Module hpoly

This file is part of CoqEAL, the Coq Effective Algebra Library.
(c) Copyright INRIA and University of Gothenburg, see LICENSE
Add LoadPath "../theory".
Require Import ssreflect ssrfun ssrbool eqtype ssrnat div seq zmodp.
Require Import path choice fintype tuple finset ssralg bigop poly.

Require Import refinements pos hrel.

This file implements sparse polynomials in sparse Horner normal form.

Set Implicit Arguments.
Unset Strict Implicit.
Unset Printing Implicit Defensive.

Local Open Scope ring_scope.

Import GRing.Theory Refinements.Op AlgOp.

PART I: Defining generic datastructures and programming with them
Section hpoly.

Context {A N pos : Type}.

Inductive hpoly A := Pc : A -> hpoly A
                   | PX : A -> pos -> hpoly A -> hpoly A.

Section hpoly_op.

Context `{zero A, one A, add A, sub A, opp A, mul A, eq A}.
Context `{one pos, add pos, sub pos, eq pos, lt pos}.
Context `{zero N, one N, eq N, lt N, add N, sub N}.
Context `{cast_class N pos, cast_class pos N}.

Local Open Scope computable_scope.

Fixpoint normalize (p : hpoly A) : hpoly A := match p with
  | Pc c => Pc c
  | PX a n p => match normalize p with
    | Pc c => PX a n (Pc c)
    | PX b m q => if (b == 0)%C then PX a (m + n) q else PX a n (PX b m q)

Fixpoint from_seq (p : seq A) : hpoly A := match p with
  | [::] => Pc 0
  | [:: c] => Pc c
  | x :: xs => PX x 1 (from_seq xs)

Global Instance zero_hpoly : zero (hpoly A) := Pc 0.
Global Instance one_hpoly : one (hpoly A) := Pc 1.

Fixpoint map_hpoly A B (f : A -> B) (p : hpoly A) : hpoly B := match p with
  | Pc c => Pc (f c)
  | PX a n p => PX (f a) n (map_hpoly f p)

Global Instance opp_hpoly : opp (hpoly A) := map_hpoly -%C.
Global Instance scale_hpoly : scale A (hpoly A) := fun a => map_hpoly [eta *%C a].

Fixpoint addXn_const n a (q : hpoly A) := match q with
  | Pc b => if (n == 0)%C then Pc (a + b) else PX b (cast n) (Pc a)
  | PX b m q' => let cn := cast n in
    if (n == 0)%C then PX (a + b) m q' else
      if (n == cast m)%C then PX b m (addXn_const 0 a q') else
      if n < cast m then PX b cn (PX a (m - cn) q')
                    else PX b m (addXn_const (n - cast m)%C a q')

Fixpoint addXn (n : N) p q {struct p} := match p, q with
  | Pc a , q => addXn_const n a q
  | PX a n' p', Pc b => if (n == 0)%C then PX (a + b) n' p'
                                        else PX b (cast n) (PX a n' p')
  | PX a n' p', PX b m q' =>
    if (n == 0)%C then
      if (n' == m)%C then PX (a + b) n' (addXn 0 p' q') else
      if n' < m then PX (a + b) n' (addXn 0 p' (PX 0 (m - n') q'))
                     else PX (a + b) m (addXn (cast (n' - m)) p' q')
    else addXn (n + cast n') p' (addXn_const 0 b (addXn_const n a (PX 0 m q')))

Global Instance add_hpoly : add (hpoly A) := addXn 0.
Global Instance sub_hpoly : sub (hpoly A) := fun p q => p + - q.

Definition shift_hpoly n (p : hpoly A) := PX 0 n p.

Global Instance mul_hpoly : mul (hpoly A) := fix f p q := match p, q with
  | Pc a, q => a *: q
  | p, Pc b => b *: p
  | PX a n p, PX b m q =>
     shift_hpoly (n + m) (f p q) + shift_hpoly m (a *: q) +
    (shift_hpoly n (b *: p) + Pc (a * b))

Fixpoint eq0_hpoly (p : hpoly A) : bool := match p with
  | Pc a => (a == 0)%C
  | PX a n p' => (eq0_hpoly p') && (a == 0)%C

Global Instance eq_hpoly : eq (hpoly A) := fun p q => eq0_hpoly (p - q).

Fixpoint size_hpoly (p : hpoly A) : N :=
  if eq0_hpoly p then 0%C else match p with
  | Pc a => 1%C
  | PX a n p' => if eq0_hpoly p' then 1%C else (cast n + size_hpoly p')%C

End hpoly_op.
End hpoly.

