The file config_tpa

This is an example of a configuration file for the titlepage. In order to make the file easier to understand, comments are in blue. Some long lines have been split (they start with three dots instead of a line number). The use of this files is described here.

  1 # This is an example of a configuration file for tralics.
  2 # $ Id: config_tpa,v 2.2 2006/06/16 12:32:51 grimm Exp $
  5 % Some comments: comments start with % or #
  7 % this means: take the documentclass value as type name
  8 Type = \documentclass
 10 % some useless aliases
 11 BeginAlias
 12   article report 
 13   slides inriaslides foiltex
 14 End
 16 BeginType default
 17   DocType = document devnul.dtd
 18   DocAttrib = x \foo
 19   DocAttrib = y \specialyear
 20   DocAttrib = z \the\day\space \the\month\space \the\year 
 21 BeginCommands
 22   \def\ABC{\recurse\recurse}
 23   \def\DEF{\recurse\recurse}
 24 End
 25 End
 28 %% BeginType RA     % Case RA
 29 %%   DocType = raweb raweb.dtd
 30 %%  DocAttrib = year \specialyear
 31 %% #DocAttrib = test "foo"
 32 %% 
 33 %%   makefo="xsltproc --catalogs -o %B %C";
 34 %%   makehtml = "xsltproc --catalogs  %B %C";
 35 %%   call_lint = "xmllint --catalogs --valid  --noout %C"
 36 %%   makepdf = "pdflatex -interaction=nonstopmode %w"
 37 %%   %makedvi = "latex -interaction=nonstopmode %w"
 38 %%   % makedvi et dvips pour marie-pierre
 39 %%   %dvitops = "dvips %w.dvi -o"
 40 %%   %makedvi = "latex -interaction=nonstopmode %w"
 41 %%   generatedvi = "latex -interaction=nonstopmode %t"
 42 %%   % old latex: "latex \\nonstopmode\\input{%t}"
 43 %%   generateps = "dvips %t.dvi -o"
 44 %% End
 46 % This is used for testing the titlepage command
 48 BeginType  tpa
 49   DocType = tpa tpa.dtd
 50 BeginTitlePage
 51   \InsertTitlepage <titlepage att1='foo' att2='foo2'> 
...             "a1='b1' a2='b2'" "from-tpa='ok' from_type='OK'"
 52   alias \AInsertTitlepage  "" ""
 53   \title <title-element tea='tea-val'> "No title"
 54   \utitle <utitle-element tea='utea-val'> "No title"
 55   \author + <autL al = 'alval' bl = 'blval'>
...            <aut auta='autaval'> "No authors"
 56   \uauthor + <uautL al='alval' bl='blval'>
...     <aut auta='autaval'> "No authors"
 57   \Eabstract E<abstract ab='AB1'> "no abstract1"
 58   \eabstract e<abstract ab='AB2'> "no abstract2"
 59   \pabstract p<abstract ab='AB3'> "no abstract3"
 60   \abstract <abstract ab='AB4'> "no abstract4"
 61   alias \abstractalias
 62   \uEabstract E<uabstract ab='AB5' > "no abstract1"
 63   \ueabstract e<uabstract ab='AB6'> "no abstract2"
 64   \upabstract p<uabstract ab='AB7'> "no abstract3"
 65   \uabstract <uabstract ab='AB8'> "no abstract4"
 66   alias \uabstractalias
 67   <UR> -
 68   \URsop ?+ <UR>
 69   \URlor ?+ <UR>
 70   \Paris ?<UR> <Rocq>
 71   <sUR fr='unité de recherche' en='research unit'> -
 72   \sURsop ?+ <sUR fr='dans le sud'>
 73   \sURlor ?+ <sUR fr=" dans l'est">
 74   \sParis ?<sUR> <Rocq en='nearparis'>
 75   \myself \author "JG"
 76   \himself \author "DEK"  # this is a list def
 77   alias \autk
 78   \address  <Address>  "no adress"
 79   \waddress \address "somewhere" # this is a normal def
 81   \cmdp <cmdp> +"nodefault" 
 82   \cmda <cmdA> A"\cmdAval" 
 83   \cmdb <cmdB> B"\cmdBval" 
 84   \cmdc <cmdC> C"\cmdCval" 
 86 End
 87 BeginCommands
 88   \def\recurse{\recurse\recurse}
 89 EndCommands
 90 End
 92 # This one is used for testing entity renaming
 94 BeginType unused
 95   xml_labelitem_name = "Xlabel"
 96   xml_gloitem_name = "Xglolabel"
 97   xml_item_name = "Xitem"
 98   xml_div0_name = "Xdiv0"
 99   xml_div1_name = "Xdiv1"
100   xml_div2_name = "Xdiv2"
101   xml_div3_name = "Xdiv3"
102   xml_div4_name = "Xdiv4"
103   xml_div5_name = "Xdiv5"
104   xml_div6_name = "Xdiv6"
105   xml_subfigure_name = "Xsubfigure"
106   xml_row_name = "Xrow"
107   xml_cell_name = "Xcell"
108   xml_keywords_name = "Xkeywords"
109   xml_term_name = "Xterm"
110   xml_mbox_name = "Xmbox"
111   xml_topic_name = "Xtopic"
112   xml_caption_name = "Xcaption"
113   xml_footnote_name = "Xnote"
114   xml_fbox_name = "Xfbox"
115   xml_box_name = "Xbox"
116   xml_picture_name = "Xpicture"
117   xml_graphics_name = "Xgraphics"
118   xml_figure_name = "Xfigure"
119   xml_table_name = "Xtable"
120   xml_Table_name = "XTable"
121   xml_bezier_name = "Xbezier"
122   xml_put_name = "Xput"
123   xml_line_name = "Xline"
124   xml_vector_name = "Xvector"
125   xml_oval_name = "Xoval"
126   xml_dashline_name = "Xdashline"
127   xml_drawline_name = "Xdrawline"
128   xml_dottedline_name = "Xdottedline"
129   xml_circle_name = "Xcircle"
130 EndType
132 # This one was used for the eurotex paper
134 BeginType  eurotex     % Case eurotex 2003
135   DocType = eurotex tugboat.dtd
136 BeginTitlePage
137   \maketitle <titlepage> "" ""
138   \title <ti> "No title"
139   \netaddress <NetA>  "No address"
140   \personalURL <U> "No url given"
141   \resume E<resume> "Pas de r\'esum\'e"
142   \abstract E<abstract> "no abstract"
143   \author + <author> <auth> "No authors"
144   \address p<address>  "no address"
145 End
146 BeginCommands
147   \def\recurse{\recurse\recurse}
148 EndCommands
149 End
152 # more aliases
153 BeginAlias
154   tpa foo foo2004
155   TPA foo
156   unused foo  foo2003
157 End

