(** * Theory of Sets EII-6 Equivalence relations Copyright INRIA (2009-2013) Apics; Marelle Team (Jose Grimm). Part of this code comes from Carlos Simpson *) (* $Id: sset4.v,v 1.48 2016/05/18 14:54:53 grimm Exp $ *) Require Import ssreflect ssrfun ssrbool eqtype ssrnat. Require Export sset3. Set Implicit Arguments. Unset Strict Implicit. Unset Printing Implicit Defensive. (** ** EII-6-1 Definition of an equivalence relation *) Module Relation. (** the substrate of a relation are elements that are relate *) Definition substrate r := (domain r) \cup (range r). Lemma pr1_sr r y: inc y r -> inc (P y) (substrate r). Proof. move => yr; apply: setU2_1; apply/funI_P; ex_tac. Qed. Lemma pr2_sr r y: inc y r -> inc (Q y) (substrate r). Proof. move => yr; apply: setU2_2; apply/funI_P; ex_tac. Qed. Lemma arg1_sr r x y: related r x y -> inc x (substrate r). Proof. by move=> rel; rewrite -(pr1_pair x y); apply: pr1_sr. Qed. Lemma arg2_sr r x y: related r x y -> inc y (substrate r). Proof. by move=> rel;rewrite -(pr2_pair x y); apply: pr2_sr. Qed. Ltac substr_tac := match goal with | H:inc ?x ?r |- inc (P ?x) (substrate ?r) => apply: (pr1_sr H) | H:inc ?x ?r |- inc (Q ?x) (substrate ?r) => apply: (pr2_sr H) | H:related ?r ?x _ |- inc ?x (substrate ?r) => apply: (arg1_sr H) | H:related ?r _ ?y |- inc ?y (substrate ?r) => apply: (arg2_sr H) | H:inc(J ?x _ ) ?r|- inc ?x (substrate ?r) => apply: (arg1_sr H) | H: inc (J _ ?y) ?r |- inc ?y (substrate ?r) => apply: (arg2_sr H) end. Lemma substrate_smallest r s: (forall y, inc y r -> inc (P y) s) -> (forall y, inc y r -> inc (Q y) s) -> sub (substrate r) s. Proof. move=> h1 h2 x; case /setU2_P; move/funI_P => [z zr ->]; fprops. Qed. Lemma substrate_P r: sgraph r -> forall x, inc x (substrate r) <-> ((exists y, inc (J x y) r) \/ (exists y, inc (J y x) r)). Proof. move => gr x; split; last by case => [] [y yr]; substr_tac. by case /setU2_P => /funI_P [z zr ->]; [left | right]; ex_tac; rewrite gr. Qed. (** Reflexivity etc. properties for a relation *) Section Definitions. Implicit Type (r: relation). Definition reflexive_re r E := forall x, inc x E <-> r x x. Definition reflexive_rr r := forall x y, r x y -> (r x x /\ r y y). Definition equivalence_r r := symmetric_r r /\ transitive_r r. Definition equivalence_re r E := equivalence_r r /\ reflexive_re r E. Definition order_r r := [/\ transitive_r r, antisymmetric_r r & reflexive_rr r]. Definition preorder_r r := transitive_r r /\ reflexive_rr r. Definition order_re (r: relation) x := order_r r /\ reflexive_re r x. End Definitions. (** Same definitions for a graph *) Definition reflexivep r := forall y, inc y (substrate r) -> related r y y. Definition symmetricp r := symmetric_r (related r). Definition antisymmetricp r := antisymmetric_r (related r). Definition transitivep r := transitive_r (related r). Definition equivalence r := [/\ sgraph r, reflexivep r, transitivep r & symmetricp r]. Definition order r := [/\ sgraph r, reflexivep r, transitivep r & antisymmetricp r]. Definition preorder r := [/\ sgraph r, reflexivep r & transitivep r]. Definition order_on r E := order r /\ substrate r = E. Definition equivalence_on r E := equivalence r /\ substrate r = E. (** Basic properties *) Lemma equivalence_sgraph r: equivalence r -> sgraph r. Proof. by move=> []. Qed. Lemma order_sgraph r: order r -> sgraph r. Proof. by move => []. Qed. Lemma preorder_sgraph r: preorder r -> sgraph r. Proof. by move => []. Qed. Hint Resolve order_sgraph equivalence_sgraph : fprops. Lemma reflexive_domain g: reflexivep g -> domain g = substrate g. Proof. move=> pb; set_extens u; first by apply: setU2_1. case /setU2_P => // ug; apply/funI_P; exists (J u u);aw. exact:(pb _ (setU2_2 (domain g) ug)). Qed. Lemma domain_sr g: equivalence g -> domain g = substrate g. Proof. move=> h; apply: (reflexive_domain (proj42 h)). Qed. Lemma domain_sr1 r: order r -> domain r = substrate r. Proof. move=> h; apply: (reflexive_domain (proj42 h)). Qed. Lemma substrate_sub: {compat substrate : x y / sub x y}. Proof. move => r s rs; move: (domain_S rs) (range_S rs) => pa pb t. case /setU2_P => h; apply/setU2_P; fprops. Qed. Lemma symmetric_transitive_equivalence r: sgraph r -> symmetricp r -> transitivep r -> equivalence r. Proof. move=> gr sr tr; hnf; split => //. move => y /(substrate_P gr) [][z pr]. apply: (tr _ _ _ pr (sr _ _ pr)). apply: (tr _ _ _ (sr _ _ pr) pr). Qed. Lemma equivalence_relation_pr1 g: sgraph g -> equivalence_r (related g) -> equivalence g. Proof. move=> gg [sr tr]; apply: symmetric_transitive_equivalence => //. Qed. Lemma reflexivity_e r u: equivalence r -> inc u (substrate r) -> related r u u. Proof. by move=> er us; apply:(proj42 er). Qed. Lemma symmetricity_e r u v: equivalence r -> related r u v -> related r v u. Proof. by move=> /proj44; apply. Qed. Lemma transitivity_e r v u w: equivalence r -> related r u v -> related r v w -> related r u w. Proof. move=> er r1 r2; apply: ((proj43 er) _ _ _ r1 r2). Qed. Ltac equiv_tac:= match goal with | H: equivalence ?r, H1: inc ?u (substrate ?r) |- related ?r ?u ?u => apply: (reflexivity_e H H1) | H: equivalence ?r |- inc (J ?u ?u) ?r => apply: reflexivity_e | H:equivalence ?r, H1:related ?r ?u ?v |- related ?r ?v ?u => apply: (symmetricity_e H H1) | H:equivalence ?r, H1: inc (J ?u ?v) ?r |- inc (J ?v ?u) ?r => apply: (symmetricity_e H H1) | H:equivalence ?r, H1:related ?r ?u ?v, H2: related ?r ?v ?w |- related ?r ?u ?w => apply: (transitivity_e H H1 H2) | H:equivalence ?r, H1:related ?r ?v ?u, H2: related ?r ?v ?w |- related ?r ?u ?w => apply: (transitivity_e H (symmetricity_e H H1) H2) | H:equivalence ?r, H1:related ?r ?u ?v, H2: related ?r ?w ?v |- related ?r ?u ?w => apply: (transitivity_e H H1 (symmetricity_e H H2)) | H: equivalence ?r, H1: inc (J ?u ?v) ?r, H2: inc (J ?v ?w) ?r |- inc (J ?u ?w) ?r => apply: (transitivity_e H H1 H2) end. (** Comparison of the two sets of definitions *) Lemma equivalence_equivalence r: equivalence r -> equivalence_re (related r)(substrate r). Proof. move => [gr ra rb rc]; split => // y. by split => p; [ apply: ra | substr_tac ]. Qed. (** We say that [g] is the graph of [r] if [related g] is the same function as [r]. We define the graph of [r] on [x] as the set of pairs of [x] related by [r] *) Definition graph_on (r:relation) x:= Zo(coarse x)(fun w => r (P w)(Q w)). Lemma graph_on_graph r x: sgraph (graph_on r x). Proof. by move => y /Zo_S /setX_P [ok _]. Qed. Lemma graph_on_P0 r x a b: inc (J a b) (graph_on r x) <-> [/\ inc a x, inc b x & r a b]. Proof. split; first by move/Zo_P => [] /setX_P; aw ; move => [pa pb pc] pd;split. move => [pa pb pc]; apply: Zo_i; [by apply: setXp_i | aw]. Qed. Lemma graph_on_P1 r x a b: related (graph_on r x) a b <-> [/\ inc a x, inc b x & r a b]. Proof. apply/graph_on_P0. Qed. Lemma graph_on_P2 r x : equivalence_re r x -> forall u v, (related (graph_on r x) u v <-> r u v). Proof. move=> [[rs rt] rr] u v; split; first by move/Zo_hi; aw. move => ruv; apply/ graph_on_P1. move: (rs _ _ ruv) => rvu; move: (rt _ _ _ ruv rvu) => ruu. by move: (rt _ _ _ rvu ruv) => rvv; split => //; apply rr. Qed. Lemma graph_on_P3 r x: order_re r x -> forall u v, (related (graph_on r x) u v <-> r u v). Proof. move=> [[_ _ cc] rr]; split; first by move /Zo_hi; aw. move => ruv; move: (cc _ _ ruv) => [ruu rvv]. apply: Zo_i ; [by apply:setXp_i; apply /rr | aw]. Qed. Lemma graph_on_sr1 r x: sub (substrate (graph_on r x)) x. Proof. by move=> y /(substrate_P (@graph_on_graph r x))[] [z] /graph_on_P0 [pa pb _]. Qed. Lemma order_preorder r: order r -> preorder r. Proof. by move => [gr tr ar rr]. Qed. Lemma preorder_from_rel r x: preorder_r r -> preorder (graph_on r x). Proof. move=> pr. have gg: sgraph (graph_on r x) by apply: graph_on_graph. move: pr=> [tr rr]. split=>//. by move=> y /(substrate_P gg) [] [z] /graph_on_P0 [yx zx ryz]; apply /graph_on_P0; split => // ;move: (rr _ _ ryz) => []. move=> a b c /graph_on_P1 [ax bx rab] /graph_on_P1 [_ cx rbc]. apply /graph_on_P1;split => //; apply: tr rab rbc. Qed. Lemma order_from_rel r x: order_r r -> order (graph_on r x). Proof. move=> [ta tb tc]. have [tr pa pb]: preorder (graph_on r x) by apply: preorder_from_rel; split. split => //. by move=> a b /graph_on_P1 [ax bx rab] /graph_on_P1 [_ _ rba]; apply: tb. Qed. Lemma equivalence_from_rel r x: equivalence_r r -> equivalence (graph_on r x). Proof. move=> [pa pb]. have gg: sgraph (graph_on r x) by apply: graph_on_graph. apply: (equivalence_relation_pr1 gg). split. move => a b /graph_on_P1 [ax bx rab]; apply /graph_on_P1. by split => //; apply: pa. move=> a b c /graph_on_P1 [ax bx rab] /graph_on_P1 [_ cx rbc]. apply /graph_on_P1;split => //; apply: pb rab rbc. Qed. Lemma graph_on_sr (r: relation) x: (forall a, inc a x -> r a a) -> substrate (graph_on r x) = x. Proof. move=> rr. apply: extensionality; first by apply: graph_on_sr1. move => t xt; move: (rr _ xt) => rtt. apply: (arg1_sr (y:=t)); apply: Zo_i; [by apply:setXp_i | aw]. Qed. Hint Rewrite graph_on_sr: bw. (** Finest relation on a set: an element is only related to itself The correspondence is the identity, the graph is the diagonal *) Definition restricted_eq x := fun u v => inc u x /\ u = v. Lemma diagonal_graph_on x: graph_on (restricted_eq x) x = diagonal x. Proof. set_extens t. move /Zo_P => [pa [pb pc]]; apply /diagonal_i_P;split=> //. by move /setX_P: pa =>[]. move /diagonal_i_P=> [pa pb pc];apply/Zo_i => //; apply /setX_P; split => //;ue. Qed. Lemma diagonal_equivalence x: equivalence_on (diagonal x) x. Proof. rewrite -diagonal_graph_on; split; last by bw => t tx. apply: equivalence_from_rel;split. by move=> a b /= [ax] <-. by move=> a b c [au ab] [bu bc]; split =>//; ue. Qed. Lemma diagonal_osr x: order_on (diagonal x) x. Proof. rewrite -diagonal_graph_on; split; last by bw => t tx. apply: order_from_rel;split. - by move=> a b c [au ab] [bu bc]; split =>//; ue. - by move=> a b /= [ax <-]. - by move=> a b [aa <-]. Qed. (** Example of an equivalence without graph: equipotency *) Lemma equipotent_equivalence: equivalence_r equipotent. Proof. split; first by move=> x y;apply: EqS. move => x y z; apply: EqT. Qed. (** The coarsest relation on a set: everything is related *) Lemma coarse_related u x y: related (coarse u) x y <-> (inc x u /\ inc y u). Proof. by split; [ move/setX_P => [_]; aw | move => [pa pb];apply : setXp_i ]. Qed. Lemma coarse_graph x: sgraph (coarse x). Proof. apply: setX_graph. Qed. Lemma coarse_equivalence u: equivalence_on (coarse u) u. Proof. have sr: substrate (coarse u) = u. rewrite /coarse/substrate. transitivity (u \cup u); last by apply: setU2_id. case: (emptyset_dichot u); [ move ->; rewrite setX_0l; bw | move=> h; bw ]. split; [split | exact]. - by apply: coarse_graph. - by move => y; rewrite sr => yu;apply/ coarse_related. move=> x y z /coarse_related [pa pb]/coarse_related [pc pd]. - by apply/coarse_related. - by move=> x y /coarse_related [pc pd]; apply/coarse_related. Qed. Lemma sub_graph_coarse_substrate r: sgraph r -> sub r (coarse (substrate r)). Proof. rewrite /coarse=> gr t tr; apply: setX_i; first (by apply: gr); substr_tac. Qed. (** Example 5 page E II.114 *) Lemma equivalence_relation_bourbaki_ex5 A E (r := (fun x y => (inc x (E -s A) /\ (x = y) \/ (inc x A /\ inc y A)))): sub A E -> equivalence_on (graph_on r E) E. Proof. move => sa; split; last first. apply: graph_on_sr; move => a ae. by case: (inc_or_not a A) => h; [right | left]; split => //; apply /setC_P. apply: equivalence_from_rel; split. move=> x y; case=> [] [pa pb]; [left | right ]; split => //; ue. move => y x z [] [pa pb]; first by rewrite pb. move => h;right; case:h => [] [qa qb]; split => //; ue. Qed. (** Intersection of equivalence relations is an equivalence *) Lemma setIrel_graph z: (alls z sgraph) -> sgraph (intersection z). Proof. case: (emptyset_dichot z). move => -> _; rewrite setI_0; apply: sgraph_set0. move => [t tz] alg y yi; apply: (alg _ tz); exact: (setI_hi yi tz). Qed. Lemma setIrel_P z: nonempty z -> forall x y, (related (intersection z) x y <-> (forall r, inc r z -> related r x y)). Proof. move=> nez x y; apply/(setI_P nez). Qed. Lemma setIrelR z: (alls z reflexivep) -> reflexivep (intersection z). Proof. move => alr. case: (emptyset_dichot z). move => -> x; rewrite setI_0 /substrate domain_set0 range_set0. by case /setU2_P => /in_set0. move => nez y ys; apply/(setIrel_P nez) => r rz; apply: (alr _ rz). apply: (substrate_sub (setI_s1 rz) ys). Qed. Lemma setIrel_sr z e: nonempty z -> (alls z reflexivep) -> (forall r, inc r z -> substrate r = e) -> substrate (intersection z) = e. Proof. move=> nez allr alls. move: (setIrelR allr)=> ir. set_extens t => ts. move: (ir _ ts); rewrite /related=> aux. move: nez => [u uz]; move: (setI_hi aux uz) => Ju. by rewrite - (alls _ uz); apply: (arg1_sr Ju). have rtt: related (intersection z) t t. apply/(setIrel_P nez) => r rz; rewrite - (alls _ rz) in ts. by apply: (allr _ rz). substr_tac. Qed. Lemma setIrelT z: (alls z transitivep) -> transitivep (intersection z). Proof. move=> allt; case: (emptyset_dichot z). move => ->; rewrite