%% inria-00266552, version 3 %% http://hal.inria.fr/inria-00266552/en/ @techreport{ALOUF:2008:INRIA-00266552:3, title={{A}nalysis of an {M}/{G}/1 queue with repeated inhomogeneous vacations -- {A}pplication to {IEEE} 802.16e power saving}, author={{A}louf, {S}ara and {A}ltman, {E}itan and {A}zad, {A}mar {P}rakash}, abstract={{T}his report presents a method for analyzing a queueing model with repeated inhomogeneous vacations. {A}t the end of a vacation, the server goes on another vacation, possibly with a different probability distribution, if during the previous vacation there have been no arrivals. {I}n order to get an insight on the influence of parameters on the performance, we choose to study a simple {M}/{G}/1 queue ({P}oisson arrivals and general independent service times) which has the advantage of being tractable analytically. {T}he theoretical model is applied to the problem of power saving for mobile devices in which the sleep durations of a device correspond to the vacations of the server. {V}arious system performance metrics such as the frame response time and the economy of energy are derived. {A} constrained optimization problem is formulated to maximize the economy of energy achieved in power save mode, with constraints as {Q}o{S} conditions to be met. {A}n illustration of the proposed methods is shown with a {W}i{MAX} system scenario to obtain design parameters for better performance. {O}ur analysis allows us not only to optimize the system parameters for given traffic intensity but also to propose parameters that provide the best performance under worst case conditions.}, keywords={{M}/{G}/1 queue with repeated inhomogeneous vacations; power save mode; system response time; constrained optimization; numerical analysis}, language={{A}nglais}, affiliation={{MAESTRO} - {INRIA} {S}ophia {A}ntipolis - {INRIA} - {U}niversit{\'e} {M}ontpellier {II} - {S}ciences et {T}echniques du {L}anguedoc }, pages={31 }, type={Research Report}, institution={INRIA}, number={{RR}-6488}, year={2008}, URL={http://hal.inria.fr/inria-00266552/en/}, }