Improper colouring of (random) unit disk graphs

Tobias Müller
Oxford University


We study the k-improper chromatic number of graphs that are obtained as follows. We pick points X_1, ..., X_n from the plane at random (i.i.d. according to some probability distribution) and we join X_i, X_j by an edge if d(X_i, X_j) < r for some r > 0. We are interested in the behaviour of these graphs as n tends to infinity, where it is assumed that r = r(n) tends to 0 as n tends to infinity. Results by McDiarmid (2003), Penrose (2003) and McDiarmid and Müller (2005) on the chromatic number of these graphs partially extend to the k-improper chromatic number with some important differences.

This is joint work with J.-S. Sereni and R.J.Kang.

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