Module refinements

This file is part of CoqEAL, the Coq Effective Algebra Library.
(c) Copyright INRIA and University of Gothenburg, see LICENSE
Add LoadPath "../theory".
Require Import ssreflect ssrfun ssrbool eqtype ssrnat div seq zmodp.
Require Import path choice fintype tuple finset ssralg bigop.
Require Import ssrnum ssrint matrix.

Require Import dvdring hrel.

This file implements the basic theory of refinements

Set Implicit Arguments.
Unset Strict Implicit.
Unset Printing Implicit Defensive.

Delimit Scope computable_scope with C.
Delimit Scope hetero_computable_scope with HC.
Delimit Scope rel_scope with rel.

Ltac tc := do 1?typeclasses eauto.

Require Import Setoid Basics Equivalence Morphisms.

Fact param_key : unit.
done. Qed.
Fact getparam_key : unit.
done. Qed.

Class param {A B} (R : A -> B -> Prop) (m : A) (n : B) :=
  param_rel : (locked_with param_key R) m n.
Arguments param {A B} R%rel_scope m n.

Class getparam {A B} (R : A -> B -> Prop) (m : A) (n : B) :=
  getparam_rel : (locked_with getparam_key R) m n.
Arguments getparam {A B} R%rel_scope m n.

Lemma paramE A B (R : A -> B -> Prop) : (param R = R) * (getparam R = R).
by rewrite /param /getparam !unlock. Qed.

Lemma param_eq T (x y : T) : param eq x y -> x = y.
by rewrite paramE. Qed.

Global Instance param_sub_proper {A B} :
   Proper (sub_hrel ==> eq ==> eq ==> impl) (@param A B).
by move=> R S RS x _ <- y _ <-; move: x y; rewrite !paramE. Qed.

Global Instance getparam_sub_proper {A B} :
   Proper (sub_hrel ==> eq ==> eq ==> impl) (@getparam A B).
by move=> R S RS x _ <- y _ <-; move: x y; rewrite !paramE. Qed.

Global Instance param_proper {A B} :
   Proper (eq_hrel ==> eq ==> eq ==> iff) (@param A B).
by move=> ?? [??] ??? ???; split; apply: param_sub_proper. Qed.

Global Instance getparam_proper {A B} :
   Proper (eq_hrel ==> eq ==> eq ==> iff) (@getparam A B).
by move=> ?? [??] ??? ???; split; apply: getparam_sub_proper. Qed.

Lemma getparam_eq A (a : A) : getparam eq a a.
by rewrite paramE. Qed.
Global Hint Extern 0 (getparam _ _ _)
  => now eapply @getparam_eq : typeclass_instances.

Global Instance param_apply
   A B (R : A -> B -> Prop) C D (R' : C -> D -> Prop) :
   forall (c : A -> C) (d : B -> D), param (R ==> R') c d ->
   forall (a : A) (b : B), param R a b ->
   param R' (c a) (d b).
by rewrite !paramE => c d rcd a b rab; apply: rcd. Qed.

Lemma param_id (T T' : Type) (R : T -> T' -> Prop) :
   param (R ==> R) id id.
by rewrite !paramE. Qed.

Lemma id_param T T' (R : T -> T' -> Prop) (x : T) (y : T') :
  param R x y -> param R x y.
done. Qed.

Lemma trivial_param T T' (R : T -> T' -> Prop) (x : T) (y : T') :
  R x y -> param R x y.
by rewrite !paramE. Qed.
Global Hint Extern 0 (param _ _ _)
  => apply trivial_param; eassumption : typeclass_instances.

Lemma paramP T T' (R : T -> T' -> Prop) (x : T) (y : T') :
  param R x y -> R x y.
by rewrite !paramE. Qed.

Lemma get_param T T' (R : T -> T' -> Prop) (x : T) (y : T') :
   getparam R x y -> param R x y.
by rewrite !paramE. Qed.

Lemma set_param T T' (R : T -> T' -> Prop) (x : T) (y : T') :
  param R x y -> getparam R x y.
by rewrite !paramE. Qed.

Fact composable_lock : unit.
exact tt. Qed.

Class composable {A B C}
 (rAB : A -> B -> Prop) (rBC : B -> C -> Prop) (rAC : A -> C -> Prop) :=
  Composable : locked_with composable_lock (rAB \o rBC <= rAC)%rel.
Arguments composable {A B C} rAB%rel rBC%rel rAC%rel.

