Publications of year 1994 |
Books and proceedings |
@BOOK{CFP94, EDITOR = {M. Cosnard and A. Ferreira and J. Peters}, KEY = {b-edition}, PUBLISHER = {Springer-Verlag}, SERIES = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science}, TITLE = {{Parallel and Distributed Computing -- Theory and Practice}}, VOLUME = {805}, YEAR = {1994}, KEYWORDS = {parallelisme} }
@BOOK{AFFS94, EDITOR = {S. Akl and A. Ferreira and P. Fraigniaud and D. Sotteau}, KEY = {e-editor}, PUBLISHER = {World Publisher Co.}, TITLE = {{Parallel Processing Letters -- Special Issue on Algorithmic and Structural Aspects of Interconnection Networks}}, YEAR = {1994}, KEYWORDS = {parallelisme, in} }
@BOOK{AFR+94, ADDRESS = {Paris (F)}, EDITOR = {G. Authi\'e and A. Ferreira and J.L. Roch and G. Villard and J. Roman and C. Roucairol and B. Virot}, KEY = {b-edition}, PUBLISHER = {Hermes}, TITLE = {{Algorithmes parall\`eles -- analyse et conception}}, YEAR = {1994}, KEYWORDS = {parallelisme} }
Thesis |
@PHDTHESIS{these3, AUTHOR = {A. Ferreira}, ADDRESS = {France}, HOWPUBLISHED = {Habilitation \`a diriger des recherches}, KEY = {tt}, MONTH = feb, SCHOOL = {Ecole Normale Sup\'erieure de Lyon et Universit\'e Claude Bernard Lyon}, TITLE = {{Structures de donn\'ees et mod\'elisation discr\`ete pour l'algorithmique des syst\`emes massivement parall\`eles}}, TYPE = {Habilitation \`a diriger des recherches}, YEAR = {1994} }
Articles in journal or book's chapters |
@INCOLLECTION{DFG94, AUTHOR = {T. Duboux and A. Ferreira and M. Gastaldo}, ADDRESS = {Paris (F)}, BOOKTITLE = {Algorithmes parall\`eles -- analyse et conception}, EDITOR = {G. Authi\'e and A. Ferreira and J.L. Roch and G. Villard and J. Roman and C. Roucairol and B. Virot}, KEY = {bc-chapter}, PAGES = {129--171}, PUBLISHER = {Hermes}, TITLE = {{6: Algorithmique Parall\`ele -- Structures de Donn\'ees Arborescentes}}, YEAR = {1994}, KEYWORDS = {parallelisme} }
@ARTICLE{BeFe94, AUTHOR = {P. Berthom{\'e} and A. Ferreira}, JOURNAL = {Parallel Algorithms and Applications}, KEY = {j-journal}, PAGES = {169--181}, PUBLISHER = {IMACS - North Holland}, TITLE = {{Time-optimal geometric algorithms in hypercubic networks}}, VOLUME = {4}, YEAR = {1994}, KEYWORDS = {parallelisme, grain fin, hypercubes, comp geo} }
@ARTICLE{DFR94, AUTHOR = {F. Dehne and A. Ferreira and A. Rau-Chaplin}, JOURNAL = {Parallel Computing}, KEY = {j-journal}, PAGES = {1369--1382}, TITLE = {{A massively parallel knowledge-base server using a hypercube multiprocessor}}, VOLUME = {20}, YEAR = {1994}, KEYWORDS = {parallelisme, grain fin, hypercubes, ia} }
@ARTICLE{FeUb94, AUTHOR = {A. Ferreira and S. Ub\'eda}, ADDRESS = {Grenoble (Fr)}, JOURNAL = {Pattern Recognition}, KEY = {j-journal}, NUMBER = {7}, PAGES = {867-878}, TITLE = {{Ultra-fast parallel contour tracking, with applications to thinning}}, VOLUME = {27}, YEAR = {1994}, KEYWORDS = {parallelisme, CGM, image} }
Conference's articles |
