Example of a raweb source file. This file is an extract from the RAWEB of the miaou project. The syntax for the `composition' module has changed in 2006.
001 \documentclass{ra2003} 002 \usepackage{amsfonts} 003 \usepackage{amsmath} 004 \theme{4a} 005 \isproject{YES} % \isproject{OUI} works also 006 \projet{MIAOU}{Miaou}{Mathématiques et Informatique de l'Automatique et de l'Optimisation pour l'Utilisateur} 007 \UR{\URSophia\URFuturs} 009 \def\CC{{\mathbb C}} 010 \newcommand{\etc}{etc} 011 \def\corresp{manager} 013 \declaretopic{abc}{Topic abc} 014 \declaretopic{def}{Topic def} 016 \begin{document} 019 \maketitle 020 \nocite{*} 022 \begin{module}{composition}{en-tete}{} 024 \begin{catperso}{Head of project team} 025 \pers{Laurent}{Baratchart}[DR INRIA] 026 \end{catperso} 028 \begin{catperso}{Vice-head of project team} 029 \pers{Juliette}{Leblond}[CR INRIA] 030 \end{catperso} 032 \begin{catperso}{Administrative assistant} 033 \pers{France}{Limouzis}[AI INRIA, partial time in the project] 034 \end{catperso} 036 \begin{catperso}{Staff member} 037 \pers{José}{Grimm}[CR INRIA] 038 \end{catperso} 040 \begin{catperso}{Ph. D. Students} 041 \pers{David}{Avanessoff}[Fellow, INRIA] 042 \pers{Alex}{Bombrun}[Since November, 1st] 043 \pers{Moncef}{Mahjoub}[Co-advised, ENIT Tunis (in France in February, March, October, November)] 044 \end{catperso} 045 \end{module} 047 \begin{module}{presentation}{presentation}{} 048 \begin{moreinfo} 049 The project was terminated June the 30th, 2003. 050 A proposal for a new project named APICS has been submitted to the steering 051 comittee of Inria Sophia Antipolis. 052 \end{moreinfo} 054 The Team develops effective methods for modelling, identification and control 055 of dynamical systems. 057 \subsubsection*{Research Themes} 058 \begin{itemize} 059 \item Meromorphic and rational approximation in the complex domain, 060 application to identification of transfer functions and matrices as well as 061 singularity detection for 2-D Laplace operators. Development of 062 %the hyperion 063 software for frequency domain identification and synthesis of transfer 064 matrices. 065 \item Control and structure of non-linear systems: continuous stabilization, 066 non-linear transformations (linearization, classification). 067 \end{itemize} 069 \subsubsection*{International and industrial partners} 071 \begin{itemize} 072 \item Industrial collaborations with Alcatel-Space, \etc 073 \item Exchanges with CWI CNR (Italy), \etc 074 \item The project is involved in a NATO Collaborative Linkage Grant \etc 075 \end{itemize} 076 \end{module} 079 \begin{module}[def]{fondements}{identif}{Identification and deconvolution} 080 Let us first introduce the subject of Identification in some generality. 082 Abstracting in the form 083 of mathematical equations the behavior of a phenomenon is 084 a step called \emph{modeling}. It typically serves two purposes: the first 085 is to describe the phenomenon with minimal complexity for some specific 086 purpose, 087 the second is to \emph{predict} its outcome. \etc 090 \subsubsection{Analytic approximation of incomplete boundary data} 091 \label{dida-mero} 092 \label{filtrescnes} 093 \label{didactique-approx-rat-mat} 094 \begin{participants} 095 \pers{Laurent}{Baratchart}, 096 \pers{José}{Grimm}, 097 \pers{Birgit}{Jacob}[University of Leeds (GB)], 098 \pers{Juliette}{Leblond}, 099 \pers{Jean-Paul}{Marmorat}[CMA, École des Mines], 100 \pers{Jonathan}{Partington}, 101 \pers{Fabien}{Seyfert} 102 \end{participants} 104 \begin{motscle} 105 meromorphic approximation, frequency-domain identification, 106 extremal problems 107 \end{motscle} 109 \etc, so that a prototypical Problem is: 111 {\sl ($P$)~~Let $p \geq 1$, $N \geq 0$, $K$ be an arc of the unit circle $T$, 112 $f \in L^p(K)$, $\psi \in L^p(T \setminus K)$ and $M>0$; 113 find a function $g \in H^p + R_N$ such that 114 $\|g - \psi\|_{L^p(T \setminus K)} \leq M$ and such that $g - f$ 115 is of minimal norm in $L^p(K)$ under this constraint.