Module bareiss

This file is part of CoqEAL, the Coq Effective Algebra Library.
(c) Copyright INRIA and University of Gothenburg, see LICENSE
Require Import ssreflect ssrfun ssrbool eqtype ssrnat div seq path ssralg.
Require Import fintype perm choice matrix bigop zmodp poly polydiv mxpoly.

Require Import minor.

Import GRing.Theory Pdiv.Ring Pdiv.CommonRing Pdiv.RingMonic.

Set Implicit Arguments.
Unset Strict Implicit.
Unset Printing Implicit Defensives.

Open Scope ring_scope.

Section bareiss_def.

Variable R : comRingType.

Fixpoint bareiss_rec m a : 'M[{poly R}]_(1 + m) -> {poly R} :=
  match m return 'M[_]_(1 + m) -> {poly R} with
    | S p => fun (M: 'M[_]_(1 + _)) =>
      let d := M 0 0 in
      let l := ursubmx M in
      let c := dlsubmx M in
      let N := drsubmx M in
      let M' := d *: N - c *m l in
      let M'' := map_mx (fun x => rdivp x a) M' in
        bareiss_rec d M''
    | _ => fun M => M 0 0

Definition bareiss n (M : 'M[{poly R}]_(1 + n)) := bareiss_rec 1 M.

Definition bareiss_char_poly n (M : 'M[R]_(1 + n)) := bareiss (char_poly_mx M).

Definition bdet n (M : 'M[R]_(1 + n)) := (bareiss_char_poly (-M))`_0.

End bareiss_def.

Section bareiss_correctness.

Section bareiss_comRingType.

Variable R : comRingType.

Lemma key_lemma m d l (c : 'cV[R]_m) M :
  d ^+ m * \det (block_mx d%:M l c M) = d * \det (d *: M - c *m l).
rewrite -[d ^+ m]mul1r -det_scalar -(det1 _ 1) -(det_ublock _ 0) -det_mulmx.
rewrite mulmx_block ?(mul0mx,addr0,add0r,mul1mx,mul_scalar_mx) -2![LHS]mul1r.
rewrite -{1}(@det1 _ 1) -{2}(@det1 _ m) mulrA -(@det_lblock _ _ _ _ (- c)).
rewrite -det_mulmx mulmx_block ?(mul1mx,mul0mx,addr0) addrC mul_mx_scalar.
by rewrite scalerN subrr det_ublock det_scalar1 addrC mulNmx.

Lemma key_lemma_sub m n k (M : 'M[R]_(1 + m,1 + n))
  (f : 'I_k -> 'I_m) (g : 'I_k -> 'I_n) :
  M 0 0 * (minor f g (M 0 0 *: drsubmx M - dlsubmx M *m ursubmx M)) =
  M 0 0 ^+ k * (minor (lift_pred f) (lift_pred g) M).
rewrite /minor -{7}[M]submxK submatrix_add submatrix_scale submatrix_opp.
have -> : ulsubmx M = (M 0 0)%:M by apply/rowP=> i; rewrite ord1 !mxE !lshift0.
by rewrite submatrix_lift_block key_lemma submatrix_mul.

End bareiss_comRingType.

Section bareiss_poly.

Variable R : comRingType.

Lemma monic_lreg (p : {poly R}) : p \is monic -> GRing.lreg p.
by rewrite monicE=> /eqP h; apply/lreg_lead; rewrite h; apply/lreg1. Qed.

Lemma bareiss_recE : forall m a (M : 'M[{poly R}]_(1 + m)),
  a \is monic ->
 (forall p (h h' : p < 1 + m), pminor h h' M \is monic) ->
 (forall k (f g : 'I_k.+1 -> 'I_m.+1), rdvdp (a ^+ k) (minor f g M)) ->
  a ^+ m * (bareiss_rec a M) = \det M.
elim=> [a M _ _ _|m ih a M am hpm hdvd] /=.
  by rewrite expr0 mul1r {2}[M]mx11_scalar det_scalar1.
have ak_monic k : a ^+ k \is monic by apply/monic_exp.
set d := M 0 0; set M' := _ - _; set M'' := map_mx _ _; simpl in M'.
have d_monic : d \is monic.
  have -> // : d = pminor (ltn0Sn _) (ltn0Sn _) M.
  have h : widen_ord (ltn0Sn m.+1) =1 (fun _ => 0)
    by move=> x; apply/ord_inj; rewrite [x]ord1.
  by rewrite /pminor (minor_eq _ h h) minor1.
have dk_monic : forall k, d ^+ k \is monic by move=> k; apply/monic_exp.
have hM' : M' = a *: M''.
  pose f := fun m (i : 'I_m) (x : 'I_2) => if x == 0 then 0 else (lift 0 i).
  apply/matrixP => i j.
  rewrite !mxE big_ord1 !rshift1 [a * _]mulrC rdivpK ?(eqP am,expr1n,mulr1) //.
  move: (hdvd 1%nat (f _ i) (f _ j)).
  by rewrite !minor2 /f /= expr1 !mxE !lshift0 !rshift1.
rewrite -[M]submxK; apply/(@lregX _ d m.+1 (monic_lreg d_monic)).
have -> : ulsubmx M = d%:M by apply/rowP=> i; rewrite !mxE ord1 lshift0.
rewrite key_lemma -/M' hM' detZ mulrCA [_ * (a ^+ _ * _)]mulrCA !exprS -!mulrA.
rewrite ih // => [p h h'|k f g].
  rewrite -(@monicMl _ (a ^+ p.+1)) // -detZ -submatrix_scale -hM'.
  rewrite -(monicMl _ d_monic) key_lemma_sub monicMr //.
  by rewrite (minor_eq _ (lift_pred_widen_ord h) (lift_pred_widen_ord h')) hpm.
case/rdvdpP: (hdvd _ (lift_pred f) (lift_pred g)) => // x hx.
apply/rdvdpP => //; exists x.
apply/(@lregX _ _ k.+1 (monic_lreg am))/(monic_lreg d_monic).
rewrite -detZ -submatrix_scale -hM' key_lemma_sub mulrA [x * _]mulrC mulrACA.
by rewrite -exprS [_ * x]mulrC -hx.

