
RC project

Reactive Applets (June 1999)

(June 1999)
Reactive Engines compared to threads are analysed through several reactive applets. 

(June 1999)
The Bouncing Reactive Balls page describes some little funny reactive applets inspired from the one of Alteridem...

And also the WebIcobjs reactive applet based on icobj programming.

Reactive Applets Repository

  1. The Planet and Meteors Applet simulates gravity: 4 meteors are put in orbit around a planet.
  2. The Planet and Meteors with Trace Applet is similar to the previous applet, but orbits are traced.
  3. Each of the two objects in the PlanetMeteor Applet have the behaviour of both a planet and a meteor and is running around the other object.
  4. The Rectangle Applet shows a green rectangle moving around a red circle which randomly moves.
  5. In the Energy Transfer Applet an obstacle is shocked by a ball thrown against it.
  6. In the Traffic Jam Applet cars are running along a rectangle track and traffic jams can occur.
  7. The Sine+Cosine=Circle Applet shows small points that are moving following sine and cosine pathes.
  8. In the Small Circles Applet a pack of small points are all moving in the same way.
  9. The Termites Applet shows termites that cooperate to stack food packs in a unique place.
  10. The WebIcobj Applet shows a new programming approach, called icobj programming, in which one graphically combines icons to get new behaviours.
  11. In the Preys-Predators Applet preys run away as predators try to eat them.
  12. Two balls are bouncing in the Bouncing Reactive Balls Applet.
  13. The Dynamical Bouncing Reactive Balls Applet is similar to the previous one except that balls are dynamically created.
  14. In the No Collision Reactive Balls Applet there is no collision checks, so one can create many many balls.
  15. In the Pursuit Applet mad balls are try to catch happy ones.
  16. Yet another Preys-Predators Applet in which mad balls are predators which cannot be destroyed.
  17. Fireflies synchronise their light flashes in the Fireflies Demo.


F. Boussinot, Inria CMA/Meije, BP 93, 2004 route des Lucioles, 06902 Sophia Antipolis, France. <>