Publications of year 1995 |
Books and proceedings |
@BOOK{AGF+95, ADDRESS = {Paris (F)}, EDITOR = {G. Authi\'e and Jean-Marie Garcia and A. Ferreira and J.L. Roch and G. Villard and J. Roman and C. Roucairol and B. Virot}, KEY = {b-edition}, PUBLISHER = {Hermes}, TITLE = {{Algorithmique parall\`ele et applications irr\'eguli\`eres}}, YEAR = {1995}, KEYWORDS = {parallelisme} }
@BOOK{FeRo95, EDITOR = {A. Ferreira and J. Rolim}, KEY = {b-edition}, PUBLISHER = {Springer-Verlag}, SERIES = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science}, TITLE = {{Parallel Algorithms for Solving Irregularly Structured Problems -- Irregular'95}}, VOLUME = {980}, YEAR = {1995}, KEYWORDS = {parallelisme} }
@BOOK{FeRo94, ADDRESS = {Boston (USA)}, EDITOR = {A. Ferreira and J. Rolim}, KEY = {b-edition}, PUBLISHER = {Kluwer Academic Publisher}, TITLE = {{Parallel Algorithms for Irregular Problems: State of the Art}}, YEAR = {1995}, KEYWORDS = {parallelisme} }
Articles in journal or book's chapters |
@INCOLLECTION{CoFe95, AUTHOR = {R. Corr\^ea and A. Ferreira}, BOOKTITLE = {Solving Irregular Problems in Parallel: State of the Art}, EDITOR = {A. Ferreira and J. Rolim}, KEY = {bc-chapter}, PAGES = {157--176}, PUBLISHER = {Kluwer Academic Publisher, Boston (USA)}, TITLE = {{A Distributed Implementation of Asynchronous Parallel Branch and Bound}}, YEAR = {1995}, KEYWORDS = {optimisation, parallelisme} }
@ARTICLE{BeFe95, AUTHOR = {P. Berthom\'e and A. Ferreira}, EDITOR = {D. Frank Hsu and A. L. Rosenberg and D. Sotteau}, JOURNAL = {DIMACS series in Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science}, KEY = {j-journal}, PAGES = {19--29}, TITLE = {{On Broadcasting Schemes in Restricted Optical Passive Star Systems}}, VOLUME = {21}, YEAR = {1995}, KEYWORDS = {telecoms, optique, ops} }
@ARTICLE{CoFe95c, AUTHOR = {R. Corr\^ea and A. Ferreira}, JOURNAL = {Parallel Processing Letters}, KEY = {j-journal}, NUMBER = {3}, PAGES = {375-386}, TITLE = {{On the effectivenes of parallel branch and bound}}, VOLUME = {5}, YEAR = {1995}, KEYWORDS = {optimisation, parallelisme,bb} }
@ARTICLE{CoFe95b, AUTHOR = {R. Corr\^ea and A. Ferreira}, BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the DIMACS Workshop on Parallel Processing of Discrete Optimization}, EDITOR = {Panos M. Pardalos and Mauricio G.C Resende and K.G. Ramakrishnan}, JOURNAL = {DIMACS series in Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science}, KEY = {j-journal}, PAGES = {45--56}, PUBLISHER = {American Mathematical Society}, TITLE = {{Modeling Parallel Branch-and-Bound for Asynchronous Implementations}}, VOLUME = {22}, YEAR = {1995}, KEYWORDS = {optimisation, parallelisme,bb} }
@ARTICLE{DFR95, AUTHOR = {F. Dehne and A. Ferreira and A. Rau-Chaplin}, JOURNAL = {{Computer Vision and Image Understanding}}, KEY = {j-journal}, NUMBER = {1}, PAGES = {1-10}, TITLE = {{Parallel processing of pointer based quadtrees}}, VOLUME = {62}, YEAR = {1995}, KEYWORDS = {parallelisme, grain fin, hypercubes, comp geo, images} }
@ARTICLE{DFG95, AUTHOR = {T. Duboux and A. Ferreira and M. Gastaldo}, JOURNAL = {Microprocessors \& Microprogramming Journal}, KEY = {j-journal}, NOTE = {Special Issue on Parallel Programmable Architectures and Compilation for Multi-dimensional Processing}, PAGES = {359--372}, TITLE = {{A Scalable Design for {VLSI} Dictionary Machines}}, VOLUME = {41}, YEAR = {1995}, KEYWORDS = {parallelisme, grain fin, machine dico} }
@ARTICLE{Fer95, AUTHOR = {A. Ferreira}, JOURNAL = {International Journal of High Speed Computing}, KEY = {j-journal}, PAGES = {595-606}, TITLE = {{Work and memory efficient parallel algorithms for the knapsack problem}}, VOLUME = {4}, YEAR = {1995}, KEYWORDS = {parallelisme, optimisation, knapsack} }
