Result of conversion of miaou2003.tex by tralics -ps.
\documentclass{raweb} \let\xloadbiblio\loadbiblio \let\loadbiblio\relax\let\maketitle\relax\usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amsmath} \def\CC{{\mathbb C}} \newcommand{\etc}{etc} \def\corresp{manager} \begin{document} \def\RAprojet{MIAOU} \def\RAprojetlow{miaou} \def\RAprojetlatex{Miaou} \def\RAprojetfull{Mathématiques et Informatique de l'Automatique et de l'Optimisation pour l'Utilisateur} \RAstartprojet{num}{1}{\RAprojetlatex}{\RAprojetfull}{Sophia Antipolis --- Futurs} \mytableofcontents \maketitle \nocite{*} \loadbiblio \def\RAmysection{composition} \section{\choseRAsection{1}} \RAlabel{MIAOU@\RAmysection@} \RAstartmodule{0}{MIAOU}{1}{en-tete}{} \RAlabel{MIAOU@composition@en-tete} \begin{catperso}{Head of project team} \pers{Laurent}{Baratchart}[DR INRIA] \end{catperso} \begin{catperso}{Vice-head of project team} \pers{Juliette}{Leblond}[CR INRIA] \end{catperso} \begin{catperso}{Administrative assistant} \pers{France}{Limouzis}[AI INRIA, partial time in the project] \end{catperso} \begin{catperso}{Staff member} \pers{José}{Grimm}[CR INRIA] \end{catperso} \begin{catperso}{Ph. D. Students} \pers{David}{Avanessoff}[Fellow, INRIA] \pers{Alex}{Bombrun}[Since November, 1st] \pers{Moncef}{Mahjoub}[Co-advised, ENIT Tunis (in France in February, March, October, November)] \end{catperso} \def\RAmysection{presentation} \section{\choseRAsection{2}} \RAlabel{MIAOU@\RAmysection@} \RAstartmodule{0}{MIAOU}{2}{presentation}{} \RAlabel{MIAOU@presentation@presentation} \begin{moreinfo} The project was terminated June the 30th, 2003. A proposal for a new project named APICS has been submitted to the steering comittee of Inria Sophia Antipolis. \end{moreinfo} The Team develops effective methods for modelling, identification and control of dynamical systems. \subsubsection*{Research Themes} \begin{itemize} \item Meromorphic and rational approximation in the complex domain, application to identification of transfer functions and matrices as well as singularity detection for 2-D Laplace operators. Development of %the hyperion software for frequency domain identification and synthesis of transfer matrices. \item Control and structure of non-linear systems: continuous stabilization, non-linear transformations (linearization, classification). \end{itemize} \subsubsection*{International and industrial partners} \begin{itemize} \item Industrial collaborations with Alcatel-Space, \etc \item Exchanges with CWI CNR (Italy), \etc \item The project is involved in a NATO Collaborative Linkage Grant \etc \end{itemize} \def\RAmysection{fondements} \section{\choseRAsection{3}} \RAlabel{MIAOU@\RAmysection@} \RAstartmodule{2}{MIAOU}{3}{identif}{Identification and deconvolution} \RAlabel{MIAOU@fondements@identif} Let us first introduce the subject of Identification in some generality. Abstracting in the form of mathematical equations the behavior of a phenomenon is a step called \emph{modeling}. It typically serves two purposes: the first is to describe the phenomenon with minimal complexity for some specific purpose, the second is to \emph{predict} its outcome. \etc \subsubsection{Analytic approximation of incomplete boundary data} \label{dida-mero} \label{filtrescnes} \label{didactique-approx-rat-mat} \begin{participants} \pers{Laurent}{Baratchart}, \pers{José}{Grimm}, \pers{Birgit}{Jacob}[University of Leeds (GB)], \pers{Juliette}{Leblond}, \pers{Jean-Paul}{Marmorat}[CMA, École des Mines], \pers{Jonathan}{Partington}, \pers{Fabien}{Seyfert} \end{participants} \begin{motscle} meromorphic approximation, frequency-domain identification, extremal problems \end{motscle} \etc, so that a prototypical Problem is: {\sl ($P$)~~Let $p \geq 1$, $N \geq 0$, $K$ be an arc of the unit circle $T$, $f \in L^p(K)$, $\psi \in L^p(T \setminus K)$ and $M>0$; find a function $g \in H^p + R_N$ such that $\|g - \psi\|_{L^p(T \setminus K)} \leq M$ and such that $g - f$ is of minimal norm in $L^p(K)$ under this constraint.