} 117 Problem ($P$) is an extension to the meromorphic case, and to incomplete data, 118 of classical analytic extremal problems (obtained 119 by setting $K=T$ and $N=0$), that generically go under the name 120 \textit{bounded extremal problems}. 121 These have been introduced and intensively studied by the Team, 122 \cite{blpprep} and ~\footcite{partII}. 124 \subsubsection{Scalar rational approximation} 125 \label{didactique-approx-rat-scal} 126 \begin{participants} 127 \pers{Laurent}{Baratchart}, 128 \pers{Reinhold}{Küstner}, 129 \pers{Juliette}{Leblond}, 130 \pers{Martine}{Olivi}, 131 \pers{Edward}{Saff}, 132 \pers{Herbert}{Stahl}, 133 \pers{Franck}{Wielonsky} 134 \end{participants} 136 \begin{motscle} 137 rational approximation, critical point, orthogonal polynomials 138 \end{motscle} 139 \etc. 140 \begin{equation} 141 \label{crit} 142 \left\|f - \frac{p_m}{q_n} \right\|_{L^2(d \mu)} 143 \end{equation} 144 where, by definition, 145 \[ 146 \|g\|_{L^2(d \mu)}^2=\frac{1}{2\pi} \int_{-\pi}^{\pi}|g(e^{i\theta})|^2 147 d\mu(\theta), 148 \] 150 \etc 152 If one introduces now as a new variable the rational matrix $R$ defined by 153 \[ 154 R=\left(\begin{array}{cc} 155 L & H \\ 156 0 & I_m 157 \end{array} \right)^{-1} 158 \] 159 and if $T$ stands for the first block-row, 160 normalizing the variance of the noise to be identity, the maximum likelihood 161 estimator is asymptotically equivalent, when the sample size increases, 162 to the minimization of 163 \begin{equation} 164 \label{defLL} 165 \|T\|_{\Lambda}^2={\bf Tr}\left\{\frac{1}{2\pi} 166 \int_{0}^{2\pi}T(e^{i\theta})\, 167 d\Lambda(\theta)\,T^*(e^{i\theta})\right\}, 168 \end{equation} 169 where $\Lambda$ is the spectral measure of the process $(y~u)^t$ 170 (which positive and matrix-valued) 171 and where ${\bf Tr}$ indicates the trace. 173 \subsubsection{Continuous stabilization} 174 Stabilization by continuous state feedback \etc 176 \paragraph{Periodic stabilisation of non-linear systems.} 177 It is known that \etc 179 \paragraph{Control Lyapunov functions.} 180 Lyapunov functions are \etc 181 \end{module} 183 \begin{module}{domaine}{chapeau}{} 184 The activity of the team focuses on two bottom lines, namely \etc 185 \end{module} 187 \begin{module}{}{dom-fissures}{Geometric inverse problems 188 for the Laplacian} 189 \begin{participants} 190 \pers{Laurent}{Baratchart} 191 \end{participants} 193 \begin{motscle} % non destructive 194 inverse problem, Laplace equation, non destructive control, tomography 195 \end{motscle} 197 Localizing cracks, \etc 198 \end{module} 201 \begin{module}{domaine}{resonn}{Identification and design of resonant systems} 202 \begin{motscle} 203 telecommunications, multiplexing, filtering device, hyperfrequency, surface waves 204 \end{motscle} 205 \end{module} 207 \begin{module}[abc]{domaine}{spatial}{Spatial mechanics} 208 \etc 209 \end{module} 212 \begin{module}[def]{domaine}{optique}{Non-linear Optics} 213 \etc 214 \end{module} 217 \begin{module}{international}{domaine}{plat}{Transformations and equivalence of non-linear systems} 219 \begin{participants} 220 \pers{Laurent}{Baratchart}, 221 \pers{Jean-Baptiste}{Pomet}, 222 \pers{David}{Avanessoff} 223 \end{participants} 225 \begin{motscle} 226 path planning, mobile cybernetics, identification, {(max,plus) algebra} 227 \end{motscle} 228 \etc 229 \end{module} 231 \begin{module}{logiciels}{hyperion}{The hyperion software} 233 \begin{participants} 234 \pers{José}{Grimm}[\corresp], 235 \pers{Fabien}{Seyfert}, 236 \pers{Franck}{Wielonsky} 237 \end{participants} 238 \etc 239 \end{module} 241 \begin{module}{logiciels}{logi-tralics}{The Tralics software} 243 \begin{participant} 244 \pers{José}{Grimm}[\corresp] 245 \end{participant} 246 \etc. \nocite{tralics-eurotex} 247 \end{module} 249 \begin{module}{logiciels}{RARL2}{The RARL2 software} 250 \begin{participant} 251 \pers{Jean-Paul}{Marmorat}, 252 \pers{Martine}{Olivi}[\corresp] 253 \end{participant} 255 RARL2 (Réalisation interne et Approximation Rationnelle L2) is a software for 256 rational approximation (see module \ref{didactique-approx-rat-mat}). Its web 257 page is 258 \htmladdnormallink{\url{http://www-sop.inria.fr/miaou/RARL2/rarl2.html}} 259 {http://www-sop.inria.fr/miaou/RARL2/rarl2.html}. 