Publications of year 2000 |
Books and proceedings |
@BOOK{FeKi00, EDITOR = {A. Ferreira and G. Kindervater}, KEY = {e-editor}, NUMBER = {1}, PUBLISHER = {Elsevier Science B. V.}, TITLE = {{Parallel Computing -- Special Issue on High Performance Computing in Operations Research}}, VOLUME = {26}, YEAR = {2000}, KEYWORDS = {parallelisme, optimisation} }
Articles in journal or book's chapters |
@ARTICLE{BFM+00, AUTHOR = {P. Berthom\'e and A. Ferreira and B. Maggs and S. Perennes and G. Plaxton}, JOURNAL = {Algorithmica}, KEY = {j-journal}, PAGES = {237-254}, TITLE = {{Sorting-based selection algorithms on hypercubic networks}}, VOLUME = {26}, YEAR = {2000}, KEYWORDS = {parallelisme, grain fin, hypercubes, sorting} }
@ARTICLE{CFM00, AUTHOR = {D. Coudert and A. Ferreira and X. MuƱoz}, JOURNAL = {Applied Optics - Information Processing}, KEY = {j-journal}, MONTH = jun, NUMBER = {17}, PAGES = {2965-2974}, PUBLISHER = {SPIE-OSA}, TITLE = {{Topologies for Optical Interconnection Networks Based on the Optical Transpose Interconnection System}}, VOLUME = {39}, YEAR = {2000}, KEYWORDS = {telecoms, optique, otis, stackgraphs} }
@ARTICLE{CFM00b, AUTHOR = {D. Coudert and A. Ferreira and X. MuƱoz}, JOURNAL = {IEEE-OSA Journal on Lightwave Technologies}, KEY = {j-journal}, NUMBER = {12}, PAGES = {2076-2085}, TITLE = {{A Multihop-Multi-OPS Optical Interconnection Network}}, VOLUME = {18}, YEAR = {2000}, KEYWORDS = {telecoms, optique, otis, stackgraphs} }
@ARTICLE{FGS00, AUTHOR = {A. Ferreira and A. Goldman and S. W. Song}, JOURNAL = {Journal of Interconnection Networks - JOIN}, KEY = {j-journal}, NUMBER = {2}, PAGES = {73-94}, TITLE = {{Broadcasting in bus interconnection networks}}, VOLUME = {1}, YEAR = {2000}, KEYWORDS = {telecoms, optique,bus} }
@ARTICLE{FeSc00, AUTHOR = {A. Ferreira and N. Schabanel}, JOURNAL = {Parallel Processing Letters}, KEY = {j-journal}, NUMBER = {3}, PAGES = {411-422}, TITLE = {{A randomized {BSP/CGM} algorithm for the maximal independent set}}, VOLUME = {9}, YEAR = {2000}, KEYWORDS = {parallelisme, CGM, mis} }
Conference's articles |
@INPROCEEDINGS{BCF+00, AUTHOR = {B. Beauquier and K. Candan and A. Ferreira and S. Perennes and A. Sen}, ADDRESS = {Paris, F}, BOOKTITLE = {Proc. of IFIP/TC6 Networking 2000 Conference}, KEY = {p-congint}, PAGES = {859-870}, PUBLISHER = {Springer Verlag}, SERIES = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science}, TITLE = {{On shortest path problems with "non-Markovian" link contributions to path lengths}}, VOLUME = {1815}, YEAR = {2000}, KEYWORDS = {telecoms, internet, optimisation} }
@INPROCEEDINGS{sat.algotel00:cn, AUTHOR = {P. Berg\'e and A. Ferreira and J. Galtier and J.-N. Petit}, ADDRESS = {La Rochelle, France}, BOOKTITLE = {$2^{e}$ rencontres francophones sur les Aspects Algorithmiques des Telecommunications (ALGOTEL'2000)}, KEY = {qf-congnat}, MONTH = {10-12 Mai}, PAGES = {137-142}, PUBLISHER = {INRIA, France}, TITLE = {{A probabilistic study of inter-satellite links load in polar orbit satellite constellations}}, YEAR = {2000}, KEYWORDS = {telecoms, satellites} }
@INPROCEEDINGS{CFP+00, AUTHOR = {A. Clementi and A. Ferreira and P. Penna and S. Perennes and R. CFP+00Silvestri}, BOOKTITLE = {Proc. of ESA-00, 8th Annual European Symposium on Algorithms}, KEY = {p-congint}, NUMBER = {1879}, PAGES = {143-154}, PUBLISHER = {Springer-Verlag}, SERIES = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science}, TITLE = {{The Minimum Range Assignment Problem on Linear Radio Networks}}, YEAR = {2000}, KEYWORDS = {telecoms, mobiles, optimisation} }
@INPROCEEDINGS{CFP00, AUTHOR = {D. Coudert and A. Ferreira and S. Perennes}, BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the IEEE IPDPS}, KEY = {p-congint}, PAGES = {769--774}, PUBLISHER = {IEEE Press}, TITLE = {{De Bruijn Isomorphisms and Free Space Optical Networks}}, YEAR = {2000}, KEYWORDS = {telecoms, optique} }
@INPROCEEDINGS{FGM+00, AUTHOR = {A. Ferreira and J. Galtier and P. Mahey and G. Mateus and A. Oliveira and M. Pichereau}, ADDRESS = {Dallas, USA}, BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of ISPAN}, KEY = {p-congint}, MONTH = dec, PAGES = {161-166}, PUBLISHER = {IEEE CS Press}, TITLE = {{An Optimization Model for Routing in Low Earth Orbit Satellite Constellations}}, YEAR = {2000}, KEYWORDS = {telecoms, satellites} }
@INPROCEEDINGS{mob.algotel00:cn, AUTHOR = {A. Ferreira and J. Galtier and S. Perennes}, ADDRESS = {La Rochelle, France}, BOOKTITLE = {$2^{e}$ rencontres francophones sur les Aspects Algorithmiques des Telecommunications (ALGOTEL'2000)}, KEY = {qf-congnat}, MONTH = {May}, PAGES = {53-58}, TITLE = {{Approximation of a straight line in a bounded lattice}}, YEAR = {2000}, KEYWORDS = {telecoms, mobiles} }
Miscellaneous |
@MISC{algotel00:inv, YEAR = {2000}, OPTkey = {z}, OPTauthor = {A. Ferreira}, OPTtitle = {Routage dans les Constellations de Satellites}, OPThowpublished = {Invited talk, Algotel'00}, OPTmonth = {}, OPTyear = {2000}, OPTnote = {}, OPTannote = {} }
@MISC{china00:inv, YEAR = {2000} }