Integrating the Synchronous Paradigm into UML: Application to Control-Dominated Systems


Charles André, Marie-Agnès Peraldi-Frati, and Jean-Paul Rigault


The Synchronous Paradigm proposes an abstract model integrating concurrency and communication, deterministic thus simple, semantically wellfounded thus suitable for formal analysis, producing safe and efficient code. However combining this model with the object-oriented approach is still challenging.
This paper explores how an UML-based methodology can be set up, making it possible to use the Synchronous Paradigm in combination with other (more classical) techniques to develop control-dominated systems. It addresses the issue of representing behavior in a semantically sound way using the synchronous models, of relating behavior and structure, and of mixing synchronous and asynchronous behavior though an extended notion of (ROOM-like) «capsules», the
synchronous islets. We also briefly mention the extensions and modifications in the UML meta-model necessary to support this methodology.


AUTHOR = "C. Andr\'e and M-A. Peraldi-Frati and J-P. Rigault",
TITLE = {{Integrating the Synchronous Paradigm into UML:
Application to Control-Dominated Systems}},
sorte= "colin" ,
BOOKTITLE = {UML $\ll 2002 \gg$},
PUBLISHER= {Springer-Verlag},
PAGES = {163--178},
YEAR = {2002},
ADDRESS = {Dresden (D)},
MONTH = {October}


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