setI_0 => a b c;case; case. move=> neX y x u /(setIrel_P neX) rxy /(setIrel_P neX) ryz. apply/(setIrel_P neX) => r rz. exact: ((allt _ rz) _ _ _ (rxy _ rz) (ryz _ rz)). Qed. Lemma setIrelS z: (alls z symmetricp) -> symmetricp (intersection z). Proof. move=> alls; case: (emptyset_dichot z). move ->; rewrite setI_0 => a b; case; case. move=>nez x y /(setIrel_P nez) rxy; apply/(setIrel_P nez) => r rz. apply: ((alls _ rz) _ _ (rxy _ rz)). Qed. Lemma setIrel_equivalence z: (alls z equivalence) -> equivalence (intersection z). Proof. move=> alleq; apply: symmetric_transitive_equivalence. - by apply: setIrel_graph => r /alleq []. - by apply: setIrelS=> // r /alleq [_ _]. - by apply: setIrelT=> // r /alleq [_ _ ]. Qed. Lemma setIrel_or z: (alls z order) -> order (intersection z). Proof. move=> alleq;split. - by apply: setIrel_graph => r /alleq []. - by apply: setIrelR => r /alleq [_ ]. - by apply: setIrelT=> // r /alleq [_ _ ]. - case: (emptyset_dichot z). move => ->; rewrite setI_0 => a b; case; case. move => [t te] x y pa pb; move: (alleq _ te)=> [_ _ _]; apply. apply:(setI_hi pa te). apply:(setI_hi pb te). Qed. (** The set of all relations or all equivalences of a set *) Definition equivalences x := Zo (powerset (coarse x)) (equivalence_on ^~ x). Lemma equivalencesP r x: inc r (equivalences x) <-> (equivalence_on r x). Proof. split; first by move /Zo_hi. move => pa; apply:Zo_i => //; apply/setP_P. move: pa => [[xx _ _ _] <-]. by move: (sub_graph_coarse_substrate xx). Qed. Lemma inc_coarse_all_equivalence_relations u: inc (coarse u) (equivalences u). Proof. by apply/equivalencesP; apply: coarse_equivalence. Qed. (** We show that an equivalence is a self-inverse projector *) Lemma selfinverse_graph_symmetric r: sgraph r -> (symmetricp r <-> (r = inverse_graph r)). Proof. move => gr; split => sp; last by move => x y Jr; rewrite sp; apply/igraph_pP. set_extens t => tr. move: (gr _ tr) => aux. by rewrite - aux; apply/igraph_pP; apply: sp; hnf; rewrite aux. by move /igraphP: tr => [pt pa]; rewrite -pt; apply: sp. Qed. Lemma idempotent_graph_transitive r: sgraph r -> (transitivep r <-> sub (r \cg r) r). Proof. move=> gr; split. move=> tr t /compg_P [pt [y J1r J2r]]. rewrite - pt; move: tr J1r J2r; apply. by move => h x y z Jxy Jyz; apply: h; apply/compg_pP; exists x. Qed. Theorem equivalence_pr r: equivalence r <-> ((r \cg r) = r /\ r = inverse_graph r). Proof. split => hyp. move: (hyp) => [pa pb pc pd]. split; last by apply /selfinverse_graph_symmetric. apply: extensionality. by apply /idempotent_graph_transitive. move=> x xr; move: (pa _ xr) => px. rewrite - px; apply /compg_pP; exists (P x); rewrite ? px //. equiv_tac =>//; substr_tac. move: hyp=> [crr ri]. have gr: (sgraph r) by rewrite ri; fprops. apply: symmetric_transitive_equivalence => //. by apply /selfinverse_graph_symmetric. apply/idempotent_graph_transitive => //; rewrite crr; fprops. Qed. (** ** EII-6-2 Equivalence classes; quotient set *) (** Equivalence associated to a function [f] by [f x = f y] *) Definition eq_rel_associated f x y := [/\ inc x (source f), inc y (source f) & Vf f x = Vf f y]. Definition equivalence_associated f := (inverse_graph (graph f)) \cg (graph f). Section EquivalenceAssociated. Variable (f: Set). Hypothesis (ff : function f). Lemma ea_graph_on: graph_on (eq_rel_associated f) (source f) = equivalence_associated f. Proof. set_extens t. move /Zo_P => [/setX_P[pe _ _] [pb pc pd]]. rewrite - pe; apply /compg_pP; exists (Vf f (P t)) => //; first Wtac. apply/igraph_pP; rewrite pd; Wtac. move/compg_P => [pt [z pa /igraph_pP pb]]. have pc: inc (P t) (source f) by Wtac. have pd: inc (Q t) (source f) by Wtac. apply: Zo_i; first by apply /setX_P. by split => //; rewrite - (Vf_pr ff pa) - (Vf_pr ff pb). Qed. Lemma ea_relatedP x y: related (equivalence_associated f) x y <-> [/\ inc x (source f), inc y (source f) & Vf f x = Vf f y]. Proof. rewrite - ea_graph_on; split; first by move/graph_on_P1 => [_ _]. by move =>[pa pb pc]; hnf; apply /graph_on_P1. Qed. Lemma graph_ea_equivalence: equivalence_on (equivalence_associated f) (source f). Proof. rewrite - ea_graph_on; split; last by rewrite graph_on_sr. apply: equivalence_from_rel; split. by move => a b [pa pb pc]. move => a b c [pa pb pc] [pd pe pf]; split => //; ue. Qed. End EquivalenceAssociated. (** The class of [x] is the set of elements related to [x] *) Definition class r x := fun_image (Zo r (fun z => P z = x)) Q. Definition quotient r := fun_image (substrate r) (class r). Definition classp r x := inc (rep x) (substrate r) /\ x = class r (rep x). Section Class. Variable (r:Set). Hypothesis (er: equivalence r). Lemma class_P x y: inc y (class r x) <-> related r x y. Proof. have gr: (sgraph r) by fprops. rewrite /related; split. by move/funI_P => [z /Zo_P [pa <-] ->]; rewrite (gr _ pa). move=> h; apply/funI_P; exists (J x y); [ apply: Zo_i |]; aw. Qed. Lemma class_is_im_of_singleton x: class r x = im_of_singleton r x. Proof. set_extens t; first by move/class_P/dirim_set1_P. by move/dirim_set1_P/class_P. Qed. Lemma sub_class_substrate x: sub (class r x) (substrate r). Proof. move=> t /class_P rt; substr_tac. Qed. Lemma class_eq1 u v: related r u v -> class r u = class r v. Proof. move=> ruv; set_extens x; move/class_P => h; apply/class_P; equiv_tac. Qed. Lemma class_eq2 u v: inc u (class r v) -> class r u = class r v. Proof. by move => pb; symmetry;apply: class_eq1; apply/class_P. Qed. Lemma setQ_ne x: inc x (quotient r) -> nonempty x. Proof. by move/funI_P => [z zr ->]; exists z; apply/class_P; equiv_tac. Qed. Lemma setQ_repi x: inc x (quotient r) -> inc (rep x) x. Proof. by move => /setQ_ne; apply: rep_i. Qed. Lemma inc_class_setQ x: inc x (substrate r) -> inc (class r x) (quotient r). Proof. move => ta; apply/funI_P; ex_tac. Qed. Lemma class_class x: inc x (substrate r) -> classp r (class r x). Proof. move=> xs; move: (setQ_repi (inc_class_setQ xs)) =>/class_P rxr. by split =>//; [substr_tac | apply: class_eq1]. Qed. Lemma setQ_P x: inc x (quotient r) <-> classp r x. Proof. apply: (iff_trans (funI_P _ _ _)); split. by move => [z zs ->]; apply: class_class. move => [pa pb]; ex_tac. Qed. Lemma class_rep x: inc x (quotient r) -> class r (rep x) = x. Proof. by move /setQ_P => [_]. Qed. Lemma in_class_relatedP y z: related r y z <-> (exists x, [/\ classp r x, inc y x & inc z x]). Proof. split. move=> ryx;exists (class r y). have ys: inc y (substrate r) by substr_tac. split; first (by apply: class_class); apply/class_P => //; equiv_tac. move =>[w [ [_ ->]]] /class_P pb /class_P pc; equiv_tac. Qed. Lemma related_rep_in_class x y: inc x (quotient r) -> inc y x -> related r (rep x) y. Proof. move=> xq; move: (xq) =>/setQ_P cx yx; apply/in_class_relatedP; exists x. split => //;by apply: setQ_repi. Qed. Lemma rep_in_class x: classp r x -> inc (rep x) x. Proof. move /setQ_P; apply: setQ_repi. Qed. Lemma rel_in_class x y: classp r x -> inc y x -> related r (rep x) y. Proof. by move /setQ_P => xq yx; apply: related_rep_in_class. Qed. Lemma sub_class_sr x: classp r x -> sub x (substrate r). Proof. move => [pa ->]; apply: sub_class_substrate. Qed. Lemma rel_in_class2 x y: classp r x -> related r (rep x) y -> inc y x. Proof. by move => pa pb; rewrite (proj2 pa); apply /class_P. Qed. Lemma class_dichot x y: classp r x -> classp r y -> disjointVeq x y. Proof. move=> cx cy; mdi_tac xy. move => u ux uy; case: xy. move: (rel_in_class cx ux) => pa. move: (rel_in_class cy uy) => pb. rewrite (proj2 cx) (proj2 cy); apply: class_eq1; equiv_tac. Qed. Lemma inc_in_setQ_sr x y: inc x y -> inc y (quotient r) -> inc x (substrate r). Proof. move=> xy /setQ_P [pa pb]; apply: (@sub_class_substrate (rep y)); ue. Qed. Hint Resolve inc_class_setQ: fprops. Lemma setU_setQ: union (quotient r) = substrate r. Proof. set_extens t => ts. move: (setU_hi ts) => [z tz zu]; apply: (inc_in_setQ_sr tz zu). apply: (@setU_i _ (class r t)); [ apply/class_P; equiv_tac | fprops]. Qed. Lemma rep_i_sr x: inc x (quotient r) -> inc (rep x) (substrate r). Proof. by move /setQ_P => [g _]. Qed. Lemma inc_itself_class x: inc x (substrate r) -> inc x (class r x). Proof. move => xsr; apply/class_P; equiv_tac. Qed. Lemma related_rep_class x: inc x (substrate r) -> related r x (rep (class r x)). Proof. move=> xs. suff: related r (rep (class r x)) x by move=> h; equiv_tac. by apply: related_rep_in_class; fprops; apply: inc_itself_class. Qed. Lemma related_rr_P u v: inc u (quotient r) -> inc v (quotient r) -> (related r (rep u) (rep v) <-> (u = v)). Proof. move => uq vq; split. move=> h; rewrite - (class_rep uq) -(class_rep vq). by apply: class_eq1. by move=> ->; apply: (reflexivity_e er); apply: rep_i_sr. Qed. Lemma related_equiv_P u v: related r u v <-> [/\ inc u (substrate r), inc v (substrate r) & class r u = class r v]. Proof. split. by move=> ruv; split; [substr_tac | substr_tac| apply: class_eq1]. move=> [us vs cuv]. apply /class_P; rewrite cuv; by apply: inc_itself_class. Qed. Lemma is_class_pr x y: inc x y -> inc y (quotient r) -> y = class r x. Proof. move=> xy yq. have <-: class r (rep y) = y by apply: class_rep. apply: class_eq1=>// ; apply: (related_rep_in_class yq xy). Qed. End Class. Hint Resolve rep_i_sr inc_itself_class inc_class_setQ : fprops. (** Canonical projection on the quotient *) Definition canon_proj r := Lf (class r) (substrate r) (quotient r). Section CanonProj. Variable (r:Set). Hypothesis (er: equivalence r). Lemma canon_proj_f : function (canon_proj r). Proof. apply: lf_function => t ts /=; fprops. Qed. Lemma canon_proj_s : source (canon_proj r) = substrate r. Proof. rewrite /canon_proj; aw. Qed. Lemma canon_proj_t : target (canon_proj r) = quotient r. Proof. rewrite /canon_proj; aw. Qed. Hint Rewrite canon_proj_s canon_proj_t: aw. Hint Resolve canon_proj_f: fprops. Lemma canon_proj_V x: inc x (substrate r) -> Vf (canon_proj r) x = class r x. Proof. rewrite /canon_proj=> xs; aw => t ts /=; fprops. Qed. Hint Rewrite canon_proj_V : aw. Lemma canon_proj_setQ_i x: inc x (substrate r) -> inc (Vf (canon_proj r) x) (quotient r). Proof. move=> xs; aw; fprops. Qed. Lemma rel_gcp_P x y: inc x (substrate r) -> inc y (quotient r) -> (inc (J x y) (graph (canon_proj r)) <-> inc x y). Proof. move=> xs yq. have fc: (function (canon_proj r)) by fprops. split => h. move: (Vf_pr fc h); aw => ->; apply/class_P => //; equiv_tac. have: (y = Vf (canon_proj r) x). aw; move: (class_rep er yq) h => <- /(class_P er) rryx. by apply: class_eq1. move=> ->; Wtac; aw. Qed. Lemma canon_proj_fs: surjection (canon_proj r). Proof. split;[ fprops | move=> y; aw => yr; exists (rep y); fprops]. aw; [ by apply: class_rep | fprops ]. Qed. Lemma sub_im_canon_proj_quotient a x: sub a (substrate r) -> inc x (Vfs (canon_proj r) a) -> inc x (quotient r). Proof. move=> sas xi. have fc:function (canon_proj r) by fprops. have sa: sub a (source (canon_proj r)) by aw. move /(Vf_image_P fc sa): xi => [u ua ->]; aw; fprops. Qed. (** Criterion 55 of Bourbaki*) Lemma related_e_P u v: related r u v <-> [/\ inc u (source (canon_proj r)), inc v (source (canon_proj r)) & Vf (canon_proj r) u = Vf (canon_proj r) v]. Proof. rewrite canon_proj_s. split; first by move/(related_equiv_P er) => [us vs cuv]; aw. move => [us vs h]; apply/(related_equiv_P er); split => //; move: h; aw. Qed. End CanonProj. Hint Rewrite canon_proj_s canon_proj_t: aw. Hint Resolve canon_proj_f: fprops. Hint Rewrite canon_proj_V : aw. (** The diagonal is the graph of equality *) Lemma diagonal_class x u: inc u x -> class (diagonal x) u = singleton u. Proof. have h:= (proj1 (diagonal_equivalence x)). move=> ux; apply: set1_pr; first by apply/(class_P h) /diagonal_pi_P. by move => z /(class_P h) /diagonal_pi_P [_ ->]. Qed. Lemma canon_proj_diagonal_fb x: bijection (canon_proj (diagonal x)). Proof. have [h sr] :=(diagonal_equivalence x). have cps:= (canon_proj_fs h). split => //; split;first by fct_tac. aw; move=> a b ax bx /=; aw. move: ax bx;rewrite sr => ax bx. rewrite ! diagonal_class //; apply:set1_inj. Qed. Lemma canon_proj_diagonal_fb_contra r: equivalence r -> bijection (canon_proj r) -> r = diagonal (substrate r). Proof. move => pa pb. set_extens t; last first. by move /diagonal_i_P => [Px px qx]; rewrite -Px -qx; apply: reflexivity_e. move => tr; move: (pa) => [sa _ _ _]; move: (sa _ tr) => pt. have ptsr: inc (P t) (substrate r) by substr_tac. have qtsr: inc (Q t) (substrate r) by substr_tac. apply /diagonal_i_P; split => //. move: (bij_inj pb); rewrite canon_proj_s => h; move: (h _ _ ptsr qtsr). by aw; apply; apply: class_eq1 => //;rewrite /related pt. Qed. (** Relation associated to [P] in a product *) Definition first_proj_eqr x y := eq_rel_associated (first_proj (x \times y)). Definition first_proj_eq x y := equivalence_associated (first_proj (x \times y)). Lemma first_proj_equivalence x y: equivalence_on (first_proj_eq x y) (x \times y). Proof. by move:(graph_ea_equivalence (first_proj_f (x\times y))); rewrite lf_source. Qed. Lemma first_proj_eq_related_P x y a b: related (first_proj_eq x y) a b <-> [/\ inc a (x \times y), inc b (x \times y) & P a = P b]. Proof. have