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IEEEXplore to bibtex

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Introduction and Disclaimer :)

    I am a lazy guy, and so I get really bothered when I need to get the data from the IEEEXplore page and put it into a Bibtex format. Some time ago I made this program for a friend and now that I needed it again I decide put it here to help others that also may need the same thing. The code is in java, well a really quick and dirty java code... but it may help others.  However, let make things clear, I take no responsibility for the format or anything else... the program is here just to help but the bibtex code it generates is FAR from perfect, it is just to (...) make things easier... DON'T use the generated code directly you MUST evaluate it first.

    1. Just put the list of pages, from the IEEEXplore website in the Search String text box below 
    2. Click on the "Convert URLs into bibtex Entries" button
    3. Copy and past the value from the text box below

Error! You must use a Java enabled browser.
P.S. 1.: IEEEXplore is a trademark of IEEE. 
P.S. 2.: I don't think I am violating any IEEE rule with this page, but if it is the case, and you are aware of it,  please let me know and I will remove it.
P.S. 3.: It tooked me aroud 2 hours to make de basic code and more than 2 days to change it and put it as an applet running on the Internet :( I think it shouldn't be so hard :)

© Daniel Câmara
Last revised: Oct/30/2007 (