. ACM press, March 1985.

Frank Neven and Jan Van den Bussche. Expressiveness of structured document query languages based on attribute grammars. In PODS '98. Proceedings of the seventeenth ACM SIGACT-SIGMOD-SIGART symposium on Principles of database systems, pages 11-17. ACM press, 1998.

Timo Niemi. Specification of a query language by the attribute method. BIT, 24:171-186, 1984.

Timo Niemi. Specification of data restructuring software based on the attribute method. International Journal of Computer and Information Sciences, 13(6):425-460, 1984.

Timo Niemi. A systematic specification schema based on attribute grammars for multi-level database applications. report A-1987-5, Department of Comp. Sc., University of Tampere, March 1987.

S. R. Petrick. Semantic interpretation in the REQUEST system. In A. Zampolli and N. Calzolari, editors, Computational and Mathematical Linguistics II, pages 585-610. Leo S. Olschki Editore, Firenze, 1977.

Warren J. Plath. Transformational grammar and transformational parsing in the REQUEST system. report RC 4396, IBM T.J. Watson Research Center, Yorktown Heights, NY, May 1973.

Warren J. Plath. REQUEST: a natural language question-answering-system. International Business Machines Corporation. Journal of Research and Development, 20(4):326-335, July 1976. See also: report RC 5604, IBM T.J. Watson Research Center, Yorktown Heights, NY (August 1975).

Dzenan Ridjanovic and Michael L. Brodie. Defining database dynamics with attribute grammars. Information Processing Letters, 14(3):132-138, May 1982.

C. B. Schwind. Ein formalismus zur beschreibung der syntax und bedeutung von frage-antwort-systemen. Bericht TUM-INFO-7710, Institut für Informatik, Tech. University München, May 1977.