Lemma composableE A B C
 (rAB : A -> B -> Prop) (rBC : B -> C -> Prop) (rAC : A -> C -> Prop) :
  composable rAB rBC rAC = (rAB \o rBC <= rAC)%rel.
by rewrite /composable unlock. Qed.

Global Instance composable_sub_proper {A B C} :
   Proper (sub_hrel --> sub_hrel --> sub_hrel ==> impl) (@composable A B C).
move => R S RS T U TU V W VW; rewrite !composableE => RTV.
by setoid_rewrite <- RS; setoid_rewrite <- TU; setoid_rewrite <- VW.

Global Instance composable_proper {A B C} :
   Proper (eq_hrel ==> eq_hrel ==> eq_hrel ==> iff) (@composable A B C).
by move=> ?? [??] ?? [??] ?? [??]; split; apply: composable_sub_proper.

Lemma param_trans A B C
  (rAB : A -> B -> Prop) (rBC : B -> C -> Prop) (rAC : A -> C -> Prop)
  (a : A) (b : B) (c : C) :
  composable rAB rBC rAC -> param rAB a b ->
  getparam rBC b c -> param rAC a c.
by rewrite !paramE composableE => rABC rab rbc; apply: rABC; exists b.

Lemma composable_rid1 A B (R : A -> B -> Prop): composable eq R R.
by rewrite composableE comp_eql. Qed.

Global Instance composable_comp A B C (rAB : A -> B -> Prop) (rBC : B -> C -> Prop) :
  composable rAB rBC (rAB \o rBC)%rel.
by rewrite composableE. Qed.

Lemma composable_imply {A B C A' B' C'}
  (rAB : A -> B -> Prop) (rBC : B -> C -> Prop)
  (R1 : A' -> B' -> Prop) (R2 : B' -> C' -> Prop) (R3 : A' -> C' -> Prop):
composable R1 R2 R3 -> composable (rAB ==> R1) (rBC ==> R2) (rAB \o rBC ==> R3).
rewrite !composableE => R123.
transitivity (rAB \o rBC ==> R1 \o R2)%rel; last exact: hrespectful_sub_proper.
move=> f h [g []] Rfg Rgh x z [y [rxy ryz]]; exists (g y).
by split; [apply: Rfg|apply: Rgh].

Lemma composable_imply_id1 {A B A' B' C'}
  (rAB : A -> B -> Prop)
  (R1 : A' -> B' -> Prop) (R2 : B' -> C' -> Prop) (R3 : A' -> C' -> Prop):
composable R1 R2 R3 -> composable (eq ==> R1) (rAB ==> R2) (rAB ==> R3).
by rewrite -[X in (X ==> R3)%rel]comp_eql; apply: composable_imply. Qed.

Lemma paramR A B (R : A -> B -> Prop) (a : A) (b : B)
  (rab : param R a b) : R a b.
by rewrite paramE in rab. Qed.

Typeclasses Opaque comp_hrel.

Hint Extern 0 (composable eq _ _)
 => now eapply composable_rid1 : typeclass_instances.

Hint Extern 0 (composable _ _ eq)
 => now eapply composable_rid1 : typeclass_instances.

Hint Extern 2 (composable _ _ (_ ==> _))
 => eapply composable_imply : typeclass_instances.

Hint Extern 3 (composable _ _ (_ ==> _))
 => eapply composable_imply_id1 : typeclass_instances.

Section Parametricity.

Local Open Scope ring_scope.

Import GRing.Theory.

Lemma getparam_abstr
   A B (R : A -> B -> Prop)
   A' B' (R' : A' -> B' -> Prop)
   (f : A -> A' ) (g : B -> B') :
   (forall (a : A) (b : B), param R a b -> getparam R' (f a) (g b)) ->
   getparam (R ==> R') f g.
by rewrite !paramE; apply. Qed.

Hint Extern 2 (getparam (_ ==> _) _ _)
 => eapply @getparam_abstr=>??? : typeclass_instances.

Lemma param_abstr A B C D (R : A -> B -> Prop) (R' : C -> D -> Prop)
      (c : A -> C) (d : B -> D):
        (forall (a : A) (b : B), param R a b -> param R' (c a) (d b)) ->
        param (R ==> R') c d.
by rewrite !paramE; apply. Qed.