ff: function (first_proj (x \times y)) by apply:first_proj_f. split. move/(ea_relatedP ff); rewrite lf_source; move => [pa pb]. by rewrite ! first_proj_V. by move => [pa pb pc]; apply/(ea_relatedP ff);rewrite lf_source !first_proj_V. Qed. Lemma first_proj_classP x y: nonempty y -> forall z, (classp (first_proj_eq x y) z <-> exists2 u, inc u x & z = (singleton u) \times y). Proof. move=> [y0 y0y]. case:(first_proj_equivalence x y). set (r:=first_proj_eq x y) => er sr. move => z; split. move => cz; move: (proj1 cz); rewrite sr; move /setX_P => [sa sb sc]. exists (P (rep z)) => //. set_extens t => ta. move: (rel_in_class er cz ta) => /first_proj_eq_related_P [qa qb qc]. by move /setX_P: qb => [rq rb rc]; apply /indexedrP. rewrite (proj2 cz); apply /(class_P er); apply /first_proj_eq_related_P. move/indexedrP: ta => [pa pb pc]; split => //; apply /setX_P; split => //; ue. move=> [u uz zp]; rewrite zp. have nep: (nonempty (singleton u \times y)). by exists (J u y0); apply: setXp_i; fprops. move: (rep_i nep); set w:= rep _ => pa. move /indexedrP: (pa) => [ra rb rc]. have wp: inc w (x \times y) by apply /setX_P;split => //; ue. hnf; rewrite - /w; split; first by ue. set_extens t. move /indexedrP => [sa sb sc]; apply /(class_P er). by apply /first_proj_eq_related_P;split; [exact | apply /setX_P |];rewrite sb. move /(class_P er) => /first_proj_eq_related_P [_ /setX_P [qa qb qc] qd]. apply /indexedrP;split => //; ue. Qed. Lemma first_proj_equiv_proj x y: nonempty y-> bijection (Lf (fun u => (singleton u) \times y) x (quotient (first_proj_eq x y))). Proof. move=> ney. set (f:=fun u => (singleton u) \times y). set (g:= (Lf f x (quotient (first_proj_eq x y)))). have efp:=(proj1 (first_proj_equivalence x y)). have ta: lf_axiom f x (quotient (first_proj_eq x y)). move => u ux ; apply /(setQ_P efp) /(first_proj_classP _ ney); ex_tac. rewrite /g; apply: lf_bijective => //. rewrite /f => u v ux vx sp. apply: set1_inj; rewrite - (setX_domain (singleton u) ney). by rewrite sp setX_domain. move=>z /(setQ_P efp) /(first_proj_classP _ ney) [u ux ep]; ex_tac. Qed. Lemma sub_quotient_powerset r: equivalence r -> sub (quotient r) (powerset (substrate r)). Proof. by move=> er x /(setQ_P er) => cr; apply /setP_P; apply: sub_class_sr. Qed. Lemma partition_from_equivalence r: equivalence r -> partition_s (quotient r)(substrate r). Proof. move=> er. split; last by move=> t tq; apply: (setQ_ne er tq). split; first by apply: setU_setQ. by move=> a b /(setQ_P er) ca /(setQ_P er) cd;apply: (class_dichot er). Qed. (** Partition of a set and induced equivalence *) Definition in_same_coset f x y:= exists i, [/\ inc i (source f) , inc x (Vf f i) & inc y (Vf f i)]. Definition partition_relation f x := graph_on (in_same_coset f) x. Section InSameCoset. Variables (f x: Set). Hypothesis (ff: function f). Hypothesis fpa: partition_w_fam (graph f) x. Lemma partition_inc_unique1 i j y: inc i (source f) -> inc y (Vf f i) -> inc j (source f) -> inc y (Vf f j) -> i = j. Proof. rewrite (proj33 ff) => p1 p2 p3 p4. by rewrite -(cover_at_pr fpa p1 p2) - (cover_at_pr fpa p3 p4). Qed. Lemma isc_hi a b: (in_same_coset f a b) -> (inc a x /\ inc b x). Proof. move => [t [tsf p1 p2]]; rewrite (proj33 ff) in tsf. rewrite -(proj33 fpa); split; union_tac. Qed. Lemma isc_rel_P a b: (related (partition_relation f x) a b <-> in_same_coset f a b). Proof. move: fpa => [qa qb qc]. split; first by move /graph_on_P1 => [_ _]. by move => h; move: (isc_hi h) => [ax bx]; apply /graph_on_P1. Qed. Lemma isc_rel1P a b: inc a x -> inc b x -> ((in_same_coset f a b) <-> (cover_at (graph f) a = cover_at (graph f) b)). Proof. move => ax bx; split. move => [t [tsf pa pb]]. rewrite (proj33 ff) in tsf. by rewrite(cover_at_pr fpa tsf pa) (cover_at_pr fpa tsf pb). move => h. move: (cover_at_in fpa ax) (cover_at_in fpa bx); rewrite -h - (proj33 ff). set s := (cover_at (graph f) a); move => [pa pb] [pc pd]. by exists s. Qed. Lemma isc_rel_sr: substrate (partition_relation f x) = x. Proof. by apply: graph_on_sr => a ax; apply /isc_rel1P. Qed. Lemma isc_rel_equivalence: equivalence (partition_relation f x). Proof. apply: equivalence_from_rel; split. by move => u v [i [isf Wx Wy]]; exists i. move => b a c pa pb. move: (isc_hi pa) (isc_hi pb) => [ax bx] [_ cx]. apply/(isc_rel1P ax cx). by move /(isc_rel1P ax bx): pa => ->; move /(isc_rel1P bx cx): pb => ->. Qed. Lemma isc_rel_class a: classp (partition_relation f x) a -> exists2 u, inc u (source f) & a = Vf f u. Proof. move=> [rs ac]. move: isc_rel_equivalence => ec. rewrite isc_rel_sr in rs. move: (cover_at_in fpa rs); set u := cover_at _ _;move => [pa pb]. rewrite ac /Vf (proj33 ff); ex_tac. set_extens t. move /(class_P ec) /isc_rel_P => h; move: (proj2 (isc_hi h)) => tx. by move: (cover_at_in fpa tx)=> []; move /(isc_rel1P rs tx): h => <-. move => ts. have tx: inc t x by rewrite - (proj33 fpa); union_tac. apply /(class_P ec) /isc_rel_P /(isc_rel1P rs tx). by symmetry; apply:(same_cover_at fpa rs ts). Qed. Lemma isc_rel_class2 u: inc u (source f) -> nonempty (Vf f u) -> classp (partition_relation f x) (Vf f u) . Proof. move=> us neW. move: isc_rel_equivalence => ec. rewrite (proj33 ff) in us. have sWx: (sub (Vf f u) x) by rewrite -(proj33 fpa) => t tW; union_tac. move: (rep_i neW) => rw;move: (sWx _ rw) => rs. move:(cover_at_pr fpa us rw) => pa. hnf; rewrite isc_rel_sr //; split=> //. set_extens t. move => ts. have tx: inc t x by rewrite - (proj33 fpa); union_tac. apply /(class_P ec) /isc_rel_P /(isc_rel1P rs tx). by symmetry; apply:(same_cover_at fpa rs);rewrite pa. move /(class_P ec) /isc_rel_P => h; move: (proj2 (isc_hi h)) => tx. rewrite -pa; move: (proj1 (cover_at_in fpa tx)). by move /(isc_rel1P rs tx): h => ->. Qed. Lemma partition_fun_fb: (allf (graph f) nonempty) -> bijection (Lf (Vf f) (source f) (quotient (partition_relation f x))). Proof. move: isc_rel_equivalence => er. rewrite /allf - (proj33 ff); move=> alne; apply: lf_bijective. - move=> t tf; apply/(setQ_P er). apply: isc_rel_class2 =>//; apply: (alne _ tf). - move=> u v us vs sW. move: (alne _ us)=> [y yu]; have yv: (inc y (Vf f v)) by rewrite - sW. by apply: (partition_inc_unique1 us yu vs yv). - move=> y; move/(setQ_P er) => ic. move: (isc_rel_class ic) => [u us] ->; ex_tac. Qed. End InSameCoset. (** A system of representatives for the partition f of x as a set f or a function g *) Definition representative_system s f x := [/\ function f, partition_w_fam (graph f) x, sub s x & forall i, inc i (source f) -> singletonp ((Vf f i) \cap s)]. Definition representative_system_function g f x := injection g /\ (representative_system (range (graph g)) f x). Lemma rep_sys_function_pr g f x i: representative_system_function g f x -> inc i (source f) -> exists! a, (inc a (source g) /\ inc (Vf g a) (Vf f i)). Proof. move=> [[fg ig] [ff pf gg alsi]] ins. move: (alsi _ ins) => [u isu]. apply /unique_existence; split. move: (set1_1 u). rewrite - isu; move /setI2_P => [pa] /(range_fP fg) [a asg pb]. by exists a; rewrite - pb. move=> a b [asg Wa][bsg Wb]; apply: ig => //. have aux: (forall a, inc a (source g) -> inc (Vf g a) (Vf f i) -> Vf g a = u). move=> c csg Wc. apply: set1_eq; rewrite -isu; apply: setI2_i => //; Wtac. rewrite aux // aux //. Qed. Lemma rep_sys_function_pr2 g f x: injection g -> function f -> partition_w_fam (graph f) x -> sub (target g) x -> (forall i, inc i (source f) -> exists! a, (inc a (source g) /\ inc (Vf g a) (Vf f i))) -> representative_system_function g f x. Proof. move=> ig ff pf stx exu; move:(ig)=> [fg _]. split =>//; split=>//. by apply: (@sub_trans (target g)); [apply: f_range_graph |]. move=> i isf; move: (exu _ isf) => [a [[asg Wa] un]]. exists (Vf g a); set_extens t. move/setI2_P => [tv /(range_fP fg) [z zsg eq]]; apply/set1_P. by rewrite eq;congr (Vf g _); symmetry;apply: un;rewrite - eq. move /set1_P => ->; apply/setI2_P; split => //; Wtac. Qed. Lemma section_canon_proj_pr g f x y r: r = partition_relation f x -> function f -> partition_w_fam (graph f) x -> is_right_inverse (canon_proj r) g -> inc y x -> related r y (Vf g (class r y)). Proof. move=> pr ff pf ri yx. have eq: equivalence r by rewrite pr; apply: isc_rel_equivalence. have sr: substrate r = x by rewrite pr isc_rel_sr //. rewrite - sr in yx. have cyq: inc (class r y) (quotient r) by fprops. have sg: source g = target (canon_proj r) by apply: right_i_source. move: sg; aw => sg; rewrite - sg in cyq. have yri: inc y (class r y) by apply: inc_itself_class => //. apply: (symmetricity_e eq). apply /(class_P eq). have <- //: (class r y) = class r (Vf g (class r y)). have [pa pb] := ri. set t := (class r y). have Wcs: inc (Vf g t) (substrate r) by move: pa=> [_ fg]; aw; move=>->; Wtac. have: Vf (canon_proj r \co g) t = Vf (canon_proj r) (Vf g t) by aw. rewrite pb; bw; aw; rewrite /t;fprops. Qed. Lemma section_is_representative_system_function g f x: function f -> partition_w_fam (graph f) x -> is_right_inverse (canon_proj (partition_relation f x)) g -> (forall u, inc u (source f) -> nonempty (Vf f u)) -> representative_system_function g f x. Proof. move=> ff pf ti alne. have ig: injection g by apply: (right_inverse_fi ti). apply: rep_sys_function_pr2=>//. rewrite - (proj33 (proj1 ti)) canon_proj_s isc_rel_sr; fprops. move=> i isf. set (r:=partition_relation f x) in *. have sf: domain (graph f) =source f by apply: f_domain_graph. have er: equivalence r by rewrite /r; apply: isc_rel_equivalence. have sr: substrate r = x by rewrite /r isc_rel_sr. rewrite (right_i_source ti); aw. apply /unique_existence;split. set z:= (rep (Vf f i)). have zW: inc z (Vf f i) by rewrite /z; apply: rep_i; apply: alne. have zx: inc z x by move: pf=>[_ md <-]; rewrite - sf in isf; union_tac. exists (class r z); split. aw; rewrite - sr in zx; fprops. move: (section_canon_proj_pr (refl_equal r) ff pf ti zx). move /(isc_rel_P ff pf) => [ u [usf zW' qW]]. by rewrite (partition_inc_unique1 ff pf isf zW usf zW'). aw; move=> a b [atx Wa] [btx Wb]. have Wiq: inc (Vf f i) (quotient r). apply/(setQ_P er); apply (isc_rel_class2 ff pf isf); ex_tac. have aux: (forall u, inc u (quotient r) -> inc (Vf g u) (Vf f i) -> Vf f i = u). move=> u /(setQ_P er) [rs eq] iWW; rewrite sr in rs. rewrite eq; apply: is_class_pr=> //. move: (section_canon_proj_pr (refl_equal r) ff pf ti rs). rewrite - eq; move /(isc_rel_P ff pf) => [v [usf zW' qW]]. by rewrite (partition_inc_unique1 ff pf isf iWW usf qW). by rewrite -(aux _ atx Wa) (aux _ btx Wb). Qed. (** ** EII-6-3 Relations compatible with an equivalence relation *) (** A relation is compoatible if the set of objects satisfying the relation is a union of classes *) Definition compatible_with_equiv_p (p: property) (r:Set) := forall x x', p x -> related r x x' -> p x'. Lemma trivial_equiv p x: compatible_with_equiv_p p (diagonal x). Proof. by move=> u v pa /diagonal_pi_P [_] <-. Qed. (** A compatible relation induces a relation on the quotient *) Definition relation_on_quotient p r := fun t => inc t (quotient r) /\ exists2 x, inc x t & p x. Lemma rel_on_quoP p r: equivalence r -> compatible_with_equiv_p p r -> forall t, (relation_on_quotient p r t <-> (inc t (quotient r) /\ forall x, inc x t -> p x)). Proof. move=> er co t; split. move=> [tq [x xt px]]; split=>// u ut; apply: (co _ _ px). by move: tq => /(setQ_P er) h; apply /(in_class_relatedP er); exists t. move => [tq xtpx];move: (setQ_ne er tq) => /rep_i net. split =>//; ex_tac. Qed. Lemma rel_on_quoP2 p r: equivalence r -> compatible_with_equiv_p p r -> forall y, ( (inc y (substrate r) /\ relation_on_quotient p r (Vf (canon_proj r) y)) <-> (inc y (substrate r) /\ p y)). Proof. move=> er co; split; move => [ysr]; rewrite (canon_proj_V ysr). move => [tq [x xt px]]. have yx: related r x y by move : xt; move /(class_P er) => h; equiv_tac. by split =>//; apply: (co _ _ px yx). move => py;split =>//; split; fprops. move:(inc_itself_class er ysr) => h; ex_tac. Qed. (** ** EII-6-4 saturated subsets *) (** A set is satured if it is a union of classes*) Definition saturated r x := compatible_with_equiv_p (fun y=> inc y x) r. (** If f is the canonical projection this defines that smallest saturated set that contains x*) Definition inverse_direct_value f x := Vfs (inverse_fun f) (Vfs f x). Lemma idvalue_P f x: function f -> sub x (source f) ->forall y, inc y (inverse_direct_value f x) <-> (inc y (source f) /\ (exists2 z, inc z x & Vf f y = Vf f z)). Proof. move => ff sxf. split. move /dirim_P => [u]; aw; move /dirim_P => [z zx pa] /igraph_pP pb. split; [Wtac | by ex_tac; rewrite - (Vf_pr ff pa) - (Vf_pr ff pb) ]. move => [ysf [z zx pa]]. apply/dirim_P; exists (Vf f z). apply/dirim_P;ex_tac; Wtac. aw; apply/igraph_pP; rewrite -pa; Wtac. Qed. Lemma idvalue_cprojP r x: equivalence r -> sub x (substrate r) ->forall y, inc y (inverse_direct_value (canon_proj r) x) <-> (inc y (substrate r) /\ (exists2 z, inc z x & class r y = class r z)). Proof. have ff:= (canon_proj_f r). move => pa pb; move: (pb); rewrite - canon_proj_s => pc y. split. move/(idvalue_P ff pc) => [qa [v qb vx]]; split; first by exact. have ysr: inc y (substrate r) by