260 \end{module} 262 \begin{module}{logiciels}{RGC}{The RGC software} 265 \begin{participants} 266 \pers{Fabien}{Seyfert}, 267 \pers{Jean-Paul}{Marmorat} 268 \end{participants} 270 The RGC software \etc 271 \end{module} 273 \begin{module}{logiciels}{PRESTO-HF}{PRESTO-HF} 274 \begin{participant} 275 \pers{Fabien}{Seyfert} 276 \end{participant} 278 PRESTO-HF: a toolbox dedicated to lowpass parameter identification for 279 hyperfrequency filters 280 \htmladdnormallink{\url {http://www-sop.inria.fr/miaou/Fabien.Seyfert/Presto_web_page/presto_pres.html}} 281 {http://www-sop.inria.fr/miaou/Fabien.Seyfert/Presto_web_page/presto_pres.html} 282 \etc 284 \end{module} 286 \begin{module}{resultats}{tralics}{Tralics: a Latex to XML Translator} 288 The main philosophy of Tralics is to have the same parser as \TeX, but the 289 same semantics as \LaTeX. This means that commands like \verb+\chardef+, 290 \verb+\catcode+, \verb+\ifx+, \verb+\expandafter+, \verb+\csname+, etc., 291 that are not described in the \LaTeX\ book and not implemented in translators 292 like latex2html, tth, hévéa, etc., are recognised by Tralics. This year we 293 added constructions like \verb=\endlinechar=, \verb=\read=, 294 \verb=\uppercase=, \verb=\endinput=, which are less used, and a bit tricky. 295 Note that a construction like \verb=\ifdim\wd0>0pt\fi= is recognised by the 296 parser, but there is no way to change the size of the box number zero, so that 297 the test is always false. 290 For more information, see the 300 \htmladdnormallink{Tralics web page}{http://www-sop.inria.fr/miaou/tralics/}. 302 \begin{figure} 303 \includegraphics[width=15cm]{xml-route} 304 \label{xml-route} 305 \caption{A slide that explains how the raweb operates. Rectangular boxes contain 306 tools, diamond-shape boxes are style sheets, and ellipses contain language 307 names; the name XML is in a double ellipse, it is the central object. The 308 Perl script that handles the math formulas is not shown here; it uses tools 309 borrowed from latex2html.} 310 \end{figure} 312 \end{module} 314 \begin{module}{resultats}{Couplages-Algebrique} {Parametrizations of matrix-valued lossless functions} 315 \etc 316 \end{module} 318 \begin{module}{resultats}{martine2}{The mathematics of Surface Acoustic Wave filters} 319 \etc 320 \end{module} 322 \begin{module}[abc]{contrats}{cnes}{Contract ABCD-EFGH-INRIA} 324 Contract \no 1 03 E 2145% this number is OK 326 In the framework of a contract that links ABCD, EFGH and Inria, 327 whose objective is \etc the work of Inria has been 328 \begin{itemize} 329 \item \etc see module \ref{filtrescnes}, 330 \item \etc (see module \moduleref{MIAOU}{resultats}{Couplages-Algebrique}), 331 \item modeling and \etc, see module \ref{filtrescnes}. 332 \end{itemize} 333 In this contract, we promised version 1 of our software to both partners. 334 This contract has been renewed in 2003. 335 \end{module} 338 \begin{module}{contrats}{aspi-c}{Contract Company Somename (Cannes)} 340 Contract \no 1 01 E 0736. 342 This contract started in 2001, for three years. 343 The objective is \etc 344 \end{module} 346 \begin{module}{contrats}{c-marcoussis}{Contract OtherName} 348 Contract \no 1 02 E 0327. 349 This was a one year contract, that ended formally in February, 2003. 