Lemma bareissE n (M : 'M[{poly R}]_(1 + n))
  (H : forall p (h h' : p < 1 + n), pminor h h' M \is monic) :
  bareiss M = \det M.
rewrite /bareiss -(@bareiss_recE n 1 M) ?monic1 ?expr1n ?mul1r //.
by move=> k f g; rewrite expr1n rdvd1p.

Lemma bareiss_char_polyE n (M : 'M[R]_(1 + n)) :
  bareiss_char_poly M = char_poly M.
rewrite /bareiss_char_poly bareissE // => p h h'.
exact: pminor_char_poly_mx_monic.

Lemma bdetE n (M : 'M[R]_(1 + n)) : bdet M = \det M.
rewrite /bdet bareiss_char_polyE char_poly_det -scaleN1r detZ mulrA -expr2.
by rewrite sqrr_sign mul1r.

End bareiss_poly.
End bareiss_correctness.

Executable version
Require Import cssralg Matrix cseqpoly.

Section exBareiss.

Variable R : comRingType.
Variable CR : cringType R.

Definition cpoly := seq_cringType CR.

Fixpoint exBareiss_rec n g (M : Matrix cpoly) := match n,M with
  | _,eM => g
  | O,_ => g
  | S p, cM a l c M =>
    let M' := subM (multEM a M) (mults c l) in
    let M'' := mapM (fun x => divp_seq x g) M' in
      exBareiss_rec p a M''

Lemma exBareiss_rec_unfold : forall n g a l c M,
  exBareiss_rec (1 + n) g (cM a l c M) =
    exBareiss_rec n a (mapM (fun x => divp_seq x g) (subM (multEM a M) (mults c l))).
by []. Qed.

Lemma exBareiss_recE : forall n (g: {poly R}) (M: 'M[{poly R}]_(1 + n)),
  trans (bareiss_rec g M) =
    exBareiss_rec (1+n) (trans g) (trans M).
elim => [ /= g M | n hi g].
- by rewrite [dlsubmx M]flatmx0 [ursubmx M]thinmx0 cV2seq0 rV2seq0 /=.
rewrite [n.+1]/(1 + n)%nat => M.
rewrite -{2}[M]submxK [ulsubmx M]mx11_scalar !mxE lshift0 block_mxE.
rewrite exBareiss_rec_unfold [bareiss_rec _ _]/= hi.
rewrite (@map_mxE _ _ _ _ _ (fun x => divp_seq x (trans g))) // =>[|a].
  by rewrite subE multEME multsE.
by rewrite -divp_seqE.

Notation "'1'" := (one cpoly).

Definition exBareiss n (M : Matrix cpoly) := exBareiss_rec n 1 M.

Lemma exBareissE n (M : 'M[{poly R}]_(1 + n)) :
  trans (bareiss M) = exBareiss (1 + n) (trans M).
by rewrite exBareiss_recE oneE. Qed.

Notation "'\X'" := (indet _ 1).

Definition ex_char_poly_mx n (M : Matrix CR) :=
 subM (multEM \X (ident _ n)) (mapM (@polyC_seq _ CR) M).

Lemma ex_char_poly_mxE n (M : 'M[R]_n) :
  trans (char_poly_mx M) = ex_char_poly_mx n (trans M).
rewrite /ex_char_poly_mx subE -scalemx1 multEME idmxE -indetE expr1.
rewrite (@map_mxE _ _ _ _ _ (@polyC_seq R CR)) // => a.
by rewrite -polyC_seqE.

End exBareiss.

Section exDet.

Variable R : comRingType.
Variable CR : cringType R.

Definition ex_bareiss_char_poly n (M : Matrix CR) :=
  exBareiss n (ex_char_poly_mx n M).

Lemma ex_char_polyE n (M : 'M[R]_(1 + n)) :
  trans (bareiss_char_poly M) = ex_bareiss_char_poly (1 + n) (trans M).
by rewrite /ex_bareiss_char_poly -ex_char_poly_mxE -exBareissE. Qed.

Definition ex_bdet n (M : Matrix CR) :=
  nth (zero CR) (ex_bareiss_char_poly n (oppM M)) 0.

Lemma ex_detE n (M : 'M[R]_(1 + n)) :
  trans (bdet M) = ex_bdet (1 + n) (trans M).
rewrite /ex_bdet /bdet -oppME -ex_char_polyE -[zero CR]zeroE.
by case: bareiss_char_poly => [[]].

End exDet.