rewrite - canon_proj_s. by ex_tac; move: vx; aw ;apply: pb. move => [qa [v qb qc]]; apply/(idvalue_P ff pc). have vsr: inc v (substrate r) by apply: pb. have ysr: inc y (substrate r) by move: qa; aw. split => //;exists v; aw. Qed. Lemma saturatedP r x: equivalence r -> sub x (substrate r) -> ((saturated r x) <-> (forall y, inc y x -> sub (class r y) x)). Proof. move=> er sxs; split. move=> sr y yx t; move/(class_P er); apply: (sr _ _ yx). by move=> yw u v ux ruv; apply: (yw _ ux); apply/(class_P er). Qed. Lemma saturated2P r x: equivalence r -> sub x (substrate r) -> ((saturated r x) <-> exists2 y, (forall z, inc z y -> classp r z) & x = union y). Proof. move => er sxs; move: (saturatedP er sxs) => aux;split. move => srx. exists (Zo (powerset x)(fun z => exists2 a, inc a x & z = class r a)). move=> z /Zo_P [] /setP_P zx [a ax ->]. by apply: class_class =>//; apply: sxs. set_extens t => ts. apply: (@setU_i _ (class r t)). by move: (sxs _ ts)=>h; apply/(class_P er);equiv_tac. apply: Zo_i; [ by apply/setP_P;move /aux: srx; apply | ex_tac]. by move /setU_P: ts => [y ty /Zo_P [] /setP_P yx [a ax yc]]; apply: yx. move => [y yp xu]; apply/aux; rewrite xu => z zu. move: (setU_hi zu) =>[t zt ty]; move: (yp _ ty) => ct. move => u /(class_P er) rz; apply:(setU_i _ ty). have pa := (rel_in_class er ct zt). rewrite (proj2 (yp _ ty)); apply /(class_P er); equiv_tac. Qed. Lemma class_is_inv_direct_value r x: equivalence r -> inc x (substrate r) -> class r x = inverse_direct_value (canon_proj r) (singleton x). Proof. move=> er xs. move: (set1_sub xs) => xs1. set_extens t => ts. apply/(idvalue_cprojP er xs1); split. exact: (sub_class_substrate er ts). exists x; fprops; exact :(class_eq2 er ts). move/(idvalue_cprojP er xs1): ts => [v [pa /set1_P <- <-]]; fprops. Qed. Lemma saturated_P3 r x: equivalence r -> sub x (substrate r) -> (saturated r x <-> (x= inverse_direct_value (canon_proj r) x)). Proof. move=> er xs. set (p:=canon_proj r). have fp: function p by rewrite /p; fprops. split => h. apply: extensionality. by apply: inverse_direct_image =>//; rewrite /p; aw. move => y /(idvalue_cprojP er xs) [z [pa pb pc]]. move /(saturatedP er xs): h => q; move: (q _ pb); rewrite -pc. apply; fprops. apply/(saturatedP er xs); rewrite {2} h => y yx t tc. apply /(idvalue_cprojP er xs); split. exact: (sub_class_substrate er tc). ex_tac;exact:(class_eq2 er tc). Qed. Lemma saturated_P4 r x: equivalence r -> sub x (substrate r) -> (saturated r x <-> (exists2 b, sub b (quotient r) & x = Vfs (inverse_fun (canon_proj r)) b)). Proof. move=> er xs. have qr: quotient r = target (canon_proj r) by aw. have sj := (canon_proj_fs er). split. move/(saturated_P3 er xs) => hyp. exists (Vfs (canon_proj r) x) =>//. rewrite qr;apply: sub_trans (f_range_graph (proj1 sj)); apply: dirim_Sr. move=> [b bq xeq]. apply/(saturated_P3 er xs). rewrite qr in bq; move: (direct_inv_im_surjective sj bq). by rewrite /inverse_direct_value -xeq => ->. Qed. (** Links between saturation and union, intersection, complement *) Lemma saturated_setU r x: equivalence r -> (alls x (sub^~ (substrate r))) -> (alls x (saturated r)) -> (sub (union x) (substrate r) /\ saturated r (union x)). Proof. move=> er als alsa. have r1: (sub (union x) (substrate r)). by move => t /setU_P [z tz zx]; apply: (als _ zx). split=>//;apply /saturatedP => // y /setU_P [z yz zx]. apply: sub_trans (setU_s1 zx). by move: (alsa _ zx) => /(saturatedP er (als _ zx)); apply. Qed. Lemma saturated_setI r x: equivalence r -> nonempty x -> (alls x (sub^~ (substrate r))) -> (alls x (saturated r)) -> (sub (intersection x) (substrate r) /\ saturated r (intersection x)). Proof. move=> er nex als alsa. have aux: (sub (intersection x) (substrate r)). by move: nex => [y yx]; apply: sub_trans (als _ yx); apply: setI_s1. split =>//; apply /(saturatedP er aux) => y yi t tc; apply: (setI_i nex). move=> z zx; move:(alsa _ zx). move /(saturatedP er (als _ zx))=> s; apply: (s _ (setI_hi yi zx) _ tc). Qed. Lemma saturated_setC r a: equivalence r -> sub a (substrate r) -> saturated r a -> saturated r ((substrate r) -s a). Proof. move=> er ar. move /(saturated_P4 er ar) => [b sq aib]. apply /(saturated_P4 er);first by apply: sub_setC. exists ((quotient r) -s b); first by apply: sub_setC. move: (iim_fun_C b (canon_proj_f r)). by rewrite aib iim_fun_pr canon_proj_s canon_proj_t. Qed. Definition saturation_of r x := inverse_direct_value (canon_proj r) x. Lemma saturation_of_pr r x: equivalence r -> sub x (substrate r) -> saturation_of r x = union (Zo (quotient r)(fun z=> exists2 i, inc i x & z = class r i)). Proof. move=> er sr. have fc: function (canon_proj r) by fprops. rewrite /saturation_of/inverse_direct_value. set_extens y. move /(idvalue_cprojP er sr) => [v [pa pb pc]]. apply: (@setU_i _ (class r y)); fprops; apply: Zo_i; fprops. by ex_tac; rewrite pd. move /setU_P => [z zy/Zo_P [zq [i ix sc]]]. move: zy; rewrite sc; move/(class_P er) => pc. apply/(idvalue_cprojP er sr); split;first by substr_tac. ex_tac;symmetry;by apply:class_eq1. Qed. Lemma saturation_of_smallest r x: equivalence r -> sub x (substrate r) -> [/\ saturated r (saturation_of r x), sub x (saturation_of r x) & (forall y, sub y (substrate r) -> saturated r y -> sub x y -> sub (saturation_of r x) y)]. Proof. move=> er xsr. have fc: function (canon_proj r) by fprops. split. - apply /(saturated_P4 er). by move => t /(idvalue_cprojP er xsr) [pa _]. exists (Vfs (canon_proj r) x) => //. rewrite - canon_proj_t. apply: sub_trans (f_range_graph fc); apply: dirim_Sr. - move => t tx; apply/(idvalue_cprojP er xsr); split; [by apply: xsr| ex_tac]. - move=> y ys sy sxy t. move /(idvalue_cprojP er xsr) => [tsr [z tx sc]]. move /(saturated_P3 er ys): sy => ->. by apply/(idvalue_cprojP er ys); split => //; exists z => //; apply: sxy. Qed. Definition union_image x f:= union (Zo x (fun z=> exists2 i, inc i (source f) & z = Vf f i)). Lemma saturation_of_union r f g: equivalence r -> function f -> function g -> (forall i, inc i (source f) -> sub (Vf f i) (substrate r)) -> source f = source g -> (forall i, inc i (source f) -> saturation_of r (Vf f i) = Vf g i) -> saturation_of r (union_image (powerset(substrate r)) f) = union_image (powerset(substrate r)) g. Proof. move=> er ff fg als sfsg alsat. have fc: function (canon_proj r) by fprops. have U1sr: sub (union_image (powerset (substrate r)) f) (substrate r). by move => t /setU_P [z zt /Zo_P [/setP_P h _]]; apply: h. set_extens x. move/(idvalue_cprojP er U1sr) => [zu [z /setU_P [v zv]] /Zo_P [] /setP_P vsr [i isf fi] sc]. move:(als _ isf) => pa. apply/setU_P; exists (Vf g i); rewrite -(alsat _ isf). apply/(idvalue_cprojP er pa); split => //; exists z => //; ue. apply: Zo_i; first by apply/setP_P=> t /(idvalue_cprojP er pa) [ ok _]. rewrite - sfsg; ex_tac. move => /setU_P [z xz /Zo_P [/setP_P zr [i isr zv]]]. move: xz; rewrite - sfsg in isr; rewrite zv - (alsat _ isr). move/(idvalue_cprojP er (als _ isr)) => [pa [t pb pc]]. apply/(idvalue_cprojP er U1sr); split => //; exists t => //. apply /setU_P; exists (Vf f i) => //; apply:Zo_i; last by ex_tac. by apply /setP_P; apply: als. Qed. (** ** EII-6-5 Mappings compatible with equivalence relations *) (** The canonical projection is surjective, thus has a section *) Definition section_canon_proj r := Lf rep (quotient r) (substrate r). Lemma section_canon_proj_axioms r: equivalence r -> lf_axiom rep (quotient r) (substrate r). Proof. move=> er t ta; fprops. Qed. Lemma section_canon_proj_V r x: equivalence r -> inc x (quotient r) -> Vf (section_canon_proj r) x = (rep x). Proof. rewrite/section_canon_proj=> er iq; aw. by apply: section_canon_proj_axioms. Qed. Lemma section_canon_proj_f r: equivalence r -> function (section_canon_proj r). Proof. rewrite/section_canon_proj=> er. by apply: lf_function; apply: section_canon_proj_axioms. Qed. Lemma right_inv_canon_proj r: equivalence r -> is_right_inverse (canon_proj r) (section_canon_proj r). Proof. move=> er. have ss: source (section_canon_proj r) = quotient r. by rewrite/section_canon_proj; aw. have fs: function (section_canon_proj r) by apply: section_canon_proj_f. have fc: function (canon_proj r) by fprops. have cpo: (canon_proj r) \coP (section_canon_proj r). split => //; rewrite/ section_canon_proj; aw. split=> //. apply: function_exten; try fct_tac; fprops; aw. rewrite ss=> x xs. have aux: (Vf (section_canon_proj r) x) = rep x. by rewrite section_canon_proj_V //. aw; try ue. rewrite identity_V // aux; apply: class_rep =>//. Qed. (** A mapping is compatible with an equivalence if it is constant on classes; it is compatible with two equivalences is the image of a class is a subset of a class *) Definition compatible_with_equiv f r := [/\ function f, source f = substrate r & forall x x', related r x x' -> Vf f x = Vf f x']. Definition compatible_with_equivs f r r' := [/\ function f, target f = substrate r' & compatible_with_equiv ((canon_proj r') \co f) r]. (* This is the definition of Bourbaki *) Lemma compatible_with_equiv_pr f r: function f -> source f = substrate r -> (compatible_with_equiv f r <-> (forall y, compatible_with_equiv_p (fun x => y = Vf f x) r)). Proof. move=> ff sf; rewrite/compatible_with_equiv/compatible_with_equiv_p. split. by move=> [_ _ hyp] y x x' => ->; apply: hyp. by move=> hyp; split => // x x'; apply: (hyp (Vf f x) x x'). Qed. Lemma compatible_constant_on_classes f r x y: equivalence r -> compatible_with_equiv f r -> inc y (class r x) -> Vf f x = Vf f y. Proof. by move=> eq [ff sf hyp] yc; apply: hyp; move/(class_P eq): yc. Qed. Lemma compatible_constant_on_classes2 f r x: equivalence r -> compatible_with_equiv f r -> constantfp (restriction f (class r x)). Proof. move=> re [ff sf hyp]. have scs: sub (class r x) (substrate r) by apply: sub_class_substrate. rewrite - sf in scs. split; first by apply: (proj31 (restriction_prop ff scs)). have sr: source (restriction f (class r x)) = class r x. by rewrite /restriction; aw. rewrite sr. move=> a b ac bc /=; rewrite ! restriction_V //; apply: hyp. move: ac bc => /(class_P re) ac /(class_P re) bc; equiv_tac. Qed. Lemma compatible_with_proj f r x y: equivalence r -> compatible_with_equiv f r -> inc x (substrate r) -> inc y (substrate r) -> Vf (canon_proj r) x = Vf (canon_proj r) y -> Vf f x = Vf f y. Proof. move=> er cgt xs ys; aw => sx. apply: (@compatible_constant_on_classes _ r) =>//; rewrite sx; fprops. Qed. Lemma compatible_with_pr r r' f x y: equivalence r -> equivalence r' -> compatible_with_equivs f r r' -> related r x y -> related r' (Vf f x) (Vf f y). Proof. move=> er er' [ff sf [fc sc hyp]] rxy. have cc: ((canon_proj r') \coP f) by split; first (by fprops); aw. move: sc; aw => sc. have xs: inc x (source f) by rewrite sc; substr_tac. have ys: inc y (source f) by rewrite sc; substr_tac. have px: (inc (Vf f x) (substrate r')) by Wtac. have py: (inc (Vf f y) (substrate r')) by Wtac. move: (hyp _ _ rxy); aw =>// sc1. by apply/related_equiv_P. Qed. Lemma compatible_with_pr2 r r' f: equivalence r -> equivalence r' -> function f -> target f = substrate r'-> source f = substrate r-> (forall x y, related r x y -> related r' (Vf f x) (Vf f y)) -> compatible_with_equivs f r r'. Proof. move=> er er' ff tf sf rr'. have cc: (canon_proj r') \coP f by split; fprops; symmetry; aw. split =>//; split=>//; aw;first by fct_tac. move=> x x' rxx'; move: (rr' _ _ rxx'); move /(related_equiv_P er'). move => [Ws Ws' cxx']; aw; rewrite sf; substr_tac. Qed. Lemma compatible_with_proj3 r r' f x y: equivalence r -> equivalence r' -> compatible_with_equivs f r r'-> inc x (substrate r) -> inc y (substrate r) -> Vf (canon_proj r) x = Vf (canon_proj r) y -> class r' (Vf f x) = class r' (Vf f y). Proof. move=> er er' co xs ys; aw => sc. apply: class_eq1 =>//; apply: (compatible_with_pr er er' co). by apply /(related_equiv_P er). Qed. (** A compatible mapping induces a mapping on the quotient *) Definition fun_on_quotient r f := f \co (section_canon_proj r). Lemma exists_fun_on_quotient f r: equivalence r -> function f -> source f = substrate r -> (compatible_with_equiv f r <-> (exists h, h \coP (canon_proj r) /\ h \co (canon_proj r) = f)). Proof. move=> er ff sf. rewrite exists_left_composable; aw; try apply: canon_proj_fs=>//. split. by move => co x y xs ys sW; apply: (compatible_with_proj er co xs ys sW). move=> hyp; split=>//. move=> x x' /(related_equiv_P er) [xs ys cc];apply: hyp; aw. Qed. Lemma exists_unique_fun_on_quotient f r h: equivalence r -> compatible_with_equiv f r -> h \coP (canon_proj r) -> h \co (canon_proj r) = f -> h = fun_on_quotient r f. Proof. move=> er cfr chc chcf; move: (cfr) => [ff sf1 _]. have sc: (surjection (canon_proj r)) by apply: canon_proj_fs. have ri := (right_inv_canon_proj er). have sf: source f = source (canon_proj r) by aw. apply: (exists_left_composable_aux ff sf ri chc chcf). Qed. Lemma compose_foq_proj f r: equivalence r -> compatible_with_equiv f r -> (fun_on_quotient r f) \co (canon_proj r) = f. Proof. move=> er co; move: (co)=> [ff sf hyp]. set (g:= canon_proj r). have sg: surjection g by rewrite/g; apply: canon_proj_fs. have