Arguments Pc {_ _} _.
Arguments PX {_ _} _ _ _.

Lemma getparamE A B (R : A -> B -> Prop) : getparam R = param R.
by rewrite !paramE. Qed.

Fixpoint hpoly_elim {T A P} (fc : A -> T) (fX : A -> P -> hpoly A -> T)
         (p : hpoly A) : T :=
  match p with
    | Pc c => fc c
    | PX a n p => fX a n p

Section ParamHpoly.

Variables (A B : Type) (R : A -> B -> Prop)
          (P P' : Type) (RP : P -> P' -> Prop).
Fixpoint hpoly_hrel (p : @hpoly P A) (q : @hpoly P' B) : Prop :=
  match p, q with
    | Pc a, Pc b => R a b
    | PX a m p, PX b n q => [/\ R a b, RP m n & hpoly_hrel p q]
    | _, _ => False

Lemma hpoly_hrel_Pc : (getparam R ==> getparam hpoly_hrel)%rel Pc Pc.
by rewrite !paramE. Qed.

Lemma hpoly_hrel_PX : (getparam R ==> getparam RP ==>
  getparam hpoly_hrel ==> getparam hpoly_hrel)%rel PX PX.
by rewrite !paramE. Qed.

Lemma hpoly_hrel_elim (T T' : Type) (RT : T -> T' -> Prop) :
  (getparam (R ==> RT) ==> getparam (R ==> RP ==> hpoly_hrel ==> RT) ==>
            getparam hpoly_hrel ==> getparam RT)%rel hpoly_elim hpoly_elim.
rewrite !getparamE => ??? ???.
elim=> [c|a m p ihp] [d|b n q]; rewrite !paramE //=.
  by move=> Rcd; exact: paramP.
by move=> [???]; exact: paramP.

End ParamHpoly.

Lemma param_map_hpoly A A' B B' P P' (rA : A -> A' -> Prop)
  (rB : B -> B' -> Prop) (rP : P -> P' -> Prop):
    (getparam (rA ==> rB) ==> getparam (hpoly_hrel rA rP) ==>
      getparam (hpoly_hrel rB rP))%rel (@map_hpoly P A B) (@map_hpoly P' A' B').
rewrite !paramE => f f' rf.
elim => [a [b rab|]|a n p ih [|b m q [rab rnm rpq]]] //=; first exact: rf.
split; [exact: rf|exact: rnm|apply: ih; exact: rpq].

Arguments hpoly_hrel_Pc {_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _}.
Arguments hpoly_hrel_PX {_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _}.
Arguments hpoly_hrel_elim {_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _}.
Arguments param_map_hpoly {_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _}.
Hint Extern 1 (getparam _ _ _) =>
  eapply hpoly_hrel_Pc : typeclass_instances.
Hint Extern 1 (getparam _ _ _) =>
  eapply hpoly_hrel_PX : typeclass_instances.
Hint Extern 1 (getparam _ _ _) =>
  eapply hpoly_hrel_elim : typeclass_instances.
Hint Extern 1 (getparam _ _ _) =>
  eapply param_map_hpoly : typeclass_instances.

PART II: Proving correctness properties of the previously defined objects
Section hpoly_theory.

Variable A : comRingType.

Instance zeroA : zero A := 0%R.
Instance oneA : one A := 1%R.
Instance addA : add A := +%R.
Instance oppA : opp A := -%R.
Instance subA : sub A := subr.
Instance mulA : mul A := *%R.
Instance eqA : eq A := eqtype.eq_op.

Instance one_pos : one pos := posS 0.
Instance add_pos : add pos := fun m n => insubd (posS 0) (val m + val n)%N.
Instance sub_pos : sub pos := fun m n => insubd (posS 0) (val m - val n)%N.
Instance mul_pos : mul pos := fun m n => insubd (posS 0) (val m * val n)%N.
Instance eq_pos : eq pos := eqtype.eq_op.
Instance lt_pos : lt pos := fun m n => val m < val n.

Instance zero_nat : zero nat := 0%N.
Instance eq_nat : eq nat := eqtype.eq_op.
Instance lt_nat : lt nat := ltn.
Instance add_nat : add nat := addn.
Instance sub_nat : sub nat := subn.

Instance cast_pos_nat : cast_class pos nat := val.
Instance cast_nat_pos : cast_class nat pos := insubd 1%C.

