(** * Theory of Sets : Ordinals Copyright INRIA (2011-2013) Marelle Team (Jose Grimm). *) (* $Id: sset15.v,v 1.37 2016/05/18 14:54:53 grimm Exp $ *) Require Import ssreflect ssrfun ssrbool eqtype ssrnat. Require Export sset14. Set Implicit Arguments. Unset Strict Implicit. Unset Printing Implicit Defensive. Module Ordinals5. Lemma infinite_power1 a b: \2c <=c a -> a <=c (\2c ^c b) -> infinite_c b -> a ^c b = \2c ^c b. Proof. move=> le1 le2 ic. have bb:= (cleR (proj1 ic)). have ap:= nesym (proj2 (clt_leT clt_02 le1)). move: (cpow_Mlele ap le2 bb)(cpow_Mlele card2_nz le1 bb). rewrite - cpow_pow (csquare_inf ic). apply: cleA. Qed. Lemma infinite_power1_a a b: \2c <=c a -> a <=c b -> infinite_c b -> a ^c b = \2c ^c b. Proof. move => pa pb pc; apply: infinite_power1 => //. exact: (cleT pb (proj1 (cantor (proj1 pc)))). Qed. Lemma infinite_power1_b x: infinite_c x -> x ^c x = \2c ^c x. Proof. move => ix; apply: infinite_power1_a => //. apply: finite_le_infinite => //; apply /NatP; fprops. exact (cleR (proj1 ix)). Qed. Lemma infinite_power1_c x: infinite_c x -> (cnext x) ^c x = \2c ^c x. Proof. move=> ix; move:(ix) =>[cx _]. apply: infinite_power1 => //; last by apply: (cnext_pr3 cx). exact: (cleT (finite_le_infinite finite_2 ix) (proj1 ((cnext_pr2 cx)))). Qed. Section Exercise3_3. Variables f g :Set. Hypothesis (fgf: fgraph f)(fgg: fgraph g). Hypothesis sd: domain f = domain g. Hypothesis hg: (forall i, inc i (domain g) -> \2c <=c (Vg g i)). Lemma compare_sum_prod1: (csum g) <=c (cprod g). Proof. case: (emptyset_dichot (domain g)) => dge. rewrite csum_trivial // cprod_trivial //; fprops. move: dge => [i idg]. case: (equal_or_not (domain g) (singleton i)) => dgs. have c1: cardinalp (Vg g i) by move: (hg idg) => [_ le1 _]. rewrite (csum_trivial2 dgs c1) (cprod_trivial1 dgs) (card_card c1); fprops. pose h j := choose (fun z => [/\ (inc (P z) (Vg g j)), (inc (Q z) (Vg g j)) & P z <> Q z]). have gp: forall j, inc j (domain g) -> [/\ inc (P (h j)) (Vg g j), (inc (Q (h j)) (Vg g j)) & P (h j) <> Q (h j)]. move=> j jdf; apply choose_pr. have aux:=(hg jdf). move: (aux); rewrite - {1} (card_card (proj32 aux)). move/cle2P => [a [b [ae be ab]]]. exists (J a b); aw;split => //. rewrite /cprod /csum. set Pr := (productb g); set (Sr := (disjointU g)). suff [h2 [hp6 hp8]]: exists h2, ( (forall j x, inc j (domain g) -> inc x (Vg g j) -> inc (h2 j x) Pr) /\ (forall j k x y, inc j (domain g) ->inc k (domain g) -> h2 j x = h2 k y -> (x = y /\ j = k))). set hh:= Lf (fun z => h2 (Q z) (P z)) (disjointU g) (productb g). rewrite /Sr /Pr. have ->: (disjointU g) = source hh by rewrite /hh; aw. have ->: (productb g) = target hh by rewrite /hh; aw. apply: incr_fun_morph; apply: lf_injective. by move=> z zf; move: (disjointU_hi zf) => [p1 p2 p3]; apply: hp6. move=> u v ud vd; move: (disjointU_hi ud) => [p1 p2 p3]. move: (disjointU_hi vd) => [p4 p5 p6] eq. by move: (hp8 _ _ _ _ p1 p4 eq) => [sp sq]; apply: pair_exten. have [k1 kdf1 ki1]: exists2 k, inc k (domain g) & k <> i. ex_middle ne; case: dgs; set_extens t. move=> tdf; apply /set1_P; ex_middle ti; case: ne; ex_tac. by move /set1_P => ->. case: (p_or_not_p (exists k2, [/\ inc k2 (domain g), k2 <> i & k2 <> k1])). move=> [k2 [k2df k2i k12]]. (* at least three elements in the domain of g *) pose hh j x:= Lg (domain g) (fun z => Yo (z = j) x (P (h z))). have hp1: forall j x, inc j (domain g) -> inc x (Vg g j) -> inc (hh j x) Pr. move => j x jdf xv; apply /setXb_P;rewrite /hh;bw;split;fprops. by move => z zdf; bw; Ytac zj; [ ue |move: (gp _ zdf) => [] ]. have hp2: forall j x y, inc j (domain g) -> (hh j x = hh j y) -> x = y. by move=> j x y jdf sh;move:(f_equal (Vg^~j) sh);rewrite/hh; bw;Ytac0;Ytac0. have hp3: forall j k x y, inc j (domain g) -> inc k (domain g)-> j <> k -> (hh j x = hh k y) -> (x = P (h j) /\ y = P (h k)). move=> j l x y jdf ldf jl sh;split. by move: (f_equal (Vg^~ j) sh); rewrite /hh; bw; Ytac0; Ytac0. by move: (f_equal (Vg^~ l) sh); rewrite /hh; bw; Ytac0; Ytac0. pose h1 j := Lg (domain g) (fun z : Set => Yo (z = j) (P (h z)) (Q (h z))). have hp4: forall j, inc j (domain g) -> inc (h1 j) Pr. move => j jdf; apply /setXb_P;rewrite /h1;bw;split;fprops. by move=> z zdf; bw; move:(gp _ zdf) => [za zb _]; Ytac zj. have hp5: forall j j', inc j (domain g) -> (h1 j = h1 j') -> j = j'. move=> j j' jdf sh;ex_middle jj'; move: (f_equal (Vg ^~j) sh). rewrite /h1; bw;Ytac0; Ytac0. by move:(gp _ jdf) => [_ _ zc]. pose h2 j x := Yo (x = P (h j)) (h1 j) (hh j x). exists h2; split. move=> j x jdf xV; rewrite /h2; Ytac e1; [by apply: hp4 | by apply: hp1]. have hp7: forall j k x, inc j (domain g) ->inc k (domain g) -> hh j x <> h1 k. move=> j k x jdf kdf; rewrite /hh /h1; bw. suff [z [zdf z1 z2]]: (exists z, [/\ inc z (domain g), z <> j & z <> k]). move=> eq; move: (f_equal (Vg ^~z) eq); bw; Ytac0; Ytac0. by move: (gp _ zdf) => [_ _]. case: (equal_or_not j i) => ji. case: (equal_or_not k k1) => kk1. exists k2; rewrite ji kk1;split => //. by exists k1; rewrite ji;split => //; apply: nesym. case: (equal_or_not k i) => kk1; last by exists i; split => //;apply: nesym. case: (equal_or_not j k1) => jk2. by exists k2; rewrite kk1 jk2. by exists k1; rewrite kk1; split => //; apply: nesym. move=> j k x y jdf kdf; rewrite /h2; Ytac e1. Ytac e2. by move=> sh1; move: (hp5 _ _ jdf sh1) => aux; rewrite e1 e2 aux. by move => aux; case: (hp7 _ _ y kdf jdf). Ytac e2 => sh1; first by case: (hp7 _ _ x jdf kdf). case: (equal_or_not j k) => e3. split => //;rewrite e3 in sh1; apply: (hp2 _ _ _ kdf sh1). by move: (hp3 _ _ _ _ jdf kdf e3 sh1) => [aux1 aux2]. (* there are two elements in the domain of g *) move=> aux. have dfp: forall j, inc j (domain g) -> j = i \/ j = k1. move=> j jdf; case: (equal_or_not j i); first by left. case: (equal_or_not j k1); first by right. move=> jk1 ji; case: aux; exists j;split => //. clear aux. move: (gp _ idg) (gp _ kdf1). set a1:= (P _); set a2 := (Q _);set b1:= (P _); set b2 := (Q _). move=> [a1v a2v a12] [b1v b2v b12]. pose F x y := Lg (domain g) (fun z => (Yo (z = i) x y)). have fP: forall x y, inc x (Vg g i) -> inc y (Vg g k1) -> inc (F x y) Pr. move=> x y xv yx; apply /setXb_P; rewrite /F /Pr; split;fprops; bw. move=> j jdf; bw; Ytac jv; try ue. case: (dfp _ jdf) => // -> //. pose h2 j x := Yo (j = i) (Yo (x = a1) (F a1 b1) (Yo (x = a2) (F a2 b1) (F x b1))) (Yo (x = b1) (F a1 b2) (Yo (x = b2) (F a2 b2) (F a1 x))). exists h2; split. move => j x jdf xv; rewrite /h2; Ytac ji. Ytac xa1; [ by apply: fP | Ytac xa2; [ by apply: fP |apply: fP => //; ue]]. Ytac xb1; [ by apply: fP | Ytac xb2; [ by apply: fP| apply: fP => //]]. by case: (dfp _ jdf) => //; move=> <-. have Fi1: forall x y x' y', F x y = F x' y' -> x = x'. by move=> x y x' y' eq;move:(f_equal (Vg^~i) eq); rewrite /F; bw;Ytac0; Ytac0. have Fi2: forall x y x' y', F x y = F x' y' -> y = y'. by move=> x y x' y' eq;move:(f_equal (Vg^~k1) eq);rewrite /F; bw;Ytac0; Ytac0. move=> j k x y jdf kdf; rewrite /h2; bw. Ytac ij. Ytac xa1. Ytac ki. Ytac ya1; first by rewrite ij ki xa1 ya1//. Ytac ya2; move=> eq; move:(Fi1 _ _ _ _ eq) ; first by done. by move => eql; case: ya1; rewrite eql. Ytac yb1; first by move=> eq; move: (Fi2 _ _ _ _ eq). Ytac yb2; move=> eq; move: (Fi2 _ _ _ _ eq); first done. by move => eql; case: yb1; rewrite eql. Ytac xa2. Ytac ki. Ytac ya1; first by move=> eq; move:(Fi1 _ _ _ _ eq) => eql; case: a12. Ytac ya2; first by rewrite ij ki xa2 ya2//. by move=> eq; move:(Fi1 _ _ _ _ eq)=> eql; case: ya2; rewrite eql. Ytac yb1; first by move=> eq; move: (Fi2 _ _ _ _ eq). Ytac yb2; move=> eq; move: (Fi2 _ _ _ _ eq); first by done. by move => eql; case: yb1; rewrite eql. Ytac ki. Ytac ya1; first by move=> eq; move:(Fi1 _ _ _ _ eq) => eql; case: a12. Ytac ya2; first by move=> eq; move:(Fi1 _ _ _ _ eq) => eql; case: a12. move=> eq; move:(Fi1 _ _ _ _ eq) => eql; rewrite ij ki; split => //. Ytac yb1; first by move=> eq; move: (Fi2 _ _ _ _ eq). Ytac yb2; move=> eq; move: (Fi2 _ _ _ _ eq); first by done. by move => eql; case: yb1; rewrite eql. case: (dfp _ jdf) => // jk1. Ytac xb1. Ytac ki. Ytac ya1; first by move=> eq; move:(Fi2 _ _ _ _ eq) => eql; case: b12. Ytac ya2; by move=> eq; move:(Fi2 _ _ _ _ eq) => eql; case: b12. case: (dfp _ kdf) => // kk1. Ytac yb1; first by rewrite jk1 kk1 xb1 yb1; split => //. Ytac yb2; first by move=> eq; move: (Fi1 _ _ _ _ eq). by move=> eq; move:(Fi2 _ _ _ _ eq) => eql; case: yb2. Ytac xb2. Ytac ki. by Ytac ya1; [| Ytac ya2 ]; move=> eq; move:(Fi2 _ _ _ _ eq) => eql; case: b12. Ytac yb1; first by move=> eq; move:(Fi1 _ _ _ _ eq) => eql; case: a12. case: (dfp _ kdf) => // kk1. Ytac yb2; first by rewrite jk1 kk1 xb2 yb2; split => //. by move=> eq; move:(Fi1 _ _ _ _ eq) => eql; case: a12. Ytac ki. by Ytac ya1; [| Ytac ya2 ]; move=> eq;move:(Fi2 _ _ _ _ eq) => eql; case: xb1. rewrite jk1;case: (dfp _ kdf) => // -> aux; split => //; move: aux. Ytac yb1; [ | Ytac yb2 ];move=> eq; move: (Fi2 _ _ _ _ eq) => //. Qed. Lemma compare_sum_prod2: (forall i, inc i (domain f) -> (Vg f i) <=c (Vg g i)) -> (csum f) <=c (cprod g). Proof. move=> ale1. exact: (cleT (csum_increasing sd ale1) (compare_sum_prod1)). Qed. Lemma compare_sum_prod3: (forall i, inc i (domain f) -> (Vg f i) (csum f) alt1. have ale1: (forall i, inc i (domain f) -> (Vg f i) <=c (Vg g i)). by move => i idf; move: (alt1 _ idf) => [ok _]. split; first by apply: compare_sum_prod2. move /card_eqP=> [h [bh sh th]]. pose D i := (Vg f i) *s1 i. have Dp1: forall i, inc i (domain f) -> sub (D i) (source h). move=> i idf t td. rewrite sh; apply /setUb_P. rewrite /disjointU_fam; bw; ex_tac; bw. pose A i := Vfs h (D i). have Dp2: forall i, inc i (domain f) -> (cardinal (A i)) [ih _]. move=> i idf;move: (Eq_restriction1 (Dp1 _ idf) ih). move /card_eqP; rewrite -/ (A i). have: cardinal (D i) = cardinal (Vg f i) by apply:cardinal_indexed. move: (alt1 _ idf) => aux. by rewrite (card_card (proj31_1 aux)) => -> <-. have fh: function h by fct_tac. have Dp3: forall i, inc i (domain f) -> sub (A i) (target h). by move=> i idf; apply: fun_image_Starget1. have Dp4: forall i F, inc i (domain f) -> sub F (target h) -> (cardinal (Vfs (pr_i g i) F)) <=c (cardinal F). rewrite th; move=> i F idf Fp; apply: surjective_cle. have idg: inc i (domain g) by ue. exists (restriction1 (pr_i g i) F); split => //; rewrite /restriction1; aw. apply: restriction1_fs; first by apply: pri_f => //. rewrite /pr_i; aw. have Dp5: forall i, inc i (domain f) -> (cardinal (Vfs (pr_i g i) (A i))) i idf; exact:(cle_ltT (Dp4 _ _ idf (Dp3 _ idf)) (Dp2 _ idf) ). have Dp6: forall i, inc i (domain f) -> exists xi, inc xi (Vg g i) /\ (forall y, inc y (A i) -> Vf (pr_i g i) y <> xi). move=> i idf; move: (Dp5 _ idf); set T := Vfs _ _. have fp: function (pr_i g i) by apply: pri_f => //; ue. have st: sub T (Vg g i). by move: (@fun_image_Starget1 _ fp (A i)); rewrite {2} /pr_i lf_target. rewrite -{1} (card_card (proj32_1 ( (alt1 _ idf)))); move=> [_ neq]. ex_middle nex; case: neq;apply:f_equal; apply:extensionality =>//. have sAi: sub (A i) (source (pr_i g i)). by rewrite /pr_i; aw; rewrite -th; apply: Dp3. move=> x xv; apply /(Vf_image_P fp sAi). ex_middle ney; case: nex; exists x; split => //. move=> y yA;case: (equal_or_not (Vf (pr_i g i) y) x) => //. move=> wy; case: ney; ex_tac. pose k i:= choose (fun xi => inc xi (Vg g i) /\ (forall y : Set, inc y (A i) -> Vf (pr_i g i) y <> xi)). have kp: forall i, inc i (domain f) -> (inc (k i) (Vg g