sfsg: source f = source g by rewrite /g; aw. have sW: forall x y, inc x (source g) -> inc y (source g) -> Vf g x = Vf g y -> Vf f x = Vf f y. rewrite - sfsg sf; move=> x y xr yr h. by apply: (compatible_with_proj er co xr yr). apply: (left_composable_value ff sg sfsg sW (right_inv_canon_proj er) (refl_equal (fun_on_quotient r f))). Qed. (** A mapping compatible with two relations induces a mapping on the two quotients *) Definition fun_on_rep f: Set -> Set := fun x=> f(rep x). Definition fun_on_reps r' f := fun x=> Vf (canon_proj r') (f(rep x)) . Definition function_on_quotient r f b := Lf (fun_on_rep f)(quotient r)(b). Definition function_on_quotients r r' f := Lf (fun_on_reps r' f)(quotient r)(quotient r'). Definition fun_on_quotients r r' f := ((canon_proj r') \co f) \co (section_canon_proj r). Lemma foq_axioms r f b: equivalence r -> lf_axiom f (substrate r) b -> lf_axiom (fun_on_rep f) (quotient r) b. Proof. move=> er h x xs;apply: h; fprops. Qed. Lemma foqs_axioms r r' f: equivalence r -> equivalence r' -> lf_axiom f (substrate r)(substrate r') -> lf_axiom (fun_on_reps r' f) (quotient r) (quotient r'). Proof. move => er er' h x xs. have w: (inc (rep x) (substrate r)) by fprops. rewrite /fun_on_reps; aw; fprops. Qed. Lemma foqc_axioms r f: equivalence r -> function f -> source f = substrate r -> f \coP (section_canon_proj r). Proof. move=> er ff sf. split =>//; first by apply: section_canon_proj_f. rewrite /section_canon_proj; aw. Qed. Lemma foqcs_axioms r r' f: equivalence r -> equivalence r' -> function f -> source f = substrate r -> target f = substrate r' -> (canon_proj r' \co f) \coP (section_canon_proj r). Proof. move=> er er' ff sf tf. have fc: (function (canon_proj r')) by fprops. split; first by fct_tac => //; symmetry; aw. by apply: section_canon_proj_f. rewrite/section_canon_proj; aw. Qed. Lemma foq_f r f b: equivalence r -> lf_axiom f (substrate r) b -> function (function_on_quotient r f b). Proof. by rewrite /function_on_quotient=> *; apply: lf_function; apply: foq_axioms. Qed. Lemma foqs_f r r' f: equivalence r -> equivalence r' -> lf_axiom f (substrate r)(substrate r') -> function (function_on_quotients r r' f). Proof. by rewrite /function_on_quotients=> *;apply: lf_function; apply: foqs_axioms. Qed. Lemma foqc_f r f: equivalence r -> function f -> source f = substrate r -> function (fun_on_quotient r f). Proof. rewrite/fun_on_quotient=> er ff sf; fct_tac. by apply: section_canon_proj_f. by rewrite /section_canon_proj; aw. Qed. Lemma foqcs_f r r' f: equivalence r -> equivalence r' -> function f -> source f = substrate r -> target f = substrate r' -> function (fun_on_quotients r r' f). Proof. rewrite/fun_on_quotients=> er er' ff sf tf. by apply: compf_f; apply: foqcs_axioms. Qed. Lemma foq_V r f b x: equivalence r -> lf_axiom f (substrate r) b -> inc x (quotient r) -> Vf (function_on_quotient r f b) x = f (rep x). Proof. by rewrite /function_on_quotient=> er ta xq; aw; apply: foq_axioms. Qed. Lemma foqc_V r f x: equivalence r -> function f -> source f = substrate r -> inc x (quotient r) -> Vf (fun_on_quotient r f) x = Vf f (rep x). Proof. rewrite/fun_on_quotient=> er ff sf xq; aw. by rewrite section_canon_proj_V. by apply: foqc_axioms. by rewrite /section_canon_proj; aw. Qed. Lemma foqs_V r r' f x: equivalence r -> equivalence r' -> lf_axiom f (substrate r)(substrate r') -> inc x (quotient r) -> Vf (function_on_quotients r r' f) x = class r' (f (rep x)). Proof. rewrite /function_on_quotients=> er er' ta xq; aw. by rewrite /fun_on_reps; aw; apply: ta; fprops. by apply: foqs_axioms. Qed. Lemma foqcs_V r r' f x: equivalence r -> equivalence r' -> function f -> source f = substrate r -> target f = substrate r' -> inc x (quotient r) -> Vf (fun_on_quotients r r' f) x = class r' (Vf f (rep x)). Proof. move=> er er' ff sf tf xq. rewrite /fun_on_quotients. have fs: function(section_canon_proj r) by apply: section_canon_proj_f. have ccf: (canon_proj r') \coP f by split; fprops; symmetry;aw. have cc2: ( (canon_proj r') \co f) \coP (section_canon_proj r). by split; first (by fct_tac); rewrite /section_canon_proj; aw. have Wt: inc (Vf (section_canon_proj r) x) (target (section_canon_proj r)). by Wtac; rewrite /section_canon_proj; aw. have irs: inc (rep x) (source f) by ue. rewrite compf_V //; last by rewrite/section_canon_proj; aw. rewrite section_canon_proj_V // /section_canon_proj. aw; Wtac. Qed. Lemma fun_on_quotient_pr r f x: Vf f x = fun_on_rep (fun _ => Vf f x) (Vf (canon_proj r)x). Proof. done. Qed. Lemma fun_on_quotient_pr2 r r' f x: Vf (canon_proj r') (Vf f x) = fun_on_reps r' (fun _ => Vf f x) (Vf (canon_proj r) x). Proof. trivial. Qed. Lemma composable_fun_proj r f b: equivalence r -> lf_axiom f (substrate r) b -> (function_on_quotient r f b) \coP (canon_proj r). Proof. move=> er ta. split; [by apply: foq_f | fprops | rewrite/function_on_quotient; aw ]. Qed. Lemma composable_fun_projs r r' f: equivalence r -> equivalence r' -> lf_axiom f (substrate r) (substrate r') -> (function_on_quotients r r' f) \coP (canon_proj r). Proof. move=> er er' ta. split; [by apply: foqs_f | fprops | rewrite/function_on_quotients; aw ]. Qed. Lemma composable_fun_projc r f: equivalence r -> compatible_with_equiv f r -> (fun_on_quotient r f) \coP (canon_proj r). Proof. move=> er [ff sf h]. split; [ by apply: foqc_f | fprops | ]. rewrite/fun_on_quotient/section_canon_proj; aw. Qed. Lemma composable_fun_projcs r r' f: equivalence r -> equivalence r' -> compatible_with_equivs f r r'-> (fun_on_quotients r r' f) \coP (canon_proj r). Proof. move=> er er' [ff sf [fg sg h]]. move: sg; aw => sg. split; fprops;first by apply: foqcs_f. rewrite/fun_on_quotients/section_canon_proj; aw. Qed. Lemma fun_on_quotient_pr3 r f x: equivalence r -> inc x (substrate r) -> compatible_with_equiv f r -> Vf f x = Vf (fun_on_quotient r f) (Vf (canon_proj r) x). Proof. move=> er xs co; rewrite - compf_V; last by aw. by rewrite compose_foq_proj. by apply: composable_fun_projc. Qed. (** Figure 3 (French version only) *) Lemma fun_on_quotient_pr4 r r' f: equivalence r -> equivalence r' -> compatible_with_equivs f r r'-> (canon_proj r') \co f = (fun_on_quotients r r' f) \co (canon_proj r). Proof. rewrite/fun_on_quotients; move=> er er' [ff sf h]. symmetry; apply: (compose_foq_proj er h). Qed. Lemma fun_on_quotient_pr5 r r' f x: equivalence r -> equivalence r' -> compatible_with_equivs f r r'-> inc x (substrate r) -> Vf (canon_proj r') (Vf f x) = Vf (fun_on_quotients r r' f) (Vf (canon_proj r) x). Proof. move => er er' co xs. move: (co)=> [ff sf [fg sg h]]; move: sg; rewrite compf_s => sg. have cc: composable (canon_proj r') f by split; fprops;symmetry; aw. rewrite - compf_V //; try ue. rewrite - compf_V //; last by aw. by rewrite -fun_on_quotient_pr4 //. by apply: composable_fun_projcs=>//. Qed. Lemma compose_fun_proj_ev r f b x: equivalence r -> compatible_with_equiv (Lf f (substrate r) b) r -> inc x (substrate r) -> lf_axiom f (substrate r) b -> Vf (function_on_quotient r f b \co canon_proj r) x = f x. Proof. move=> er co xr ta. have cq: (inc (class r x) (quotient r)) by fprops. aw; try apply: composable_fun_proj =>//; last by aw. have rrx: related r (rep (class r x)) x. by apply: symmetricity_e=>//; apply: related_rep_class=>//. rewrite foq_V //; move: (proj33 co _ _ rrx); aw; fprops. Qed. Lemma compose_fun_proj_ev2 r r' f x: equivalence r -> equivalence r' -> compatible_with_equivs (Lf f (substrate r) (substrate r')) r r' -> lf_axiom f (substrate r) (substrate r') -> inc x (substrate r) -> inc (f x) (substrate r') -> Vf (canon_proj r') (f x) = Vf (function_on_quotients r r' f \co canon_proj r) x. Proof. move=> er er' co ta xs fxs. aw; try apply: composable_fun_projs =>//; last by aw. set (y:= (Vf (canon_proj r) x)). have : (Vf (function_on_quotients r r' f) y = (Vf (fun_on_quotients r r' (Lf f (substrate r) (substrate r'))))y). have ys: inc y (quotient r) by rewrite /y; aw; fprops. have h :=(rep_i_sr er ys). by rewrite foqs_V // foqcs_V //; aw; apply: lf_function. by rewrite - fun_on_quotient_pr5 // /y; aw => ->. Qed. Lemma compose_fun_proj_eq r f b: equivalence r -> compatible_with_equiv (Lf f (substrate r) b) r -> lf_axiom f (substrate r) b -> (function_on_quotient r f b) \co (canon_proj r) = Lf f (substrate r) b. Proof. move=> er co ta. apply: function_exten; try solve [ rewrite/function_on_quotient; aw]. - apply: compf_f; apply: composable_fun_proj=>//. - apply: lf_function =>//. - rewrite /function_on_quotient; aw. by move =>x xs /=; rewrite compose_fun_proj_ev=>//; aw. Qed. Lemma compose_fun_proj_eq2 r r' f: equivalence r -> equivalence r' -> lf_axiom f (substrate r) (substrate r') -> compatible_with_equivs (Lf f (substrate r) (substrate r')) r r'-> (function_on_quotients r r' f) \co (canon_proj r) = (canon_proj r') \co (Lf f (substrate r) (substrate r')). Proof. move=> er er' ta co. have ffoq:function (function_on_quotients r r' f) by apply: foqs_f. have fa: function (Lf f (substrate r) (substrate r')) by apply: lf_function. have cn: (function_on_quotients r r' f) \coP (canon_proj r). by split; fprops; rewrite/function_on_quotients; aw. have cc: (canon_proj r') \coP (Lf f (substrate r) (substrate r')). by split; fprops; aw. apply: function_exten; try fct_tac; aw. rewrite /function_on_quotients; aw. move => x xs. have aux: (inc (f x) (substrate r')) by apply: ta. rewrite -compose_fun_proj_ev2 //; aw. Qed. Lemma compatible_ea f: function f -> compatible_with_equiv f (equivalence_associated f). Proof. move=> ff. have sr := proj2(graph_ea_equivalence ff). by split=> // x x' /(ea_relatedP ff) [_ _]. Qed. Lemma ea_foq_fi f: function f -> injection (fun_on_quotient (equivalence_associated f) f). Proof. move=> ff. case:(graph_ea_equivalence ff). set (g:= equivalence_associated f) => eg sf. split; first by apply: foqc_f. have: source (fun_on_quotient g f) = (quotient g) by rewrite/fun_on_quotient/section_canon_proj; aw. move => -> x y xq yq. rewrite foqc_V // foqc_V // => h. move: (rep_i_sr eg xq) (rep_i_sr eg yq) => xs ys. have: (related g (rep x) (rep y)) by apply/(ea_relatedP ff);rewrite - sf. by move/related_rr_P; apply. Qed. Lemma ea_foq_on_im_fb f: function f -> bijection (restriction2 (fun_on_quotient (equivalence_associated f) f) (quotient (equivalence_associated f)) (range (graph f))). Proof. move=> ff. case:(graph_ea_equivalence ff). set (g:= equivalence_associated f) => eg sfsg. set (h:= fun_on_quotient g f). have ih: injection h by rewrite /h/g; apply: ea_foq_fi. have fh: function h by fct_tac. have qg: quotient g = source h. by rewrite /h/fun_on_quotient/section_canon_proj; aw. have aux: sub (quotient g) (source h) by rewrite qg. suff rg: range (graph f) = Vfs h (quotient g). rewrite rg qg restriction1_pr //. apply: restriction1_fb; fprops. set_extens t. move /(range_fP ff) => [x xsf ->]. rewrite - sfsg in xsf. have gxq: inc (class g x) (quotient g) by fprops. apply /(Vf_image_P fh aux); exists (class g x) => //. have : (related g x (rep (class g x))) by apply: related_rep_class. move / (ea_relatedP ff x (rep (class g x))) => [pa pb ->]. rewrite - (foqc_V eg) //;Wtac. move /(Vf_image_P fh aux)=> [u us ->]. by rewrite foqc_V //; Wtac; rewrite - sfsg; apply: rep_i_sr. Qed. (** Canonical decomposition of a function as a surjection, a bijection and an ionjection *) Lemma canonical_decompositiona f (r:= equivalence_associated f): function f -> function ((restriction2 (fun_on_quotient r f) (quotient r) (range (graph f))) \co (canon_proj r)). Proof. move=> ff. set (g:= canon_proj r). set (a:=range (graph f)). set (j:=canonical_injection a (target f)). set (k:=restriction2 (fun_on_quotient r f) (quotient r) a). have [er sr]:= (graph_ea_equivalence ff). have sat: sub a (target f) by apply: f_range_graph. have fj: function j by apply: ci_f. have ffo: function (fun_on_quotient r f) by apply: foqc_f. have ra: restriction2_axioms (fun_on_quotient r f) (quotient r) a. hnf;rewrite{2 3}/fun_on_quotient/section_canon_proj; aw;split => //. move => x /(dirim_P) [z zq zj]. rewrite (Vf_pr ffo zj) foqc_V //; apply/range_fP => //. exists (rep z) => //; rewrite - sr; fprops. have fk:function k by rewrite /k; apply: (proj31 (restriction2_prop ra)). have ckg: k \coP g. rewrite /k/g; split; fprops; rewrite /restriction2;aw. fct_tac. Qed. Lemma canonical_decomposition f (r:= equivalence_associated f): function f -> f = (canonical_injection (range (graph f))(target f)) \co (restriction2 (fun_on_quotient r f) (quotient r) (range (graph f)) \co (canon_proj r)). Proof. move=> ff. set (g:= canon_proj r). set (a:=range (graph f)). set (j:=canonical_injection a (target f)). set (k:=restriction2 (fun_on_quotient r f) (quotient r) a). have [er sr]:= (graph_ea_equivalence ff). have sat: sub a (target f) by rewrite /a ; apply: f_range_graph. have fj:function j by rewrite /j;apply: ci_f. have foq: function (fun_on_quotient r f) by apply: foqc_f. have ra: restriction2_axioms (fun_on_quotient r f) (quotient r) a. hnf;rewrite{2 3}/fun_on_quotient/section_canon_proj; aw;split => //. move => x /(dirim_P) [z zq zj]. rewrite (Vf_pr foq