Publications of year 2002 |
Books and proceedings |
@BOOK{AlFe02, EDITOR = {H. Alt and A. Ferreira}, KEY = {b-edition}, PUBLISHER = {Springer-Verlag}, SERIES = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science}, TITLE = {{Proceedings of STACS 2002}}, VOLUME = {2285}, YEAR = {2002}, KEYWORDS = {info th orique} }
Articles in journal or book's chapters |
@INCOLLECTION{FGP02, AUTHOR = {A. Ferreira and J. Galtier and P. Penna}, BOOKTITLE = {Handbook of Wireless Networks and Mobile Computing}, EDITOR = {I. Stojmenovic}, KEY = {bc-chapter}, PAGES = {473-507}, PUBLISHER = {John Wiley and Sons}, TITLE = {Topological design, routing and hand-over in satellite networks}, YEAR = {2002}, KEYWORDS = {telecoms, satellites} }
@INCOLLECTION{FeGu02, AUTHOR = {A. Ferreira and I. Gu\'erin-Lassous}, ADDRESS = {Boston (USA)}, BOOKTITLE = {Models for Parallel and Distributed Computation: Theory, Algorithmic Techniques, and Applications}, CHAPTER = {5, part I}, EDITOR = {R. Corr\^ea and I. Dutra and M. Fiallos and F. Gomes}, KEY = {bc-chapter}, PAGES = {117--143}, PUBLISHER = {Kluwer Academic Publishers}, TITLE = {{Discrete computing with coarse grained parallel systems: An algorithmic approach}}, YEAR = {2002}, KEYWORDS = {parallelism, CGMparallelisme, CGM} }
@ARTICLE{CDF+02, AUTHOR = {E. Caceres and F. Dehne and A. Ferreira and P. Flocchini and I. Rieping and A. Roncato and N. Santoro and S. Song}, JOURNAL = {Algorithmica}, KEY = {j-journal}, PAGES = {183-200}, TITLE = {{Efficient Parallel Graph Algorithms For Coarse Grained Multicomputers and BSP}}, VOLUME = {33}, YEAR = {2002}, KEYWORDS = {parallelisme, CGM,graphes} }
@ARTICLE{CFP02, AUTHOR = {D. Coudert and A. Ferreira and S. Perennes}, JOURNAL = {Networks}, KEY = {j-journal}, NUMBER = {3}, PAGES = {155-164}, TITLE = {{Isomorphisms of the De Bruijn digraph and free space optical networks}}, VOLUME = {40}, YEAR = {2002}, KEYWORDS = {telecoms, optique, otis} }
@ARTICLE{FGMR02, AUTHOR = {A. Ferreira and I. Gu\'erin-Lassous and K. Marcus and A. Rau-Chaplin}, JOURNAL = {Concurrency and Computation - Practice and Experience}, KEY = {j-journal}, MONTH = {jan}, NUMBER = {1}, PAGES = {47--70}, TITLE = {{Parallel Computation on Interval Graphs: Algorithms and Experiments}}, VOLUME = {56}, YEAR = {2002}, KEYWORDS = {parallelisme, CGM, graphes} }
Conference's articles |
@INPROCEEDINGS{evgr.algotel02:cn, AUTHOR = {A. Ferreira}, ADDRESS = {M\`eze, France}, BOOKTITLE = {$4^{e}$ rencontres francophones sur les Aspects Algorithmiques des Telecommunications (ALGOTEL'2002)}, KEY = {qf-congnat}, MONTH = {May}, TITLE = {{{On models and algorithms for dynamic communication networks: The case for evolving graphs}}}, YEAR = {2002}, KEYWORDS = {telecoms, mobiles} }
@INPROCEEDINGS{wdm.algotel02:cn, AUTHOR = {A. Ferreira and S. P\'erennes and A. Richa and H. Rivano and N. Stier}, ADDRESS = {M\`eze, France}, BOOKTITLE = {AlgoTel'02}, KEY = {qf-congnat}, MONTH = {May}, PAGES = {25-32}, PUBLISHER = {INRIA Press}, TITLE = {{On the design of multifiber WDM networks}}, YEAR = {2002} }