350 \begin{description} 351 \item[Subject.] Objective was \etc 352 \item[Outcome.] We have contributed to \etc 353 \end{description} 354 \end{module} 359 \begin{module}{resultats}{nat}{Scientific Committees} 361 L. Baratchart is member of the editorial board of \textit{Computational 362 Methods in Function Theory}. 364 \end{module} 366 \begin{module}{international}{nationale}{National Actions} 368 Together with project-teams Caiman and Odyssée 369 (INRIA-Sophia Antipolis, ENPC), the University of Nice (J.A. Dieudonné lab.), 370 CEA, CNRS-LENA (Paris), and a few French hospitals, we are part of the 371 national action \textbf{ACI Masse de données «~OBS-CERV~»}, 2003-2006 (inverse 372 problems, EEG). 374 The \textbf{region PACA} (Provence Alpes Côte d'Azur) is partially supporting 375 the post-doctaral stay of Per Enquist until May, 2004. We also obtained a (modest) grant from 376 the region for exchanges with SISSA Trieste (Italy), 2003-2004. 378 \end{module} 380 \begin{module}{international}{cee}{Actions Funded by the EC} 381 The Team \etc 382 The Team is member of the \textbf{TMR network} 383 \emph{European Research Network on System Identification} (ERNSI), see 384 \htmladdnormallink{\url{http://www.cwi.nl/~schuppen/ernsi/ernsihp.html}} {http://www.cwi.nl/~schuppen/ernsi/ernsihp.html}. 385 This formally ended in February. A new proposal of a Research Training Network 386 (RTN) has been submitted to the EC. 388 The team obtained a \textbf{Marie Curie EIF} (Intra European Fellowship) 389 FP6-2002-Mobility-5-502062, for 24 months (2003-2005). This finances Mario 390 Sigalotti's post-doc. 392 The Team is a member of the \textbf{Marie Curie multi-partner training site} 393 \emph{Control Training Site}, number HPMT-CT-2001-00278, 2001-2005. See 394 \htmladdnormallink{\url{http://www.supelec.fr/lss/CTS/}}{http://www.supelec.fr/lss/CTS/}. 396 The project is member of Working Group Control and System Theory 397 of the \textbf{ERCIM} consortium, see 398 \htmladdnormallink{\url{http://www.ladseb.pd.cnr.it/control/ercim/control.html}} {http://www.ladseb.pd.cnr.it/control/ercim/control.html}. 399 \end{module} 401 \begin{module}{international}{monde}{Extra-european International Actions} 402 \textbf{NATO CLG} (Collaborative Linkage Grant), PST.CLG.979703, 403 «~Constructive approximation and inverse diffusion problems~», with 404 Vanderbilt Univ. (Nashville, USA) et le LAMSIN-ENIT (Tunis, Tu.), 2003-2005. 405 \end{module} 407 \begin{module}{international}{accueil}{Exterior research visitors} 408 \iffalse 409 Ceci est un test de moduleref: 410 compo\moduleref{MIAOU}{composition}{} 411 presen\moduleref{MIAOU}{presentation}{} 412 fonde\moduleref{MIAOU}{fondements}{} 413 dom\moduleref{MIAOU}{domaine}{} 414 logici\moduleref{MIAOU}{logiciels}{} 415 resu \moduleref{MIAOU}{resultats}{} 416 resu \moduleref{MIAOU}{contrats}{} 417 resu \moduleref{MIAOU}{international}{} 418 resu \moduleref{MIAOU}{diffusion}{} 419 logi-tra\moduleref{MIAOU}{logiciels}{tralics} 420 \fi 421 1=\ref{crit}, 2=\ref{xml-route}, 3=\moduleref{MIAOU}{fondements}{} 4=\moduleref{MIAOU}{fondements}{identif} 5=\ref{filtrescnes} 423 In addition to the ``Scientific advisors'' and to the ``Visiting scientists'' 424 listed in section \moduleref{MIAOU}{composition}{}, 425 the following scientists visited us in 2003. 426 \begin{itemize} 427 \item Mohamed Jaoua (Lamsin-ENIT, Tunis). 428 \item Herbert Stahl (TU Berlin). 