
• Spring semester 2019
Fondements mathématiques 2 (L1 - TD Partie analyse)
Département de Mathématiques, Université de Nice - Sophia Antipolis
calcul intégral (intégration par parties, changement de variables), intégration et dérivation, primitives (des fonctions élémentaires), formule de Taylor. Équivalents et notations de Landau. Développements limités et application au calcul de limites.

• Winter semester 2015
Multivariate Splines (Special Topics in Geometry)
Department of Mathematics, Johannes Kepler University of Linz
mathematical theory and construction of spline spaces, univariate splines and B-splines, algebraic tools for study of spline spaces, multivariate splines, Bernstein-Bezier representation, tensor-product B-splines, splines over regular triangulations and box splines.


• Winter semester 2014
Fundamentals of Numerical Analysis and Symbolic Computation:
G+Smo - Geometry + Simulation Modules (WS 2014)

Doctoral Program "Computational Mathematics"
Department of Mathematics, Johannes Kepler University of Linz
representation of polynomials in different forms and conversion, real root finding of polynomial equations, the C++ programming language and geometric computing, implicitization, parameterization and related geometric operations.

• Winter semester 2013
Geometric algorithms for scientific computing in C++ (Special Topics in Geometry)
Department of Mathematics, Johannes Kepler University of Linz
geometric objects in B-spline form, fundamental algorithms for B-splines and their implementation, introduction to the C++ programming language, scientific computing, geometry and simulation.