Publications of year 2019
Publications of year 2019
Articles in journal or book's chapters
  1. Daniela Aguirre-Guerrero, Guillaume Ducoffe, Lluis Fabrega, Pere Vila, and David Coudert. Low Time Complexity Algorithms for Path Computation in Cayley Graphs. Discrete Applied Mathematics, 259:218-225, April 2019. [WWW ] [PDF ]
    TITLE = {{Low Time Complexity Algorithms for Path Computation in Cayley Graphs}},
    AUTHOR = {Aguirre-Guerrero, Daniela and Ducoffe, Guillaume and Fabrega, Lluis and Vila, Pere and Coudert, David},
    URL = {},
    JOURNAL = {{Discrete Applied Mathematics}},
    PUBLISHER = {{Elsevier}},
    VOLUME = {259},
    PAGES = {218-225},
    YEAR = {2019},
    MONTH = Apr,
    DOI = {10.1016/j.dam.2018.12.005},
    FILE = {\_final.pdf},
    PDF = {},
    HAL_ID = {hal-01973608},
    HAL_VERSION = {v1},
    X-EDITORIAL-BOARD = {yes},

  2. David Coudert, Guillaume Ducoffe, and Alexandru Popa. P-FPT algorithms for bounded clique-width graphs. ACM Transactions on Algorithms, 15(3):1-57, June 2019. [WWW ] [PDF ]
    TITLE = {{P-FPT algorithms for bounded clique-width graphs}},
    AUTHOR = {Coudert, David and Ducoffe, Guillaume and Popa, Alexandru},
    URL = {},
    JOURNAL = {{ACM Transactions on Algorithms}},
    PUBLISHER = {{Association for Computing Machinery}},
    VOLUME = {15},
    NUMBER = {3},
    PAGES = {1-57},
    YEAR = {2019},
    MONTH = Jun,
    DOI = {10.1145/3310228},
    FILE = {},
    PDF = {},
    HAL_ID = {hal-02152971},
    HAL_VERSION = {v1},
    X-EDITORIAL-BOARD = {yes},

  3. Brigitte Jaumard, Hamed Pouya, and David Coudert. Wavelength Defragmentation for Seamless Migration. Journal of Lightwave Technology, 37(17):4382-4393, September 2019. [WWW ] [PDF ]
    TITLE = {{Wavelength Defragmentation for Seamless Migration}},
    AUTHOR = {Jaumard, Brigitte and Pouya, Hamed and Coudert, David},
    URL = {},
    JOURNAL = {{Journal of Lightwave Technology}},
    PUBLISHER = {{Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)/Optical Society of America(OSA)}},
    VOLUME = {37},
    NUMBER = {17},
    PAGES = {4382-4393},
    YEAR = {2019},
    MONTH = Sep,
    DOI = {10.1109/JLT.2019.2924914},
    FILE = {\_MBB\_JLT\_hal.pdf},
    PDF = {},
    HAL_ID = {hal-02167682},
    HAL_VERSION = {v1},
    X-EDITORIAL-BOARD = {yes},

Conference's articles
  1. Yann Busnel, Christelle Caillouet, and David Coudert. Self-organized Disaster Management System by Distributed Deployment of Connected UAVs. In ICT-DM 2019 - 6th International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies for Disaster Management, Paris, France, pages 1-8, December 2019. [WWW ] [PDF ]
    TITLE = {{Self-organized Disaster Management System by Distributed Deployment of Connected UAVs}},
    AUTHOR = {Busnel, Yann and Caillouet, Christelle and Coudert, David},
    URL = {},
    BOOKTITLE = {{ICT-DM 2019 - 6th International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies for Disaster Management}},
    ADDRESS = {Paris, France},
    PAGES = {1-8},
    YEAR = {2019},
    MONTH = Dec,
    DOI = {10.1109/ICT-DM47966.2019.9032964},
    FILE = {\_Shrink%29.pdf},
    PDF = {},
    HAL_ID = {hal-02349396},
    HAL_VERSION = {v1},
    X-PROCEEDINGS = {yes},
    X-EDITORIAL-BOARD = {yes},

  2. Yann Busnel, Christelle Caillouet, and David Coudert. Self-organized UAV-based Supervision and Connectivity: Challenges and Opportunities. In NCA 2019 - 18th IEEE International Symposium on Network Computing and Applications, Cambridge, United States, pages 1-5, September 2019. IEEE. [WWW ] [PDF ]
    TITLE = {{Self-organized UAV-based Supervision and Connectivity: Challenges and Opportunities}},
    AUTHOR = {Busnel, Yann and Caillouet, Christelle and Coudert, David},
    URL = {},
    BOOKTITLE = {{NCA 2019 - 18th IEEE International Symposium on Network Computing and Applications}},
    ADDRESS = {Cambridge, United States},
    PAGES = {1-5},
    YEAR = {2019},
    MONTH = Sep,
    DOI = {10.1109/NCA.2019.8935060},
    FILE = {\_Paper\_\_\_NCA\_2019%29.pdf},
    PDF = {},
    HAL_ID = {hal-02267396},
    HAL_VERSION = {v1},
    X-PROCEEDINGS = {yes},
    X-EDITORIAL-BOARD = {yes},

Internal reports
  1. Yann Busnel, Christelle Caillouet, and David Coudert. VESPA: Constrained target coverage by distributed deployment of connected UAVs. Research Report, Inria ; I3S, Université Côte d'Azur ; IMT Atlantique, May 2019. [WWW ] [PDF ]
    TITLE = {{VESPA: Constrained target coverage by distributed deployment of connected UAVs}},
    AUTHOR = {Busnel, Yann and Caillouet, Christelle and Coudert, David},
    URL = {},
    TYPE = {Research Report},
    INSTITUTION = {{Inria ; I3S, Universit{\'e} C{\^o}te d'Azur ; IMT Atlantique}},
    YEAR = {2019},
    MONTH = May,
    FILE = {},
    PDF = {},
    HAL_ID = {hal-02125359},
    HAL_VERSION = {v1},



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Last modified: Sun May 16 15:20:24 2021
Author: dcoudert.

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