429 \item \etc 430 \end{itemize} 431 \end{module} 433 \begin{module}{diffusion}{dif-ens}{Teaching} 435 \begin{description} 436 \item [Courses] \ 437 \begin{itemize} 438 \item D. Avanessoff \etc 439 \item L. Baratchart, \etc 440 \item J. Leblond \etc 441 \end{itemize} 443 \item [Trainees] \ 444 \begin{itemize} 445 \item Antoine Chaillet, \etc 446 \end{itemize} 448 \item[Ph.D. Students] \ 449 \begin{itemize} 450 \item David Avanessoff, «~Linéarisation \etc~» 451 (dynamic linearization \etc) 452 \item Fehmi Ben Hassen, <<~Localisation \etc~>>, 453 \item Alex Bombrun, \etc 454 \end{itemize} 455 \item[Ph.D. thesis defended] \ 456 \begin{itemize} 457 \item Reinhold Küstner, \etc 458 \end{itemize} 459 \end{description} 461 L. Baratchart was (president|rapporteur|examinateur)\footnote{Rayer les 462 mentions inutiles} 463 of the Thesis of X and Y 464 and Z\footnote{Remplacer les lettres par des noms}. 466 \end{module} 468 \begin{module}{diffusion}{dif-anim}{Community service} 470 L. Baratchart is a member of the ``bureau'' of the CP 471 (Comité des Projets) of INRIA-Sophia Antipolis. 472 \end{module} 474 \begin{module}{diffusion}{dif-conf}{Conferences and workshops} 475 \begin{glossaire}\glo{A}{B\par C}\glo{A1}{B1\par C1}\end{glossaire} 477 Talks, courses, sessions, software demonstrations at the 478 CNRS-INRIA summer school ``Harmonic analysis and rational approximation: their 479 r\^oles in signals, control and dynamical systems theory'', 480 Porquerolles, september. 481 \htmladdnormallink{\url{http://www-sop.inria.fr/miaou/anap03/index.en.html}} 482 {http://www-sop.inria.fr/miaou/anap03/index.en.html} 484 J. Grimm gave a talk about Tralics at Eurotex 2003 (Brest) 485 \end{module} 488 \loadbiblio 489 \end{document}
@InProceedings{tralics-eurotex, author = {José Grimm}, title = {Tralics, a {\LaTeX} to XML Translator}, booktitle = {Proceedings of Eurotex}, year = 2003 } @InProceedings{seyfertIMS2003, author={F. Seyfert and J.-P. Marmorat and L. Baratchart and S. Bila and J. Sombrin}, title={Extraction of Coupling Parameters For Microwave Filters: Determination of a Stable Rational Model from Scattering Data}, journal={Proceedings of the International Microwave Symposium, Philadelphia}, year={2003} } @Misc{brevet, author = {{European patent No. 03292257.7-}}, note = {Title: ``wavelength converter''. Applicant/proprietor: Alcatel. Inventors: B. Lavigne, O. Leclerc, J.-P. Moncelet, A. Bombrun, F. Seyfert, J.-B. Pomet}, month = sep, year = 2003, howpublished = {European patent office} } @PhdThesis{TheseReinhold, author = {Küstner, Reinhold}, title = {Asymptotic Zero Distribution of Orthogonal Polynomials with respect to Complex Measures having Argument of Bounded Variation}, school = {Université de Nice}, year = 2003, month = apr } @Article{blpprep, author = {L. Baratchart and J. Grimm and J. Leblond and J. R. Partington}, title = {Approximation and interpolation in $H^2$: Toeplitz operators, recovery problems and error bounds}, journal = {Integral Equations and Operator Theory}, year = 2003, volume = 45, pages={269--299} } @TechReport{Avan-Bar-Pom03rr, author = {Avanessoff, D. and Baratchart, L. and Pomet, J.-B.}, title = {Sur l'intégrabilité (très) formelle d'une partie des équations de la platitude des systèmes de contrôle}, institution = {INRIA}, year = 2003, number = 5045, type = {Rapport de recherche}, month = dec, url = {http://www.inria.fr/rrrt/rr-5045.html} } @TechReport{Bara-Chy-Pom03, author = {Baratchart, Laurent and Chyba, Monique and Pomet, Jean-Baptiste}, title = {On the Grobman-Hartman theorem for control systems}, institution = {INRIA}, year = 2003, type = {Rapport de recherche}, number = 5040, month = dec, note={submitted to J. of differential equations}, url = {\rrrt{rr-5040}} } Bibtex standard entry types Tralics complains if the year is not 2003. The note field is always optional An URL field is always accepted. @Article{std1, author = {Mittelbach, Frank and Michel Goossens}, title = {An article from a journal or magazine}, journal = {Journal}, year = {2003}, OPTkey = {}, volume = {opt-volume}, number = {opt-number}, pages = {opt-pages}, month = {opt-month}, note = {The note}, } @Book{std2, author = {Mittelbach, Frank and Michel Goossens}, ALTeditor = {Give author or editor}, title = {A