
Author: Charles ANDRÉ

Current Version:


Creation: September 17, 1997


Last update : May 12, 2004


Comments about the latest versions

2.9983 fixes minor bugs in xml generation

2.9982 improves directory browsing + support for Cygwin

2.9981 corrects a bug in version v0.2 of the xml format and incorrect default state name (was "0" instead of "")

2.998 corrects a bug in version v0.2 of the xml format.

2.997 offers news possibilities to give a name to a simple state and to associate an effect (sustain) with it.

2.996 introduce a better xml schema for SyncCharts. This new format is called v0.3 (the former was v0.2). It is advisable to use this new format for your developments.
As of version 2.94, "syncCharts" generates a xml description of the syncchart. A Document Type Definition (DTD) and an XML Schema (xsd) for SyncCharts are now available.

Get syncchart.dtd (3 kB, 2002-07-14) and syncchart.xsd (13 kB, 2002-07-14).

See example (a non sensible example, used only to test the translation)

Commercial Distribution

A commercial distribution is now available : "Esterel Studio"
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