i) /\ (forall y, inc y (A i) -> Vf (pr_i g i) y <> (k i))). move=> i idf; apply choose_pr; apply: (Dp6 _ idf). set x := Lg (domain g) k. have xth: inc x (target h). rewrite th /x; apply /setXb_P; split;fprops; bw; move=> i idg; bw. by rewrite - sd in idg; move: (kp _ idg) => [p1 _]. move: bh => [ih sjh]; move: ((proj2 sjh) _ xth) => [y ysg Wy]. move: ysg; rewrite sh; move /setUb_P. rewrite/disjointU_fam; bw. move=> [i idf]; bw => yd. have xA: inc x (A i). by rewrite /A -Wy; apply /(Vf_image_P (proj1 ih)(Dp1 _ idf)); exists y. move: (kp _ idf) => [_ p2]; move: (p2 _ xA). rewrite sd in idf; rewrite th in xth. by rewrite pri_V // /x; bw. Qed. End Exercise3_3. Lemma compare_sum_prod f g: fgraph f -> fgraph g -> domain f = domain g -> (forall i, inc i (domain f) -> (Vg f i) (csum f) fgf fgg sd ale1. set K:= Zo (domain f) (fun i => \2c <=c (Vg g i)). have kdf: sub K (domain f) by apply: Zo_S. have kdg: sub K (domain g) by ue. have aux: forall i, inc i ((domain f) -s K) -> (Vg f i = \0c /\ Vg g i = \1c). move=> i => /setC_P [idf] /Zo_P aux. have le1:=(ale1 _ idf). case: (cleT_el CS2 (proj32_1 le1)); first by move=> h; case: aux;split => //. rewrite - succ_one ; move /(cltSleP NS1) => h1. have p1:=(clt1 (clt_leT le1 h1)). split => //; apply: (cleA h1). by move: le1; rewrite p1; move/cge1P. have pf:(forall i, inc i ((domain f) -s K) -> Vg f i = \0c). by move=> i ic; move: (aux _ ic) => []. have pg:(forall i, inc i ((domain g) -s K) -> Vg g i = \1c). by rewrite - sd;move=> i ic; move: (aux _ ic) => []. rewrite (csum_zero_unit kdf pf) (cprod_one_unit kdg pg). apply: compare_sum_prod3; bw. by move=> i iK; bw; move: iK => /Zo_P //; case. by move=> i iK; bw; apply: ale1; apply: kdf. Qed. Lemma exists_ordering X: cardinal_fam X -> exists f, [/\ bijection f, ordinalp (source f), target f = domain X & fg_Mle_lec (X \cf (graph f))]. Proof. move => pb. set d := domain X. have [w wp]: exists t, ~(inc t d). ex_middle h. set z := Zo d (fun z => ~ (inc z z)). case: (p_or_not_p (inc z z)) => h2. by move: (h2) => /Zo_hi bad. by case: (h2); apply: Zo_i => //; ex_middle h1; case: h; exists z. pose lev Y:= choose(fun z => inc z Y /\ forall u, inc u Y -> Vg X z <=c Vg X u). have lep: forall Y, sub Y d -> nonempty Y -> (inc (lev Y) Y /\ forall u, inc u Y -> Vg X (lev Y) <=c Vg X u). move => Y yd [y yY]; apply choose_pr. set Z := fun_image Y (Vg X). have neZ: nonempty Z by exists (Vg X y); apply /funI_P; exists y. have cz: cardinal_set Z. by move => t /funI_P [z zy ->]; apply: pb; apply: yd. move: (wordering_cle_pr cz)=> [ [qb qc] qa]. have qd: sub Z (substrate (graph_on cardinal_le Z)) by rewrite qa; fprops. rewrite qa in qc; move: (qc _ (@sub_refl Z) neZ) => [z []]. rewrite iorder_sr //; move/funI_P => [t ty ->] tmin; exists t; split => //. move => u uy. have h1: inc (Vg X u) (fun_image Y (Vg X)) by apply/funI_P ; ex_tac. by move: (iorder_gle1 (tmin _ h1)); move /graph_on_P1=> [_ _ ok]. pose lew Y:= Yo (nonempty (d -s Y)) (lev (d -s Y)) w. have lewe: forall Y, nonempty (d -s Y) -> (inc (lew Y) (complement d Y) /\ (forall u : Set, inc u (d -s Y) -> Vg X (lew Y) <=c Vg X u)). by move => y ye; rewrite /lew; Ytac0; apply: lep => //; apply: sub_setC. have lewb: forall Y, inc (lew Y) (d +s1 w). move => Y; case: (p_or_not_p (nonempty (d -s Y))) => h. move: (lewe _ h) => [] /setC_P [ok _] _; fprops. rewrite /lew; Ytac0; fprops. move: (cantor (CS_cardinal d)); set a := _ ^c _ => lt1. move: (lt1) =>[[_ ca _] _]; move: (ca) => [oa _]. move: (ordinal_o_wor oa); set r := ordinal_o _ => wor. have sr: substrate r = a by rewrite /r ordinal_o_sr. pose lef f := lew (Imf f). have ts: (forall f, function f -> segmentp r (source f) -> sub (target f) (d +s1 w)-> inc (lef f) (d +s1 w)). move=> f ff srf sta; apply: lewb. move: (transfinite_defined_pr lef wor); rewrite /transfinite_def sr. move: (transfinite_definition_stable wor ts). set f := transfinite_defined _ _; move=> stf [sjf sf fv]. have ff: function f by fct_tac. have fi: forall i, inc i a -> Vf f i <> w -> forall j, inc j i -> Vf f i <> Vf f j. move => i ia fw; move: (fv _ ia); rewrite /lef. set E := (Imf (restriction_to_segment r i f)) => eq1. move: eq1; case: (p_or_not_p (nonempty (d -s E))) => nt; last by rewrite /lew; Ytac0. move: (lewe _ nt) => [] /setC_P [_ s1] _ eq; move => j ji sv. case: s1; rewrite -eq sv /E. have sr1 : (source (restriction_to_segment r i f)) = i. rewrite /restriction_to_segment /restriction1; aw. rewrite /r ordinal_segment //. have sa1: sub (segment r i) (source f) by rewrite sf - sr ;apply: sub_segment. have ji1: inc j (segment r i). apply /segmentP; apply /ordo_ltP => //. by apply: (ordinal_transitive oa ia). move : (proj1 (restriction1_fs ff sa1)) => fr. apply /(Vf_image_P1 fr). by rewrite sr1;exists j => //; rewrite (restriction1_V ff sa1 ji1). case: (p_or_not_p (inc w (target f))) => wt; last first. have bf: (bijection f). split; last by exact. split; first by fct_tac. move => x y xsf ysf sv. case: (equal_or_not (Vf f x) w) => le1. case: wt; rewrite -le1; Wtac. rewrite sf in xsf ysf. have ox:= (ordinal_hi oa xsf). have oy:= (ordinal_hi oa ysf). case: (oleT_ell ox oy) => //. move /(oltP oy) => lt2. by rewrite sv in le1; move: (fi _ ysf le1 _ lt2); rewrite sv. by move /(oltP ox) => lt2; move: (fi _ xsf le1 _ lt2). have /sub_smaller: sub (target f) d. move=> t td; move: (stf _ td); case/setU1_P => // tw; case: wt;ue. have <-: (cardinal (source f) = cardinal (target f)) by apply /card_eqP; exists f;split => //. by rewrite sf (card_card ca) => /(cltNge lt1). pose pri i := (inc i (source f) /\ Vf f i = w). have [i0 oi0 iv0]: exists2 i, ordinalp i & pri i. rewrite /pri;move: ((proj2 sjf) _ wt) => [i iv1 iv2]; exists i => //. by move: iv1;rewrite sf => /(ordinal_hi oa). move: (least_ordinal4 oi0 iv0). set qi :=least_ordinal _ _;move=> [oq [qsf qv] ql]. rewrite sf in qsf;move: qv; rewrite (fv _ qsf) /lef /lew. set c := complement _ _ => qv. case: (p_or_not_p (nonempty c)) =>h. move: (lewe _ h) => [] /setC_P [wd _] _; case: wp. by move: wd;rewrite /lew -/c qv. set e := Imf (restriction_to_segment r qi f). have sr1 : (source (restriction_to_segment r qi f)) = qi. rewrite /restriction_to_segment /restriction1; aw. rewrite /r ordinal_segment //. have sa1: sub (segment r qi) (source f) by rewrite sf - sr ;apply: sub_segment. have fr:=(proj1 (restriction1_fs ff sa1)). have pa1: forall i, inc i qi ->(inc (Vf f i) d /\ Vf f i <> w). move => t tq. move: (ordinal_transitive oa qsf tq); rewrite - sf => tf. have tw:inc (Vf f t) (target f) by apply: Vf_target. move: (stf _ tw) => /setU1_P. case: (equal_or_not (Vf f t) w) => ww; last by case. have prt : (pri t) by split. have h1:= (ql _ (ordinal_hi oq tq) prt). by move: tq => /(oltP (proj31 h1)) /(oleNgt h1). have fv1: forall u, inc u qi -> (Vf (restriction_to_segment r qi f)u) = Vf f u. move => i iq. have ji1: inc i (segment r qi). apply /segmentP; apply /ordo_ltP => //. by apply: (ordinal_transitive oa qsf). by rewrite (restriction1_V ff sa1 ji1). have de: d = e. set_extens t. move: h; rewrite /c -/e => qa qb; ex_middle tne; case: qa. exists t; apply /setC_P;split => //. move /(Vf_image_P1 fr); rewrite sr1; move => [u uq ->]. by rewrite (fv1 _ uq); move: (pa1 _ uq) => []. have ij1: forall i j, inc i qi -> inc j qi -> Vf f i = Vf f j -> i = j. move => i j iq jq sv. move: (pa1 _ iq) (pa1 _ jq)=> [_ xa1] [_ ya1]. have ia:= ordinal_transitive oa qsf iq. have ja:=ordinal_transitive oa qsf jq. have oi:= ordinal_hi oa ia. have oj:= ordinal_hi oa ja. case: (oleT_ell oi oj) => //. by move /(oltP oj) => lt2; move: (fi _ ja ya1 _ lt2); rewrite sv. by move /(oltP oi) => lt2; move: (fi _ ia xa1 _ lt2). have ij2: injection (restriction_to_segment r qi f). split; first by exact. rewrite sr1; move => x y xsf ysf /=. by rewrite (fv1 _ xsf) (fv1 _ ysf); apply: ij1. move: (restriction_to_image_fb ij2). set g := restriction_to_image (restriction_to_segment r qi f). have tg: target g = d. by rewrite /g de /restriction_to_image/ restriction2; aw. have osd: ordinalp (source g). rewrite /g /restriction_to_image/ restriction2 sr1; aw. move: (restriction_to_image_fb ij2) => bg. have fg: function g by fct_tac. have r2a: restriction2_axioms (restriction_to_segment r qi f) (source (restriction_to_segment r qi f)) (Imf (restriction_to_segment r qi f)). by split => //; apply: fun_image_Starget. have gV : forall i, inc i qi -> Vf g i = Vf f i. move => i iq; rewrite/g /restriction_to_image restriction2_V // ? fv1 ? sr1//. exists g; split => // u v. rewrite composef_domain => us vs uv; bw; rewrite -/(Vf g u) -/ (Vf g v). have aux: domain (graph g) = qi. rewrite (f_domain_graph fg) /g /restriction_to_image /restriction2 corresp_s. aw; rewrite sr1. rewrite aux in us vs; rewrite (gV _ us) (gV _ vs). move: (pa1 _ us) => [wfu wfuw]. case: (equal_or_not u v) => euv. by rewrite - euv; apply: cleR; apply: pb. move: (ordinal_transitive oa qsf us) => ua. rewrite (fv _ ua) /lef /lew; set c1:= nonempty _. case: (p_or_not_p c1) => c1e; last first. by case: wfuw; rewrite (fv _ ua) /lef /lew; Ytac0. move: (lewe _ c1e); rewrite /lew. set f0:= (restriction_to_segment r u f); set x := Yo _ _ _; move=> [qa qb]. suff: inc (Vf f v)(d -s (Imf f0)). move => qc; apply: (qb _ qc). have sa2: sub (segment r u) (source f) by rewrite sf - sr ;apply: sub_segment. have sr2 : (source (restriction_to_segment r u f)) = u. rewrite /restriction_to_segment /restriction1; aw. rewrite /r ordinal_segment //. have fr2:=(proj1 (restriction1_fs ff sa2)). move: (pa1 _ vs) => [wfv _]; apply /setC_P;split => //. move /(Vf_image_P1 fr2); rewrite sr2; move => [t tu]. have tu1: inc t (segment r u). by apply/segmentP; apply/ordo_ltP => //; move:(ordinal_transitive oa ua tu). rewrite (restriction1_V ff sa2 tu1) => sv1; symmetry in sv1. have tqi:=(ordinal_transitive oq us tu). move: tu; rewrite (ij1 _ _ tqi vs sv1). by move /(oltP (ordinal_hi oa ua)) => /(oleNgt uv). Qed. Definition cardinal_pos_fam g := (allf g (fun z => \0c cardinal_pos_fam x -> (\csup (range x)) <=c (cprod x). Proof. move => fx xi. set A := Zo (domain x) (fun a => \2c <=c (Vg x a)). have pa: (forall i, inc i ((domain x) -s A) -> (Vg x i) = \1c). move=> i /setC_P [idx ] /Zo_P h. move: (xi _ idx) => [xx yy]; ex_middle x1; case: h; split => //. apply: (cge2 (proj32 xx) (nesym yy) x1). have Ax: sub A (domain x) by apply: Zo_S. set g := (Lg A (Vg x)). have fgg: fgraph g by rewrite /g ; fprops. have dg: domain g = A by rewrite /g; bw. have gs: (forall i : Set, inc i (domain g) -> \2c <=c Vg g i). by rewrite /g dg => i iA; bw; move: iA => /Zo_P [_]. move: (compare_sum_prod1 gs); rewrite (cprod_one_unit Ax pa) - /g. have cs: cardinal_set (range x). move => t /(range_gP fx) [z zy ->]; exact: (proj32_1(xi _ zy)). case: (emptyset_dichot A) => Ae. move => _. have pb: union (range x) <=c \1c. apply: card_ub_sup => //; fprops. move => i /(range_gP fx) [j jy ->]. have ja: inc j ((domain x) -s A) by apply /setC_P;split => //;rewrite Ae;case; case. rewrite (pa _ ja); fprops. rewrite /cprodb cprod_trivial //; bw. apply: cleT. have pb: (forall a, inc a (domain g) -> cardinalp (Vg g a)). by move => a /gs /proj32. move: Ae => [a Aa]; move: (Aa) => /Zo_P [ay]. have ->: Vg x a = Vg g a by rewrite /g;bw. rewrite -dg in Aa; move: (csum_increasing6 pb Aa). move => le1 le2; move: (cleT le2 le1) => le3. apply: card_ub_sup => //; first by rewrite /csum; fprops. move=> i /(range_gP fx) [j jdx ->]. have s1:= (cleT (proj1 (clt_12)) le3). case: (inc_or_not j A) => jA. rewrite -dg in jA; move: (csum_increasing6 pb jA). rewrite {1}/g; bw; ue. have jc: inc j ((domain x) -s A) by apply /setC_P;split => //. by rewrite (pa _ jc). Qed. Lemma infinite_increasing_power_bound1 X: fgraph X -> ordinal_fam X -> limit_ordinal (\osup (range X)) -> cprod (Lg (domain X) (fun z => \aleph (Vg X z))) <=c \aleph (\osup (range X)) ^c (cardinal (domain X)). Proof. move => fX ogx ob. have ->: omega_fct (union (range X)) ^c cardinal (domain X) = omega_fct (union (range X)) ^c (domain X). apply cpow_pr; fprops. rewrite - cpow_pr2 /cst_graph; apply: cprod_increasing; bw; fprops. move => i idx; bw; apply: aleph_le_lec. apply: ord_sup_ub. move => t tx; move: tx => /(range_gP fX) [z zi ->]; apply: (ogx _ zi). apply /(range_gP fX); exists i => //;ue. Qed. Lemma infinite_increasing_power4 X (Y:= Lg (domain X)(fun z => \aleph (Vg X z))) (a := \osup (range X)): ofg_Mlt_lto X -> limit_ordinal (domain X) -> (cardinal (domain X) <=c \aleph a /\ \aleph a pa pb. move: (increasing_sup_limit4 pa pb);rewrite -/Y -/a; move => [pc pd pe]. move: pa => [fgx xo xi]. move: (pc)(pb) => [oa _ _] [odx _ ldx]. have pa: cardinal (domain X) <=c (cardinal a). set f := Lf (Vg X) (domain X) (range X). have bf:bijection f. apply: lf_bijective. move => t td; apply /(range_gP fgx); ex_tac. move => u v ud vd sv. case: (oleT_ell (ordinal_hi odx ud)(ordinal_hi odx vd)) => // cuv. by move: (xi _ _ ud vd cuv); rewrite sv;move => [_]. by move: (xi _ _ vd ud cuv); rewrite sv;move => [_]. move => y /(range_gP fgx) [x xd ->]; ex_tac. have ->: (cardinal (domain X)) = (cardinal (range X)). apply /card_eqP; exists f;split => //; rewrite /f; aw. apply: (sub_smaller pd). move: (ocle1 (aleph_pr6 oa)). rewrite (card_card (CS_aleph oa)) => lt1. move: (cleT pa lt1) => le1 {pa lt1}. split; first by exact. have ia:=(CIS_aleph (proj31 pc)). have cfy: cardinal_fam Y. rewrite /Y;hnf;bw; move => i idx; bw; apply: CS_aleph;fprops. have fgY: fgraph Y by rewrite /Y; fprops. have cd1: cardinal (domain Y) <=c omega_fct a by rewrite /Y; bw. have <-: csum Y = \aleph a. by rewrite /Y - pe; apply: csum_of_small_b4 => //; rewrite pe. set Z := Lg (domain X) (fun z => (omega_fct (Vg X (osucc z)))). have fgZ: fgraph Z by rewrite /Z; fprops. have sd: domain Y = domain Z by rewrite /Y /Z; bw. have inc1: (forall i, inc i (domain Y) -> Vg Y i i idx; bw; apply: aleph_lt_ltc. apply: xi => //; [ by apply: ldx | apply: (oltS (ordinal_hi odx idx)) ]. apply: (clt_leT (compare_sum_prod fgY fgZ sd inc1)). set X1 := fun_image (domain X) osucc. have scx1: sub X1 (domain X) by move =>t /funI_P [z zd ->]; apply: ldx. have <-: cprod (restr Y X1) = cprod Z. have ->: cprod (restr Y X1) = cprodb X1 (fun z => \omega (Vg X z)). by apply:cprodb_exten => i ii; rewrite /Y;bw; apply: scx1. rewrite /Z -/(cprodb _ _); apply:cprod_Cn2; split. + move => t td; apply /funI_P; ex_tac. + move => u v ud vd. exact: (ord_succ_inj (ordinal_hi odx ud)(ordinal_hi odx vd)). + by move => y /funI_P. apply: cprod_increasing1 => //; last by rewrite /Y; bw. by hnf;rewrite /Y; bw;move => x xd; bw; apply: aleph_nz; apply: xo. Qed. Lemma infinite_increasing_power5 X (Y:= Lg (domain X)(fun z => \aleph (Vg X z))) (a := \osup (range X)): ofg_Mlt_lto X -> limit_ordinal (domain X) -> [/\ omega_fct a pa pb. move: (infinite_increasing_power4 pa pb) => [qa qb]. move: (increasing_sup_limit4 pa pb);rewrite -/Y -/a; move => [pc pd pe]. move: pa => [fgx xo xi]. move: (infinite_increasing_power_bound1 fgx xo pc); rewrite -/Y -/a => le1. split; [exact | exact |]. move: (cpow_Meqle (aleph_nz (proj31 pc)) qa). rewrite -/a infinite_power1_b //; apply: (CIS_aleph (proj31 pc)). Qed. Lemma infinite_increasing_power x (y := domain x): fgraph x -> infinite_c y -> cardinal_pos_fam x -> fg_Mle_lec x -> cprod x = (\csup (range x)) ^c y. Proof. move => fx cy alz xi. have osr: cardinal_set (range x). move => t /(range_gP fx) [z zy ->]; exact: (proj32_1(alz _ zy)). apply: cleA. rewrite - cpow_pr2 /cst_graph; apply: cprod_increasing => //; fprops; bw. move=>t td; bw; apply: card_sup_ub => //; apply /(range_gP fx); ex_tac. move: (infinite_product_prop2 cy) => [f [bf sf tf] fp]. set g:= Lg y (fun z=> fun_image y (fun t => (Vf f (J t z)))). have ff: function f by fct_tac. have pa: partition_w_fam g (domain x). rewrite /g; split;fprops. apply: mutually_disjoint_prop; bw. move=> i j z iy jy; bw. move=> /funI_P [a ay av] /funI_P [b iby bv]. rewrite av in bv. have asf: inc (J a i) (source f) by rewrite sf; fprops. have bsf: inc (J b j) (source f) by rewrite sf; fprops. exact (pr2_def (bij_inj bf asf bsf bv)). set_extens t. move /setUb_P; bw; move => [a ay];bw; move /funI_P => [b ny ->]. rewrite -/y -tf; Wtac; rewrite sf; fprops. rewrite -/y -tf => ytf; move: (bij_surj bf ytf) => [z zs zv]. move: zs; rewrite sf => /setX_P; rewrite -tf; move => [pz za zb]. apply /setUb_P; exists (Q z) => //;bw; apply /funI_P. by exists (P z) => //; rewrite pz. rewrite (cprod_An pa). rewrite {1} /g; bw. rewrite - cpow_pr2 /cst_graph; apply: cprod_increasing => //; fprops; bw. move=> a ay; bw. set h := (restr x (Vg g a)). have fgr: fgraph (restr x (Vg g a)) by rewrite /h;fprops. have s1: sub (Vg g a) (domain x). rewrite /g => t; bw; move /funI_P => [z zy ->]; rewrite -/y - tf. Wtac; rewrite sf; fprops. have pb: (forall b, inc b (domain h) -> \0c b bv. rewrite restr_ev //; exact: (alz _ (s1 _ bv)). move: (compare_sum_prod5 fgr pb); rewrite -/h => le1. have csh: cardinal_set (range h). move => t /(range_gP fgr) [u ud ->]; exact: (proj32_1 (pb _ ud)). apply: (cleT _ le1). apply card_ub_sup => //; first by apply: CS_sup. move => i /(range_gP fx) [j jdx ->]. rewrite -/y -tf in jdx; move:(bij_surj bf jdx) => [z zf <-]. move: (zf); rewrite sf => /setX_P [pz py qy]. move: (infinite_card_limit2 cy) => [oy _ yp]. have op: ordinal_pair z by split => //; apply: (ordinal_hi (proj1 (proj1 cy))). set b0 := ((P z) \cup (Q z)); set b := osucc b0. have ib0y: inc b0 y by rewrite /b0;case: (ordering_pair1 op); move=> [_ -> ]. have iby: inc b y by apply yp. move: (ordinal_hi oy iby) (ordinal_hi oy ay) => ob oa. have opab: ordinal_pair (J b a) by split => //; aw; fprops. have bsba: b <=o (b \cup a). by case: (ordering_pair1 opab); aw; move => [le ->] //; apply oleR. have ult: (P z) \cup (Q z) J b a by move => zj; case: (proj2 ult); rewrite zj; aw. have sa: inc (Vf f (J b a)) (Vg g a) by rewrite /g; bw; apply /funI_P; ex_tac. have wy: inc (Vf f z) y by rewrite - tf; Wtac. have wy': inc (Vf f (J b a)) y by rewrite - tf; Wtac; rewrite sf; fprops. have jsf: inc (J b a) (source f) by rewrite sf; fprops. have sb: Vf f z //. apply /graph_on_P1; split => //; [ apply /setX_P;split => // | fprops | by split => //; aw; left]. apply: (cleT (xi _ _ wy wy' (proj1 sb))). apply: card_sup_ub => //; apply /(range_gP fgr). exists (Vf f (J b a)); rewrite /h => //; bw. Qed. Lemma power_cofinality x: \2c <=c x -> x x1; move: (cofinality_c_rw x1) => [pb pc _]. move: pc => [f [[pc pd] pe pf]]. set g := cst_graph (domain f) x. have pg: fgraph g by rewrite /g/cst_graph; fprops. have ph: domain f = domain g by rewrite /g/cst_graph; bw. have pi: (forall i, inc i (domain f) -> (Vg f i) i idf; rewrite /g/cst_graph; bw;apply:pd. by move: (compare_sum_prod pc pg ph pi); rewrite /g cpow_pr2 pe pf. Qed. Lemma power_cofinality1 x: infinite_c x -> x icx; rewrite -(cofinality_card icx); apply: power_cofinality. by apply: infinite_ge2. Qed. Lemma power_cofinality2 x: infinite_c x -> x xi;move: (infinite_powerset xi). set y:= (\2c ^c x); move => iy. have cx:= proj1 xi. have ia := (cofinality_infinite_cardinal iy). case: (cleT_el (proj1 ia) cx) => le2 //. have ynz: y <> \0c by apply: infinite_nz. move: (cpow_Meqle ynz le2). rewrite {3} /y - cpow_pow (csquare_inf xi) -/y => le3. case: (cleNgt le3 (power_cofinality1 iy)). Qed. Lemma power_cofinality3: aleph0 infinite_c b -> b ia ib. have pi: infinite_c (a ^c b) by apply: CIS_pow2. rewrite -(cofinality_card pi). have p1: \2c <=c (a ^c b) by apply: infinite_ge2. move: (cofinality_c_rw p1); set c:= cofinality_c (a ^c b). move=> [le1 pa pb]. move: pa => [f [[qa qb qc] qd]]. set g := cst_graph (domain f) (a ^c b). have fgf: fgraph f by move: qa => []. have fgg: fgraph g by rewrite /g /cst_graph; fprops. have sd: domain f = domain g by rewrite /g/cst_graph; bw. have ltv: (forall i, inc i (domain f) -> (Vg f i) i idf; rewrite /g/cst_graph; bw; apply: qb. move: (compare_sum_prod fgf fgg sd ltv). rewrite /g cpow_pr2 qd qc - cpow_pow => lt1. case: (cleT_el (proj31 le1) (proj1 ib)) => // cb. have pa:= (cprod_inf1 cb ib). case: (cltNge lt1); apply: cpow_Mlele => //; first by apply: infinite_nz. move: ia => [ca _]; fprops. Qed. Lemma power_cofinality5 x y: \2c <=c x -> infinite_c y -> y x2 icy. have cx:= proj32 x2. case: (cleT_ee cx (proj1 icy)) => aux. by rewrite (infinite_power1_a x2 aux icy); apply: power_cofinality2. exact: (power_cofinality4 (ge_infinite_infinite icy aux) icy). Qed. Lemma infinite_power7b x y: infinite_c x -> y x ^c y <=c cardinal (unionb (Lg x (functions y))). Proof. move=> icx yc. have cx:= proj1 icx. have ox:= OS_cardinal cx. have ha:(forall f, function_prop f y x -> inc (\osup (Imf f)) x). move => f fp; move: (fp) => [ff sf tf]. set T := (Imf f). have osT: ordinal_set T. move=> t /(Vf_image_P1 ff) [u usf ->]. by apply: (ordinal_hi ox); rewrite - tf;Wtac. have ou: ordinalp (union T) by apply: OS_sup. apply /(oltP ox);case: (oleT_el ox ou) => // le1. have eq1: union T = x. apply: oleA => //; apply: ord_ub_sup => //. move=> i => /(Vf_image_P1 ff) [u usf ->]. by move: (Vf_target ff usf); rewrite tf => /(oltP ox) []. have cox: cofinal_function_ex x y. exists f; split => // => t tx. have ls: t [z]. move /(Vf_image_P1 ff) => [u usf ->] [tw _]. rewrite - sf; ex_tac. move: (cofinality_rw ox) => [_ _ h]. have oy:= (proj1 (proj31_1 yc)). case: (oleNgt (h _ oy cox) (oclt yc)). pose sf f := \osup (Imf f). pose sf1 f := osucc (sf f). have pa: forall f, inc f (functions y x) -> (sf1 f) [qa qb qc]. move => f /functionsP fp; apply /(oltP ox); apply: qc; exact: (ha _ fp). have pb:forall f, inc f (functions y x) -> (forall t, inc t (source f) -> inc (Vf f t) (sf1 f)). move => f /functionsP [ff srf tf] t tsf. have osT: ordinal_set (Imf f). move=> z /(Vf_image_P1 ff) [u usf ->]. by apply: (ordinal_hi ox); rewrite - tf;Wtac. apply /oleP; first by apply: OS_sup. apply: ord_sup_ub => //; apply /(Vf_image_P1 ff); ex_tac. pose R f := restriction2 f (source f) (sf1 f). have pc: forall f, inc f (functions y x) -> restriction2_axioms f (source f) (sf1 f). move=> f fp; move: (fp) => /functionsP [qc qd qe]. split => //. by rewrite qe; move: (pa _ fp) => [[_ _ ok] _]. by move=>t /(Vf_image_P1 qc) [u usf ->]; apply: (pb _ fp). have pd: forall f, inc f (functions y x) -> inc (R f) (functions y (sf1 f)). move=> f fh; move: (restriction2_prop (pc _ fh)) => [p1 p2 p3]. apply /functionsP;split => //; rewrite /R p2. by move: fh => /functionsP [q1 q2 q3]. set t1:= unionb _. have pe: forall f, inc f (functions y x) -> inc (R f) t1. move=> f fi; move: (pd _ fi) => sa. have sb:inc (sf1 f) x by apply /(oltP ox); exact: (pa _ fi). apply /setUb_P; bw; exists (sf1 f) => //; bw. set g := Lf R (functions y x) t1. suff ig: injection g by move: (incr_fun_morph ig); rewrite /g; aw. apply: lf_injective => // u v us vs eq. move: (pc _ us) (pc _ vs) => axf axg. move: us vs => /functionsP [fu su tu] /functionsP [fv sv tv]. apply: function_exten => //; try ue. move => t tsu; move: (f_equal (Vf ^~ t) eq);rewrite /R restriction2_V //. by rewrite restriction2_V // sv - su. Qed. Lemma infinite_power2 n m (x:=\aleph n) (y:= \aleph (osucc n)): ordinalp n -> m <> \0c -> y ^c m = (x ^c m) *c y. Proof. move => on mnz. rewrite -(cpowcr) -(cpowcr x);set m':= cardinal m. have cm': cardinalp m' by rewrite /m'; fprops. have m'nz: m' <> \0c by dneg cmz; move: (card_nonempty cmz). have osn:= (OS_succ on). move: (CIS_aleph on) (CIS_aleph osn) (aleph_pr10c on). rewrite -/x -/y => icx icy ap. have m1: \1c <=c m' by apply: cge1; fprops. have p1: forall z, ordinalp z -> (\aleph z) <=c ((\aleph z) ^c m'). move=> z oz; move: (CIS_aleph oz) => iz; move: (iz) => [cz _]. apply: cpow_Mle1 => // coz. have ipx: infinite_c (x^c m') by apply: (CIS_pow). move: (ap) => [lexy _]. have cxy := (cpow_Mleeq m' (proj1 ap) (aleph_nz on)). move: (icy) => [cy _]; move:(cy) => [oy _]. apply: cleA; last first. by apply: cprod_inf4 => //; [apply: p1 | apply:CIS_pow]. case: (cleT_el cy cm') => cmx. have im:= (ge_infinite_infinite icy cmx). have lex2:=(infinite_ge2 icx). rewrite (infinite_power1_a lex2 (cleT lexy cmx) im). rewrite (infinite_power1_a (cleT lex2 lexy) cmx im). apply: cprod_M1le => //. rewrite /cpow; fprops. apply: (aleph_nz (OS_succ on)). have ha: m' /regular_cardinalP [_ ->]. have hb:= (infinite_power7b icy ha). apply: (cleT hb); apply: (cleT (csum_pr1 (Lg y (functions m')))). rewrite /csumb; bw; set f := Lg _ _. have df: domain f = y by rewrite /f; bw. rewrite - df /f; apply:csum_of_small_b1. split; [ fprops | hnf; bw; move =>i ix; bw]. rewrite -/(cpow i m') - cpowcl. case: (equal_or_not (cardinal i) \0c) => iz. rewrite iz (cpow0x m'nz);apply: czero_least; rewrite /cpow; fprops. by apply: (cpow_Mleeq _ _ iz); apply: (aleph_pr12d on); apply /(oltP oy). Qed. Lemma infinite_power2_bis x (y:= cnext x) m: infinite_c x -> m <> \0c -> y ^c m = (x ^c m) *c y. Proof. move=> ix mnz; rewrite /y;move: (ord_index_pr1 ix)=> [on <-]. rewrite (cnextE on); apply: (infinite_power2 on mnz). Qed. Lemma infinite_power3 n m (x:=\aleph n): natp n -> m <> \0c -> x ^c m = (\2c ^c m) *c x. Proof. move=> nN mz. set m':= cardinal m. have cm': cardinalp m' by rewrite /m'; fprops. have m'nz: m' <> \0c by dneg cmz; move: (card_nonempty cmz). have ->: \2c ^c m = \2c ^c m' by rewrite /m';apply: cpow_pr; fprops. have ->: x ^c m = x ^c m' by rewrite /m';apply: cpow_pr; fprops. rewrite /x; clear x. case: (finite_dichot cm') => fm. have mN: inc m' Nat by apply /NatP. have on:=(ordinal_hi OS_omega nN). have io:=(CIS_aleph on). rewrite (cpow_inf io mN m'nz) cprodC. symmetry; apply: cprod_inf => //; last by apply: cpow2_nz. apply: finite_le_infinite => //; bw. apply /NatP; apply: NS_pow; fprops. have io: infinite_c omega0 by rewrite - aleph0E; apply: CIS_aleph; fprops. have pa: \2c <=c omega0 by apply: infinite_ge2. have onz:= omega_nz. move: n nN; apply: Nat_induction. rewrite aleph0E. have le1: omega0 <=c m' by split => //;[ apply: CS_omega|apply: omega_limit3]. have le2:= (cleT le1 (proj1 (cantor cm'))). rewrite infinite_power1_a // cprod_inf //. apply: (ge_infinite_infinite io le2). move=> n nN hrec. rewrite succ_of_finite; last by apply /NatP. have on:= (ordinal_hi OS_omega nN). rewrite (infinite_power2 on m'nz) hrec - cprodA. have pc := proj1 (aleph_pr10c on). move: (cprod_inf pc (CIS_aleph (OS_succ on)) (aleph_nz on)). by rewrite cprodC; move => ->. Qed. Lemma aleph_pow_prop1: (\aleph \1c) ^c aleph0 = \aleph \1c -> forall n, natp n -> n <> \0c -> (\aleph n) ^c aleph0 = \aleph n. Proof. move => H0 n nN nz. move: (cpred_pr nN nz) => [ cp ->]; move: (cpred n) cp; clear n nN nz. apply: Nat_induction; first by rewrite succ_zero. move => n nN. rewrite (succ_of_Nat (NS_succ nN)) (succ_of_Nat nN) => Hrec. have on :=(ordinal_hi OS_omega nN). have osn := (OS_succ on). rewrite (infinite_power2 osn omega_nz) Hrec cprodC cprod_inf //. - by apply: aleph_le_lec; apply /oleSSP; apply: (oleS on). - exact: (CIS_aleph (OS_succ osn)). - exact: (aleph_nz osn). Qed. Lemma infinite_power4 a (b:= \2c ^c a): infinite_c a -> [/\ b ^c a = b, b ^c a c ^c a = c -> b <=c c) & (forall c, infinite_c c -> c ^c a b <=c c)]. Proof. move=> ica. have anz: a <> \0c by apply: infinite_nz. have ib: infinite_c b by apply: infinite_powerset. have p1: b ^c a = b by rewrite/b - cpow_pow csquare_inf. have p3: (forall c, \2c <=c c -> c ^c a = c -> b <=c c). move =>c c2 cp. have cc:=proj32 c2. case: (cleT_el (proj1 ib) cc) => //; move=> [le1 ne1]. move: (infinite_power1 c2 le1 ica); rewrite cp -/b //. have p2: b ^c a h; move: (proj1 h) => le1. move: (infinite_nz ib) => bnz. have isc: infinite_c (cnext b) by apply: (ge_infinite_infinite ib le1). by rewrite cprodC (cprod_inf le1 isc bnz). split => //. move=> c ic; rewrite (infinite_power2_bis ic anz) => ha. have c1: cardinalp (c ^c a) by fprops. have c2 := (CS_cnext (proj1 ic)). case: (cleT_el c2 c1) => h. have ip: infinite_c (c ^c a) by apply: CIS_pow2. by move: (cleNgt (cprod_inf1 h ip) ha). move: (cnext_pr4 (proj1 ic) h) => h1. apply: (p3 _ (infinite_ge2 ic)). apply: cleA => //; apply: (cpow_Mle1 (proj32 h1) anz). Qed. Lemma infinite_power5 n p m (x:=\aleph n) (y:= \aleph (n +o p)): ordinalp n -> ordinalp p -> m <> \0o -> cardinal p <=c m -> y ^c m = (x ^c m) *c (y ^c (cardinal p)). Proof. move=> on op mnz cpm. have cm := (proj32 cpm). have ca: cardinalp (x ^c m) by rewrite /cpow; fprops. pose hyp p:= cardinal p <=c m -> \aleph (n +o p) ^c m = x ^c m *c \aleph (n +o p) ^c (cardinal p). case:(least_ordinal6 hyp op); first by apply. set q :=least_ordinal _ _; move=> [oq pb] [] => pa. have xnz: x <> \0c by apply: aleph_nz. move: (pa); rewrite - {1} (card_card cm) => pa'. case: (ordinal_trichot oq) => h. rewrite h cardinal_set0 (osum0r on) cpowx0 cprod1r //. move:h=> [r or qv]. rewrite qv - osum2_succ //. have rq1: inc r q by rewrite qv; fprops. have cq:= (cleT (sub_smaller (ordinal_transitive oq rq1)) pa). move: (pb _ rq1 cq). set y1 := \aleph (n +o r); set y2 := \aleph (osucc (n +o r)). have onr: ordinalp (n +o r) by fprops. move: (infinite_power2 onr mnz); rewrite -/y1 -/y2 => r1 r2. have osnr: ordinalp (osucc (n +o r)) by fprops. have cy1m: cardinalp (y1 ^c m) by rewrite /cpow; fprops. have icy2: infinite_c y2 by apply: CIS_aleph. have icy1: infinite_c y1 by apply: CIS_aleph. have icx: infinite_c x by apply: CIS_aleph. have y1nz: y1 <> \0c by apply: aleph_nz. have y2nz: y2 <> \0c by apply: aleph_nz. move: (icy1) (icy2) (icx) => [cy1 _ ] [cy2 _] [cx _]. have xx: x <=c x by fprops. have y1y1: y1 <=c y1 by fprops. have y2y2: y2 <=c y2 by fprops. have le1: x ^c m <=c y1 ^c m. have xy1: x <=c y1. by apply: aleph_le_lec; apply (osum_Mle0 on or). by apply: cpow_Mleeq. have le0: y1 <=c y2. by apply: aleph_le_lec; exact (proj1 (oltS (OS_sum2 on or))). have le2: y1 ^c m <=c y2 ^c m by apply: cpow_Mleeq. have paa: x <=c x ^c m by apply: cpow_Mle1 => //. have lexx: y2 ^c (osucc r) <=c y2 ^c m. by rewrite - qv - cpowcr - (cpowcr _ m);exact (cpow_Meqle y2nz pa'). have icxm:= (ge_infinite_infinite icx paa). have icy1m:= (ge_infinite_infinite icxm le1). have icy2m:= (ge_infinite_infinite icy1m le2). have y1mnz: y1 ^c m <> \0c by apply:(cpow_nz y1nz). have xmnz: x ^c m <> \0c by apply: (cpow_nz xnz). have saux2: y2 ^c cardinal (osucc r) = y2 ^c (osucc r) by apply: cpow_pr; fprops. case: (cleT_ee cy1m cy2) => r3. move: (cprod_inf r3 icy2 y1mnz). rewrite cprodC; move=> h; rewrite h in r1. rewrite r1; rewrite r1 in lexx. rewrite saux2 (cleA lexx (cpow_Mle1 cy2 (@osucc_nz r))). have r6: x ^c m <=c y2 by rewrite -r1; apply:cleT le1 le2. by rewrite cprodC (cprod_inf r6 icy2 xmnz). move: (cprod_inf r3 icy1m y2nz) => r4. rewrite r4 in r1. have saux: y1 ^c cardinal r = y1 ^c r by apply: cpow_pr; fprops. have r6: y2 ^c (osucc r) <> \0c by apply: (cpow_nz y2nz). case: (equal_or_not (x ^c m) (y1 ^c m)) => r7. rewrite r7 -r1. by rewrite saux2 (cprod_inf lexx icy2m r6). have r8: x ^c m h. have it: infinite_c (y1 ^c r) by apply: (ge_infinite_infinite icxm h). move: (cprod_inf h it xmnz); rewrite cprodC => xx1. by rewrite r2 - xx1 saux. have nzyr: y1 ^c r <> \0c by apply: (cpow_nz y1nz). by move:(cprod_inf h icxm nzyr) r2; rewrite saux => -> ww; case: r7. have crr1:cardinal r <=c cardinal (osucc r). apply: sub_smaller; rewrite /osucc; fprops. move: (cpow_Mlele y1nz le0 crr1); rewrite saux saux2. rewrite -r9 -r1 => le3; rewrite (cleA lexx le3) cprodC. by rewrite (cprod_inf (cleT le1 le2) icy2m xmnz). have onq:=(OS_sum2 on oq). apply cleA; last first. move: (CIS_pow (CIS_aleph onq) mnz) => r1. have r0: x <=c \aleph (n +o q). by apply: aleph_le_lec; apply osum_Mle0. have r2: x ^c m <=c \aleph (n +o q) ^c m. apply: (cpow_Mleeq _ r0 (aleph_nz on)). apply: (cprod_inf4 r2 _ r1). apply: cpow_Meqle => //; apply: (aleph_nz onq). set E := (fun_image q (fun z => \aleph (n +o z))). set f := Lg q (fun z : Set => \aleph (n +o z)). have r2: E = range f by rewrite Lg_range. have r1 : \aleph (n +o q) = \osup E. move: (normal_ofs_compose aleph_normal (osum_normal on)) => [xa xb]. move: (xb _ h) => /= ->; congr (union _); set_extens; aw. have fgf: fgraph f by rewrite /f; fprops. have r3: forall i, inc i (domain f) -> \2c <=c Vg f i. rewrite /f; bw; move=> i idf; bw; apply: infinite_ge2. apply: CIS_aleph; apply: (OS_sum2 on (ordinal_hi oq idf)). have r4: \aleph (n +o q) = csum f. rewrite r1 r2 - csum_of_small_b4 //. move=> a ad; exact: (proj32 (r3 _ ad)). rewrite -r2 -r1; apply: CIS_aleph => //. rewrite - r2 -r1 /f; bw. have r5: q <=o n +o q by apply: osum_M0le. apply:cleT (aleph_le_lec r5). move: (ocle1 (aleph_pr6 oq)). rewrite (card_card (CS_aleph oq)) //. have r5: \aleph (n +o q) <=c cprod f. rewrite r4; apply: compare_sum_prod2 => //. move=> i idf; move: (r3 _ idf) => [_ c _]; fprops. move: (cpow_Mleeq m r5 (aleph_nz onq)). rewrite cpow_prod {1} /f; bw. rewrite /cprodb. have ->: (Lg q (fun i : Set => Vg f i ^c m)) = Lg q (fun t => x ^c m *c \aleph (n +o t) ^c (cardinal t)). apply: Lg_exten; move=> t tq. have tq1: t : x ^c (m *c q) = x ^c m. have icm:= (ge_infinite_infinite icq pa). move: (cprod_inf pa icm (infinite_nz icq)). by rewrite cprod2cr => ->. set f2:= \aleph (n +o q) ^c (cardinal q). set ff:= (fun i : Set => \aleph (n +o i) ^c (cardinal i)). move => r6. have: cprod (Lg q ff) <=c f2 ^c (cardinal q). rewrite cpowcr - cpow_pr2/cst_graph. apply: cprod_increasing; bw. move=> t tq; rewrite {1} (LVg_E ff tq) {1} (LVg_E _ tq). have [tq1 _]: t : f2 ^c (cardinal q) = f2. by rewrite /f2 - cpow_pow; congr cpow; apply: csquare_inf. move=> r7; apply: (cleT r6); apply: cprod_Mlele => //; fprops. Qed. Lemma infinite_power5' n p m (x:=\aleph n) (y:= \aleph (n +o p)): ordinalp n -> natp p -> m <> \0o -> cardinal p <=c m -> y ^c m = (x ^c m) *c y. Proof. move => pa pN pd pe. have pb:= (ordinal_hi OS_omega pN). have pb': natp (cardinal p) by rewrite (card_nat pN). case: (equal_or_not p \0c) => pz. have ix:= CIS_aleph pa. have le1: x <=c x ^c m by apply:(cpow_Mle1 (proj1 ix) pd). have ipo:= (ge_infinite_infinite ix le1). by rewrite /y pz (osum0r pa) -/x (cprod_inf le1 ipo (infinite_nz ix)). have iy:= CIS_aleph (OS_sum2 pa pb). have pnz:cardinal p <> \0c by apply:card_nonempty0. by rewrite (infinite_power5 pa pb pd pe) -/x -/y (cpow_inf iy pb' pnz). Qed. Lemma infinite_power5'' n p m (x:=\aleph n) (y:= \aleph (n +o p)): ordinalp n -> natp p -> infinite_c m -> y ^c m = (x ^c m) *c y. Proof. move => pa pb pc. move:(Nat_hi pb); rewrite - (card_nat pb) => pd. exact:(infinite_power5' pa pb (infinite_nz pc) (finite_le_infinite pd pc)). Qed. Lemma infinite_power6 p m (y:= \aleph p): ordinalp p -> m <> \0o -> cardinal p <=c m -> (infinite_c m \/ p <> \0o) -> y ^c m = (\2c ^c m) *c (y ^c (cardinal p)). Proof. move=> op mz cpm dc. have cm := proj32 cpm. move: (infinite_power5 OS0 op mz cpm). rewrite (osum0l op) -/y aleph0E; move => ->. have pa:= CIS_omega. have aux:=(infinite_ge2 pa). case: (finite_dichot cm) => fm; last first. move/infinite_c_P2:(fm) => fm'. by rewrite (infinite_power1_a aux fm' fm). case: dc => pz; first by case: (infinite_dichot1 fm pz). have mb: natp m by apply /NatP. have mpb: natp (cardinal p) by apply (NS_le_nat cpm mb). rewrite (cpow_inf pa mb mz). have cpz: cardinal p <> \0o by move=> h; move: (card_nonempty h). have iy:= (CIS_aleph op). have le1: omega0 <=c \aleph p. by rewrite - aleph0E; apply: aleph_le_lec; by apply: ozero_least. have le2: \2c ^c m <=c \aleph p. apply: cleT le1. apply: finite_le_infinite => //;apply /NatP; apply: NS_pow; fprops. move: (cpow_inf iy mpb cpz). have -> : \aleph p ^c cardinal p = \aleph p ^c p by apply: cpow_pr; fprops. move ->. rewrite cprodC; rewrite (cprod_inf le1 iy omega_nz). rewrite cprodC; rewrite (cprod_inf le2 iy) //. apply: cpow2_nz. Qed. Lemma infinite_power6_0 p m (y:= \aleph p): ordinalp p -> infinite_c m -> cardinal p <=c m -> y ^c m = (\2c ^c m) *c (y ^c (cardinal p)). Proof. move=> op icm cp. have aux: (infinite_c m \/ p <> \0o) by left. by rewrite (infinite_power6 op (infinite_nz icm) cp aux). Qed. Lemma infinite_power6_ct p m (y:= \aleph p): ordinalp p -> infinite_c m -> cardinal p <=c omega0 -> y ^c m = (\2c ^c m) *c (y ^c aleph0). Proof. move => ha hb hc. move /infinite_c_P2: (hb) => hb'; move: (cleT hc hb') => hd. rewrite (infinite_power6_0 ha hb hd). case: (finite_dichot (proj31 hc)) => fp. case: (equal_or_not p \0c) => epz. move: (infinite_powerset hb) => he. rewrite /y epz cardinal_set0 cpowx0 /aleph0 aleph0E (cprod1r (proj1 he)). rewrite(infinite_power1_b CIS_omega) - cpow_sum2 csum_inf //. have nn: natp (cardinal p) by apply/NatP. have cpz: cardinal p <> \0o by move=> h; move: (card_nonempty h). rewrite (cpow_inf (CIS_aleph ha) nn cpz). have pN: natp p by apply/NatP; exact :(ordinal_finite1 ha fp). rewrite (infinite_power3 pN omega_nz) cprodA - cpow_sum2 csum_inf //. by move/infinite_c_P2: fp => fp; rewrite - (cleA fp hc). Qed. Lemma infinite_power5_ex: \aleph (omega1 +o omega0) ^c (\aleph \2o) = (\2c ^c (\aleph \2o)) *c ((\aleph omega1) ^c aleph1) *c (\aleph (omega1 +o omega0) ^c aleph0). Proof. have ha: ordinalp omega1 by exact: OS_aleph OS1. have hb: ordinalp omega0 by exact OS_omega. have hc:= (CIS_aleph OS2). have hd:= (infinite_nz hc). move: (aleph_le_lec (proj1 olt_02)). rewrite aleph0E /aleph0 -{1 4} (card_card CS_omega) => he. have hi:= (card_card(CS_aleph OS1)). move: (aleph_le_lec (proj1 olt_12)); rewrite - hi => hf. by rewrite (infinite_power5 ha hb hd he) (infinite_power6_0 ha hc hf) hi. Qed. Lemma infinite_power6_1 a: a (\aleph a) ^c aleph1 = (\aleph a) ^c aleph0 *c \2c ^c aleph1. Proof. move => ao. have oa:= proj31_1 ao. have coo: cardinalp (\aleph \1o) by apply: CS_aleph; fprops. move: ao => /(ocle2P coo oa) ao. rewrite /aleph0 - aleph0E. move: (aleph_nz oa) => xnz. apply: cleA. rewrite (infinite_power6_0 oa (CIS_aleph OS1) (proj1 ao)) cprodC. apply: cprod_Mlele; last by apply: cleR; fprops. by apply: cpow_Meqle => //;apply: (aleph_pr10a OS0); rewrite osucc_zero. have ioa:= (CIS_aleph oa). apply: cprod_inf4. - apply: cpow_Meqle => //; apply: aleph_le_lec; apply: ozero_least; fprops. - apply: cpow_Mleeq; [ apply: finite_le_infinite | ]; fprops. - apply: CIS_pow => //; apply: aleph_nz; fprops. Qed. Lemma infinite_power6_2 a: a (\aleph a) ^c aleph2 = (\aleph a) ^c aleph1 *c \2c ^c aleph2. Proof. move => ao. have oa:= proj31_1 ao. have coo: cardinalp aleph2 by apply: CS_aleph; fprops. move: ao => /(ocle2P coo oa) ao. have xnz:= (aleph_nz oa). apply: cleA. rewrite (infinite_power6_0 oa (CIS_aleph OS2) (proj1 ao)) cprodC. apply: cprod_Mlele; last by apply: cleR; fprops. by apply: cpow_Meqle => //;apply: (aleph_pr10a OS1); rewrite osucc_one. move: (CIS_aleph oa) => ioa. apply: cprod_inf4. - apply: cpow_Meqle => //;apply: aleph_le_lec;apply: oge1; fprops. - apply: cpow_Mleeq; [ apply: finite_le_infinite |];fprops. - apply: CIS_pow => //; apply: aleph_nz; fprops. Qed. Lemma infinite_power6_3: (\aleph omega0) ^c aleph1 = (\aleph omega0) ^c aleph0 *c \2c ^c aleph1. Proof. apply: infinite_power6_1. rewrite - aleph0E; apply: aleph_lt_lto; apply: olt_01. Qed. Lemma infinite_power6_4 a b: infinite_o a -> a ordinalp b -> (\aleph a) ^c (\aleph b) = (\aleph a) ^c aleph0 *c \2c ^c (\aleph b). Proof. move => ioa a1 ob. have oa:= proj31_1 a1. have iob:= (CIS_aleph ob). move: (a1) => /(ocle2P (CS_aleph OS1) oa). rewrite - osucc_zero => ca; move: (aleph_pr10a OS0 ca) => ca1. have ca2: cardinal a <=c \aleph b. by apply: (cleT ca1); apply aleph_le_lec; apply: ozero_least. rewrite (infinite_power6_0 oa iob ca2) cprodC. suff: cardinal a = aleph0 by move ->. rewrite /aleph0 - aleph0E; apply: cleA => //; rewrite aleph0E. by move/(omega_P1 oa): ioa => /sub_smaller; rewrite (card_card CS_omega). Qed. Lemma infinite_power6_5 a b c : ordinalp a -> ordinalp b -> \aleph (\omega a) = c ^c (\aleph b) -> b oa ob. have la:=(aleph_limit oa). have aux: infinite_c (\aleph (\aleph a)). by apply: CIS_aleph; apply: OS_aleph. have ->: c ^c \omega b =(cardinal c) ^c \omega b by apply:cpow_pr; fprops. set C := cardinal c. case: (equal_or_not C \1c) => eq1. rewrite eq1 cpow1x =>h; move: aux; rewrite h; move: finite_1. move => pa pb; case: (infinite_dichot1 pa pb). case: (equal_or_not C \0c) => eq0. rewrite eq0 cpow0x =>h. move: aux; rewrite h; move: finite_0. move => pa pb; case: (infinite_dichot1 pa pb). by case: (aleph_nz ob). move: (cge2 (CS_cardinal c) eq0 eq1) => c2 h. move: (power_cofinality5 c2 (CIS_aleph ob)). rewrite - (f_equal cofinality h). rewrite regular_initial_limit1 //. move: (CIS_aleph oa) => ia. move: (cofinality_small ia) => l1 l2. exact: (aleph_ltc_lt ob oa (clt_leT l2 l1)). Qed. Lemma infinite_power6_6 n : ordinalp n -> \2c ^c (\aleph omega0) = \aleph (\omega n) -> omega0 on h3; symmetry in h3. exact (infinite_power6_5 on OS_omega h3). Qed. Lemma infinite_power6_5a a b : infinite_c b -> \aleph omega1 = a ^c b -> b = aleph0. Proof. move => /ord_index_pr1; set n := ord_index b;move => [on <-] eq. by move:(infinite_power6_5 OS1 on eq) => /olt1 ->; rewrite aleph0E. Qed. Definition gimel_fct x := x ^c (\cf x). Lemma gimel_prop1 x: regular_cardinal x -> \2c ^c x = gimel_fct x. Proof. by move=> /regular_cardinalP[ic xc]; rewrite /gimel_fct xc infinite_power1_b. Qed. Lemma gimel_prop2 x: infinite_c x -> gimel_fct x <=c \2c ^c x. Proof. move=> ic; rewrite /gimel_fct - (infinite_power1_b ic). move: (cofinality_small ic) => cg. apply: cpow_Mlele => //; [ by apply: infinite_nz | apply: (cleR (proj1 ic))]. Qed. Lemma infinite_power6_7a: \2c ^c aleph1 = aleph2 -> \aleph omega0 ^c aleph1 = \aleph omega0 ^c aleph0. Proof. move => pa; move: infinite_power6_3; rewrite pa. have pc: aleph2 <=c \aleph omega0 ^c aleph0. have l1: aleph2 <=c \aleph omega0. apply: aleph_le_lec; apply: ole_2omega. have co:= proj32 l1. apply: (cleT l1); apply: cpow_Mle1 => //; last by apply: omega_nz. have i2:=(CIS_aleph OS2). have i3:= (ge_infinite_infinite i2 pc). by rewrite (cprod_inf pc i3 (infinite_nz i2)). Qed. Lemma infinite_power6_7b: \2c ^c aleph1 = aleph2 -> (\aleph omega0) ^c aleph0 <> \aleph omega1. Proof. move => pa pb. move: (infinite_power6_7a pa); rewrite pb => aux; symmetry in aux. rewrite - (aleph0E) in pb. move: (infinite_power6_5 OS1 OS1 aux); by move => []. Qed. Lemma infinite_power6_7c: \2c ^c aleph1 = aleph2 -> \aleph omega1 \aleph omega1 ^c aleph1 = (\aleph omega0) ^c aleph0. Proof. set x1 := \aleph omega1. set x2 := \aleph omega0 ^c aleph0. move => pa [pb _]. have pc: \aleph omega0 <> \0c by apply: (aleph_nz OS_omega). have x1nz: x1 <> \0c by apply: aleph_nz ; apply: OS_aleph; fprops. have pd: aleph0 <=c aleph1. rewrite /aleph0 - aleph0E;apply: aleph_le_lec; apply: (ozero_least OS1). have pe: \aleph omega0 <=c x1. by apply: aleph_le_lec; apply: (ocle). have pf: x2 <=c x1 ^c aleph0 by apply: cpow_Mleeq. symmetry;apply: cleA. apply: (cleT pf); apply: cpow_Meqle => //; apply: aleph_nz. have: x1 ^c \aleph \1o <=c x2 ^c \aleph \1o by apply: cpow_Mleeq. move: (infinite_power6_7a pa); rewrite -/x2 ; move => <-. rewrite - cpow_pow csquare_inf //;apply: CIS_aleph; fprops. Qed. Lemma infinite_power6_7d: \aleph omega0 (\aleph omega0) ^c omega0 = \2c ^c omega0. Proof. move=> [h _ ]. move: (CIS_aleph OS_omega) => io. apply: cleA; last first. apply cpow_Mleeq;[ by apply: infinite_ge2 | fprops]. move: (cpow_Mleeq omega0 h (infinite_nz io)). rewrite - cpow_pow csquare_inf //; apply: CIS_omega. Qed. Lemma infinite_power6_7e: \aleph omega1 <=c \2c ^c omega0 -> (gimel_fct (\aleph omega0) = \2c ^c aleph0 /\ gimel_fct (\aleph omega1) = \2c ^c aleph1). Proof. set o1 := \aleph \1o. move => h; rewrite /gimel_fct. have h1: \aleph omega0 <=c \aleph o1. rewrite - aleph0E; apply: aleph_le_lec; apply: aleph_le_leo. apply: ozero_least; fprops. move: (cleT h1 h) => h2. move: (regular_initial_limit1 (aleph_limit OS0)); rewrite aleph0E. move: (regular_initial_limit1 (aleph_limit OS1)); rewrite -/o1. move => -> ->. have pa:= (CIS_aleph OS_omega). rewrite (proj2 regular_omega). move: (regular_cardinal_aleph1) => [pb]. rewrite (cofinality_card pb) -/o1; move => ->. have cn2:=card2_nz. split. apply: cleA. move: (cpow_Mleeq omega0 h2 (infinite_nz pa)). rewrite - cpow_pow csquare_inf //; apply: CIS_omega. apply: cpow_Mleeq => //; apply: finite_le_infinite => //; fprops. move: (CIS_aleph (proj1 (proj1 pb))); rewrite -/o1 => io1. have aux: (omega0 *c o1) = o1. rewrite cprodC; apply: cprod_inf => //. rewrite - aleph0E; apply: aleph_le_lec; apply: ozero_least; fprops. apply: omega_nz. apply: cleA. move: (cpow_Mleeq o1 h (infinite_nz io1)). by rewrite - cpow_pow aux. apply: cpow_Mleeq => //; apply: finite_le_infinite => //; fprops. Qed. Lemma infinite_power6_7f: \aleph omega0 [pa <-]. by rewrite (cofinality_card pa)(regular_initial_limit1 la). Qed. Lemma ord_sup_aleph x: limit_ordinal x -> \csup (range (Lg x \aleph)) = \aleph x. Proof. move => lx. have fgf: fgraph (Lg x \aleph) by fprops. move: aleph_normal => [_ h]; rewrite (h _ lx). congr (union _ ); set_extens t. move /(range_gP fgf) ; bw;move => [z zb]; bw => ->. apply /funI_P; ex_tac. move => /funI_P [z za zb]; apply /(range_gP fgf) ; bw. ex_tac; bw; ue. Qed. Lemma infinite_increasing_power1 X b: ofg_Mle_leo X -> domain X = \omega b -> ordinalp b -> limit_ordinal (\osup (range X)) -> cprod (Lg (domain X) (fun z => \aleph (Vg X z))) = \aleph (\osup (range X)) ^c \aleph b. Proof. move => px dx ob la. set Y := Lg _ _. have p1: fgraph Y by rewrite /Y; fprops. have p2: infinite_c (domain Y) by rewrite /Y; bw; rewrite dx; apply CIS_aleph. move: (increasing_sup_limit3 px la) => pb. move: px => [fgx pa xi]. have p3: (forall a : Set, inc a (domain Y) -> \0c a adx; bw; apply: aleph_nz1;apply: pa. have p4: forall u v, inc u (domain Y) -> inc v (domain Y) -> u <=o v -> Vg Y u <=c Vg Y v. rewrite /Y; bw => u v ud vd uv; bw; apply: aleph_le_lec. apply: (xi _ _ ud