Publications of year 1985
Conference's articles
  1. A. Ferreira. Algoritmos heurìsticos para otimização de PLA's. In Proceedings of the 5th Brazilian Symposium of Microelectronics, 1985. University of São Paulo Press.
     AUTHOR = {A. Ferreira},
     BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 5th Brazilian Symposium of Microelectronics},
     KEY = {qf-congnat},
     PUBLISHER = {University of S\~ao Paulo Press},
     TITLE = {{Algoritmos heur{\'\i}sticos para otimiza{\c c\~ao} de {PLA's}}},
     YEAR = {1985},
     KEYWORDS = {optimisation, VLSI}


Last modified: Fri Dec 14 14:38:49 2012
by A. Ferreira.

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