Articles in journal or book's chapters |
Deepesh Agarwal,
Christelle Caillouet,
David Coudert,
and Frédéric Cazals.
Unveiling Contacts within Macro-molecular assemblies by solving Minimum Weight Connectivity Inference Problems.
Molecular and Cellular Proteomics,
April 2015.
] [PDF
@article{agarwal:hal-01245401, TITLE = {{Unveiling Contacts within Macro-molecular assemblies by solving Minimum Weight Connectivity Inference Problems}}, AUTHOR = {Agarwal, Deepesh and Caillouet, Christelle and Coudert, David and Cazals, Fr{\'e}d{\'e}ric}, URL = {}, JOURNAL = {{Molecular and Cellular Proteomics}}, PUBLISHER = {{American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology}}, VOLUME = {14}, PAGES = {2274-2284}, YEAR = {2015}, MONTH = Apr, DOI = {10.1074/mcp.M114.047779}, FILE = {}, PDF = {}, HAL_ID = {hal-01245401}, HAL_VERSION = {v2}, X-INTERNATIONAL-AUDIENCE = {yes}, X-EDITORIAL-BOARD = {yes}, X-SCIENTIFIC-POPULARIZATION = {no}, }
Omid Amini,
David Coudert,
and Nicolas Nisse.
Non-deterministic graph searching in trees.
Theoretical Computer Science,
May 2015.
] [PDF
@article{amini:hal-01132032, TITLE = {{Non-deterministic graph searching in trees}}, AUTHOR = {Amini, Omid and Coudert, David and Nisse, Nicolas}, URL = {}, JOURNAL = {{Theoretical Computer Science}}, PUBLISHER = {{Elsevier}}, VOLUME = {580}, PAGES = {101-121}, YEAR = {2015}, MONTH = May, DOI = {10.1016/j.tcs.2015.02.038}, FILE = {}, PDF = {}, HAL_ID = {hal-01132032}, HAL_VERSION = {v1}, X-INTERNATIONAL-AUDIENCE = {yes}, X-EDITORIAL-BOARD = {yes}, X-SCIENTIFIC-POPULARIZATION = {no}, }
Jean-Claude Bermond,
David Coudert,
Gianlorenzo D 'angelo,
and Fatima Zahra Moataz.
Finding disjoint paths in networks with star shared risk link groups.
Theoretical Computer Science,
May 2015.
] [PDF
@article{bermond:hal-01132216, TITLE = {{Finding disjoint paths in networks with star shared risk link groups}}, AUTHOR = {Bermond, Jean-Claude and Coudert, David and D 'angelo, Gianlorenzo and Zahra Moataz, Fatima}, URL = {}, JOURNAL = {{Theoretical Computer Science}}, PUBLISHER = {{Elsevier}}, VOLUME = {579}, PAGES = {74-87}, YEAR = {2015}, MONTH = May, DOI = {10.1016/j.tcs.2015.02.012}, FILE = {}, PDF = {}, HAL_ID = {hal-01132216}, HAL_VERSION = {v1}, X-INTERNATIONAL-AUDIENCE = {yes}, X-EDITORIAL-BOARD = {yes}, X-SCIENTIFIC-POPULARIZATION = {no}, }
Nathann Cohen,
David Coudert,
and Aurélien Lancin.
On computing the Gromov hyperbolicity.
ACM Journal of Experimental Algorithmics,
] [PDF
@article{cohen:hal-01182890, TITLE = {{On computing the Gromov hyperbolicity}}, AUTHOR = {Cohen, Nathann and Coudert, David and Lancin, Aur{\'e}lien}, URL = {}, JOURNAL = {{ACM Journal of Experimental Algorithmics}}, PUBLISHER = {{Association for Computing Machinery}}, VOLUME = {20}, NUMBER = {1}, PAGES = {18}, YEAR = {2015}, DOI = {10.1145/2780652}, FILE = {}, PDF = {}, HAL_ID = {hal-01182890}, HAL_VERSION = {v1}, X-INTERNATIONAL-AUDIENCE = {yes}, X-EDITORIAL-BOARD = {yes}, X-SCIENTIFIC-POPULARIZATION = {no}, }
David Coudert,
Alvinice Kodjo,
and Truong Khoa Phan.
Robust Energy-aware Routing with Redundancy Elimination.
Computers and Operations Research,
December 2015.
] [PDF
@article{coudert:hal-01155639, TITLE = {{Robust Energy-aware Routing with Redundancy Elimination}}, AUTHOR = {Coudert, David and Kodjo, Alvinice and Phan, Truong Khoa}, URL = {}, JOURNAL = {{Computers and Operations Research}}, PUBLISHER = {{Elsevier}}, VOLUME = {64}, PAGES = {21}, YEAR = {2015}, MONTH = Dec, DOI = {10.1016/j.cor.2015.05.008}, FILE = {}, PDF = {}, HAL_ID = {hal-01155639}, HAL_VERSION = {v1}, X-INTERNATIONAL-AUDIENCE = {yes}, X-EDITORIAL-BOARD = {yes}, X-SCIENTIFIC-POPULARIZATION = {no}, }
Conference's articles |
Michele Borassi,
David Coudert,
Pierluigi Crescenzi,
and Andrea Marino.