Lemma param_abstr2 A B A' B' A'' B''
      (R : A -> B -> Prop) (R' : A' -> B' -> Prop) (R'' : A'' -> B'' -> Prop)
      (f : A -> A' -> A'' ) (g : B -> B' -> B''):
        (forall (a : A) (b : B), param R a b ->
         forall (a' : A') (b' : B'), param R' a' b' ->
        param R'' (f a a') (g b b')) ->
        param (R ==> R' ==> R'') f g.
by move=> H; do 2![eapply param_abstr => *]; apply: H. Qed.

End Parametricity.

Global Hint Extern 1 (getparam _ _ _)
 => eapply set_param : typeclass_instances.

Hint Extern 2 (getparam (_ ==> _) _ _)
 => eapply @getparam_abstr=> ??? : typeclass_instances.

Section prod.
Context {A A' B B' : Type} (rA : A -> A' -> Prop) (rB : B -> B' -> Prop).

Definition prod_hrel : A * B -> A' * B' -> Prop :=
  fun x y => rA x.1 y.1 /\ rB x.2 y.2.

Lemma getparam_pair :
  (getparam rA ==> getparam rB ==> getparam prod_hrel)%rel
    (@pair A B) (@pair A' B').
by rewrite !paramE. Qed.

Lemma getparam_fst :
  (getparam prod_hrel ==> getparam rA)%rel (@fst _ _) (@fst _ _).
by rewrite !paramE => [??] [??]. Qed.

Lemma getparam_snd :
  (getparam prod_hrel ==> getparam rB)%rel (@snd _ _) (@snd _ _).
by rewrite !paramE => [??] [??]. Qed.

Global Instance param_pair :
  param (rA ==> rB ==> prod_hrel)%rel (@pair _ _) (@pair _ _).
by rewrite paramE. Qed.

Global Instance param_fst : param (prod_hrel ==> rA)%rel (@fst _ _) (@fst _ _).
by rewrite !paramE=> [??] [??]. Qed.

Global Instance param_snd : param (prod_hrel ==> rB)%rel (@snd _ _) (@snd _ _).
by rewrite !paramE=> [??] [??]. Qed.

End prod.
Arguments prod_hrel {_ _ _ _} rA%rel rB%rel _ _.
Notation "X * Y" := (prod_hrel X Y) : rel_scope.

Arguments getparam_pair {_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _}.
Arguments getparam_fst {_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _}.
Arguments getparam_snd {_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _}.
Hint Extern 1 (getparam _ _ _) =>
  eapply getparam_pair : typeclass_instances.
Hint Extern 1 (getparam _ _ _) =>
  eapply getparam_fst : typeclass_instances.
Hint Extern 1 (getparam _ _ _) =>
  eapply getparam_snd : typeclass_instances.

Section sum.
Context {A A' B B' : Type} (rA : A -> A' -> Prop) (rB : B -> B' -> Prop).

Definition sum_hrel : A + B -> A' + B' -> Prop :=
  fun x y => match x, y with inl x, inl y => rA x y
                          | inr x, inr y => rB x y
                          | _, _ => False end.

Lemma getparam_inl :
  (getparam rA ==> getparam sum_hrel)%rel (@inl _ _) (@inl _ _).
by rewrite !paramE. Qed.

Lemma getparam_inr :
  (getparam rB ==> getparam sum_hrel)%rel (@inr _ _) (@inr _ _).
by rewrite !paramE. Qed.

Definition sum_elim {A B T} (ab : A + B) (f : A -> T) (g : B -> T) :=
  match ab with inl a => f a | inr b => g b end.

Lemma getparam_sum_rect T T' (R : T -> T' -> Prop) :
  (getparam sum_hrel ==> getparam (rA ==> R) ==>
            getparam (rB ==> R) ==> getparam R)%rel sum_elim sum_elim.
rewrite !paramE => x x' rx f f' rf g g' rg.
by case: x x' rx=> [a|b] [a'|b'] //= rab; [apply: rf|apply: rg].

Global Instance param_inl : param (rA ==> sum_hrel)%rel (@inl _ _) (@inl _ _).
by rewrite paramE. Qed.

Global Instance param_inr : param (rB ==> sum_hrel)%rel (@inr _ _) (@inr _ _).
by rewrite paramE. Qed.

End sum.
Arguments sum_hrel {_ _ _ _} rA%rel rB%rel _ _.
Notation "X + Y" := (sum_hrel X Y) : rel_scope.