The file cedram.tcf

201 ## This is an example of a configuration file for tralics
202 ## Copyright 2006 Inria/apics, Jose' Grimm
203 ## $Id: cedram.tcf,v 1.1 2006/07/17 09:09:06 grimm Exp $
204 ## tralics ident rc=cedram.tcf $Revision: 1.1 $
205   DocType = cedram cedram.dtd #
206 BeginTitlePage 
207   \maketitle <article> "" "'only title page' 
...      'translate also bibliography'"
208    action \getproduction
209   action \getid 
210   \daterecieved <date_reception> "Pas de date"
211   \dateaccepted <date_acceptation> "Pas de date"
212   "<auteur>"
213 #  <nomcomplet> "NC"
214    \firstname <prenom> "FN"  
215    \middlename <middlename> "MN"  
216    \lastname <nom> "LN"  
218   \address q<adresse> "no ad"
219   \email <mel> "no mail"
220   "</auteur>"
221 # <nombre_auteurs>
222 # <nombre_contributeurs>
223   \Ctitle <titre xml:lang='fr'> "TF"
224   \Dtitle <TeXtitre xml:lang='fr'> "TF"
225   \Atitle <titre xml:lang='en'> "TE"
226   \Btitle <TeXtitre xml:lang='en'> "TE"
227   \currentlanguage <langue> "en"
228   \Aabstract e<resume xml:lang='en' > "no abstract"
229   \Babstract e<TEXresume xml:lang='en' > "no abstract"
230   \Cabstract e<resume xml:lang='fr' > "no abstract"
231   \Dabstract e<TEXresume xml:lang='fr' > "no abstract"
232   \altkeywords <motcle xml:lang='fr'> "pas de resume"
233   \keywords <motcle xml:lang='en' > "no abstract"
234   \subjclass <msc> "MSC"
235 End
237 BeginCommands
238   \let\author\relax
239   \def\getproduction{\xbox{production}{
240    \xbox{fichier\_tex}{\jobname}
241    \xbox{fichier\_bib}{\jobname}
242    \xbox{date\_prod}{\the\year-\the\month-\the\day}}}
243   \makeatletter 
244   \def\title{\@reevaluate\Atitle\Btitle}
245   \def\abstract{\@reevaluate*{Aabstract}{Babstract}}
246   \def\altabstract{\@reevaluate*{Cabstract}{Dabstract}}
247   \def\Btitle@helper{\@nomathml=-1 }
248   \def\Dtitle@helper{\@nomathml=-1 }
249   \def\Babstract@helper{\@nomathml=-1 }
250   \def\Dabstract@helper{\@nomathml=-1 }
251   \def\alttitle{\@reevaluate\Ctitle\Dtitle}
252    % for the biblio
253    \renewcommand\bpers[5][\undefined]{%
254    \xbox{nom}{#4}%
255  \ifx#1\undefined\xbox{prenom}{#2}\else
...         \xbox{prenom}{#1}\xbox{initiale}{#2}\fi
256  \xbox{particule}{#3}%
257  \def\tmp{#1\undefined}\ifx\tmp\undefined\else
258  \xbox{junior}{#5}\fi}
260   \expandafter\def\csname cititem-btitle\endcsname{%
261     \bgroup\catcode `\$=12 \@nomathml=1 \citembtitle}
262      \def\citembtitle#1{\xbox{title}{#1}\egroup\@addnl}
263   \def\lastname@hook#1{\textit{#1}}
264 # Following commands used by T.B.
265   \let\nfrac\dfrac
266   \let\pfrac\dfrac
267   \newtheorem{theorem}{Theorem}
268   \newtheorem{proof}{Proof}
269   \newtheorem{lemma}{Lemma}
270   \newtheorem{rema*}{Remark}
271   \newtheorem{remas*}{Remarks}
272   \newtheorem{defi}{Definition}
273   \let \tn\text
274   \let\appendix\relax
275   \let\notag\relax
276   \def\sideset#1#2{}
277   \makeatother 
278 EndCommands