Fixpoint to_poly (p : hpoly A) := match p with
  | Pc c => c%:P
  | PX a n p => to_poly p * 'X^(cast n) + a%:P

Definition to_hpoly : {poly A} -> hpoly A := fun p => from_seq (polyseq p).

Instance one_nat : one nat := 1%N.

Lemma to_hpolyK : cancel to_hpoly to_poly.
elim/poly_ind; rewrite /to_hpoly ?polyseq0 // => p c ih.
rewrite -{1}cons_poly_def polyseq_cons.
have [|pn0] /= := nilP.
  rewrite -polyseq0 => /poly_inj ->; rewrite mul0r add0r.
  apply/poly_inj; rewrite !polyseqC.
   by case c0: (c == 0); rewrite ?polyseq0 // polyseqC c0.
by case: (polyseq p) ih => /= [<-| a l -> //]; rewrite mul0r add0r.

Lemma ncons_add : forall m n (a : A) p,
  ncons (m + n) a p = ncons m a (ncons n a p).
by elim=> //= m ih n a p; rewrite ih. Qed.

Lemma normalizeK : forall p, to_poly (normalize p) = to_poly p.
elim => //= a n p <-; case: (normalize p) => //= b m q.
case: ifP => //= /eqP ->; case: n => [[]] //= n n0.
by rewrite addr0 /cast /cast_pos_nat insubdK /= ?exprD ?mulrA ?addnS.

Definition Rhpoly : {poly A} -> hpoly A -> Prop := fun_hrel to_poly.

Instance param_eq_refl A (x : A) : param Logic.eq x x | 999.
by rewrite paramE. Qed.

Lemma RhpolyE p q : param Rhpoly p q -> p = to_poly q.
by rewrite paramE. Qed.

Instance Rhpolyspec_r x : param Rhpoly (to_poly x) x | 10000.
by rewrite !paramE; case: x. Qed.

Fact normalize_lock : unit.
exact tt. Qed.
Definition normalize_id := locked_with normalize_lock (@id {poly A}).
Lemma normalize_idE p : normalize_id p = p.
by rewrite /normalize_id unlock. Qed.

Instance Rhpoly_normalize : param (Rhpoly ==> Rhpoly) normalize_id normalize.
by rewrite paramE => p hp rp; rewrite /Rhpoly /fun_hrel normalizeK normalize_idE.

Instance Rhpoly_0 : param Rhpoly 0%R 0%C.
by rewrite paramE. Qed.

Instance Rhpoly_1 : param Rhpoly 1%R 1%C.
by rewrite paramE. Qed.

Lemma to_poly_shift : forall n p, to_poly p * 'X^(cast n) = to_poly (PX 0 n p).
by case; elim => //= n ih h0 hp; rewrite addr0. Qed.

Instance Rhpoly_opp : param (Rhpoly ==> Rhpoly) -%R -%C.
apply param_abstr => p hp h1.
rewrite [p]RhpolyE paramE /Rhpoly /fun_hrel {p h1}.
by elim: hp => /= [a|a n p ->]; rewrite polyC_opp // opprD mulNr.

Instance Rhpoly_scale : param (Logic.eq ==> Rhpoly ==> Rhpoly) *:%R *:%C.
rewrite paramE => /= a b -> p hp h1.
rewrite [p]RhpolyE /Rhpoly /fun_hrel {a p h1}.
elim: hp => [a|a n p ih] /=; first by rewrite polyC_mul mul_polyC.
by rewrite ih polyC_mul -!mul_polyC mulrDr mulrA.

Lemma addXn_constE n a q : to_poly (addXn_const n a q) = a%:P * 'X^n + to_poly q.
elim: q n => [b [|n]|b m q' ih n] /=; simpC; first by rewrite polyC_add expr0 mulr1.
  by rewrite /cast /cast_pos_nat insubdK.
case: eqP => [->|/eqP n0] /=; first by rewrite polyC_add expr0 mulr1 addrCA.
case: eqP => [hn|hnc] /=; first by rewrite ih expr0 mulr1 -hn mulrDl -addrA.
have [hlt|hleq] /= := ltnP; rewrite /cast /cast_nat_pos /cast_pos_nat.
  rewrite insubdK -?topredE /= ?lt0n // mulrDl -mulrA -exprD addrCA -addrA.
  by rewrite ?insubdK -?topredE /= ?subn_gt0 ?lt0n ?subnK // ltnW.
by rewrite ih mulrDl -mulrA -exprD subnK // addrA.