Conference's articles |
@INPROCEEDINGS{BeFe95b, AUTHOR = {P. Berthom\'e and A. Ferreira}, BOOKTITLE = {Broadband Networks: Strategies and Technologies}, EDITOR = {R. A. Cryan and P. N. Fernando and P. Ghiggino and J. M. Senior}, KEY = {p-congint}, PAGES = {464--473}, PUBLISHER = {SPIE -- The International Society for Optical Engineering}, SERIES = {Proceedings of SPIE}, TITLE = {{Communication Issues in Parallel Systems with Optical Interconnections}}, VOLUME = {2450}, YEAR = {1995}, KEYWORDS = {telecoms, optique} }
@INPROCEEDINGS{BFM95, AUTHOR = {H. Bourdin and A. Ferreira and K. Marcus}, ADDRESS = {San Antonio (USA)}, BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 2nd IEEE International Workshop on Massively Parallel Processing using Optical Interconnections -- MPPOI'95}, KEY = {p-congint}, MONTH = oct, PAGES = {257--264}, PUBLISHER = {IEEE Press}, TITLE = {{A comparative study of one-to-many {WDM} lightwave interconnection networks for multiprocessors}}, YEAR = {1995}, KEYWORDS = {telecoms, optique} }
@INPROCEEDINGS{DFG95b, AUTHOR = {T. Duboux and A. Ferreira and M. Gastaldo}, BOOKTITLE = {Algorithms and Parallel VLSI Architectures {III}}, EDITOR = {Moonen and Cathoor}, KEY = {p-congint}, PAGES = {143--154}, PUBLISHER = {Elsevier}, TITLE = {{A scalable design for Dictionary Machines}}, YEAR = {1995}, KEYWORDS = {parallelisme} }
@INPROCEEDINGS{FeMa95, AUTHOR = {A. Ferreira and K. Marcus}, BOOKTITLE = {Fiber Optic Network Components}, EDITOR = {S. I Najafi and H. Porte}, KEY = {p-congint}, PAGES = {78--86}, PUBLISHER = {SPIE -- The International Society for Optical Engineering}, SERIES = {Proceedings of SPIE}, TITLE = {{Modular multihop {WDM}--based lightwave networks, and routing}}, VOLUME = {2449}, YEAR = {1995}, KEYWORDS = {telecoms, optique} }
@INPROCEEDINGS{FeQa95, AUTHOR = {A. Ferreira and N. Qadri}, ADDRESS = {New Delhi}, BOOKTITLE = {{IEEE} International Conference on High Performance Computing -- HiPC'95}, KEY = {p-congint}, MONTH = dec, PUBLISHER = {IEEE Press}, TITLE = {{Performance of {WDM} systems}}, YEAR = {1995}, KEYWORDS = {telecoms, optique} }
@INPROCEEDINGS{FRU95, AUTHOR = {A. Ferreira and A. Rau-Chaplin and S. Ubeda}, ADDRESS = {San Antonio (USA)}, BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 7th IEEE Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Processing -- SPDP'95}, KEY = {p-congint}, MONTH = oct, PAGES = {561--569}, PUBLISHER = {IEEE Press}, TITLE = {{Scalable 2d convex hull and triangulation algorithms for coarse-grained multicomputers}}, YEAR = {1995}, KEYWORDS = {parallelisme, CGM} }
@INPROCEEDINGS{FeUb95, AUTHOR = {A. Ferreira and S. Ub\'eda}, ADDRESS = {Washington DC}, BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the {IEEE} International Conference on Image Processing -- ICIP'95}, KEY = {p-congint}, MONTH = oct, PAGES = {105--107}, PUBLISHER = {IEEE Press}, TITLE = {{Parallel complexity of the medial axis transform}}, VOLUME = {II}, YEAR = {1995}, KEYWORDS = {parallelisme, CGM} }
Miscellaneous |
@MISC{altec95:inv, YEAR = {1995}, OPTkey = {z}, OPTauthor = {A. Ferreira}, OPTtitle = {Hypergraph-based topologies for parallel and distributed networks}, OPThowpublished = {Invited talk, Workshop Altec, Acad\'emie de Sciences Tch\`eque, Prague (Cz)}, OPTmonth = {}, OPTyear = {1995}, OPTnote = {}, OPTannote = {} }
@MISC{informs95:inv, YEAR = {1995}, OPTkey = {z}, OPTauthor = {A. Ferreira}, OPTtitle = {Solving combinatorial optimisation problems in parallel}, OPThowpublished = {Invited talk, Annual meeting of INFORMS - the Institute for Operations Research and Management Science, New Orleans (USA)}, OPTmonth = {}, OPTyear = {1995}, OPTnote = {}, OPTannote = {} }