%%% -*- latex -*- \ProvidesPackage{newlfont}[2006/10/06 v1.0 newlfont] %% $Id: newlfont.plt,v 2.3 2007/05/22 09:46:32 grimm Exp $ %% TRALICS, copyright (C) INRIA/apics (Jose' Grimm) 2006, 2007 %% Licensed under the CeCILL free software license %% (See the file COPYING in the main directory for details) % This file contains the code for the \texttt{newlfont} package % which provides defines commands like |\rm| to behave as with % NFSS1, i.e., to change one font attribute without resetting the % other attributes. \let\rm\rmfamily \let\sf\sffamily \let\tt\ttfamily \let\bf\bfseries \let\sl\slshape \let\sc\scshape \let\it\itshape \let\mediumseries\mdseries \let\normalshape\upshape \let\pcal\@undefined \let\cal\mathcal \let\pmit\@undefined \let\mit\mathnormal \endinput %