zj) foqc_V //; apply/range_fP => //. exists (rep z) => //; rewrite - sr; fprops. move: (proj31 (restriction2_prop ra)) => fr. have fk:function k by rewrite /k. have ckg:k \coP g. rewrite /k/g; split; fprops; rewrite /restriction2;aw. have sfg: source f = source g by rewrite /g; aw. have fkg: function (k \co g) by fct_tac. have cjkg: j \coP (k \co g). by split => //; rewrite/j/k/canonical_injection/restriction2; aw. apply: function_exten=>//; try fct_tac; aw. by rewrite/j/canonical_injection; aw. move=> x xsf. move: (xsf); rewrite - sr=> xsr; rewrite sfg in xsf. have a1: (quotient r = target g) by rewrite /g;aw. have W1q: inc (Vf g x) (quotient r) by Wtac; fct_tac. have p1: inc (Vf k (Vf g x)) a. have ->: (a = target k) by rewrite/k/restriction2; aw. by Wtac; rewrite /k/restriction2; aw; ue. aw. rewrite /j ci_V // /k restriction2_V // foqc_V // /g; aw. have : (related r x (rep (class r x))) by apply: related_rep_class. by move/(ea_relatedP ff) => [_ _]. Qed. Lemma surjective_pr7 f: surjection f -> canonical_injection (range (graph f))(target f) = identity (target f). Proof. move=> sf; rewrite surjective_pr3 //. Qed. Lemma canonical_decomposition_surj f (r:= equivalence_associated f): surjection f -> f = (restriction2 (fun_on_quotient r f) (quotient r) (target f)) \co (canon_proj r). Proof. move=> sf. move: (surjective_pr7 sf) (surjective_pr3 sf) => p1 p2. move: sf => [sf _]. move: (canonical_decomposition sf); rewrite /= p1 p2 -/r => {1} ->. set (g:= (restriction2 (fun_on_quotient r f) (quotient r) (target f))). set (h:= g \co (canon_proj r)). have fh: function h by move:(canonical_decompositiona sf); rewrite -/r p2. have -> : (target f = target h) by rewrite /h/g/restriction2; aw. by apply:compf_id_l. Qed. Lemma canonical_decompositionb f (r:= equivalence_associated f): function f -> restriction2 (fun_on_quotient r f) (quotient r) (target f) = (fun_on_quotient r f). Proof. move=> ff. set (k:=restriction2 (fun_on_quotient r f) (quotient r) (target f)). have [er sr]:= (graph_ea_equivalence ff). have ffoq: function (fun_on_quotient r f) by apply: foqc_f. have ra: restriction2_axioms (fun_on_quotient r f) (quotient r) (target f). hnf;rewrite{2 3}/fun_on_quotient/section_canon_proj; aw;split => //. move => x /(dirim_P) [z zq zj]. rewrite (Vf_pr ffoq zj) foqc_V //; Wtac; rewrite - sr;fprops. have fk: function k by rewrite /k; apply: (proj31(restriction2_prop ra)). have sk: source k = quotient r by rewrite /k/restriction2; aw. apply: function_exten =>//. - rewrite /restriction2/fun_on_quotient/section_canon_proj; aw. - by rewrite/k/restriction2/fun_on_quotient; aw. - move=> x; rewrite sk => xq; rewrite restriction2_V //. Qed. Lemma canonical_decomposition_surj2 f (r:= equivalence_associated f): surjection f -> f = (fun_on_quotient r f) \co (canon_proj r). Proof. move=> sf; move: (canonical_decomposition_surj sf). by move: sf => [ff _]; move: (canonical_decompositionb ff) => /= -> <-. Qed. (** ** EII-6-6 Inverse image of an equivalence relation; induced equivalence relation *) (** We have an equivalence on the source induced by the equivalence on the target*) Definition inv_image_relation f r := equivalence_associated (canon_proj r \co f). Definition iirel_axioms f r := [/\ function f, equivalence r & substrate r = target f]. Lemma iirel_f f r: iirel_axioms f r -> function (canon_proj r \co f). Proof. move=> [ff er tf]; fct_tac; [ fprops | aw]. Qed. Lemma iirel_relation f r: iirel_axioms f r -> equivalence_on (inv_image_relation f r) (source f). Proof. move=> ia;move:(graph_ea_equivalence(iirel_f ia)); aw. Qed. Lemma iirel_relatedP f r: iirel_axioms f r -> forall x y, (related (inv_image_relation f r) x y <-> [/\ inc x (source f), inc y (source f) & related r (Vf f x) (Vf f y)]). Proof. move=> ia. have fc : function ((canon_proj r) \co f) by apply: iirel_f. move: ia => [ff er tf]. rewrite /inv_image_relation. have cct: ((canon_proj r) \coP f) by split; fprops; aw. have iWs: forall u, inc u (source f) -> inc (Vf f u) (substrate r). by move=> u; rewrite tf; fprops. move => x y. split. move/(ea_relatedP fc); rewrite compf_s; move => [xs ys]. move: (iWs _ xs) (iWs _ ys)=> p1 p2; aw => p3;split => //. by apply/(related_equiv_P er). move => [pa pb pc]. apply /(ea_relatedP fc); split; aw; fprops;apply: class_eq1;fprops. Qed. Lemma iirel_classP f r: iirel_axioms f r -> forall x, (classp (inv_image_relation f r) x <-> exists y, [/\ classp r y, nonempty (y \cap (range (graph f))) & x = Vfi f y]). Proof. move=> ia; move: (ia) => [ff er tf]. have [pa sir] := (iirel_relation ia). move => x; split. move => clix; move: (clix)=> []; rewrite sir => sa sb. have iWs: inc (Vf f (rep x)) (substrate r) by rewrite tf; Wtac. exists (class r (Vf f (rep x))); split. - by apply: class_class. - exists (Vf f (rep x)); apply: setI2_i; [ fprops | Wtac ]. - set_extens t. rewrite {1} sb => /(class_P pa) /(iirel_relatedP ia) [ysf tsf ryt]. apply/(iim_fun_P); exists (Vf f t); [ by apply /class_P | Wtac]. move /(iim_fun_P) => [u uc Jg]; rewrite sb; apply /(class_P pa). apply /(iirel_relatedP ia);split => //; first by Wtac. by rewrite - (Vf_pr ff Jg); apply /(class_P er). move=> [y [cy [u ui] xi]]; move: cy => [c1 c2]. move: ui => /setI2_P [uy] /(range_fP ff) [v vsf uw]. have vx: inc v x by rewrite xi; apply /(iim_fun_P); ex_tac; rewrite uw; Wtac. have qc: related r (rep y) (Vf f v) by rewrite - uw;apply /class_P => //; ue. suff: x = class (inv_image_relation f r) v. move => ->; apply: class_class => //; ue. set_extens t. rewrite xi => /(iim_fun_P) [z' z'y Jg2]. apply/(class_P pa); apply /(iirel_relatedP ia);split => //; first by Wtac. have pb: related r (rep y) z' by apply /(class_P er); ue. rewrite - (Vf_pr ff Jg2); equiv_tac. move /(class_P pa) => /(iirel_relatedP ia) [_ qa qb]. rewrite xi; apply /(iim_fun_P); exists (Vf f t) => //; last by Wtac. rewrite c2; apply /class_P => //; equiv_tac. Qed. (** Equivalence induced on a subset of the substrate *) Definition induced_relation r a := inv_image_relation (canonical_injection a (substrate r)) r. Definition induced_rel_axioms r a := equivalence r /\ sub a (substrate r). Definition canonical_foq_induced_rel r a := restriction2 (fun_on_quotients (induced_relation r a) r (canonical_injection a (substrate r))) (quotient (induced_relation r a)) (Vfs (canon_proj r) a). Section InducedRelation. Variables (r a: Set). Hypothesis ira: induced_rel_axioms r a. Lemma induced_rel_iirel_axioms: iirel_axioms (canonical_injection a (substrate r)) r. Proof. move: ira=> [er ar]; split; fprops;rewrite/canonical_injection; aw. Qed. Lemma induced_rel_equivalence: equivalence_on (induced_relation r a) a. Proof. move: (iirel_relation induced_rel_iirel_axioms). rewrite/canonical_injection; aw. Qed. Lemma induced_rel_relatedP u v: related (induced_relation r a) u v <-> [/\ inc u a, inc v a & related r u v]. Proof. move: (induced_rel_iirel_axioms) => iia. move: ira=> [er ar]. split. move/(iirel_relatedP iia); rewrite lf_source; move => [pa pb]. rewrite ci_V //ci_V //. move => [ua va ruv];apply/(iirel_relatedP iia); rewrite lf_source; split => //. rewrite ci_V //ci_V //. Qed. Lemma induced_rel_classP x: (classp (induced_relation r a) x <-> exists y, [/\ classp r y, nonempty (y \cap a) & x = (y \cap a)]). Proof. have iia:=(induced_rel_iirel_axioms). move: (ira)=> [er ar]. have p: forall y, Vfi (canonical_injection a (substrate r)) y = y \cap a. rewrite/Vfi /canonical_injection; aw. rewrite - diagonal_is_identity. move=> y;set_extens t. move /iim_graph_P => [u uy] /diagonal_pi_P [pa pb]; apply/setI2_P. split => //; ue. move /setI2_P => [ty ta]; apply /iim_graph_P; ex_tac. by apply /diagonal_pi_P. split. move/(iirel_classP iia); rewrite (ci_range ar); move => [y]; rewrite p. by move => [pa pb pc]; exists y. move => [y [cy ney xi]]; apply/(iirel_classP iia); exists y. split; [ done | by rewrite (ci_range ar) | by rewrite p ]. Qed. Lemma compatible_injection_induced_rel: compatible_with_equivs (canonical_injection a (substrate r)) (induced_relation r a) r. Proof. move: (ira)=> [er sa]. move:(induced_rel_equivalence) => [qa qb]. apply: compatible_with_pr2 =>//. - by apply: ci_f. - rewrite/canonical_injection; aw. - by rewrite/canonical_injection;aw. - move=> x y /induced_rel_relatedP [xa ya rxy]; rewrite ci_V // ci_V //. Qed. Lemma foq_induced_rel_fi: injection (fun_on_quotients (induced_relation r a) r (canonical_injection a (substrate r))). Proof. move: (ira)=> [er sa]. set (f := (canonical_injection a (substrate r))). have [ei sr] := (induced_rel_equivalence). have ff: function f by rewrite /f;apply: ci_f. have tf: target f = substrate r by rewrite /f /canonical_injection; aw. have sf: source f = substrate (induced_relation r a). rewrite /f sr // /canonical_injection; aw. split; first by apply: foqcs_f. have ->: (source (fun_on_quotients (induced_relation r a) r f) = quotient (induced_relation r a) ). rewrite/fun_on_quotients /section_canon_proj; aw. move=> x y xs ys /=; rewrite foqcs_V // foqcs_V //. have eq: a = substrate (induced_relation r a) by rewrite sr. have rxa: inc (rep x) a by rewrite eq; fprops. have rya: inc (rep y) a by rewrite eq; fprops. rewrite ci_V // ci_V // => cc. have: (related (induced_relation r a) (rep x) (rep y)). apply /induced_rel_relatedP; split => //; apply/ related_equiv_P => //. by split => //; apply: sa. by move /(related_rr_P ei xs ys). Qed. Lemma foq_induced_rel_image : Vfs (fun_on_quotients (induced_relation r a) r (canonical_injection a (substrate r))) (quotient (induced_relation r a)) = Vfs (canon_proj r) a. Proof. move: (ira)=> [er sa]. set (ci := canonical_injection a (substrate r)). have fci: function ci by apply: ci_f. have [ei qb] := induced_rel_equivalence. have sci: source ci = substrate (induced_relation r a). rewrite qb /ci /canonical_injection; aw. set (f:= fun_on_quotients (induced_relation r a) r ci). move: (foq_induced_rel_fi); rewrite -/ci -/f; move => inf. have ff: function f by fct_tac. have gf: sgraph (graph f) by fprops. have tci: target ci = substrate r by rewrite /ci/canonical_injection; aw. have fc: function (canon_proj r) by fprops. set_extens x. move/dirim_P => [y yq Jg]. move: (yq) => /(setQ_P ei) /induced_rel_classP [z [cz nei yi]]. move: (Vf_pr ff Jg); rewrite foqcs_V // => cx. have: (inc (rep y) (z \cap a)) by rewrite -yi; apply: (setQ_repi ei). move /setI2_P => [ryz rya]; rewrite ci_V // in cx. move: nei=> [u] /setI2_P [uz ua]; apply /dirim_P; ex_tac. have ryu: (related r (rep y) u) by apply/(in_class_relatedP er); exists z. move: (sa _ ua) => us. have ->: x = Vf (canon_proj r) u by aw; rewrite cx; apply: class_eq1. by Wtac; aw. move/dirim_P => [y ya Jg]; move: (sa _ ya)=> yu. move: (Vf_pr fc Jg); aw; move => cx. have yx: (inc y x) by rewrite cx; fprops. set (z:= x \cap a). have ney: nonempty z by rewrite /z; exists y; fprops. have zq: inc z (quotient (induced_relation r a)). apply/(setQ_P ei); apply/ induced_rel_classP; exists x; split => //. rewrite cx; apply: class_class =>//. apply /dirim_P; ex_tac. have: (inc (rep z) (x \cap a)) by apply: (setQ_repi ei). move /setI2_P => [rzx rza]. have -> : x = Vf f (x \cap a). rewrite /f foqcs_V// ci_V // -/z cx. have: (related r y (rep z)). apply /(in_class_relatedP er); exists x; split => //. by rewrite cx; apply: class_class. by move /(related_equiv_P er) => [_ _]. rewrite -/z; Wtac; rewrite/f/fun_on_quotients/section_canon_proj; aw. Qed. Lemma canonical_foq_induced_rel_fb: bijection (canonical_foq_induced_rel r a). Proof. set ci:= (canonical_injection a (substrate r)). have sf: source (fun_on_quotients (induced_relation r a) r ci) = quotient (induced_relation r a). rewrite /fun_on_quotients/section_canon_proj; aw. have ra:restriction2_axioms (fun_on_quotients (induced_relation r a) r ci) (quotient (induced_relation r a)) (Vfs (canon_proj r) a). move: (foq_induced_rel_fi) => ifoq. split; first by fct_tac. by rewrite /fun_on_quotients/section_canon_proj; aw. rewrite /fun_on_quotients; aw; move=> t ts; move: ira=> [er ar]. apply: (sub_im_canon_proj_quotient ar ts). by rewrite foq_induced_rel_image; fprops. split; first by apply: restriction2_fi=>//; apply: foq_induced_rel_fi. apply: restriction2_fs=>//. by rewrite - foq_induced_rel_image /Imf sf. Qed. End InducedRelation. (** ** EII-6-7 Quotients of equivalence relations *) (** Definition of a finer equivalence *) Definition finer_equivalence s r:= forall x y, related s x y -> related r x y. Definition finer_axioms s r := [/\ equivalence s, equivalence r & substrate r = substrate s]. Lemma finest_equivalence r: equivalence r -> finer_equivalence (diagonal (substrate r)) r. Proof. move=> er x t /diagonal_pi_P [xs <-]; equiv_tac. Qed. Lemma coarsest_equivalence r: equivalence r -> finer_equivalence r (coarse (substrate r)). Proof. move=> er x y;rewrite coarse_related; move /(related_equiv_P er) => [pa pb _]. by split. Qed. Section FinerEquivalence. Variable (r s: Set). Hypothesis fa: finer_axioms s r. Lemma finer_sub_equivP: (finer_equivalence s r <-> sub s r). Proof. move: fa => [es er srss]. split. move=> fe t ts. have gs: (sgraph s) by