Arguments getparam_inr {_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _}.
Arguments getparam_inl {_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _}.
Arguments getparam_sum_rect {_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _}.
Hint Extern 1 (getparam _ _ _) =>
  eapply getparam_sum_rect : typeclass_instances.
Hint Extern 1 (getparam _ _ _) =>
  eapply getparam_inr : typeclass_instances.
Hint Extern 1 (getparam _ _ _) =>
  eapply getparam_inl : typeclass_instances.

Section param_seq.
Context {A B : Type} (rAB : A -> B -> Prop).

Fixpoint seq_hrel sa sb : Prop :=
  match sa, sb with
    | [::], [::] => True
    | a :: sa, b :: sb => rAB a b /\ seq_hrel sa sb
    | _, _ => False

Global Instance getparam_nil : getparam seq_hrel nil nil.
by rewrite paramE. Qed.

Lemma getparam_cons :
  (getparam rAB ==> getparam seq_hrel ==> getparam seq_hrel)%rel cons cons.
by rewrite !paramE. Qed.

Lemma getparam_rcons :
  (getparam seq_hrel ==> getparam rAB ==> getparam seq_hrel)%rel rcons rcons.
have H: forall x x' s s', seq_hrel s s' -> rAB x x' -> seq_hrel (rcons s x) (rcons
s' x').
  move=> x x' s; elim: s => [|a s IHs] [] //= a' s' [r_aa' r_ss'] r_xx'.
  by split=> //; apply: IHs.
by rewrite !paramE => ??????; apply: H.

Lemma getparam_foldr {C D : Type} (rCD : C -> D -> Prop) :
   (getparam (rAB ==> rCD ==> rCD) ==> getparam rCD ==>
             getparam seq_hrel ==> getparam rCD)%rel foldr foldr.
rewrite !paramE => f g rfg c d rcd; elim=> [|x s /= ihs] [|y t] //= [rxy rst].
by apply: rfg => //; apply: ihs.

Lemma getparam_foldl {C D : Type} (rCD : C -> D -> Prop) :
   (getparam (rCD ==> rAB ==> rCD) ==> getparam rCD ==>
             getparam seq_hrel ==> getparam rCD)%rel foldl foldl.
rewrite !paramE => f g rfg c d rcd s.
elim: s c d rcd => [|x s /= ihs] c d rcd [|y t] //= [rxy rst].
by apply: ihs => //; apply: rfg.

Lemma getparam_iter :
  (getparam Logic.eq ==> getparam (rAB ==> rAB) ==> getparam rAB ==>
  getparam rAB)%rel (@iter A) (@iter B).
rewrite !paramE => n n' <- {n'}.
elim: n => [|n IHn] f f' rff' x x' rxx' //=.
by apply: (rff'); apply: IHn.

Lemma getparam_size :
  (getparam seq_hrel ==> getparam eq)%rel size size.
by rewrite !paramE; elim=> [|x s IHs] [] // x' s' /= [_ /IHs ->]. Qed.

Lemma getparam_nth :
  (getparam rAB ==> getparam seq_hrel ==> getparam eq ==> getparam rAB)%rel nth nth.
rewrite !paramE => x x' rxx'.
elim=> [|a s IHs] [|a' s'] //=; first by move=> ????; rewrite !nth_nil.
by case=> raa' rss' [|n] n' <- {n'} //=; apply: IHs.

End param_seq.

Arguments getparam_cons {_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _}.
Arguments getparam_rcons {_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _}.
Arguments getparam_foldr {_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _}.
Arguments getparam_foldl {_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _}.
Arguments getparam_iter {_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _}.
Arguments getparam_size {_ _ _ _ _ _}.
Arguments getparam_nth {_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _}.
Hint Extern 1 (getparam _ _ _) =>
  eapply getparam_cons : typeclass_instances.
Hint Extern 1 (getparam _ _ _) =>
  eapply getparam_rcons : typeclass_instances.
Hint Extern 1 (getparam _ _ _) =>
  eapply getparam_foldr : typeclass_instances.
Hint Extern 1 (getparam _ _ _) =>
  eapply getparam_foldl : typeclass_instances.
Hint Extern 1 (getparam _ _ _) =>
  eapply getparam_iter : typeclass_instances.
Hint Extern 1 (getparam _ _ _) =>
  eapply getparam_size : typeclass_instances.
Hint Extern 1 (getparam _ _ _) =>
  eapply getparam_nth : typeclass_instances.

