

version 0.0.1


Hiphop.js: a reactive extension for Hop.js and JavaScript

Hiphop.js is a Hop.js library witch allow orchestrate web applications.

How to use it?

"use hopscript"

const hiphop = require("hiphop")


The goal of this tutorial is to glimpse the benefit of using Hiphop.js to orchestrate JavaScript events. We'll building a simple translator form. Each time a user add a new character, the program will query a web service to ask the translation from a language to another of the form' string. When the web service sends a result, it is display in the screen.

A first attempt

A naive implementation of the example would be the following:

"use hopscript"

service translator() {
   return <html>
          var trad;

          function translate(value) {
             var xhttp = new XMLHttpRequest();
             var svc = "";
             var opt = "?langpair=fr|en&q=" + value;
             xhttp.onreadystatechange = function() {
                if (xhttp.readyState == 4 && xhttp.status == 200) {
                   let res = JSON.parse(xhttp.responseText);

                   trad.value = res.responseData.translatedText
   "GET", svc + opt, true);

          onload = function() {
              trad = hop.reactProxy({value: ""});
       <input type="text" oninput=~{translate(this.value)}/>

But this implementation had two major drawbacks:

It is possible to correct this behavior my manually associating a sequence number to each request, and update the translation only when the answer from the last query comes, and drop the others. However, this is related to a hack which lead to:

Hiphop.js translator implementation

Here is the Hiphop.js version, without the previous drawbacks:

"use hopscript"

const hh = require("hiphop");

service translator() {
   return <html>
     <head module=${"hiphop"}>
          var hh;
          var m;
          var trad;

          function translate() {
             var xhttp = new XMLHttpRequest();
             var svc = "";
             var opt = "?langpair=fr|en&q=" + this.value.text;
             xhttp.onreadystatechange = function() {
                if (xhttp.readyState == 4 && xhttp.status == 200) {
                   let res = JSON.parse(xhttp.responseText);

   "GET", svc + opt, true);

          onload = function() {
             hh = require("hiphop");
             m = new hh.ReactiveMachine(
                <hh.module text trad>
                  <hh.every immediate text>
                    <hh.exec trad apply=${translate}/>
             trad = m.reactProxy("trad");
       <input type="text" oninput=~{m.inputAndReact("text", this.value)}/>