Arguments addXn_const _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ n a q : simpl never.

Lemma addXnE n p q : to_poly (addXn n p q) = to_poly p * 'X^n + to_poly q.
elim: p n q => [a n q|a n' p ih n [b|b m q]] /=; simpC; first by rewrite addXn_constE.
  case: eqP => [->|/eqP n0]; first by rewrite expr0 mulr1 /= polyC_add addrA.
  by rewrite /= /cast /cast_pos_nat /cast_nat_pos insubdK // -topredE /= lt0n.
case: eqP => [->|/eqP no].
  rewrite expr0 mulr1 /lt_op /lt_pos /eq_op /eq_pos.
  case: ifP => [/eqP ->|hneq] /=.
    by rewrite ih expr0 mulr1 mulrDl polyC_add -!addrA [_ + (a%:P + _)]addrCA.
  have [hlt|hleq] /= := ltnP; rewrite ih polyC_add mulrDl -!addrA ?expr0.
    rewrite mulr1 /= addr0 -mulrA -exprD [_ + (a%:P + _)]addrCA /cast.
    by rewrite /cast_pos_nat insubdK ?subnK -?topredE /= ?subn_gt0 // ltnW.
  rewrite -mulrA -exprD [_ + (a%:P + _)]addrCA /cast /cast_pos_nat.
  rewrite insubdK ?subnK // -?topredE /= subn_gt0; rewrite leq_eqVlt in hleq.
  by case/orP: hleq hneq => // /eqP /val_inj ->; rewrite eqxx.
rewrite !ih !addXn_constE expr0 mulr1 /= addr0 mulrDl -mulrA -exprD addnC.
by rewrite -!addrA [b%:P + (_ + _)]addrCA [b%:P + _]addrC.

Instance Rhpoly_add : param (Rhpoly ==> Rhpoly ==> Rhpoly) +%R +%C.
apply param_abstr2 => p hp h1 q hq h2.
rewrite [p]RhpolyE [q]RhpolyE paramE /Rhpoly /fun_hrel {p q h1 h2}.
by rewrite /add_op /add_hpoly addXnE expr0 mulr1.

Instance Rhpoly_mul : param (Rhpoly ==> Rhpoly ==> Rhpoly) *%R *%C.
apply param_abstr2 => p hp h1 q hq h2.
rewrite [p]RhpolyE [q]RhpolyE paramE /Rhpoly /fun_hrel {p q h1 h2}.
elim: hp hq => [a [b|b m q]|a n p ih [b|b m q]]; first by rewrite /= polyC_mul.
    by rewrite /mul_op /mul_hpoly -[to_poly _]RhpolyE /= -mul_polyC.
  by rewrite /mul_op /mul_hpoly -[to_poly _]RhpolyE /= [_ * b%:P]mulrC -mul_polyC.
rewrite /= mulrDr !mulrDl mulrCA -!mulrA -exprD mulrCA !mulrA [_ * b%:P]mulrC.
rewrite -polyC_mul !mul_polyC !addXnE /= expr0 !mulr1 !addr0 ih scalerAl /cast.
rewrite -?[to_poly (_ *: _)%C]RhpolyE /cast_pos_nat insubdK -?topredE //= addn_gt0.
by case: n => /= x ->.

Instance Rhpoly_sub : param (Rhpoly ==> Rhpoly ==> Rhpoly) subr sub_op.
apply param_abstr2 => p hp h1 q hq h2.
by rewrite paramE /sub_op /sub_hpoly /Rhpoly /fun_hrel -[to_poly _]RhpolyE.

Instance Rhpoly_shift : param (Logic.eq ==> Rhpoly ==> Rhpoly)
  (fun n p => p * 'X^(cast n)) (fun n p => shift_hpoly n p).
rewrite paramE => /= a n -> p hp h1.
by rewrite [p]RhpolyE /Rhpoly /fun_hrel {a p h1} /= addr0.

Lemma size_MXnaddC (R : comRingType) (p : {poly R}) (c : R) n :
  size (p * 'X^n.+1 + c%:P) = if (p == 0) then size c%:P else (n.+1 + size p)%N.
have [->|/eqP hp0] := eqP; first by rewrite mul0r add0r.
rewrite size_addl polyseqMXn ?size_ncons // size_polyC.
by case: (c == 0)=> //=; rewrite ltnS ltn_addl // size_poly_gt0.