Lemma getparam_map A A' (rA : A -> A' -> Prop) B B' (rB : B -> B' -> Prop) :
  (getparam (rA ==> rB) ==> getparam (seq_hrel rA) ==>
    getparam (seq_hrel rB))%rel map map.
rewrite !paramE => f f' rf; elim => [|a sa iha] [|b sb] //= [rab rsab].
by split; [exact: rf|exact: iha].
Arguments getparam_map {_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _}.
Hint Extern 1 (getparam _ _ _) =>
  eapply getparam_map : typeclass_instances.

Section bool.

Definition bool_if {A} (c : bool) (a b : A) : A := if c then a else b.

Lemma getparam_if {A A'} (R : A -> A' -> Prop) :
  (param eq ==> getparam R ==> getparam R ==> getparam R)%rel bool_if bool_if.
by rewrite paramE; move => [] _ <- ??? ???. Qed.

Global Instance param_if {A A'} (R : A -> A' -> Prop) :
  param (eq ==> R ==> R ==> R)%rel bool_if bool_if.
by rewrite paramE; move => [] _ <- ??? ???. Qed.

End bool.

Hint Extern 1 (getparam _ _ _) => eapply getparam_if: typeclass_instances.

Section param_option.
Context {A B : Type} (rAB : A -> B -> Prop).

Fixpoint ohrel sa sb : Prop :=
  match sa, sb with
    | None, None => True
    | Some a, Some b => rAB a b
    | _, _ => False

Global Instance getparam_None : getparam ohrel None None.
by rewrite paramE. Qed.

Lemma getparam_some : (rAB ==> ohrel)%rel some some.
by []. Qed.

End param_option.

Arguments getparam_some {_ _ _ _ _ _}.

Hint Extern 1 (getparam _ _ _) =>
  eapply getparam_some : typeclass_instances.

Section param_nat.

Global Instance param_eq_zero : param Logic.eq 0%N 0%N.
by rewrite paramE. Qed.

Global Instance param_eq_succ : param (Logic.eq ==> Logic.eq) S S.
by apply param_abstr; rewrite paramE => ? ? ->. Qed.

End param_nat.

Module Refinements.

Module Op.

Class zero B := zero_op : B.
Local Notation "0" := zero_op : computable_scope.

Class one B := one_op : B.
Local Notation "1" := one_op : computable_scope.

Class opp B := opp_op : B -> B.
Local Notation "-%C" := opp_op.
Local Notation "- x" := (opp_op x) : computable_scope.

Class inv B := inv_op : B -> B.
Local Notation "x ^-1" := (inv_op x) : computable_scope.

Class enorm_of B := enorm_op : B -> nat.

Class add B := add_op : B -> B -> B.
Local Notation "+%C" := add_op.
Local Notation "x + y" := (add_op x y) : computable_scope.

Class sub B := sub_op : B -> B -> B.
Local Notation "x - y" := (sub_op x y) : computable_scope.

Class exp A B := exp_op : A -> B -> A.
Local Notation "x ^ y" := (exp_op x y) : computable_scope.

Class mul B := mul_op : B -> B -> B.
Local Notation "*%C" := mul_op.
Local Notation "x * y" := (mul_op x y) : computable_scope.

Class scale A B := scale_op : A -> B -> B.
Local Notation "*:%C" := scale_op.
Local Notation "x *: y" := (scale_op x y) : computable_scope.

Class div B := div_op : B -> B -> B.
Local Notation "x / y" := (div_op x y) : computable_scope.

Class odvd B := odvd_op : B -> B -> option B.
Local Notation "x %/? y" := (odvd_op x y)
  (at level 70, no associativity) : computable_scope.

Class eq B := eq_op : B -> B -> bool.
Local Notation "x == y" := (eq_op x y) : computable_scope.

Class lt B := lt_op : B -> B -> bool.
Local Notation "x < y" := (lt_op x y) : computable_scope.

Class leq B := leq_op : B -> B -> bool.
Local Notation "x <= y" := (leq_op x y) : computable_scope.

Class cast_class A B := cast_op : A -> B.
Global Instance id_cast A : cast_class A A := id.

Class dvd B := dvd_op : B -> B -> bool.
Local Notation "x %| y" := (dvd_op x y) : computable_scope.

Class hzero {I} B := hzero_op : forall {m n : I}, B m n.
Local Notation "0" := hzero_op : hetero_computable_scope.

