

software links

  • TimeSquare,
    an MDK (Model Development Kit) provided as a set of Eclipse plugins that can be downloaded or installed over an existing eclipse (download). It helps to the definition of MoCCs relying on a formal semantics. These MoCCs can then be described and used for UML-based and DSL model simulations and analysis. TimeSquare is based on the Clock Constraint Specification Language (CCSL).

  • Array-OL refactoring,
    a Papyrus UML plugin for the graphical manipulation of Array-OL models, trough Array-OL tranformations. Array-OL is fully compatible with the Repetitive Structure Modeling Package of Marte OMG Standard.
    Instructions for the use of the plugin are avalable, together with example models for testing are also available.

  • Import/export tool
    between Gaspard2 format (UML + MARTE Profile) and PIPS XML Format, in the context of the Ter@ops project.

  • Gaspard2 Framework,
    an Integrated Development Environment (IDE) for SoC visual co-modeling. It allows modeling, simulation and code generation of SoC applications and hardware architectures.