Instance Rhpoly_eq0 :
  param (Rhpoly ==> Logic.eq) (fun p => p == 0) (eq0_hpoly)%C.
rewrite paramE => p hp rp; rewrite [p]RhpolyE {p rp}.
elim: hp => [a|a n p ih] /=; first by rewrite polyC_eq0.
rewrite /cast /cast_pos_nat /=; case: (sval n) (svalP n) => // m _.
rewrite -size_poly_eq0 -ih size_MXnaddC; case: ifP=> //= _.
by rewrite size_poly_eq0 polyC_eq0.

Instance Rhpoly_eq : param (Rhpoly ==> Rhpoly ==> Logic.eq)
  (fun p q => p == q) (fun hp hq => hp == hq)%C.
apply param_abstr2 => p hp h1 q hq h2.
by rewrite /eq_op /eq_hpoly paramE -[eq0_hpoly _]param_eq subr_eq0.

Instance Rhpoly_size : param (Rhpoly ==> Logic.eq)
  (fun p => size p) (fun p => size_hpoly p).
apply param_abstr => /= p hp h1; rewrite [p]RhpolyE paramE {p h1}.
elim: hp => [a|a n p ih] /=; first by rewrite size_polyC; simpC; case: eqP.
rewrite /cast /cast_pos_nat /=; case: (sval n) (svalP n) => // m _.
rewrite size_MXnaddC ih -[eq0_hpoly _]param_eq.
by case: ifP=> //= _; simpC; rewrite size_polyC; case: ifP.

Section hpoly_parametricity.

Import Refinements.Op.

Context (C : Type) (rAC : A -> C -> Prop).
Context (P : Type) (rP : pos -> P -> Prop).
Context (N : Type) (rN : nat -> N -> Prop).
Context `{zero C, one C, opp C, add C, sub C, mul C, eq C}.
Context `{one P, add P, sub P, eq P, lt P}.
Context `{zero N, one N, eq N, lt N, add N, sub N}.
Context `{cast_class N P, cast_class P N}.
Context `{!param rAC 0%R 0%C, !param rAC 1%R 1%C}.
Context `{!param (rAC ==> rAC) -%R -%C}.
Context `{!param (rAC ==> rAC ==> rAC) +%R +%C}.
Context `{!param (rAC ==> rAC ==> rAC) subr sub_op}.
Context `{!param (rAC ==> rAC ==> rAC) *%R *%C}.
Context `{!param (rAC ==> rAC ==> Logic.eq) eqtype.eq_op eq_op}.
Context `{!param rP pos1 1%C}.
Context `{!param (rP ==> rP ==> rP) add_pos +%C}.
Context `{!param (rP ==> rP ==> rP) sub_pos sub_op}.
Context `{!param (rP ==> rP ==> Logic.eq) eqtype.eq_op eq_op}.
Context `{!param (rP ==> rP ==> Logic.eq) lt_pos lt_op}.
Context `{!param rN 0%N 0%C, !param rN 1%N 1%C}.
Context `{!param (rN ==> rN ==> rN) addn +%C}.
Context `{!param (rN ==> rN ==> rN) subn sub_op}.
Context `{!param (rN ==> rN ==> Logic.eq) eqtype.eq_op eq_op}.
Context `{!param (rN ==> rN ==> Logic.eq) ltn lt_op}.
Context `{!param (rN ==> rP) cast_nat_pos cast}.
Context `{!param (rP ==> rN) cast_pos_nat cast}.

Local Notation hpoly_hrel := (hpoly_hrel rAC rP).
Definition RhpolyC := (Rhpoly \o hpoly_hrel)%rel.

Global Instance RhpolyC_0 : param RhpolyC 0%R 0%C.
exact: param_trans. Qed.

Global Instance RhpolyC_1 : param RhpolyC 1%R 1%C.
exact: param_trans. Qed.

Global Instance RhpolyC_opp : param (RhpolyC ==> RhpolyC) -%R -%C.
exact: param_trans. Qed.

Global Instance RhpolyC_scale : param (rAC ==> RhpolyC ==> RhpolyC) *:%R *:%C.
exact: param_trans. Qed.

Global Instance RhpolyC_shift : param (rP ==> RhpolyC ==> RhpolyC)
  (fun n p => p * 'X^(cast n)) (fun n (p : hpoly C) => shift_hpoly n p).
exact: param_trans. Qed.

End hpoly_parametricity.
End hpoly_theory.