@INPROCEEDINGS{ADF94, AUTHOR = {S. Akl and J. Duprat and A. Ferreira}, ADDRESS = {Sophia (Bul)}, BOOKTITLE = {Advances in Parallel Algorithms -- Proceedings of the Workshop on Parallel Algorithms '92}, EDITOR = {I. Dimov and O. Tonev}, KEY = {p-congint}, PAGES = {131-143}, PUBLISHER = {IOS Press}, TITLE = {{Building hamiltonian circuits and paths on star graphs}}, YEAR = {1994}, KEYWORDS = {parallelisme, grain fin, stargraphs} }
@INPROCEEDINGS{DFT94, AUTHOR = {F. Desprez and A. Ferreira and B. Tourancheau}, BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the First IEEE International Workshop on Massively Parallel Processing Using Optical Interconnections -- MPPOI'94}, KEY = {p-congint}, PAGES = {52--58}, PUBLISHER = {IEEE Press}, TITLE = {{Efficient communication operations on passive optical star networks}}, YEAR = {1994}, KEYWORDS = {telecoms, optique} }
@INPROCEEDINGS{FGS94, AUTHOR = {A. Ferreira and A. Goldman and S.W. Song}, BOOKTITLE = {PARLE '94 -- Parallel Architectures and Languages Europe}, EDITOR = {C. Halatsis and D. Maritsas and G. Philokyprou and S. Thoedoridis}, INSTITUTION = {Laboratoire de l'Informatique du Parall\'elisme}, KEY = {p-congint}, PAGES = {553-564}, PUBLISHER = {Springer Verlag}, SERIES = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science}, TITLE = {{{Bus based parallel computers: A viable way for massive parallelism}}}, VOLUME = {817}, YEAR = {1994}, KEYWORDS = {telecoms, optique} }
@INPROCEEDINGS{FGS94b, AUTHOR = {A. Ferreira and A. Goldman and S. W. Song}, BOOKTITLE = {Parallel Processing: CONPAR 94 -- VAPP VI}, EDITOR = {B. Buchberger and J. Volkert}, INSTITUTION = {Laboratoire de l'Informatique du Parall\'elisme}, KEY = {p-congint}, PAGES = {797-807}, PUBLISHER = {Springer Verlag}, SERIES = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science}, TITLE = {{Broadcasting in bus interconnection networks}}, VOLUME = {854}, YEAR = {1994}, KEYWORDS = {telecoms, optique} }
@INPROCEEDINGS{FeGR94, AUTHOR = {A. Ferreira and M. Grammatikakis}, BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of PARLE}, EDITOR = {C. Halatsis and D. Maritsas and G. Philokyprou and S. Theodoridis}, JOURNAL = {Theoretical Computer Science}, KEY = {p-congint}, PAGES = {1--12}, PUBLISHER = {Springer Verlag}, SERIES = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science}, TITLE = {{Improved probabilistic routing in generalized hypercubes}}, VOLUME = {817}, YEAR = {1994}, KEYWORDS = {parallelisme, gros grain, hypercubes, routage} }
Miscellaneous |
@MISC{cimpa94:inv, YEAR = {1994}, OPTkey = {z}, OPTauthor = {A. Ferreira}, OPTtitle = {Complexit\'e des algorithmes parall\`eles}, OPThowpublished = {Invited talk, Ecole CIMPA-CIMI-UNESCO-Chili sur le Calcul Parall\`ele, Tem\'uco (Chili)}, OPTmonth = {}, OPTyear = {1994}, OPTnote = {}, OPTannote = {} }
@MISC{dimacs94:inv, YEAR = {1994}, OPTkey = {z}, OPTauthor = {A. Ferreira}, OPTtitle = {On parallel asynchronous Branch \& Bound}, OPThowpublished = {Invited talk, Workshop on Parallel Processing of Discrete Optimization Problems, DIMACS, New Jersey (USA)}, OPTmonth = {}, OPTyear = {1994}, OPTnote = {}, OPTannote = {} }