On Computing the Hyperbolicity of Real-World Graphs.
In 23rd Annual European Symposium on Algorithms (ESA),
volume 9294 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science,
Patras, Greece,
pages 215-226,
September 2015.
] [PDF
@inproceedings{borassi:hal-01199860, TITLE = {{On Computing the Hyperbolicity of Real-World Graphs}}, AUTHOR = {Borassi, Michele and Coudert, David and Crescenzi, Pierluigi and Marino, Andrea}, URL = {}, BOOKTITLE = {{23rd Annual European Symposium on Algorithms (ESA)}}, ADDRESS = {Patras, Greece}, PUBLISHER = {{Springer}}, SERIES = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science}, VOLUME = {9294}, PAGES = {215-226}, YEAR = {2015}, MONTH = Sep, DOI = {10.1007/978-3-662-48350-3\_19}, FILE = {}, PDF = {}, HAL_ID = {hal-01199860}, HAL_VERSION = {v1}, X-PROCEEDINGS = {yes}, X-INTERNATIONAL-AUDIENCE = {yes}, X-EDITORIAL-BOARD = {yes}, X-INVITED-CONFERENCE = {no}, X-SCIENTIFIC-POPULARIZATION = {no}, }
David Coudert,
Guillaume Ducoffe,
and Nicolas Nisse.
Structure vs métrique dans les graphes.
In ALGOTEL 2015 - 17èmes Rencontres Francophones sur les Aspects Algorithmiques des Télécommunications,
Beaune, France,
June 2015.
] [PDF
@inproceedings{coudert:hal-01144694, TITLE = {{Structure vs m{\'e}trique dans les graphes}}, AUTHOR = {Coudert, David and Ducoffe, Guillaume and Nisse, Nicolas}, URL = {}, BOOKTITLE = {{ALGOTEL 2015 - 17{\`e}mes Rencontres Francophones sur les Aspects Algorithmiques des T{\'e}l{\'e}communications}}, ADDRESS = {Beaune, France}, YEAR = {2015}, MONTH = Jun, FILE = {\_vFinale.pdf}, PDF = {}, HAL_ID = {hal-01144694}, HAL_VERSION = {v1}, X-PROCEEDINGS = {yes}, X-INTERNATIONAL-AUDIENCE = {yes}, X-EDITORIAL-BOARD = {yes}, X-INVITED-CONFERENCE = {no}, X-SCIENTIFIC-POPULARIZATION = {no}, }
Alvinice Kodjo,
Brigitte Jaumard,
Napoleão Nepomuceno,
Mejdi Kaddour,
and David Coudert.
Dimensioning microwave wireless networks.
In ICC 2015 : IEEE International Conference on Communications,
London, United Kingdom,
pages 2803 - 2809,
June 2015.
] [PDF
@inproceedings{kodjo:hal-01198461, TITLE = {{Dimensioning microwave wireless networks}}, AUTHOR = {Kodjo, Alvinice and Jaumard, Brigitte and Nepomuceno, Napole{\~a}o and Kaddour, Mejdi and Coudert, David}, URL = {}, BOOKTITLE = {{ICC 2015 : IEEE International Conference on Communications}}, ADDRESS = {London, United Kingdom}, PUBLISHER = {{IEEE}}, PAGES = {2803 - 2809}, YEAR = {2015}, MONTH = Jun, DOI = {10.1109/ICC.2015.7248751}, FILE = {\_2015\_Microwave\_Final.pdf}, PDF = {}, HAL_ID = {hal-01198461}, HAL_VERSION = {v1}, X-PROCEEDINGS = {yes}, X-INTERNATIONAL-AUDIENCE = {yes}, X-EDITORIAL-BOARD = {yes}, X-INVITED-CONFERENCE = {no}, X-SCIENTIFIC-POPULARIZATION = {no}, }
Internal reports |
David Coudert and Guillaume Ducoffe.
Data center interconnection networks are not hyperbolic.
Research Report,
Inria Sophia Antipolis ; I3S ; Université Nice Sophia Antipolis ; CNRS,
May 2015.
] [PDF
@techreport{coudert:hal-01149203, TITLE = {{Data center interconnection networks are not hyperbolic}}, AUTHOR = {Coudert, David and Ducoffe, Guillaume}, URL = {}, TYPE = {Research Report}, PAGES = {23}, INSTITUTION = {{Inria Sophia Antipolis ; I3S ; Universit{\'e} Nice Sophia Antipolis ; CNRS}}, YEAR = {2015}, MONTH = May, FILE = {}, PDF = {}, HAL_ID = {hal-01149203}, HAL_VERSION = {v1}, }
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Last modified: Sun May 16 15:20:24 2021
Author: dcoudert.
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