} Problem ($P$) is an extension to the meromorphic case, and to incomplete data, of classical analytic extremal problems (obtained by setting $K=T$ and $N=0$), that generically go under the name \textit{bounded extremal problems}. These have been introduced and intensively studied by the Team, \cite{blpprep} and ~\footcite{partII}. \subsubsection{Scalar rational approximation} \label{didactique-approx-rat-scal} \begin{participants} \pers{Laurent}{Baratchart}, \pers{Reinhold}{Küstner}, \pers{Juliette}{Leblond}, \pers{Martine}{Olivi}, \pers{Edward}{Saff}, \pers{Herbert}{Stahl}, \pers{Franck}{Wielonsky} \end{participants} \begin{motscle} rational approximation, critical point, orthogonal polynomials \end{motscle} \etc. \begin{equation} \label{crit} \left\|f - \frac{p_m}{q_n} \right\|_{L^2(d \mu)} \end{equation} where, by definition, \[ \|g\|_{L^2(d \mu)}^2=\frac{1}{2\pi} \int_{-\pi}^{\pi}|g(e^{i\theta})|^2 d\mu(\theta), \] \etc If one introduces now as a new variable the rational matrix $R$ defined by \[ R=\left(\begin{array}{cc} L & H \\ 0 & I_m \end{array} \right)^{-1} \] and if $T$ stands for the first block-row, normalizing the variance of the noise to be identity, the maximum likelihood estimator is asymptotically equivalent, when the sample size increases, to the minimization of \begin{equation} \label{defLL} \|T\|_{\Lambda}^2={\bf Tr}\left\{\frac{1}{2\pi} \int_{0}^{2\pi}T(e^{i\theta})\, d\Lambda(\theta)\,T^*(e^{i\theta})\right\}, \end{equation} where $\Lambda$ is the spectral measure of the process $(y~u)^t$ (which positive and matrix-valued) and where ${\bf Tr}$ indicates the trace. \subsubsection{Continuous stabilization} Stabilization by continuous state feedback \etc \paragraph{Periodic stabilisation of non-linear systems.} It is known that \etc \paragraph{Control Lyapunov functions.} Lyapunov functions are \etc \def\RAmysection{domaine} \section{\choseRAsection{4}} \RAlabel{MIAOU@\RAmysection@} \RAstartmodule{1}{MIAOU}{4}{chapeau}{} \RAlabel{MIAOU@domaine@chapeau} The activity of the team focuses on two bottom lines, namely \etc \RAstartmodule{1}{MIAOU}{4}{dom-fissures}{Geometric inverse problems for the Laplacian} \RAlabel{MIAOU@domaine@dom-fissures} \begin{participants} \pers{Laurent}{Baratchart} \end{participants} \begin{motscle} % non destructive inverse problem, Laplace equation, non destructive control, tomography \end{motscle} Localizing cracks, \etc \RAstartmodule{1}{MIAOU}{4}{resonn}{Identification and design of resonant systems} \RAlabel{MIAOU@domaine@resonn} \begin{motscle} telecommunications, multiplexing, filtering device, hyperfrequency, surface waves \end{motscle} \RAstartmodule{1}{MIAOU}{4}{spatial}{Spatial mechanics} \RAlabel{MIAOU@domaine@spatial} \etc \RAstartmodule{2}{MIAOU}{4}{optique}{Non-linear Optics} \RAlabel{MIAOU@domaine@optique} \etc \RAstartmodule{1}{MIAOU}{4}{plat}{Transformations and equivalence of non-linear systems} \RAlabel{MIAOU@domaine@plat} \begin{participants} \pers{Laurent}{Baratchart}, \pers{Jean-Baptiste}{Pomet}, \pers{David}{Avanessoff} \end{participants} \begin{motscle} path planning, mobile cybernetics, identification, {(max,plus) algebra} \end{motscle} \etc \def\RAmysection{logiciels} \section{\choseRAsection{5}} \RAlabel{MIAOU@\RAmysection@} \RAstartmodule{1}{MIAOU}{5}{hyperion}{The hyperion software} \RAlabel{MIAOU@logiciels@hyperion} \begin{participants} \pers{José}{Grimm}[\corresp], \pers{Fabien}{Seyfert}, \pers{Franck}{Wielonsky} \end{participants} \etc \RAstartmodule{1}{MIAOU}{5}{logi-tralics}{The Tralics software} \RAlabel{MIAOU@logiciels@logi-tralics} \begin{participant} \pers{José}{Grimm}[\corresp] \end{participant} \etc. \nocite{tralics-eurotex} \RAstartmodule{1}{MIAOU}{5}{RARL2}{The RARL2 software} \RAlabel{MIAOU@logiciels@RARL2} \begin{participant} \pers{Jean-Paul}{Marmorat}, \pers{Martine}{Olivi}[\corresp] \end{participant} RARL2 (Réalisation interne et Approximation Rationnelle L2) is a software for rational approximation (see module \ref{didactique-approx-rat-mat}). Its web page is \htmladdnormallink{\url{}} {}. \RAstartmodule{1}{MIAOU}{5}{RGC}{The RGC software} \RAlabel{MIAOU@logiciels@RGC} \begin{participants} \pers{Fabien}{Seyfert}, \pers{Jean-Paul}{Marmorat} \end{participants} The RGC software \etc \RAstartmodule{1}{MIAOU}{5}{PRESTO-HF}{PRESTO-HF} \RAlabel{MIAOU@logiciels@PRESTO-HF} \begin{participant} \pers{Fabien}{Seyfert} \end{participant} PRESTO-HF: a toolbox dedicated to lowpass parameter identification for hyperfrequency filters \htmladdnormallink{\url{}} {} \etc \def\RAmysection{resultats} \section{\choseRAsection{6}} \RAlabel{MIAOU@\RAmysection@} \RAstartmodule{1}{MIAOU}{6}{tralics}{Tralics: a Latex to XML Translator} \RAlabel{MIAOU@resultats@tralics} The main philosophy of Tralics is to have the same parser as \TeX, but the same semantics as \LaTeX. This means that commands like \verb+\chardef+, \verb+\catcode+, \verb+\ifx+, \verb+\expandafter+, \verb+\csname+, etc., that are not described in the \LaTeX\ book and not implemented in translators like latex2html, tth, hévéa, etc., are recognised by Tralics. This year we added constructions like \verb=\endlinechar=, \verb=\read=, \verb=\uppercase=, \verb=\endinput=, which are less used, and a bit tricky. Note that a construction like \verb=\ifdim\wd0>0pt\fi= is recognised by the parser, but there is no way to change the size of the box number zero, so that the test is always false. For more information, see the \htmladdnormallink{Tralics web page}{}. \begin{figure} \includegraphics[width=15cm]{xml-route} \label{xml-route} \caption{A slide that explains how the raweb operates. Rectangular boxes contain tools, diamond-shape boxes are style sheets, and ellipses contain language names; the name XML is in a double ellipse, it is the central object. The Perl script that handles the math formulas is not shown here; it uses tools borrowed from latex2html.} \end{figure} \RAstartmodule{1}{MIAOU}{6}{Couplages-Algebrique}{Parametrizations of matrix-valued lossless functions} \RAlabel{MIAOU@resultats@Couplages-Algebrique} \etc \RAstartmodule{1}{MIAOU}{6}{martine2}{The mathematics of Surface Acoustic Wave filters} \RAlabel{MIAOU@resultats@martine2} \etc \RAstartmodule{1}{MIAOU}{6}{nat}{Scientific Committees} \RAlabel{MIAOU@resultats@nat} L. Baratchart is member of the editorial board of \textit{Computational Methods in Function Theory}. \def\RAmysection{contrats} \section{\choseRAsection{7}} \RAlabel{MIAOU@\RAmysection@} \RAstartmodule{0}{MIAOU}{7}{cnes}{Contract ABCD-EFGH-INRIA} \RAlabel{MIAOU@contrats@cnes} Contract \no 1 03 E 2145% this number is OK In the framework of a contract that links ABCD, EFGH and Inria, whose objective is \etc the work of Inria has been \begin{itemize} \item \etc see module \ref{filtrescnes}, \item \etc (see module \moduleref{MIAOU}{resultats}{Couplages-Algebrique}), \item modeling and \etc, see module \ref{filtrescnes}. \end{itemize} In this contract, we promised version 1 of our software to both partners. This contract has been renewed in 2003. \RAstartmodule{0}{MIAOU}{7}{aspi-c}{Contract Company Somename (Cannes)} \RAlabel{MIAOU@contrats@aspi-c} Contract \no 1 01 E 0736. This contract started in 2001, for three years. The objective is \etc \RAstartmodule{0}{MIAOU}{7}{c-marcoussis}{Contract OtherName} \RAlabel{MIAOU@contrats@c-marcoussis} Contract \no 1 02 E 0327. This was a one year contract, that ended formally in February, 2003. \begin{description} \item[Subject.] Objective was \etc \item[Outcome.] We have contributed to \etc \end{description} \def\RAmysection{international} \section{\choseRAsection{8}} \RAlabel{MIAOU@\RAmysection@} \RAstartmodule{0}{MIAOU}{8}{nationale}{National Actions} \RAlabel{MIAOU@international@nationale} Together with project-teams Caiman and Odyssée (INRIA-Sophia Antipolis, ENPC), the University of Nice (J.A. Dieudonné lab.), CEA, CNRS-LENA (Paris), and a few French hospitals, we are part of the national action \textbf{ACI Masse de données «~OBS-CERV~»}, 2003-2006 (inverse problems, EEG). The \textbf{region PACA} (Provence Alpes Côte