fprops. by rewrite -(gs _ ts); apply: fe; hnf; rewrite (gs _ ts). move => t x y; rewrite /related; apply: t. Qed. Lemma finer_sub_equivP2: (finer_equivalence s r <-> (forall x, exists y, sub (class s x) (class r y))). Proof. move: fa=> [es er srss]. split. move=> fsr x; exists x. by move=> u /(class_P es) h; apply /(class_P er); apply:fsr. move=> h x y rxy. move:(h x)=> [z sxz]. have xs: inc x (substrate s) by substr_tac. have ixc: inc x (class s x) by fprops. have ys: inc y (class s x) by apply /(class_P es). move: (sxz _ ixc)(sxz _ ys) => /(class_P er) pa /(class_P er) pb; equiv_tac. Qed. Lemma finer_sub_equivP3: (finer_equivalence s r <-> forall y, saturated s (class r y)). Proof. move: (fa)=>[es er srss]. split. move=> fe y. apply/(saturatedP es); first by rewrite - srss; apply: sub_class_substrate. move => z zc; move: fe => /finer_sub_equivP2 fe. move/(class_P er): (zc) => r1. have zs: (inc z (substrate s)) by rewrite - srss; substr_tac. move: (fe z)=> [x cxy]. suff: (class r x = class r y) by move=> <-. have: (inc z (class r x)) by apply: cxy; fprops. move => /(class_P er) r2. apply: (class_eq1 er); equiv_tac. move=> p x y re; move: (p x). move: (sub_class_substrate er (x:=x)); rewrite srss => aux. move /(saturatedP es aux) => h. have p1: inc x (substrate s) by substr_tac. have p2: inc x (class r x) by rewrite - srss in p1;fprops. have p3: inc y (class s x) by apply/class_P. by move:((h _ p2) _ p3) => /(class_P er). Qed. Lemma compatible_with_finer: finer_equivalence s r -> compatible_with_equiv (canon_proj r) s. Proof. move :fa=> [es er fh] fe. split; fprops; aw => x y rxy. move: (fe _ _ rxy) => /(related_equiv_P er) [p1 p2 h]; aw. Qed. Lemma foq_finer_f: finer_equivalence s r -> function(fun_on_quotient s (canon_proj r)). Proof. move : fa=> [es er fh] fe; apply: foqc_f; fprops; aw. Qed. Lemma foq_finer_V x: finer_equivalence s r -> inc x (quotient s) -> Vf (fun_on_quotient s (canon_proj r)) x = class r (rep x). Proof. move: fa => [es er fh] fe xq; rewrite foqc_V //; aw; fprops. rewrite fh; fprops. Qed. Lemma foq_finer_fs: finer_equivalence s r -> surjection(fun_on_quotient s (canon_proj r)). Proof. move=> fe. split; first by apply: foq_finer_f. move: fa=> [es er ss] y yt. have yq:inc y (quotient r) by move:yt; rewrite/fun_on_quotient; aw. have rys:(inc (rep y) (substrate r)) by fprops. have sfo:source (fun_on_quotient s (canon_proj r)) = (quotient s). by rewrite /fun_on_quotient/section_canon_proj; aw. set(x := class s (rep y)). have xq: (inc x (quotient s)) by rewrite /x; rewrite ss in rys; fprops. rewrite sfo; ex_tac. rewrite foq_finer_V //. have cry: (class r (rep y) = y) by apply: class_rep=>//. rewrite -cry; apply: class_eq1 =>//;apply: fe. apply: (symmetricity_e es). apply /(class_P es); apply: rep_i; rewrite /x. apply /(setQ_ne es); apply /(setQ_P es); apply/(class_class es); ue. Qed. End FinerEquivalence. (** Quotient of a relation by a finer one *) Definition quotient_of_relations r s:= equivalence_associated (fun_on_quotient s (canon_proj r)). Lemma cqr_aux s x y u: equivalence s -> sub y (substrate s) -> x = Vfs (canon_proj s) y -> (inc u x <-> (exists2 v, inc v y & u = class s v)). Proof. move=> es ys xi. split. rewrite xi /Vfs => ui. move:(sub_im_canon_proj_quotient ys ui) => uqs. move: ui=> /dirim_P [z zy Jg]; move : (ys _ zy) => zs. move: Jg => /(rel_gcp_P es zs uqs) zu. ex_tac. have aux: (class s (rep u) = u) by (apply: class_rep). have : related s (rep u) z by apply /(class_P es); ue. move /(related_equiv_P es) => [_ _]; ue. have fc: function (canon_proj s) by fprops. move=> [v vy ->]; move: (ys _ vy) => vs; rewrite xi. apply/dirim_P; ex_tac; apply /(rel_gcp_P es vs); fprops. Qed. Section QuotientRelations. Variables (r s: Set). Hypotheses (fa:finer_axioms s r) (fe: finer_equivalence s r). Lemma quo_rel_equivalence: equivalence_on (quotient_of_relations r s) (quotient s). Proof. move: (graph_ea_equivalence (proj1 (foq_finer_fs fa fe))). rewrite/fun_on_quotient/section_canon_proj; aw. Qed. Lemma quo_rel_relatedP x y: related (quotient_of_relations r s) x y <-> [/\ inc x (quotient s), inc y (quotient s) & related r (rep x) (rep y)]. Proof. have foq: function (fun_on_quotient s (canon_proj r)). by apply:(surj_function (foq_finer_fs fa fe)). have fc: function (canon_proj r) by fprops. have sf: source (fun_on_quotient s (canon_proj r)) = quotient s. rewrite /fun_on_quotient/section_canon_proj; aw. move: fa =>[es er ss]. have sc:source (canon_proj r) = substrate s by aw. rewrite/quotient_of_relations; split. move /(ea_relatedP foq); rewrite sf. move => [xq yq h];split => //. have p1: (inc (rep x) (substrate r)) by rewrite ss; fprops. have p2: (inc (rep y) (substrate r)) by rewrite ss; fprops. move: h;rewrite foqc_V // foqc_V //; aw => h. by apply/(related_equiv_P er). move => [xs ys rr]; apply /(ea_relatedP foq); rewrite sf; split => //. move/(related_equiv_P er): rr => [p1 p2 p3]. rewrite foqc_V // foqc_V //; aw. Qed. Lemma quo_rel_related_bisP x y: inc x (substrate s) -> inc y (substrate s) -> (related (quotient_of_relations r s) (class s x) (class s y) <-> related r x y). Proof. move=> xs ys. move: fa =>[es er ss]. have p1:(related r x (rep (class s x))) by apply: fe; apply: related_rep_class. have p2:(related r y (rep (class s y))) by apply: fe; apply: related_rep_class. split. move/quo_rel_relatedP=> [ixs iys rxy]. apply: (@transitivity_e _ (rep (class s x))) =>//. apply: (@transitivity_e _ (rep (class s y))) =>//. equiv_tac. move=> h; apply/quo_rel_relatedP; split; fprops. apply: (@transitivity_e _ x) =>//. apply: symmetricity_e=>//. equiv_tac. Qed. Lemma quo_rel_class_bisP x: ( inc x (quotient (quotient_of_relations r s)) <-> exists2 y, inc y (quotient r) & x = Vfs (canon_proj s) y). Proof. have [eq aux ]:=(quo_rel_equivalence). move: (fa) =>[es er ss]. have fc: function (canon_proj s) by fprops. split. move/(setQ_P eq) => cq; move: (cq)=> [ca cb]. set(y:= Zo (substrate r) (fun v => exists2 u, inc u x & inc v u)). move: (rep_in_class eq cq) => rxx. move: (sub_class_sr eq cq); rewrite aux => scx. move: (scx _ rxx) => repxq; move: (setQ_repi es repxq) => rrx. have rrsr: inc (rep (rep x)) (substrate r). by rewrite ss; apply: (inc_in_setQ_sr es rrx repxq). have ys: sub y (substrate r) by rewrite /y ss; apply: Zo_S. have cy: y = class r (rep (rep x)). set_extens u. move /Zo_P => [usr [t tx ut]]; apply /(class_P er). move: tx; rewrite {1} cb; move /(class_P eq). move /quo_rel_relatedP => [uq vq ruv]. apply: (@transitivity_e _ (rep t))=>//. by apply: fe; apply/(class_P es); rewrite class_rep. move /(class_P er) => rab. move: (arg2_sr rab) => bsr; move: rab. rewrite ss in rrsr bsr. move /(quo_rel_related_bisP rrsr bsr). move /(class_P eq); rewrite (class_rep es repxq) - cb => h. apply: Zo_i; [ ue | ex_tac]. exists y. rewrite cy; apply/(setQ_P er); apply: (class_class er rrsr). set (xx := Vfs (canon_proj s) y). rewrite ss in ys. set_extens u. move => ux; move: (scx _ ux) => aux1; apply/ (cqr_aux u es ys (refl_equal xx)). move: (setQ_repi es aux1) => ur. exists (rep u); first by apply: Zo_i; [ ue | ex_tac]. by symmetry; apply: class_rep. move/ (cqr_aux u es ys (refl_equal xx)) => [v vy ->]. move: vy => /Zo_P [vr [w wx vw]]. have wq: (inc w (quotient s)) by apply: scx. move: (related_rep_in_class es wq vw). move => /(related_equiv_P es) [rws vd]. by move: (class_rep es wq) => -> <-. move => [y] /(setQ_P er) cy xd; apply /(setQ_P eq). move: (rep_in_class er cy) => ryy. move: (sub_class_sr er cy); rewrite ss => ysr. have sxq: sub x (quotient s). by move => t tx; apply: (sub_im_canon_proj_quotient ysr); ue. have nex: nonempty x by rewrite xd; apply: nonempty_image => //; aw; ex_tac. move: (rep_i nex) => rrx. move: (rrx) => /(cqr_aux (rep x) es ysr xd) [v vy asv]. split; [ue | set_extens t]. move => tx; apply/(class_P eq). move/ (cqr_aux t es ysr xd): tx => [w wy asw]. rewrite asv asw ; apply /quo_rel_related_bisP; try apply: ysr => //. by apply /(in_class_relatedP er); exists y. move /(class_P eq) => /quo_rel_relatedP [aq bq rab]. apply/(cqr_aux t es ysr xd); exists (rep t); last by symmetry; apply: class_rep. move: (rel_in_class er cy vy) => s1. apply: (rel_in_class2 er cy). apply: (transitivity_e er s1). apply: (@transitivity_e _ (rep (rep x)))=>//. apply: fe; apply /(in_class_relatedP es). exists (rep x); split. - by rewrite asv; apply: class_class =>//; apply: ysr. - by rewrite asv; apply: inc_itself_class =>//; apply: ysr. - by apply: (setQ_repi es). Qed. Lemma quotient_canonical_decomposition (f := fun_on_quotient s (canon_proj r)) (qr := quotient_of_relations r s): f = (fun_on_quotient qr f) \co (canon_proj qr). Proof. have sj: (surjection f) by rewrite /f;apply: foq_finer_fs. apply: (canonical_decomposition_surj2 sj). Qed. End QuotientRelations. Lemma quo_rel_pr s t (r := inv_image_relation (canon_proj s) t): equivalence s -> equivalence t -> substrate t = quotient s -> t = quotient_of_relations r s. Proof. move=> es et st. have iaa: iirel_axioms (canon_proj s) t. by split;fprops; aw. have [er sr]:=(iirel_relation iaa). have fa:finer_axioms s r. by split=>//; rewrite /r sr //; aw. have fe: finer_equivalence s r. move => x y sxy; apply / iirel_relatedP => //. have xs: inc x (substrate s) by substr_tac. have ys: inc y (substrate s) by substr_tac. aw;split=>//. have -> : (class s x =class s y) by apply: class_eq1. by apply: reflexivity_e=>//; rewrite st; fprops. have [eq sr'] := (quo_rel_equivalence fa fe). apply/sgraph_exten; fprops. move=> u v; split. move => tuv; apply/quo_rel_relatedP => //. have us: (inc u (quotient s)) by rewrite - st; substr_tac. have vs: (inc v (quotient s)) by rewrite - st; substr_tac. have rus: (inc (rep u) (substrate s)) by fprops. have rvs: (inc (rep v) (substrate s)) by fprops. split=>//; apply /iirel_relatedP => //. by split; aw; rewrite class_rep // class_rep. move/(quo_rel_relatedP fa fe) => [uq vq]. move /(iirel_relatedP iaa) ;rewrite canon_proj_s. move=> [ru rv]; aw; rewrite class_rep // class_rep //. Qed. (** ** EII-6-8 Product of two equivalence relations *) Definition prod_of_relation r r':= graph_on (fun x y=> inc (J(P x)(P y)) r /\ inc (J(Q x)(Q y)) r') ((substrate r) \times (substrate r')). Lemma substrate_prod_of_rel r r': equivalence r ->equivalence r' -> substrate (prod_of_relation r r') = (substrate r)\times (substrate r'). Proof. move => pa pb; rewrite graph_on_sr //. by move => a /setX_P [_ ta tb]; split; equiv_tac. Qed. Lemma order_product2_sr1 f g: preorder f -> preorder g -> substrate (prod_of_relation f g) = (substrate f) \times (substrate g). Proof. move=> [_ rf _] [_ rg _ ]; apply: graph_on_sr. move => a /setX_P [pa Ps Qs]. by split; [apply: rf | apply: rg]. Qed. Lemma order_product2_sr f g: order f -> order g -> substrate (prod_of_relation f g) = (substrate f) \times (substrate g). Proof. move=> orf og; apply: order_product2_sr1; by apply: order_preorder. Qed. Lemma equivalence_prod_of_rel r r': equivalence r -> equivalence r' -> equivalence (prod_of_relation r r'). Proof. move => pa pb. apply: equivalence_from_rel; split. move => a b [ra rb];split; equiv_tac. move => a b c [ra rb] [rc rd];split; equiv_tac. Qed. Lemma order_product2_preorder f g: preorder f -> preorder g -> preorder (prod_of_relation f g). Proof. move => [_ rf tf] [_ rg tg]; apply: preorder_from_rel; hnf; split. move => x y z[pxy qxy][pyz qyz]. split; [ apply: tf pxy pyz | apply: tg qxy qyz]. move=> x y [pxy qxy]; split; split; try apply: rf; try apply: rg; substr_tac. Qed. Lemma order_product2_or f g: order f -> order g -> order (prod_of_relation f g). Proof. move=> orf og. have [gr rr tr]: preorder (prod_of_relation f g). by apply: order_product2_preorder; apply: order_preorder. move: orf og => [_ rf tf af] [_ rg tg ag]. split => //. move => x y /Zo_P [pa [pb pc]] /Zo_P [qa [qb qc]]. move: pb pc qb qc; aw => pb pc qb qc. move: pa => /setX_P [_ ]; aw ;move /setX_P => [px _ _] /setX_P [py _ _]. apply: pair_exten => //; [exact: (af _ _ pb qb) | exact: (ag _ _ pc qc)]. Qed. Lemma prod_of_rel_P r r' a b: related (prod_of_relation r r') a b <-> [/\ pairp a, pairp b, related r (P a) (P b) & related r' (Q a) (Q b)]. Proof. rewrite /related /prod_of_relation; split. by move /graph_on_P0 => [] /setX_P [pa _ _] /setX_P [pb _ _] [pc pd]. move => [pa pb pc pd]; apply /graph_on_P0;split => //; apply/setX_P; split => //; substr_tac. Qed. Lemma related_prod_of_relP1 r r' x x' v: related (prod_of_relation r r') (J x x') v <-> (exists y y', [/\ v = J y y', related r x y & related r' x' y']). Proof. split. move /prod_of_rel_P; aw; move=> [_ pb pc pd]. by exists (P v); exists (Q v). move=> [y [y' [eq r1 r2]]]; rewrite eq; apply /prod_of_rel_P; aw; split; fprops. Qed. Lemma related_prod_of_relP2 r r' x x' v: (related (prod_of_relation r r') (J x x') v <-> inc v ((im_of_singleton r x) \times (im_of_singleton r' x'))). Proof. split. move=> /related_prod_of_relP1 [y [y' [eq r1 r2]]]; rewrite eq. by apply/setXp_i; apply /dirim_set1_P. move /setX_P => [pv /dirim_set1_P j1r /dirim_set1_P j2r]. by apply/related_prod_of_relP1;exists (P v); exists (Q v);aw. Qed. Lemma