Class hone {I} B := hone_op : forall {n : I}, B n n.
Local Notation "1" := hone_op : hetero_computable_scope.

Class hadd {I} B := hadd_op : forall m n : I, B m n -> B m n -> B m n.
Local Notation "+%HC" := hadd_op.
Local Notation "x + y" := (add_op x y) : hetero_computable_scope.

Class hopp {I} B := hopp_op : forall m n : I, B m n -> B m n.
Local Notation "-%HC" := hopp_op.
Local Notation "- x" := (hopp_op x) : hetero_computable_scope.

Class hsub {I} B := hsub_op : forall m n : I, B m n -> B m n -> B m n.
Local Notation "x - y" := (hsub_op x y) : hetero_computable_scope.

Class hinv {I} B := hinv_op : forall m n : I, B m n -> B m n.
Local Notation "x ^-1" := (hinv_op x) : hetero_computable_scope.

Class hmul {I} B := hmul_op : forall m n p : I, B m n -> B n p -> B m p.
Local Notation "*m%HC" := hmul_op.
Local Notation "x *m y" := (hmul_op x y) : hetero_computable_scope.

Class heq {I} B := heq_op : forall m n : I, B m n -> B m n -> bool.
Local Notation "==%HC" := heq_op.
Local Notation "x == y" := (heq_op x y) : hetero_computable_scope.

Class transpose_class {I} B := transpose_op : forall m n : I, B m n -> B n m.
Local Notation "A ^T" := (transpose_op A) : hetero_computable_scope.

Class hcast {I} B := castmx : forall m n m' n' : I,
  (m = m') * (n = n') -> B m n -> B m' n'.

Local Open Scope nat_scope.
Class usub B := usubmx : forall (m1 m2 n : nat), B (m1 + m2) n -> B m1 n.
Class dsub B := dsubmx : forall (m1 m2 n : nat), B (m1 + m2) n -> B m2 n.
Class lsub B := lsubmx : forall (m n1 n2 : nat), B m (n1 + n2) -> B m n1.
Class rsub B := rsubmx : forall (m n1 n2 : nat), B m (n1 + n2) -> B m n2.
Class ulsub B := ulsubmx : forall (m1 m2 n1 n2 : nat), B (m1 + m2) (n1 + n2) -> B m1 n1.
Class ursub B := ursubmx : forall (m1 m2 n1 n2 : nat), B (m1 + m2) (n1 + n2) -> B m1 n2.
Class dlsub B := dlsubmx : forall (m1 m2 n1 n2 : nat), B (m1 + m2) (n1 + n2) -> B m2 n1.
Class drsub B := drsubmx : forall (m1 m2 n1 n2 : nat), B (m1 + m2) (n1 + n2) -> B m2 n2.
Class row_mx_class B := row_mx : forall (m n1 n2 : nat),
  B m n1 -> B m n2 -> B m (n1 + n2).
Class col_mx_class B := col_mx : forall (m1 m2 n : nat),
  B m1 n -> B m2 n -> B (m1 + m2) n.
Class block B := block_mx : forall (m1 m2 n1 n2 : nat),
  B m1 n1 -> B m1 n2 -> B m2 n1 -> B m2 n2 -> B (m1 + m2) (n1 + n2).

Class const_mx_class A B :=
  const_mx : forall {m n : nat}, A -> B m n.

Class map_mx_class A B :=
  map_mx : (A -> A) -> forall (m n : nat), B m n -> B m n.

Class row_class I B := row : forall (m n : nat), I m -> B m n -> B 1 n.

Class col_class I B := col : forall (m n : nat), I n -> B m n -> B m 1.

Class row'_class I B := row' : forall (m n : nat), I m -> B m n -> B (predn m) n.

Class col'_class I B := col' : forall (m n : nat), I n -> B m n -> B m (predn n).

Class fun_of A I B :=
  fun_of_matrix : forall (m n : nat), B m n -> I m -> I n -> A.

Class scalar_mx_class A B := scalar_mx : forall {n : nat}, A -> B n n.

Class lift0_class I := lift0 : forall (n : nat), I n -> I (1 + n)%N.

Class lift0mx_class B := lift0_mx : forall (n : nat), B n n -> B (1 + n)%N (1 + n)%N.

Class tperm_class A S := tperm : A -> A -> S.

Class lift0_perm_class S :=
  lift0_perm : forall (n : nat), S n -> S n.+1.

