Publications of year 2002
Publications of year 2002 |
David Coudert,
Afonso Ferreira,
and Stéphane Pérennes.
Isomorphisms of the De Bruijn digraph and free-space optical networks.
40(3):155 - 164,
October 2002.
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David Coudert and Hervé Rivano.
Lightpath assignment for multifibers WDM networks with wavelength translators.
In IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference (Globecom'02),
volume 3,
Taipei, Taiwan,
pages 2686 - 2690,
] [PDF
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David Coudert and Hervé Rivano.
Routage optique dans les réseaux WDM multifibres avec conversion partielle.
In Quatrièmes Rencontres Francophones sur les aspects Algorithmiques des Télécommunications (AlgoTel),
Mèze, France,
pages 17-24,
May 2002.
] [PDF
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David Coudert and Hervé Rivano.
Lightpath assignment for multifibers wdm optical networks with wavelength translators.
Technical report RR-4487,
June 2002.
] [PDF
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