class_prod_of_relP2 r r': equivalence r -> equivalence r' -> forall x, (classp (prod_of_relation r r') x <-> exists u v, [/\ classp r u, classp r' v & x = u \times v]). Proof. move=> er er'. move:(equivalence_prod_of_rel er er')=> er''. split. move => cx; move: (cx) => [ca cb]. move: (ca); rewrite (substrate_prod_of_rel er er') => /setX_P [pa pb pc]. exists (class r (P (rep x))); exists (class r' (Q (rep x))); split => //. by apply: (class_class er). by apply: (class_class er'). set_extens v. rewrite {1} cb; move /(class_P er'') => /prod_of_rel_P [qa qb qc qd]. apply /setX_P => //; split => //; apply /class_P => //. move /setX_P => [qa qb qc]; rewrite cb; apply /(class_P er''). by apply /prod_of_rel_P;split => //; apply /class_P. move=> [u [v [pa pb pe]]]. move: (pa)(pb) => [pc _] [pd _]. suff : x = class (prod_of_relation r r') (J (rep u) (rep v)). move => ->; apply: (class_class er''). by rewrite (substrate_prod_of_rel er er'); apply:setXp_i. set_extens t. rewrite pe; move => /setX_P [qa qb qc]. apply /(class_P er''); apply /prod_of_rel_P; aw. split; fprops; by apply :rel_in_class. move /(class_P er'') => /prod_of_rel_P; aw; move => [_ qa qb qc]. rewrite pe; apply /setX_P;split => //. apply: (rel_in_class2 er pa qb). apply: (rel_in_class2 er' pb qc). Qed. Lemma ext_to_prod_rel_f r r': equivalence r -> equivalence r' -> function (ext_to_prod(canon_proj r)(canon_proj r')). Proof. move=> er er'; apply: ext_to_prod_f; fprops. Qed. Lemma ext_to_prod_rel_V r r' x x': equivalence r -> equivalence r' -> inc x (substrate r) -> inc x' (substrate r') -> Vf (ext_to_prod(canon_proj r)(canon_proj r')) (J x x') = J (class r x) (class r' x'). Proof. move=> er er' xs xs'. rewrite ext_to_prod_V; fprops; aw. Qed. Lemma compatible_ext_to_prod r r': equivalence r -> equivalence r' -> compatible_with_equiv (ext_to_prod (canon_proj r) (canon_proj r')) (prod_of_relation r r'). Proof. move=> er er'. have fc: function (canon_proj r) by fprops. have fc': function (canon_proj r') by fprops. split; first by apply: ext_to_prod_f. by rewrite substrate_prod_of_rel // /ext_to_prod; aw. move=> x x'. move /prod_of_rel_P=> [px px']. move/(related_equiv_P er) => [pxs qx cx] /(related_equiv_P er') [pys qy cy]. have q1: (J (P x)(Q x) = x) by aw. have q2: (J (P x')(Q x') = x') by aw. rewrite -q1 ext_to_prod_V //; aw. rewrite -q2 ext_to_prod_V //; aw. by rewrite cx cy. Qed. Lemma compatible_ext_to_prod_inv r r' x x': equivalence r -> equivalence r' -> pairp x -> inc (P x) (substrate r) -> inc (Q x) (substrate r') -> pairp x' -> inc (P x') (substrate r) -> inc (Q x') (substrate r') -> Vf (ext_to_prod (canon_proj r) (canon_proj r')) x = Vf (ext_to_prod (canon_proj r) (canon_proj r')) x' -> related (prod_of_relation r r') x x'. Proof. move=> er er' px Px Qx px' Px' Qx'. have p1: (J (P x) (Q x) = x) by aw. have p2: (J (P x') (Q x') = x') by aw. rewrite -p1 -p2 ext_to_prod_rel_V // ext_to_prod_rel_V // => Jeq. move: (pr1_def Jeq) (pr2_def Jeq)=> eq1 eq2. by apply/prod_of_rel_P; aw; split; fprops; apply/related_equiv_P. Qed. Lemma related_ext_to_prod_rel r r': equivalence r -> equivalence r' -> equivalence_associated (ext_to_prod(canon_proj r)(canon_proj r')) = prod_of_relation r r'. Proof. move=> er er'. move:(compatible_ext_to_prod er er')=> [fe se re]. have eq: equivalence (prod_of_relation r r') by apply: equivalence_prod_of_rel. have eq' := proj1(graph_ea_equivalence fe). apply: sgraph_exten; fprops. have f1: function (canon_proj r) by fprops. have f2: function (canon_proj r') by fprops. move=> u v; split. move /(ea_relatedP fe) => []. rewrite {1 2} /ext_to_prod lf_source. move /setX_P => [up Pu Qu] /setX_P [vp Pv Qv]. have r1: (J (P u)(Q u) = u) by aw. have r2: (J (P v)(Q v) = v) by aw. rewrite -r1 -r2 ext_to_prod_V // ext_to_prod_V //. move: Pu Qu Pv Qv; rewrite 2! canon_proj_s => Pu Qu Pv Qv. aw; move=> neq; move: (pr1_def neq) (pr2_def neq)=> eq1 eq2. by apply /prod_of_rel_P;split; fprops; aw; apply/related_equiv_P. move /prod_of_rel_P => [pu pv] /(related_equiv_P er)[Pu Pv c1] /(related_equiv_P er') [Qu Qv c2]. apply /(ea_relatedP fe); split. by rewrite /ext_to_prod lf_source; aw;apply/setX_P. by rewrite /ext_to_prod lf_source; aw;apply/setX_P. by apply: re; apply/prod_of_rel_P; split => //; apply /(related_equiv_P). Qed. Lemma decomposable_ext_to_prod_rel r r': equivalence r -> equivalence r' -> exists h, [/\ bijection h, source h = quotient (prod_of_relation r r'), target h = (quotient r) \times (quotient r') & h \co (canon_proj (prod_of_relation r r')) = ext_to_prod(canon_proj r)(canon_proj r')]. Proof. move=> er er'. set (r'':=prod_of_relation r r'). set (f'':=ext_to_prod (canon_proj r) (canon_proj r')). set (h:=fun_on_quotient r'' f''). have er'': equivalence r'' by rewrite /r''; apply: equivalence_prod_of_rel. have co: compatible_with_equiv f'' r''. rewrite /f'' /r''; apply: compatible_ext_to_prod=>//. move :(compose_foq_proj er'' co); rewrite -/h => cop. have sh: source h = quotient r''. by rewrite /h /fun_on_quotient/section_canon_proj; aw. have th: target h = (quotient r) \times (quotient r'). rewrite /h/fun_on_quotient/ f'' /ext_to_prod; aw. have fh: function h. rewrite /h /f''; apply: foqc_f =>//. apply: ext_to_prod_f; fprops. by rewrite /r'' substrate_prod_of_rel // /ext_to_prod; aw. have ff'': function f'' by rewrite /f''; apply: ext_to_prod_rel_f. have sf'': source f'' = substrate r''. rewrite /f'' /r''/ext_to_prod substrate_prod_of_rel; aw. have ih: injection h. split=>//. move=> x y; rewrite sh /h => xs ys. rewrite foqc_V // foqc_V //. move: (rep_i_sr er'' xs)(rep_i_sr er'' ys). rewrite substrate_prod_of_rel //. move=> /setX_P [px Px Qx] /setX_P [py Py Qy] WW. move: (compatible_ext_to_prod_inv er er' px Px Qx py Py Qy WW). by move/(related_rr_P er'' xs ys). exists h;split => //;split =>//;split =>//. move=> y; rewrite th; move /setX_P=> [py Py Qy]. have p1: (inc (J (rep (P y)) (rep (Q y))) (substrate r'')). rewrite /r'' substrate_prod_of_rel //;apply:setXp_i; fprops. set (x:= class r'' (J (rep (P y)) (rep (Q y)))). have xq: inc x (quotient r'') by rewrite /x; fprops. have rxs: inc (rep x) (substrate r'') by fprops. move: (related_rep_class er'' p1). move: rxs; rewrite substrate_prod_of_rel;aw;move /setX_P => [ pr Pr Qr]. move: p1; rewrite substrate_prod_of_rel; aw; move /setXp_P=> [Py' Qy']. rewrite -/x; move /(related_prod_of_relP1)=> [u [v [e1 e2 e3]]]. exists x; rewrite ?sh // /h foqc_V //- pr - py /f'' ext_to_prod_rel_V //. have <-: (P y = class r (P (rep x))). apply: is_class_pr =>//; rewrite e1; aw. by move:Py => /(setQ_P er) [_ ->]; apply /(class_P er). have <- //: (Q y = class r' (Q (rep x))) . apply: is_class_pr =>//; rewrite e1; aw. by move:Qy => /(setQ_P er') [_ ->]; apply /(class_P er'). Qed. Section LeastEquiv. Definition eqv_smaller (R: relation) r := forall x y, R x y -> related r x y. Definition eqv_smallest E R := intersection (Zo (equivalences E) (eqv_smaller R)). Lemma eqv_smallest_prop E R (r := (eqv_smallest E R)): (forall x y, R x y -> inc x E /\ inc y E) -> equivalence_on r E /\ eqv_smaller R r. Proof. move => ha. have hb:equivalence r. apply: setIrel_equivalence. by move => t /Zo_P [/equivalencesP []]. have ne:nonempty (Zo (equivalences E) (eqv_smaller R)). exists (coarse E); apply/Zo_P; split. apply: inc_coarse_all_equivalence_relations. by move => x y /ha /coarse_related. have sr: substrate r = E. by apply:(setIrel_sr ne) => t /Zo_P [/equivalencesP []] // []. split => // x y rxy. by apply/(setI_P ne) => s /Zo_P [uu]; apply. Qed. Lemma eqv_smallest_prop2 E (R: relation) r: (forall x y, R x y -> inc x E /\ inc y E) -> equivalence_on r E -> eqv_smaller R r -> (forall r', equivalence_on r' E -> eqv_smaller R r' -> sub r r') -> r = eqv_smallest E R. Proof. move => ep er sm h. set F := (Zo (equivalences E) (eqv_smaller R)). have ha: inc r F by apply/Zo_P; split => //; apply/equivalencesP. move:(eqv_smallest_prop ep) => [hb hc]; move:(h _ hb hc) => sub1. by apply: extensionality => //; apply:setI_s1. Qed. Lemma eqv_smallest_sym E (R: relation): (forall x y, R x y -> inc x E /\ inc y E) -> (eqv_smallest E R) = (eqv_smallest E (fun x y => R x y \/ R y x)). Proof. move => ha. set R' := (fun x y : Set => R x y \/ R y x). rewrite /eqv_smallest. congr intersection; apply: Zo_exten1 => s /equivalencesP[eq ss]. split => h x y. case; [ by apply:h | move/h ; apply:(proj44 eq)]. by move=> rxy; apply:h; left. Qed. Lemma eqv_smallest_refl E (R: relation) (R' := fun x y => R x y \/ (inc x E /\ x = y)): (forall x y, R x y -> inc x E /\ inc y E) -> (eqv_smallest E R) = (eqv_smallest E R'). Proof. move => ha. rewrite /eqv_smallest. congr intersection; apply: Zo_exten1 => s /equivalencesP[eq ss]. split => h x y. case; [ by apply: h | by move => [xE <-]; apply:(proj42 eq); rewrite ss ]. by move=> rxy; apply:h; left. Qed. (** A chain is a list with at least two elements; it has a head and a tail. *) Inductive chain:Type := chain_pair: Set -> Set -> chain | chain_next: Set -> chain -> chain. Fixpoint chain_head x := match x with chain_pair u _ => u | chain_next u _ => u end. Fixpoint chain_tail x := match x with chain_pair _ u => u | chain_next _ u => chain_tail u end. Fixpoint concat_chain x y : chain := match x with chain_pair u _ => chain_next u y | chain_next u v => chain_next u (concat_chain v y) end. Lemma head_concat x y: chain_head (concat_chain x y) = chain_head x. Proof. by case: x. Qed. Lemma tail_concat x y: chain_tail (concat_chain x y) = chain_tail y. Proof. by elim: x. Qed. (** We may revert a chain *) Fixpoint reconc_chain (x y:chain) :chain:= match x with chain_pair u v => chain_next v (chain_next u y) | chain_next u v => reconc_chain v (chain_next u y) end. Lemma tail_reconc x y: chain_tail (reconc_chain x y) = chain_tail y. Proof. by move: x y; elim=> [a b y | a c r] // y; by rewrite r. Qed. Lemma head_reconc x y:chain_head (reconc_chain x y) = chain_tail x. Proof. move: x y; elim=> [a b y | a c r] // y; by rewrite r. Qed. Fixpoint chain_reverse x:= match x with chain_pair u v => chain_pair v u | chain_next u v => match v with chain_pair u' v' => chain_next v' (chain_pair u' u) | chain_next u' v' => reconc_chain v' (chain_pair u' u) end end. Lemma head_reverse x: chain_head (chain_reverse x) = chain_tail x. Proof. elim x=>// y;elim =>// P c h h1 /=; apply: head_reconc. Qed. Lemma tail_reverse x: chain_tail (chain_reverse x) = chain_head x. Proof. elim: x =>// y;elim =>// P c h h1 /=; apply: tail_reconc. Qed. Variables (R:relation) (E:Set). Hypotheses (A1: reflexive_re R E)(A2: symmetric_r R) (A3: forall x y, R x y -> inc x E). Fixpoint chained_r x := match x with chain_pair u v => R u v | chain_next u v => R u (chain_head v) /\ chained_r v end. Lemma chained_concat x y: chained_r x -> chained_r y -> chain_tail x = chain_head y -> chained_r (concat_chain x y). Proof. move=> cx cy txhy;elim: x cx txhy => [a b cp ct| a c r cp ct]. split=>//; by rewrite -ct //. by move: cp => [pa pb];split; [rewrite head_concat | apply: r]. Qed. Lemma chained_reconc x y: chained_r x -> chained_r y -> R (chain_head y) (chain_head x) -> chained_r (reconc_chain x y). Proof. move: x y; elim => [a b y c cy | P c r]=>//=; auto. by move=> y [rPh cc] cy RhyP; apply: r=>//; split => //; apply: A2. Qed. Lemma chained_reverse x: chained_r x -> chained_r (chain_reverse x). Proof. elim: x; first by move=> a b;apply:A2. move=> a; elim; first by move => b c /= _ [/A2 h2 /A2 h3]. move=> b c hr hr1 /= [/A2 Rab [Rbc cc]]. by apply: chained_reconc. Qed. Definition chain_related x y := exists c:chain, [/\ chained_r c, chain_head c = x & chain_tail c = y]. Definition chain_equivalence := graph_on chain_related E. Lemma chain_related_re x: inc x E <-> chain_related x x. Proof. split. by move=> xE; exists (chain_pair x x);split => //; apply /A1. case; case => a b [h <- _]; [by apply: (A3 h) | by case:h => /A3 ]. Qed. Lemma chain_equivalence_eq: equivalence_on chain_equivalence E. Proof. split; last by apply: graph_on_sr => x /chain_related_re. apply: equivalence_from_rel. split. move=> x y [c [cc hcx tcy]]. exists (chain_reverse c); split. + by apply: chained_reverse. + by rewrite head_reverse. + by rewrite tail_reverse. move => y x z [c [cc hcx tcy]][c' [cc' hcy tcz]]. exists (concat_chain c c'); split => //. apply: chained_concat=>//; ue. by rewrite head_concat. by rewrite tail_concat. Qed. Lemma chain_equivalence_is_smallest: chain_equivalence = eqv_smallest E R. Proof. apply:eqv_smallest_prop2. + move => x y rxy;split; [exact: (A3 rxy)| exact (A3 (A2 rxy))]. + exact chain_equivalence_eq. + move => x y Rxy;apply/graph_on_P1; split. - apply: (A3 Rxy). - apply: (A3 (A2 Rxy)). - exists (chain_pair x y); split => //. + move => r' [er' _] p q. have aux:(forall w, chained_r w -> inc (J (chain_head w) (chain_tail w)) r'). elim => [a b | a c h [aux cc]] //=; first by apply: p. move: (h cc)(p _ _ aux) => r1 r2; apply:(proj43 er' _ _ _ r2 r1). move /Zo_P => [pp [c [cc hcx htx]]]. have <-: (J (P q)(Q q) = q) by move/setX_P: pp => [pp _]. by rewrite -hcx -htx ; apply: aux. Qed. End LeastEquiv. End Relation. Export Relation.