The file tpa.tcf

301 ## This is an example of a configuration file for tralics
302 ## Copyright 2006 Inria/apics, Jose' Grimm
303 ## $Id: tpa.tcf,v 1.3 2006/07/21 08:47:03 grimm Exp $
304 ## tralics ident rc=testa.tcf $Revision: 1.3 $
308   DocType = tpa tpa.dtd
311 BeginTitlePage
312   \InsertTitlepage <titlepage att1='foo' att2='foo2'>
...     "a1='b1' a2='b2'" "from-tpa='ok' from_type='OK'"
313   alias \AInsertTitlepage  "" ""
314   \title <title-element tea='tea-val'> "No title"
315   \utitle <utitle-element tea='utea-val'> "No title"
316   \author + <autL al = 'alval' bl = 'blval'> 
...     <aut auta='autaval'> "No authors"
317   \uauthor + <uautL al='alval' bl='blval'> 
...     <aut auta='autaval'> "No authors"
318   \Eabstract E<abstract ab='AB1'> "no abstract1"
319   \eabstract e<abstract ab='AB2'> "no abstract2"
320   \pabstract p<abstract ab='AB3'> "no abstract3"
321   \abstract <abstract ab='AB4'> "no abstract4"
322   alias \abstractalias
323   \uEabstract E<uabstract ab='AB5' > "no abstract1"
324   \ueabstract e<uabstract ab='AB6'> "no abstract2"
325   \upabstract p<uabstract ab='AB7'> "no abstract3"
326   \uabstract <uabstract ab='AB8'> "no abstract4"
327   alias \uabstractalias
328   <UR> -
329   \URsop ?+ <UR>
330   \URlor ?+ <UR>
331   \Paris ?<UR> <Rocq>
332   <sUR fr='unit&#xe9; de recherche' en='research unit'> -
333   \sURsop ?+ <sUR fr='dans le sud'>
334   \sURlor ?+ <sUR fr=" dans l'est">
335   \sParis ?<sUR> <Rocq en='nearparis'>
336   \myself \author "JG"
337   \himself \author "DEK"  # this is a list def
338   alias \autk
339   \address  <address>  "no adress"
340   \waddress \address "somewhere" # this is a normal def
342   \cmdp <cmdp> +"nodefault" 
343   \cmda <cmdA> A"\cmdAval" 
344   \cmdb <cmdB> B"\cmdBval" 
345   \cmdc <cmdC> C"\cmdCval" 
347 End
348 BeginCommands
349   \def\recurse{\recurse\recurse}
350 EndCommands

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