book with an explicit publisher}, publisher = {The Publisher}, year = {2003}, volume = {opt-volume}, OPTnumber = {volume or number}, series = {opt-series}, address = {opt-address}, edition = {opt-edition}, month = {opt-month}, note = {The note}, } @Booklet{std3, title = {A work that is printed and bound, but without a named publisher or sponsoring institution}, author = {Optional Author}, howpublished = {opt-howpublished}, address = {Address of Publisher}, month = {opt-month}, year = {2003}, note = {The note}, } @InBook{std4, ALTauthor = {Give author or editor}, editor = {Mittelbach, Frank and Michel Goossens}, title = {A part of a book, e.g. a chapter, section, or whatever and/or a range of pages}, chapter = {4321}, publisher = {A Publisher}, year = {2003}, volume = {opt-volume}, OPTnumber = {volume or number}, series = {opt-series}, type = {opt-type}, address = {opt-address}, edition = {opt-edition}, month = {opt-month}, pages = {123--125}, note = {The note}, } @InCollection{std5, author = {Mittelbach, Frank and Michel Goossens}, title = {A part of a book having its own title}, booktitle = {The title of the book}, pages = {opt-pages}, publisher = {Publisher of the paper}, year = {2003}, editor = {Optional Editor and His Family}, volume = {opt-volume}, OPTnumber = {volume or number}, series = {opt-series}, type = {opt-type}, chapter = {opt-chapter}, address = {Optional Address}, edition = {opt-edition}, month = {opt-month}, note = {The note}, } @InProceedings{std6, author = {Mittelbach, Frank and Michel Goossens}, title = {An article in a conference proceedings}, booktitle = {Title of the proceedings}, pages = {opt-pages}, year = {2003}, editor = {One Editor and His Family}, volume = {opt-volume}, OPTnumber = {volume or number}, series = {opt-series}, address = {Optional Address}, month = {opt-month}, organization = {Optional Organization of the Conference}, publisher = {Optional Publisher}, note = {The note}, } @Manual{std7, title = {Technical documentation}, author = {Optional Author}, organization = {Optional Organization}, address = {Optional Address}, edition = {opt-edition}, month = {opt-month}, year = {2003}, note = {The Note}, } @MastersThesis{std8, author = {Mittelbach, Frank and Michel Goossens}, title = {A master's thesis}, school = {School of the thesis}, year = {2003}, type = {Optional Type}, address = {Optional Address}, month = {opt-month}, note = {The note}, } @Misc{std9, author = {Optional Author}, title = {Use this when nothing else fits. {A} warning will be issued if all optional fields are empty (i.e. the entire field is empty)}, howpublished = {opt-howpublished}, month = {opt-month}, year = {2003}, note = {The note}, } @PhdThesis{std10, author = {Mittelbach, Frank}, title = {A {Ph.D.} thesis}, school = {School}, year = {2003}, type = {optional type}, address = {Optional Address}, month = {opt-month}, note = {The note}, } @Proceedings{std11, title = {Conference proceedings}, year = {2003}, editor = {Optional Editor}, volume = {opt-volume}, OPTnumber = {volume or number}, series = {optional series}, address = {Optional Address}, month = {opt-month}, organization = {Optional Organization}, publisher = {Optional Publisher}, note = {The note}, } @TechReport{std12, author = {Mittelbach, Frank and Michel Goossens}, title = {A report published by a school or other institution, usually numbered within a series}, institution = {The institution}, year = {2003}, type = {optional-type}, number = {optional-number}, address = {Optional Address}, month = {opt-month}, note = {The note}, } @Unpublished{std13, author = {Mittelbach, Frank and Michel Goossens}, title = {A document having an author and title, but not formally published}, note = {The note}, month = {opt-month}, year = {2003}, }