d'Azur) is partially supporting the post-doctaral stay of Per Enquist until May, 2004. We also obtained a (modest) grant from the region for exchanges with SISSA Trieste (Italy), 2003-2004. \RAstartmodule{0}{MIAOU}{8}{cee}{Actions Funded by the EC} \RAlabel{MIAOU@international@cee} The Team \etc The Team is member of the \textbf{TMR network} \emph{European Research Network on System Identification} (ERNSI), see \htmladdnormallink{\url{}}{}. This formally ended in February. A new proposal of a Research Training Network (RTN) has been submitted to the EC. The team obtained a \textbf{Marie Curie EIF} (Intra European Fellowship) FP6-2002-Mobility-5-502062, for 24 months (2003-2005). This finances Mario Sigalotti's post-doc. The Team is a member of the \textbf{Marie Curie multi-partner training site} \emph{Control Training Site}, number HPMT-CT-2001-00278, 2001-2005. See \htmladdnormallink{\url{}}{}. The project is member of Working Group Control and System Theory of the \textbf{ERCIM} consortium, see \htmladdnormallink{\url{}}{}. \RAstartmodule{0}{MIAOU}{8}{monde}{Extra-european International Actions} \RAlabel{MIAOU@international@monde} \textbf{NATO CLG} (Collaborative Linkage Grant), PST.CLG.979703, «~Constructive approximation and inverse diffusion problems~», with Vanderbilt Univ. (Nashville, USA) et le LAMSIN-ENIT (Tunis, Tu.), 2003-2005. \RAstartmodule{0}{MIAOU}{8}{accueil}{Exterior research visitors} \RAlabel{MIAOU@international@accueil} \iffalse Ceci est un test de moduleref: compo\moduleref{MIAOU}{composition}{} presen\moduleref{MIAOU}{presentation}{} fonde\moduleref{MIAOU}{fondements}{} dom\moduleref{MIAOU}{domaine}{} logici\moduleref{MIAOU}{logiciels}{} resu \moduleref{MIAOU}{resultats}{} resu \moduleref{MIAOU}{contrats}{} resu \moduleref{MIAOU}{international}{} resu \moduleref{MIAOU}{diffusion}{} logi-tra\moduleref{MIAOU}{logiciels}{tralics} \fi 1=\ref{crit}, 2=\ref{xml-route}, 3=\moduleref{MIAOU}{fondements}{} 4=\moduleref{MIAOU}{fondements}{identif} 5=\ref{filtrescnes} In addition to the ``Scientific advisors'' and to the ``Visiting scientists'' listed in section \moduleref{MIAOU}{composition}{}, the following scientists visited us in 2003. \begin{itemize} \item Mohamed Jaoua (Lamsin-ENIT, Tunis). \item Herbert Stahl (TU Berlin). \item \etc \end{itemize} \def\RAmysection{diffusion} \section{\choseRAsection{9}} \RAlabel{MIAOU@\RAmysection@} \RAstartmodule{0}{MIAOU}{9}{dif-ens}{Teaching} \RAlabel{MIAOU@diffusion@dif-ens} \begin{description} \item [Courses] \ \begin{itemize} \item D. Avanessoff \etc \item L. Baratchart, \etc \item J. Leblond \etc \end{itemize} \item [Trainees] \ \begin{itemize} \item Antoine Chaillet, \etc \end{itemize} \item[Ph.D. Students] \ \begin{itemize} \item David Avanessoff, «~Linéarisation \etc~» (dynamic linearization \etc) \item Fehmi Ben Hassen, <<~Localisation \etc~>>, \item Alex Bombrun, \etc \end{itemize} \item[Ph.D. thesis defended] \ \begin{itemize} \item Reinhold Küstner, \etc \end{itemize} \end{description} L. Baratchart was (president|rapporteur|examinateur)\footnote{Rayer les mentions inutiles} of the Thesis of X and Y and Z\footnote{Remplacer les lettres par des noms}. \RAstartmodule{0}{MIAOU}{9}{dif-anim}{Community service} \RAlabel{MIAOU@diffusion@dif-anim} L. Baratchart is a member of the ``bureau'' of the CP (Comité des Projets) of INRIA-Sophia Antipolis. \RAstartmodule{0}{MIAOU}{9}{dif-conf}{Conferences and workshops} \RAlabel{MIAOU@diffusion@dif-conf} \begin{glossaire}\glo{A}{B\par C}\glo{A1}{B1\par C1}\end{glossaire} Talks, courses, sessions, software demonstrations at the CNRS-INRIA summer school ``Harmonic analysis and rational approximation: their r\^oles in signals, control and dynamical systems theory'', Porquerolles, september. \htmladdnormallink{\url{}} {} J. Grimm gave a talk about Tralics at Eurotex 2003 (Brest) \section{\choseRAsection{10}} \xloadbiblio \bibliography{miaou2003} \end{document}
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Last modified $Date: 2006/07/03 16:30:39 $