Satellite event of MPC'2000
July 7, 2000
Ponte de Lima, Portugal
We would like to continue the successful conferences entirely devoted to attribute grammars (WAGA'90, Paris, SAGA'91, Prague and WAGA'99, Amsterdam). Many new attribute grammar systems and applications have been developed and concepts of attribute grammars have been merged with recently developed fields such as adaptive and generic programming. Attribute grammars are still the subject of active research and now find important, useful and practical applications in various areas such as domain specific languages, natural language processing, communication protocols, databases etc.
The aim of this one day workshop is to bring together researchers from academia and industry interested in the field of attribute grammars. The workshop welcomes contributions on all aspects of attribute grammars, with special emphasis on new applications of attribute grammars (outside compilation) and comparisons to other formalisms (action semantics, evolving algebra, denotational semantics, natural semantics, abstract interpretation), to technical standards (mark-up languages SGML and XML), and to programming languages (object-oriented programming, constraint logic programming, functional programming, adaptive programming, generic programming).
The proceedings of WAGA'00 are available .
Authors should submit a full paper (15-20 pages) preferably using the Submission Form or by e-mail to The papers will be published in the proceedings of the workshop, which will appear as an INRIA report, and will be available during the workshop.
Final copies of accepted papers, after revision, must not be longer than 20 pages and have to respect the proceedings style. Author's instructions are given in WAGA00.sty .
Authors who wish to submit a paper, should inform us by using the form to be included in our mailing list. Mailing List
Please see the web page of MPC'2000 conference.
If you intend to participate at this workshop, please inform us (e-mail : This will help us to evaluate the number of participant.
Didier Parigot INRIA 2004 Route des Lucioles B.P 93 06902 Sophia Antipolis Cedex France |
Marjan Mernik University of Maribor Faculty of electrical engineering and computer science Smetanova 17 2000 Maribor Slovenia |
Pedro Rangel Henriques University of Minho Department of Informatics Campus de Gualtar 4709 Braga Codex Portugal |
João Alexandre Saraiva University of Minho Department of Informatics Campus de Gualtar 4709 Braga Codex Portugal |
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