Class xrow_class I B :=
  xrow : forall (m n : nat), I m -> I m -> B m n -> B m n.

Class xcol_class I B :=
  xcol : forall (m n : nat), I n -> I n -> B m n -> B m n.

Class row_perm_class S B :=
  row_perm : forall (m n : nat), S m -> B m n -> B m n.

Class col_perm_class S B :=
  col_perm : forall (m n : nat), S n -> B m n -> B m n.

Class spec_of (A B : Type) := spec : A -> B.
Definition spec_id {A : Type} : spec_of A A := id.

Class implem_of A B := implem : A -> B.
Definition implem_id {A : Type} : implem_of A A := id.

Class find_pivot_class A I B :=
  find_pivot : forall (m n : nat), (A -> bool) -> B m n.+1 -> option (I m).

End Op.

End Refinements.

Local Open Scope ring_scope.

Import Refinements.Op.

Notation "0" := zero_op : computable_scope.
Notation "1" := one_op : computable_scope.
Notation "-%C" := opp_op.
Notation "- x" := (opp_op x) : computable_scope.
Notation "x ^-1" := (inv_op x) : computable_scope.
Notation "+%C" := add_op.
Notation "x + y" := (add_op x y) : computable_scope.
Notation "x - y" := (sub_op x y) : computable_scope.
Notation "x ^ y" := (exp_op x y) : computable_scope.
Notation "*%C" := mul_op.
Notation "x * y" := (mul_op x y) : computable_scope.
Notation "*:%C" := scale_op.
Notation "x *: y" := (scale_op x y) : computable_scope.
Notation "x / y" := (div_op x y) : computable_scope.
Notation "x == y" := (eq_op x y) : computable_scope.
Notation "x < y " := (lt_op x y) : computable_scope.
Notation "x <= y" := (leq_op x y) : computable_scope.
Notation "x > y" := (lt_op y x) (only parsing) : computable_scope.
Notation "x >= y" := (leq_op y x) (only parsing) : computable_scope.
Notation cast := (@cast_op _).
Notation "x %| y" := (dvd_op x y) : computable_scope.
Notation "x %/? y" := (odvd_op x y) (at level 70, no associativity) : computable_scope.
Notation "0" := hzero_op : hetero_computable_scope.
Notation "1" := hone_op : hetero_computable_scope.
Notation "-%HC" := hopp_op.
Notation "- x" := (hopp_op x) : hetero_computable_scope.
Notation "+%HC" := hadd_op.
Notation "x + y" := (hadd_op x y) : hetero_computable_scope.
Notation "x - y" := (hsub_op x y) : hetero_computable_scope.
Notation "x == y" := (heq_op x y) : hetero_computable_scope.
Notation "a %:M" := (scalar_mx a) : hetero_computable_scope.
Notation "*m%HC" := hmul_op.
Notation "x *m y" := (hmul_op x y) : hetero_computable_scope.
Notation "x '.(' i ',' j ')'" := (fun_of_matrix x i j) (at level 10) : computable_scope.
Notation "A ^T" := (transpose_op A) : hetero_computable_scope.