@Article{lswprep, author = {J. Leblond and E.B. Saff and F. Wielonsky}, title = {Weighted {$H_2$} rational approximation and consistency properties}, journal = {Numerische Mathematik}, volume = 90, number = 3, pages = {521-554}, xxurl= {http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s002110100281}, doi={10.1007/s002110100281}, year = 2002 } @InProceedings{O-CDC, author = {Marmorat, Jean-Paul and Olivi, Martine and Hanzon, B. and Peeters, R}, title = {Matrix rational $H^2$-approximation: a state-space approach using Schur parameters}, booktitle = {41st IEEE Conf. on Decision and Control}, year = 2002, address = {Las Vegas (USA)}, month = dec, doi="10.1137/S089547980139371X" } @InProceedings{PHO-MTNS, author = {Peeters, R and Hanzon, B. and Olivi, Martine}, title = {On a recursive state-space method for discrete-time $H^2$-approximation}, booktitle = {MTNS 2002}, year = 2002, address = {Notre-Dame (USA)}, month = aug, doi = "10.1137/S0895479899359539", } @article{partII, author = {L. Baratchart and J. Leblond}, title = {Hardy approximation to {$L^p$} functions on subsets of the circle with $1 \leq p < \infty$}, journal = {Constructive Approximation}, year = 1998, volume = 14, pages = {41-56} }
@Article{BO1, author = {L. Baratchart and M. Olivi}, title = {Critical points and error rank in best $H^2$ matrix rational approximation of fixed McMillan degree}, journal = {Constructive Approximation}, volume = 14, year = 1998, pages = {273-300} } @Article{lo, author = {J. Leblond and M. Olivi}, title = {Weighted {$H^2$} approximation of transfer functions}, journal = "Math. of Control, Signals \& Systems (MCSS)", year = 1998, volume = 11, pages = {28-39}, } @article{fo, author = {P. Fulcheri and M. Olivi}, journal = "SIAM J. on Control \& Optim.", title = {Matrix rational $H^2$-approximation:~a gradient algorithm based on Schur analysis}, volume = 36, year = 1998, pages = {2103-2127} } @TechReport{RTCNES, author = {L. Baratchart and J. Grimm and J. Leblond and M. Olivi and F. Seyfert and F. Wielonsky}, title = {Identification d'un filtre hyperfr\'equence par approximation dans le domaine complexe}, institution = {Inria}, year = 1998, type = {Rapport technique}, number = {RT-219}, url= {http://www.inria.fr/rrrt/rt-0219.html} } @article{papiercarthage, author = {L. Baratchart and J. Leblond and F. Mandréa and E.B. Saff}, title = {How can meromorphic approximation help to solve some 2D inverse problems for the Laplacian?}, journal = {Inverse Problems}, year = 1999, volume = 15, pages = {79--90} } @article{bco, author = {L. Baratchart and M. Cardelli and M. Olivi}, title = {Identification and rational {$L^2$} approximation: a gradient algorithm}, journal = {Automatica}, publisher = {Pergamon Press}, volume = 27, year = 1991, pages = {413-418} } @Article{BW, author = {L. Baratchart and F. Wielonsky}, title = {Rational approximation in the real {H}ardy space {$H_{2}$} and {S}tieltjes integrals: a uniqueness theorem}, journal = {Constructive Approximation}, VOLUME = 9, YEAR = 1993, PAGES = {1-21} } @Article{BSW, author = "L. Baratchart and E. B. Saff and F. Wielonsky", title = "A criterion for uniqueness of a critical point in {$H^2$} rational approximation", journal = "Journal d'Analyse", year = 1996, volume = 70, pages = "225-266" } @ARTICLE{Pome92scl, AUTHOR = {J.-B. Pomet}, JOURNAL = "Syst. \& Control Lett.", PAGES = {147-158}, TITLE = {Explicit Design of Time-Varying Stabilizing Control Laws for a Class of Controllable Systems without Drift}, VOLUME = {18}, YEAR = {1992} } @ARTICLE{Pome97cocv, AUTHOR = {Jean-Baptiste Pomet}, JOURNAL = "Control, Optimization, and the Calculus of Variations (COCV)", MONTH = jun, url = {http://www.edpsciences.com/cocv/}, PAGES = {151-230}, TITLE = {On Dynamic Feedback Linearization of Four-dimensional Affine Control Systems with Two Inputs}, VOLUME = {2}, YEAR = {1997} }
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