Ltac simpC :=
  do ?[ rewrite -[0%C]/0%R
      | rewrite -[1%C]/1%R
      | rewrite -[(_ + _)%C]/(_ + _)%R
      | rewrite -[(_ + _)%C]/(_ + _)%N
      | rewrite -[(- _)%C]/(- _)%R
      | rewrite -[(_ - _)%C]/(_ - _)%R
      | rewrite -[(_ - _)%C]/(_ - _)%N
      | rewrite -[(_ * _)%C]/(_ * _)%R
      | rewrite -[(_ * _)%C]/(_ * _)%N
      | rewrite -[(_ *: _)%C]/(_ *: _)%R
      | rewrite -[(_ / _)%C]/(_ / _)%R
      | rewrite -[(_ %/? _)%C]/(_ %/? _)%R
      | rewrite -[(_ == _)%C]/(_ == _)%bool
      | rewrite -[(_ <= _)%C]/(_ <= _)%R
      | rewrite -[(_ < _)%C]/(_ < _)%R
      | rewrite -[(_ <= _)%C]/(_ <= _)%N
      | rewrite -[(_ < _)%C]/(_ < _)%N
      | rewrite -[enorm_op _]/(enorm _)
      | rewrite -[cast _]/(_%:R)
      | rewrite -[cast _]/(_%:~R)
      | rewrite -[hzero_op _ _]/(const_mx 0)
      | rewrite -[0%HC]/0%R
      | rewrite -[hone_op _]/1%:M
      | rewrite -[1%HC]/1%:M
      | rewrite -[(- _)%HC]/(matrix.oppmx _)
      | rewrite -[hadd_op _ _]/(addmx _ _)
      | rewrite -[hsub_op _ _]/(fun _ _ => addmx _ (oppmx _))
      | rewrite -[hmul_op _ _]/(mulmx _ _)
      | rewrite -[(_ *m _)%HC]/(_ *m _)%R
      | rewrite -[heq_op _ _]/(_ == _)%bool
      | rewrite -[transpose_op _]/(trmx _)
      | rewrite -[(_ ^T)%HC]/(_ ^T)%R
      | rewrite -[castmx _ _]/(matrix.castmx _ _)
      | rewrite -[usubmx _]/(matrix.usubmx _)
      | rewrite -[dsubmx _]/(matrix.dsubmx _)
      | rewrite -[lsubmx _]/(matrix.lsubmx _)
      | rewrite -[rsubmx _]/(matrix.rsubmx _)
      | rewrite -[ulsubmx _]/(matrix.ulsubmx _)
      | rewrite -[ursubmx _]/(matrix.ursubmx _)
      | rewrite -[dlsubmx _]/(matrix.dlsubmx _)
      | rewrite -[drsubmx _]/(matrix.drsubmx _)
      | rewrite -[row_mx _ _]/(matrix.row_mx _ _)
      | rewrite -[col_mx _ _]/(matrix.col_mx _ _)
      | rewrite -[block_mx _ _ _ _]/(matrix.block_mx _ _ _ _)
      | rewrite -[fun_of_matrix _]/(matrix.fun_of_matrix _)
      | rewrite -[const_mx _]/(matrix.const_mx _)
      | rewrite -[map_mx _ _]/(matrix.map_mx _ _)
      | rewrite -[scalar_mx _]/(matrix.scalar_mx _)
      | rewrite -[tperm _ _]/(perm.tperm _ _)
      | rewrite -[lift0_perm _]/(matrix.lift0_perm _)
      | rewrite -[lift0_mx _]/(matrix.lift0_mx _)
      | rewrite -[lift0 _]/(fintype.lift 0 _)
      | rewrite -[row_perm _ _]/(matrix.row_perm _ _)
      | rewrite -[xrow _ _ _]/(matrix.xrow _ _ _)
      | rewrite -[xcol _ _ _]/(matrix.xcol _ _ _)].

Typeclasses Opaque eqtype.eq_op.
Typeclasses Opaque addn subn muln expn.
Typeclasses Opaque GRing.add GRing.opp GRing.natmul.
Typeclasses Opaque GRing.mul GRing.inv GRing.exp GRing.scale.
Typeclasses Opaque odivr enorm.
Typeclasses Opaque Num.le Num.norm.
Typeclasses Opaque intmul exprz absz.
Typeclasses Opaque addmx oppmx mulmx scalar_mx.
Typeclasses Opaque matrix.usubmx matrix.dsubmx matrix.lsubmx matrix.rsubmx.
Typeclasses Opaque matrix.ulsubmx matrix.ursubmx matrix.dlsubmx matrix.drsubmx.
Typeclasses Opaque matrix.row_mx matrix.col_mx matrix.block_mx matrix.castmx.
Typeclasses Opaque matrix.trmx matrix.const_mx matrix.map_mx matrix.row_perm.
Typeclasses Opaque matrix.lift0_mx matrix.xrow matrix.xcol.
Typeclasses Opaque fintype.lift perm.tperm.

Typeclasses Transparent zero one add opp sub.
Typeclasses Transparent mul exp inv div scale.
Typeclasses Transparent eq lt leq cast_class.
Typeclasses Transparent spec_of implem_of.

Module AlgOp.
Section AlgOp.

Definition subr {R : zmodType} (x y : R) := x - y.
Definition divr {R : unitRingType} (x y : R) := x / y.

End AlgOp.
End AlgOp.

Typeclasses Opaque AlgOp.subr AlgOp.divr.

Lemma specE A C (R : A -> C -> Prop) `{spec_of C A} :
  (param (R ==> Logic.eq) spec_id spec) ->
  forall a c, param R a c -> spec c = a.
move=> pf a c rac; rewrite -[a]/(idfun a).
by symmetry; apply: paramP.