vd uv). rewrite (infinite_increasing_power p1 p2 p3 p4). by rewrite /Y; bw; rewrite pb dx. Qed. Lemma infinite_increasing_power2 X b: ofg_Mlt_lto X -> domain X = \omega b -> ordinalp b -> cprod (Lg (domain X) (fun z => \aleph (Vg X z))) = \aleph (\osup (range X)) ^c \aleph b. Proof. move=> p1 p3 p4. have lb: limit_ordinal (domain X) by rewrite p3; apply: aleph_limit. move: (increasing_sup_limit2 p1 lb) => la. move: ( ofg_Mlt_lto_p3 p1 lb) => p2. by apply: infinite_increasing_power1. Qed. Lemma ord_sup_aleph_sum x: ordinalp x -> \csup (range (Lg omega0 (fun z=> \aleph (x +o z)))) = \aleph (x +o omega0). Proof. move => ox. move: (normal_ofs_compose aleph_normal (osum_normal ox)) => [_ xb]. by move: (xb _ omega_limit) => /= ->; rewrite Lg_range. Qed. Lemma cprod_inf_eq x y i: fgraph x -> fgraph y -> (domain x = domain y) -> inc i (domain x) -> (Vg x i) <> \0c -> Vg y i <> \0c -> (exists j, [/\ inc j (domain x), j <> i, infinite_c (Vg x j), Vg x i <=c Vg x j & Vg y i <=c Vg x j]) -> (forall j, inc j (domain x) -> j = i \/ Vg x j = Vg y j) -> cprod x = cprod y. Proof. move => pa pb pc pd pe pf [j [qa qb qc qd qe]] ph. set x' := Lg (domain x) (fun z => Yo (z = i) (Vg x j) (Vg x z)). set y' := Lg (domain y) (fun z => Yo (z = i) (Vg y j) (Vg y z)). have svj: Vg x j = Vg y j by case: (ph _ qa) => // aux; by case: qb. have sp: x' = y'. rewrite /x' /y' -pc; apply: Lg_exten => k kdx; bw; Ytac xeq; Ytac0 => //. case: (ph _ kdx) => // aux. suff: forall z, fgraph z -> inc i (domain z) -> Vg z i <> \0c -> inc j (domain z) -> j <> i -> infinite_c (Vg z j) -> Vg z i <=c Vg z j -> cprod z = cprod (Lg (domain z)(fun t => Yo (t = i)(Vg z j) (Vg z t))). move => aux. rewrite (aux x pa pd pe qa qb qc qd) -/ x'. rewrite pc in pd qa; rewrite svj in qc qe. by rewrite (aux y pb pd pf qa qb qc qe) -/ y' sp. move => z fgz idz jdz znz jni iv jv. set z1 := (Lg (domain z) (fun t => Yo (t = i) (Vg z j) (Vg z t))). move: (setC1_K idz); set j1 := (domain z) -s1 i => pA. symmetry in pA. have aux1: ~ inc i j1 by move /setC_P => [_] /set1_P; case. rewrite (induction_prod1 pA aux1). have fgz1: fgraph z1 by rewrite /z1; fprops. have pN: domain z1 = j1 +s1 i by rewrite /z1; bw. rewrite (induction_prod1 pN aux1). have fg2: fgraph (restr z j1) by fprops. have fg3: fgraph (restr z1 j1) by fprops. have pC: sub j1 (domain z) by move => t /setC1_P []. have pD: sub j1 (domain z1) by rewrite /z1; bw. have jj: inc j j1 by apply /setC1_P; split => //. have dr1: (domain (restr z j1)) = j1 by bw. have dr2: (domain (restr z1 j1)) = j1 by bw. have jdz1: inc j (domain (restr z j1)) by ue. move: (setC1_K jdz1); set j2 := _ -s1 j => pE. symmetry in pE. have aux2: ~ inc j j2 by move /setC1_P=> [_]. rewrite (induction_prod1 pE aux2). rewrite dr1 -dr2 in pE. rewrite (induction_prod1 pE aux2) - cprodA - cprodA. have sc: sub j2 j1 by move => t /setC1_P []; rewrite dr1. move: (sub_trans sc pC) => sd. rewrite (double_restr _ sc) (double_restr _ sc). rewrite /z1; bw; Ytac0; Ytac0; apply:f_equal2. apply:f_equal; apply: fgraph_exten; fprops; bw. move=> k kj2. have k2: inc k (domain z) by apply: sd. by bw;Ytac ki; [ move: (sc _ kj2); rewrite ki |]. by rewrite (cprod_inf jv iv jdz) (csquare_inf iv). Qed. Lemma infinite_prod_pA: cprodb Nat csucc = cprodb Nat (fun z => (csucc (csucc z))). Proof. set j := Nat -s1 \0c. set f := (Lg Nat csucc). have fgf: fgraph f by rewrite /f; fprops. have sj:sub j (domain f) by rewrite /f; bw;apply sub_setC. have sj1: sub (singleton \0c) Nat by move=> t /set1_P ->; apply:NS0. have f1: (forall i, inc i ((domain f) -s j) -> (Vg f i) = \1c). rewrite /f/j; bw => i /setC_P [iN] /setC_P nv; bw. rewrite - succ_zero; ex_middle aux; case: nv;split => //. by dneg i0; move /set1_P: i0 => ->. rewrite /cprodb (cprod_one_unit sj f1). have ->: cprodb j (Vg f) = cprodb j csucc. by rewrite /f;apply: cprodb_exten => i ii; bw; move/setC1_P: ii => []. apply:cprod_Cn2; split => //. + move => t tN; apply /setC_P;split; first by apply:NS_succ. move /set1_P; apply: succ_nz. + move => u v uN vN;apply: succ_injective1; fprops. + move => y /setC1_P [yn ynz]. by move: (cpred_pr yn ynz) => [pa pb]; exists (cpred y). Qed. Lemma infinite_prod_pB: cprodb Nat csucc = \2c ^c omega0. Proof. move:CIS_omega => io. have : cprodb Nat csucc <=c cprod (cst_graph omega0 omega0). rewrite /cst_graph; apply: cprod_increasing; bw; fprops. move=> x xN; bw; apply: finite_le_infinite => //. by apply /NatP; apply: NS_succ. rewrite cpow_pr2 (infinite_power1_b io) => le1. apply: cleA => //. rewrite - cpow_pr2. rewrite infinite_prod_pA. rewrite /cst_graph;apply: cprod_increasing; bw; fprops. move=> x xN; bw. have sxb: natp (csucc x) by fprops. have cs: cardinalp (csucc \0c) by apply: CS_succ. have cs0: cardinalp (\0c) by fprops. rewrite - succ_one - succ_zero; apply /(cleSSP cs); fprops. move: (CS_nat xN) => h. apply /(cleSSP CS0 h); apply: (czero_least h). Qed. Lemma cprod_An1 a b f: ordinalp a -> ordinalp b -> cprodb (a +o b) f = cprodb a f *c cprodb b (fun z => f (a +o z)). Proof. move => oa ob. rewrite {1} /cprodb; set g := Lg (a +o b) f. have fgg: fgraph g by rewrite /g; fprops. have sab:= proj33 (osum_Mle0 oa ob). move: (is_partition_with_complement sab). have -> : a +o b = domain g by rewrite /g; bw. move=> pfa. rewrite (cprod_An pfa). rewrite /partition_with_complement; bw; symmetry; apply: cprod2_pr. set ff := fun l: Set => _. have ->: cprodb a f = ff C0. by rewrite /ff /g; bw; apply: cprodb_exten => s sf /=; bw;apply: sab. suff: (cprodb b (fun z => f (a +o z))) = ff C1 by move => ->; apply doubleton_fam_canon. rewrite /ff /g;bw. have -> : cprodb ((a +o b) -s a)(Vg (Lg (a +o b) f)) = cprodb ((a +o b) -s a) f. apply: cprodb_exten => i /setC_P[ii _]; bw. symmetry;apply:cprod_Cn2; split. + move => t tb; apply/setC_P; rewrite (osum_rec_def oa ob);split. apply /setU2_P; right; apply/funI_P; ex_tac. by move=> /(oltP oa) h1; move:(oltNge h1(osum_Mle0 oa (ordinal_hi ob tb))). + move => u v uo vo su. move: (ordinal_hi ob uo) (ordinal_hi ob vo) => ou ov. exact (osum2_simpl ou ov oa su). + by rewrite (osum_rec_def oa ob); move => y /setC_P [/setU2_P] [] // /funI_P. Qed. Lemma infinite_prod_pB1: union (range (Lg Nat csucc)) = omega0. Proof. rewrite Lg_range; set_extens t. move => /setU_P [z tz /funI_P [u u1 uv]]. rewrite uv in tz; exact:(NS_inc_nat (NS_succ u1) tz). move => tu; apply/setU_P; exists (osucc t); fprops. rewrite - (succ_of_Nat tu); apply /funI_P; ex_tac. Qed. Lemma infinite_prod_pB2: (*alt proof *) cprodb Nat csucc = \2c ^c omega0. Proof. set x := (Lg Nat csucc). have fgf: fgraph x by rewrite / x; fprops. have icy: infinite_c (domain x) by rewrite /x; bw; apply: CIS_omega. have pa: cardinal_pos_fam x. move;rewrite /x; bw; move=> a adx; rewrite /x; bw;apply: succ_positive. have pb: fg_Mle_lec x. move;rewrite /x; bw; move => a b aN bN [_ _ ab]; bw. move:(CS_nat aN) (CS_nat bN) => ca cb. apply /(cleSSP ca cb); split => //. rewrite /cprodb (infinite_increasing_power fgf icy pa pb). rewrite /x infinite_prod_pB1; bw. rewrite infinite_power1_b //;exact CIS_omega. Qed. Lemma infinite_prod_pC: cprodb Nat \aleph = (\aleph omega0) ^c omega0. Proof. set x := (Lg Nat \aleph). have fgf: fgraph x by rewrite / x; fprops. have icy: infinite_c (domain x) by rewrite /x; bw; apply: CIS_omega. have pa: cardinal_pos_fam x. move;rewrite /x; bw; move=> a adx; rewrite /x; bw; apply: aleph_nz1. exact (ordinal_hi OS_omega adx). have pb: fg_Mle_lec x. move;rewrite /x; bw; move => a b aB bB ab; bw;exact (aleph_le_lec ab). rewrite /cprodb (infinite_increasing_power fgf icy pa pb). rewrite /x (ord_sup_aleph omega_limit); bw. Qed. Lemma infinite_prod_pD (o2 := omega0 +o omega0): cprodb o2 \aleph = (\aleph o2) ^c omega0. Proof. set oo := (\aleph o2). move: OS_omega => ioo. apply: cleA. have -> : oo ^c omega0 = oo ^c (omega0 +o omega0). by rewrite - cpowcr cardinal_omega2 cpowcr. have oo2: ordinalp o2 by apply: OS_sum2. rewrite - cpow_pr2 /cst_graph; apply: cprod_increasing; bw; fprops. by move=> x xB;bw; apply: aleph_le_lec; apply/(oleP oo2); apply:setU1_r. set p1:= cprod (Lg omega0 (fun z => (\aleph (omega0 +o z)))). set x := (Lg omega0 (fun z : Set => \aleph (omega0 +o z))). have fgf: fgraph x by rewrite / x; fprops. have icy: infinite_c (domain x) by rewrite /x; bw; apply: CIS_omega. have pa: cardinal_pos_fam x. move;rewrite /x; bw; move=> a adx; rewrite /x; bw; apply: aleph_nz1. by apply: OS_sum2 => //; apply(ordinal_hi ioo adx). have pb: fg_Mle_lec x. move;rewrite /x; bw; move => a b aB bB ab; bw. exact (aleph_le_lec (osum_Meqle ab ioo)). move: (infinite_increasing_power fgf icy pa pb). have ->: union (range x) = oo by apply: (ord_sup_aleph_sum ioo). rewrite {2} /x; bw; move => <-. move: (cprod_An1 \aleph ioo ioo) => ->. have fg1: fgraph (Lg omega0 \aleph) by fprops. rewrite cprodC; apply: cprod_M1le; rewrite /cprod;fprops. apply /cprod_nzP; hnf;bw => i id; bw; apply:(aleph_nz(ordinal_hi ioo id)). Qed. Lemma infinite_prod_pE (o2 := omega1 +o omega0): cprodb o2 \aleph = (\aleph o2) ^c aleph1. Proof. set o1 := \aleph \1o. have ico:= CIS_omega. have ioo:= OS_omega. have oo1: ordinalp o1 by apply: OS_aleph; apply: OS1. move: (CIS_aleph OS1) => io1. move /infinite_c_P2: (io1) => io2. have px: cprod (Lg o1 \aleph) = (\aleph o1 ^c o1) ^c omega0. rewrite - cpow_pow (cprod_inf io2 io1 omega_nz) //. set x := (Lg o1 \aleph). have qa: (fgraph x) by rewrite /x; fprops. have qb: (infinite_c (domain x)) by rewrite /x; bw. have qc: cardinal_pos_fam x. move; rewrite /x; bw => a ao; bw; apply: (aleph_nz1 (ordinal_hi oo1 ao)). have qd: fg_Mle_lec x. move; rewrite /x; bw; move => a b ax bx ab; bw. exact (aleph_le_lec ab). move: (infinite_increasing_power qa qb qc qd). rewrite /x; rewrite (ord_sup_aleph (aleph_limit OS1)); bw. have pa: cprod (Lg omega0 (fun z => (\aleph (o1 +o z)))) = (\aleph o2) ^c omega0. set x := (Lg omega0 (fun z => (\aleph (o1 +o z)))). have qa: (fgraph x) by rewrite /x; fprops. have qb: (infinite_c (domain x)) by rewrite /x; bw. have qc: cardinal_pos_fam x. move; rewrite /x; bw => a ao; bw; apply: aleph_nz1. by apply: OS_sum2 => //; apply (ordinal_hi ioo ao). have qd: fg_Mle_lec x. move;rewrite /x; bw; move => a b ax bx ab; bw. exact (aleph_le_lec (osum_Meqle ab oo1)). move: (infinite_increasing_power qa qb qc qd). by rewrite /x; move => ->; bw; rewrite (ord_sup_aleph_sum oo1). have <- : cprod (Lg omega0 (fun z => (\aleph (o1 +o z) ^c o1))) = \aleph o2 ^c o1. move: pa; set f:= Lg omega0 _. have pb: fgraph f by rewrite /f; fprops. move: (cpow_prod o1 f); rewrite /cprodb. have -> : (Lg (domain f) (fun i => Vg f i ^c o1)) = (Lg omega0 (fun z => \aleph (o1 +o z) ^c o1)). rewrite /f; bw; apply: Lg_exten => t te; bw. move => <- ->. rewrite - cpow_pow cprodC (cprod_inf io2 io1 omega_nz) //. suff -> //: cprodb o2 \omega = (cprodb (o1 +o omega0) \omega). suff: cprodb omega0 (fun z => \aleph (o1 +o z) ^c o1) = cprodb omega0 (fun z => \aleph o1 ^c o1 *c \aleph (o1 +o z)). rewrite -/(cprodb omega0 _); move => ->. rewrite - prod_of_prods (cprod_An1 \aleph oo1 ioo) /cprodb cpow_pr2 px //. rewrite /cprodb;set l1:= Lg _ _; set l2 := Lg _ _. have la: fgraph l1 by rewrite /l1; fprops. have lb: fgraph l2 by rewrite /l2; fprops. have lc: (domain l1 = domain l2) by rewrite /l1 /l2; bw. have ld: inc \0o (domain l1) by rewrite /l1; bw; apply /NatP; fprops. have oz: inc \0c omega0 by apply:NS0. have aux1: \aleph o1 ^c o1 <> \0c. apply: infinite_nz; apply: CIS_pow2; apply: CIS_aleph; fprops. have le: (Vg l1 \0c) <> \0c by rewrite /l1; bw; rewrite (osum0r oo1). have lf: (Vg l2 \0c) <> \0c. rewrite /l2; bw. by rewrite (osum0r oo1); apply: cprod2_nz => //; apply: aleph_nz. have lg: (exists j, [/\ inc j (domain l1), j <> \0c, infinite_c (Vg l1 j), Vg l1 \0o <=c Vg l1 j & Vg l2 \0o <=c Vg l1 j]). have oo: inc \1o omega0 by apply:NS1. have d1: domain l1 = omega0 by rewrite /l1; bw. have i1d: inc \1o (domain l1) by ue. have le1: \aleph (o1 +o \0o) <=c \aleph (o1 +o \1o). apply: aleph_le_lec;apply: osum_Meqle; try apply: ozero_least; fprops. exists \1o; split => //. - fprops. - rewrite /l1; bw; apply: CIS_pow2; apply: CIS_aleph; fprops. - rewrite /l1; bw; apply: cpow_Mleeq => //. apply: aleph_nz; apply: OS_sum2; fprops. rewrite /l1/l2; bw. rewrite (osum0r oo1). set w := \aleph (o1 +o \1o) ^c o1. have sa: \aleph o1 <> \0c by apply: aleph_nz; fprops. have sb: \aleph o1 ^c o1 <=c w. apply: cpow_Mleeq => //; apply: aleph_le_lec. apply: osum_Mle0; fprops. have sc: \aleph o1 <=c \aleph o1 ^c o1. have co1: cardinalp (\aleph o1) by apply CS_aleph. apply: cpow_Mle1 => //;apply: aleph_nz => //; fprops. move: (ge_infinite_infinite (CIS_aleph oo1) sc) => i2. exact: (cleT (cprod_inf1 sc i2) sb). have lh: (forall j, inc j (domain l1) -> j = \0o \/ Vg l1 j = Vg l2 j). rewrite /l1 /l2; bw; move => j jb. case: (equal_or_not j \0o) => jnz;[by left | right; bw]. move: (card_nat jb) => pd. have pb: \aleph \1o <> \0o by apply: aleph_nz; fprops. have pc: cardinal j <=c \aleph \1o. rewrite pd; apply: (cleT _ io2). by apply: finite_le_infinite => //; apply /NatP. have pe: infinite_c (\aleph (o1 +o j)). apply: CIS_aleph; apply: OS_sum2 => //;apply: (ordinal_hi ioo jb). move: (infinite_power5 oo1 (ordinal_hi ioo jb) pb pc). have ->: \omega (o1 +o j) ^c cardinal j = \omega (o1 +o j) ^c j. apply: cpow_pr; fprops. by rewrite - /omega1 -/o1 (cpow_inf pe jb jnz). by rewrite (cprod_inf_eq la lb lc ld le lf lg lh). Qed. Lemma infinite_prod3 X c (Y:= Lg (domain X) (fun z => \aleph (Vg X z))) (b:= omega0 ^o c): \0o ofg_Mlt_lto X -> domain X = b -> (cprod Y) = (\csup (range Y)) ^c (cardinal b). Proof. move => cp ax db. have oc:= proj32_1 cp. have lb: limit_ordinal b by apply: indecomp_limit2. move: (lb); rewrite -db => lb1. move: (increasing_sup_limit4 ax lb1) (aleph_sum_pr6 ax lb1); rewrite -/Y. set a := \osup (range X); move=> [la sra sav] pa. move: ax => [gx ofx si]; rewrite sav. apply: cleA; first by apply : infinite_increasing_power_bound1 => //. have pb: \omega a <=c cprod Y. rewrite pa;apply:compare_sum_prod1 => //; rewrite /Y; fprops. by bw; move=> i idx; bw; apply:infinite_ge2; apply: CIS_aleph;apply: ofx. move: (cpow_Mleeq (cardinal b) pb (aleph_nz (proj31 la))). rewrite db;move => h; apply: (cleT h); clear pa pb h. have dY: domain Y = b by rewrite /Y; bw. set f := Lg (coarse b) (fun z => Vg Y (P z)). have df: domain f = (coarse b) by rewrite /f; bw. have fgf: fgraph f by rewrite /f; fprops. have fgY: fgraph Y by rewrite /Y; fprops. have ->: cprod Y ^c cardinal b = cprod f. set g := Lg b (fun z => (singleton z) \times b). have pa: partition_w_fam g (domain f). split => //. rewrite /g; fprops. hnf;rewrite /g; bw;move => i j id jd; bw. case: (equal_or_not i j) => ij; [ by left | right ]. apply: disjoint_pr => u /setX_P [_ p1 _] /setX_P [_ p2 _]. by case: ij; move: p1 p2 => /set1_P <- /set1_P <-. rewrite df /coarse /g; set_extens t. move /setUb_P; bw; move => [y yb]; bw; move => /setX_P [p1] /set1_P. move => p2 p3; apply /setX_P;split => //; ue. move => /setX_P [p1 p2 p3]; apply /setUb_P; bw; exists (P t); bw. apply /setX_P;split;fprops. rewrite (cprod_An pa) (cpow_prod _ Y) dY /g; bw; congr cprod. apply: Lg_exten; move => x xb. set s:= ((singleton x) \times b). have xx: cardinal s = cardinal b. symmetry; apply /card_eqP; apply: Eq_rindexed. rewrite - (cpow_pr3 _ xx); congr cprod. have sa: sub s (coarse b). move=> t /setX_P [p1 /set1_P p2 p3]; apply /setX_P;split => //; ue. have sb: sub s (domain f) by ue. have qa: s = domain (restr f s) by bw. rewrite /cst_graph; apply: fgraph_exten; [fprops | fprops | bw | bw]. move => v vd; bw; rewrite /f; bw; last by apply: sa. by move: vd => /setX_P [_ /set1_P -> _]. set g := Lg b (fun z => Zo (coarse b) (fun t => (P t) +#o (Q t) =z)). have pg: partition_w_fam g (domain f). split => //; rewrite /g /coarse/mutually_disjoint; bw. - fprops. - move => i j ib jb; case: (equal_or_not i j) => ij; [ by left | right ]. bw;apply: disjoint_pr => u /Zo_hi p1 /Zo_hi p2; case: ij. by rewrite - p1 - p2. - rewrite df /coarse;set_extens t. by move /setUb_P; bw; move => [y yb]; bw; move => /Zo_P []. move: lb => [ob _ _] tb. move: (tb) => /setX_P [pt /(oltP ob) p1 /(oltP ob) p2]. have pa: inc (natural_sum (P t) (Q t)) b. by apply /(oltP ob); apply:natural_small. by apply /setUb_P; bw; ex_tac; bw;apply: Zo_i. rewrite (cprod_An pg). apply: cprod_increasing; [ rewrite dY /g; bw | bw]. rewrite /g; bw => x xb; bw. move: (natural_finite_cover oc xb). rewrite - /b /coarse; set E:= Zo _ _; move => [pa pb]. have dr: domain (restr f E) = E. rewrite restr_d //; rewrite /E df; apply: Zo_S. have xd: inc x (domain X) by ue. have le1: forall i, inc i E -> Vg f i <=c Vg Y x. rewrite /f; move => i => /Zo_P [qa qb]; bw. move: qa => /setX_P [_ ipb iqb]. have op:= (ordinal_hi (proj31 lb) ipb). have oq := (ordinal_hi (proj31 lb) iqb). move: (natural_M0le op oq); rewrite qb. case: (equal_or_not (P i) x) => eq1. rewrite eq1 => _; apply: cleR; rewrite /Y; bw; apply CIS_aleph. by apply: ofx. have pd: inc (P i) (domain X) by ue. move => eq2; move: (proj1 (si _ _ pd xd (conj eq2 eq1))) => le2. by rewrite /Y; bw; apply: aleph_le_lec. have ix: infinite_c (Vg Y x). by rewrite /Y; bw; apply: CIS_aleph; apply: ofx. rewrite - (cpow_inf ix pa pb) - (cpow_pr3 _ (refl_equal (cardinal E))). apply: cprod_increasing; rewrite /cst_graph ? dr; bw. by move => t tE; bw; apply: le1. Qed. Lemma infinite_prod3_bis X m (Y:= Lg (domain X) (fun z => \aleph (Vg X z))): infinite_c m -> ofg_Mlt_lto X -> domain X = m -> (cprod Y) = (\csup (range Y)) ^c m. Proof. move => im pa pb. move: (cardinal_indecomposable im) => idx. move: (indecomp_prop3 idx) => [y oy xv]. case: (ozero_dichot oy) => ynz. by move: im; rewrite xv ynz opowx0 => /(infinite_dichot1 finite_1). rewrite xv in pb. by rewrite (infinite_prod3 ynz pa pb) -xv (card_card (proj1 im)). Qed. Lemma infinite_prod4 X a m (Y:= Lg (domain X) (fun z => \aleph (Vg X z) ^c m)): limit_ordinal a -> \cf a <=c m -> domain X = \cf a -> ofg_Mlt_lto X -> (a = \osup (range X)) -> (cprod Y) = \aleph a ^c m. Proof. move => oa ca cdx ofx av. have lc:=(cofinality_limit3 oa). have cc:=(CS_cofinality (proj31 oa)). have icc: infinite_c (\cf a) by split => //; apply: OIS_limit. have im:= ge_infinite_infinite icc ca. rewrite - cdx in lc. move: (infinite_prod3_bis icc ofx cdx). move: (increasing_sup_limit4 ofx lc); rewrite -av; move => [pa _ ->] => pd. move: (f_equal (fun z => z ^c m) pd). rewrite - cpow_pow cpow_prod cprodC (cprod_inf ca im (infinite_nz icc)). move => <-; bw; rewrite /Y cdx; apply: cprodb_exten => x xd; bw. Qed. Lemma infinite_prod44 X a b (Y:= Lg (domain X) (fun z => \aleph (Vg X z) ^c \aleph b)): limit_ordinal a -> \cf a <=o b -> domain X = \omega (\cf a) -> ofg_Mlt_lto X -> a = \osup (range X) -> cprod Y = (\aleph a) ^c (\aleph b). Proof. move => oa ca cdx ofx av. have oc:=(OS_cofinality (proj31 oa)). have icc:=(CIS_aleph oc). have lc:= (infinite_card_limit2 icc). move: (infinite_prod3_bis icc ofx cdx). rewrite - cdx in lc. move:(increasing_sup_limit4 ofx lc); rewrite - av; move => [pa _ ->] => pd. move: (f_equal (fun z => z ^c \aleph b) pd). rewrite - cpow_pow cpow_prod cprodC. rewrite (cprod_inf (aleph_le_lec ca) (CIS_aleph (proj32 ca))(infinite_nz icc)). move => <-; bw; rewrite /Y cdx; apply: cprodb_exten => x xd; bw. Qed. Lemma infinite_prod_pF: cprodb omega1 \aleph = (\aleph omega1) ^c aleph1. Proof. have ic: (infinite_c omega1) by apply CIS_aleph; fprops. have oo:=(proj1 (proj1 ic)). set (X := Lg omega1 id). have sX: domain X = omega1 by rewrite /X; bw. have ha: ofg_Mlt_lto X. have fhx: fgraph (Lg omega1 id) by fprops. rewrite /X;split => //;hnf;bw; [ move=> t to; bw | move => u v uo vo uv; bw]. exact:(ordinal_hi oo to). have sr: \osup (range X) = omega1. rewrite /X identity_r. by move :(limit_nonsucc (infinite_card_limit2 ic)). have lo:limit_ordinal (domain X). by rewrite sX; exact:(aleph_limit OS1). move: (infinite_prod3_bis ic ha sX). move: (increasing_sup_limit4 ha lo) => [_ _ ->]. rewrite sr => <-. rewrite /X; bw; apply: cprodb_exten => x xa; bw. Qed. Lemma infinite_prod_pG b: \1o <=o b -> cprodb omega1 (fun z => (\aleph z) ^c (\aleph b)) = (\aleph omega1) ^c (\aleph b). Proof. move => b1. have cp1: aleph1 <=c \aleph b by apply:aleph_le_lec b1. have ie := CIS_aleph (proj32 b1). move: (f_equal (fun z => z ^c \aleph b) infinite_prod_pF). rewrite cpow_prod - cpow_pow cprodC (cprod_inf cp1 ie (aleph_nz OS1)) => <-. bw;apply: cprodb_exten => x xe; bw. Qed. Lemma infinite_prod_pH b: ordinalp b -> cprodb omega0 (fun z => (\aleph z) ^c (\aleph b)) = (\aleph omega0) ^c (\aleph b). Proof. move => ob. have ie := CIS_aleph ob. move/infinite_c_P2 : (ie) => iea. move: (f_equal (fun z => z ^c \aleph b) infinite_prod_pC). rewrite cpow_prod - cpow_pow cprodC (cprod_inf iea ie omega_nz) => <-. by bw; apply: cprodb_exten => x xd; bw. Qed. Lemma infinite_prod5 a: (limit_ordinal a) -> cprodb a \aleph = (\aleph a) ^c (cardinal a). Proof. move => la. pose p j := limit_ordinal j -> cprodb j \omega = \omega j ^c cardinal j. apply: (least_ordinal2 (p:=p)) (proj31 la) la => y oy etc ly. move: (cantor_of_limit ly) => [c [n [oc on nz yv cp]]]. have np := (ord_ne0_pos on nz). have op:= (OS_pow OS_omega on). case: (equal_or_not c \0o) => cz. move: yv; rewrite cz (osum0l op) => yv. set X := (Lg y id). have dx: domain X = omega0 ^o n by rewrite -yv /X; bw. have osx: ofg_Mlt_lto X. rewrite /X /ofg_Mlt_lto /ordinal_fam; bw;split;fprops. hnf; bw;move => x xy; bw; exact (ordinal_hi oy xy). hnf; bw;move => u v ux vx uv; bw. move: (infinite_prod3 np osx dx). have ->: (Lg (domain X) (fun z => \omega (Vg X z))) = (Lg y \omega). rewrite /X; bw; apply: Lg_exten => t te; bw. by move => h; rewrite /cprodb h -yv ord_sup_aleph. case: cp => [ cnz // |[lc le1 sv]]. have cy: c eq1. rewrite {1} yv (cprod_An1 \aleph oc op) eq1. set X := Lg (omega0 ^o n) (fun z => (c +o z)). have dx: domain X = omega0 ^o n by rewrite /X; bw. have xx: ofg_Mlt_lto X. split; rewrite /X; fprops. hnf;bw; move => x xv; bw; exact:(OS_sum2 oc (ordinal_hi op xv)). hnf; bw; move => u v ud vd; bw => lt1. by apply: osum_Meqlt. move: (infinite_prod3 np xx dx); rewrite /cprodb. set L1:= Lg _ _; set L2 := Lg _ _. have ->: L1 = L2 by rewrite /L1 /L2 /X; bw; apply: Lg_exten => x xd; bw. have l1: limit_ordinal (omega0 ^o n) by apply:indecomp_limit2. have ->: union (range L2) = \omega y. move: (normal_ofs_compose aleph_normal (osum_normal oc)) => [_ xb]. by move: (xb _ l1); rewrite -/L2 /= yv; move => ->; rewrite /L2 Lg_range. move => ->;clear L1 L2. have cnz: cardinal y <> \0c. by apply:card_nonempty1; move: ly => [_ ok _]; exists \0c. have le2: cardinal (omega0 ^o n) <=c cardinal y. by apply ocle1; rewrite yv; apply: osum_M0le. by move: (infinite_power5 oc op cnz le2); rewrite -yv => ->. Qed. Lemma infinite_prod6 a: ordinalp a -> a <> \0o -> cprodb (osucc a) \aleph = (\aleph a) ^c (cardinal a). Proof. move => oa anz. pose p j := j <> \0o -> cprodb (osucc j) \omega = \omega j ^c cardinal j. apply: (least_ordinal2 (p:= p)) oa anz => y oy lyp ynz. have ->: cprodb (osucc y) \aleph = (cprodb y \omega) *c (\aleph y). rewrite - (osucc_pr oy) (cprod_An1 \aleph oy OS1); congr (_ *c _). rewrite /cprodb;set f := Lg _ _. have fg: fgraph f by rewrite /f; fprops. have df: domain f = singleton \0o by rewrite /f; bw. have f0: Vg f \0o = \omega y. rewrite /f; bw; [by rewrite (osum0r oy) | by apply /set1_P ]. by rewrite (cprod_trivial1 df) card_card // f0; apply: CS_aleph. have cny: cardinal y <> \0c. case: (emptyset_dichot y) => ey; first by contradiction. by apply card_nonempty1. case: (ordinal_trichot oy) => h; first contradiction; last first. have onz: \omega y <> \0c by apply: aleph_nz. have p1: \omega y <=c \omega y ^c cardinal y. apply: (cpow_Mle1 (CS_aleph oy) cny). move: (ge_infinite_infinite (CIS_aleph oy) p1) => p2. by rewrite (infinite_prod5 h); apply: (cprod_inf). move: h => [z oz zv]. case: (equal_or_not z \0o) => znz. rewrite zv znz osucc_zero /cprodb. set f := Lg _ _. have fg: fgraph f by rewrite /f; fprops. have df: domain f = singleton \0o by rewrite /f; bw. have f0: Vg f \0o = \omega \0o. by rewrite /f; bw; apply /set1_P. have cv: cardinalp (Vg f \0o) by rewrite f0; apply: CS_aleph; fprops. rewrite (cprod_trivial1 df) f0 (card_card CS1) cprod2cl cprodC. have p1: \omega \0o <=c \omega \1o. by apply: aleph_le_lec; apply: (ozero_least OS1). by rewrite (cprod_inf p1 (CIS_aleph OS1) (aleph_nz OS0)) (cpowx1 (proj32 p1)). have lt1: z zi. hnf in zi; have <- //: cardinal z = cardinal (osucc z). by apply /card_eqP. have fz:finite_o z by split. rewrite - (succ_of_finite fz). have zN: natp z by apply /NatP. rewrite (card_nat zN) (card_card (CS_succ z)). rewrite (cpow_succ _ zN). symmetry. have onz: \omega z <> \0c by apply: aleph_nz. have p1: \omega z <=c \omega z ^c z. apply: (cpow_Mle1 (CS_aleph oz) znz). move: (ge_infinite_infinite (CIS_aleph oz) p1) => p2. apply: (cprod_inf) => //. Qed. Lemma infinite_power7c x y: cardinalp x -> cardinalp y -> cardinal (unionb (Lg x (functions y))) <=c (csum (Lg (cardinals_lt x) (fun z => z ^c y))) *c x. Proof. move => cx cy. set g := Lg _ _. have fg: fgraph g by rewrite /g; fprops. apply: (cleT (csum_pr1 _)). set f := (Lg x (fun z => cardinal z ^c y)). have fgf: fgraph f by rewrite /f; fprops. set h := Lg (cardinals_lt x) (fun i => Zo x (fun t => (cardinal t) = i)). have fgh: fgraph h by rewrite /h; fprops. have dh: domain h = (cardinals_lt x) by rewrite /h; bw. have mh: mutually_disjoint h. by apply mutually_disjoint_prop2 => i j z id jd /Zo_hi => <- /Zo_hi <-. move: (proj1 cx) => ox. have ph: partition_w_fam h (domain f). split => //; rewrite /f; bw; set_extens t. move /setUb_P => [z za];rewrite /h; bw ; [by move => /Zo_P [] | ue]. move => tx; apply /setUb_P. have ot:= (ordinal_hi ox tx). have ts: inc (cardinal t) (cardinals_lt x). by apply /(cardinals_ltP cx); apply /(ocle2P cx ot); apply/oltP. exists (cardinal t); [by rewrite dh | by rewrite /h;bw; apply: Zo_i]. rewrite /csumb;set u := csum _. move: (csum_An ph). have -> : u = csum f. rewrite /u /f; apply: f_equal; rewrite /g; bw; apply: Lg_exten=> t tx. by bw; rewrite cpow_pr1 (card_card cy). move ->. rewrite -dh. have fgfxx: fgraph (Lg (domain h) (cpow^~ y)) by fprops. rewrite cprodC (cprod2Dn); bw. apply: csum_increasing; bw. move=> z zd; bw. have pc: sub (Vg h z) (domain f). move: ph => [_ _ un]; rewrite -un. move=> t th; apply /setUb_P; exists z => //; ue. have pd: sub (Vg h z) x by move: pc; rewrite /f; bw. have pb: domain (restr f (Vg h z)) = Vg h z by rewrite restr_d //. rewrite /csumb. have ->: (Lg (Vg h z) (Vg f)) = Lg (Vg h z) (fun t => z ^c y). apply: Lg_exten; fprops; bw. rewrite /f => t td; move: (pd _ td) => tx; bw. move: td; rewrite /h; bw; [ move /Zo_P; move => [_ -> //] | ue]. rewrite csum_of_same cprodC - cprod2cl. apply cprod_Mlele. by move: (sub_smaller pd); rewrite (card_card cx). apply: cleR; rewrite /cpow;fprops. Qed. Lemma infinite_power7d x (y := cardinal (cardinals_lt x)): cardinalp x -> x <> \0c -> (y <=c x /\ y <> \0c). Proof. move=> cx xnz; split. have pf: sub (cardinals_lt x) x. move => t /Zo_P [_ ok]; move: (oclt ok). by move =>/ oltP0 [_ _]. by move: (sub_smaller pf); rewrite (card_card cx). apply: card_nonempty1; exists \0c. by apply /(cardinals_ltP cx); split; [apply: czero_least | apply:nesym ]. Qed. Lemma infinite_power7 x y: infinite_c x -> y y <> \0c -> x ^c y = (csumb (cardinals_lt x) (fun z => z ^c y)) *c x. Proof. move=> pa pb pc. have cy:= proj31_1 pb. have cx:= proj1 pa. have le1:= (infinite_power7b pa pb). have le2:= (infinite_power7c cx cy). apply: (cleA (cleT le1 le2)). have xnz: x <> \0c by apply: infinite_nz. have pd: x <=c x ^c y. have y1: \1c <=c y by apply: cge1. apply: cpow_Mle1; fprops. have ip:=(ge_infinite_infinite pa pd). apply: (cprod_inf4 _ pd ip). set f := (Lg (cardinals_lt x) (cpow^~ y)). have fl: (forall i, inc i (domain f) -> Vg f i <=c ( x ^c y)). rewrite /f; bw; move=> i id; bw. case: (equal_or_not i \0c) => iz. rewrite iz (cpow0x pc);apply: (czero_least (proj32 pd)). move: id => /(cardinals_ltP cx) [le _]. by apply: cpow_Mleeq. move: (infinite_power7d cx xnz) => [pe1 pf]. have fgf: fgraph f by rewrite /f; fprops. move: (csum_of_small_b1 (conj fgf fl)); rewrite {2}/f; bw. rewrite - cprod2cr cprod_inf//; exact: (cleT pe1 pd). Qed. Lemma infinite_power7e a y: limit_ordinal a -> y <> \0c -> \aleph a <=c \osup (fun_image a (fun z => (\aleph z) ^c y)). Proof. move=> ln ynz. move: aleph_normal => [qa qb]; rewrite (qb _ ln). set T2:= fun_image _ _. set T := fun_image _ _. have csr: cardinal_set T. move=> t /funI_P [z zn ->]; rewrite /cpow; fprops. apply:card_ub_sup; first by apply: (CS_sup csr). move => // i /funI_P [z zn ->]. have sr1: inc ((\aleph z) ^c y) T by apply /funI_P; ex_tac. apply: cleT (card_sup_ub csr sr1). have oz:= (ordinal_hi (proj31 ln) zn). by apply: cpow_Mle1; fprops; apply: CS_aleph. Qed. Lemma infinite_power7f a y: limit_ordinal a -> y (\aleph a) ^c y = \osup (fun_image a (fun z => (\aleph z) ^c y)). Proof. move => p1 p2. have on:= (proj31 p1). case: (equal_or_not y \0c) => yz. rewrite yz cpowx0; set T := fun_image _ _. suff: T = singleton \1c by move => ->; rewrite setU_1. apply set1_pr. by move: p1 => [q1 q2 q3]; apply /funI_P; exists \0o => //; rewrite cpowx0. by move=> t /funI_P [z zn ->]; rewrite cpowx0. move: (CIS_aleph on); set x:= \aleph a => icx. rewrite - (regular_initial_limit1 p1) in p2. have aux:= (infinite_power7 icx p2 yz). set T := fun_image _ _. set s := union T. have s3: s <=c x ^c y. apply: card_ub_sup; first by fprops. move => i /funI_P [z zn ->]. have [zn1 _]: z aux. have cff: cardinal_fam f by rewrite /f; hnf; bw; move=> i ad; bw; fprops. have cx:= proj1 icx. have cdf1: cardinal (domain f) <=c x. rewrite /f; bw; exact (proj1 (infinite_power7d cx (infinite_nz icx))). have fgf: fgraph f by rewrite /f; fprops. have osr: ordinal_set (range f). move=> t /(range_gP fgf); rewrite /f; bw; move=> [z zv -> ]. bw;apply: OS_cardinal; fprops. have sr: s = \osup (range f). rewrite /s /T /f; apply: ord_sup_1cofinal => //; split. move=> t /funI_P [z zn ->]; apply /(range_gP fgf). have os: inc (\aleph z) (cardinals_lt x). by apply /(cardinals_ltP cx) /aleph_lt_ltc /oltP. rewrite /f; bw; exists (\aleph z); bw. move=> i /(range_gP fgf); rewrite /f; bw; move=> [u us]; bw => ->. move: us => /(cardinals_ltP cx) us. have cu:= proj31_1 us. case: (finite_dichot cu) => fc. exists (omega0 ^c y) => //. apply /funI_P; exists \0o; [exact (proj32 p1) | by rewrite aleph0E ]. apply: ocle. case: (equal_or_not u \0c) => uz. rewrite uz (cpow0x yz); apply: czero_least; rewrite /cpow;fprops. apply: cpow_Mleeq=> //;apply: finite_le_infinite => //. exact: (CIS_omega). move:(ord_index_pr1 fc) => [om uv]. exists (u ^c y). apply /funI_P; exists (ord_index u); rewrite ? uv => //. apply /(oltP on); apply: aleph_ltc_lt => //; ue. exact: (ocle(cleR (CS_pow u y))). move: (infinite_power7e p1 yz). rewrite -/x -/T -/s => xs. have pc: (infinite_c s) by apply: (ge_infinite_infinite icx xs). have pd:= cleT cdf1 xs. rewrite sr in pc pd xs. move: (csum_of_small_b4 fgf cff pc pd);rewrite aux sr /csumb -/f => ->. by apply: cprod_inf => //;apply: infinite_nz. Qed. Lemma infinite_power7f1 a y: limit_ordinal a -> y y <> \0c -> (\aleph a) ^c y = csumb a (fun z => (\aleph z) ^c y). Proof. move => pa pb pc. have on:= (proj31 pa). move: (infinite_power7f pa pb); rewrite - Lg_range=> eq0. move: (ocle1 (aleph_pr6 on)); rewrite (card_card (CS_aleph on)) => le2. rewrite eq0;symmetry; apply: csum_of_small_b4. - fprops. - by hnf; bw; move=> i an; bw; fprops. - by rewrite - eq0; apply: CIS_pow => //; apply: CIS_aleph. - by rewrite - eq0 Lg_domain; exact: (cleT le2 (cpow_Mle1 (proj32 le2) pc)). Qed. Lemma infinite_prod_pI: csumb omega1 (fun z => \aleph z ^c aleph0) = \aleph omega1 ^c aleph0. Proof. have la: limit_ordinal omega1 by apply: aleph_limit; fprops. have ic: infinite_c omega1 by apply: CIS_aleph; fprops. have cf: omega0 ->. rewrite - aleph0E; apply: aleph_lt_ltc; apply: olt_01. rewrite (infinite_power7f1 la cf) //; first by apply: omega_nz. Qed. Lemma infinite_power8 n (x:= \aleph n) (z:= \cf x) y: ordinalp n -> z <=c y -> x ^c y = ( \osup (fun_image (cardinals_lt x) (fun t => t ^c y))) ^c z. Proof. move=> ln cy. set T := fun_image _ _. have cst: cardinal_set T. move=> t /funI_P [zs _ ->]; rewrite /cpow; fprops. clear cst. have icx: infinite_c x by apply: CIS_aleph. have cxy: cardinalp (x ^c y) by rewrite /cpow; fprops. have H:= (cofinality_card icx). move: (cofinality_infinite icx); rewrite H -/z => icz. have icy:= (ge_infinite_infinite icz cy). have sx: \osup T <=c x ^c y. apply: card_ub_sup => //. move=> a /funI_P [u up ->]. case: (equal_or_not u \0c) => uz. rewrite uz cpow0x; [by apply czero_least | by apply: infinite_nz]. apply: cpow_Mleeq => //. by move: up => /(cardinals_ltP (proj1 icx)) []. apply: cleA; last first. have znz: z <> \0c by apply: infinite_nz. case: (equal_or_not (\osup T) \0c) => snz. by rewrite snz cpow0x => //; apply czero_least. have : (\osup T) ^c z <=c (x ^c y) ^c z by apply: cpow_Mleeq => //. rewrite - cpow_pow (cprod_inf cy) //. move: (cofinality_c_pr3 icx) => [f [[[pc1 pc2 pd pe] pf] pc]]. have qa: x <=c cprod f. rewrite -pf; apply: compare_sum_prod1 => //. have : x ^c y <=c (cprod f) ^c y. by apply: cpow_Mleeq => //;apply: infinite_nz. rewrite (cpow_prod _ f) /cprodb. set p := cprod _ => le1. have cst: cardinal_set T by move=> t /funI_P [tt _ ->]; fprops. have: p <=c cprod (cst_graph (domain f) (\osup T)). apply: cprod_increasing; bw. bw => t tdf; bw. apply: card_sup_ub => //; apply /funI_P; exists (Vg f t) => //. by apply /(cardinals_ltP (proj1 icx)); apply: pd. by rewrite cpow_pr2 pe H; apply:cleT. Qed. Lemma infinite_power9 x y: infinite_c x -> infinite_c y -> [/\ (x <=c y -> x ^c y = \2c ^c y), (forall z, z x <=c z ^c y -> x ^c y = z ^c y) & ((forall z, z z ^c y ( ( y x ^c y = x) /\ (\cf x <=c y -> x ^c y = x ^c (\cf x))))]. Proof. move => icx icy. have ynz:=(infinite_nz icy). have xnz:= (infinite_nz icx). split. by move => h; apply: infinite_power1_a => //; apply: infinite_ge2. move=> z le1 le2; apply: cleA. rewrite - {2} (csquare_inf icy) cpow_pow. by apply: cpow_Mleeq. have znz: z <> \0c. move=> bad; case: xnz; move: le2; rewrite bad cpow0x // => b1. apply (cle0 b1). apply: cpow_Mleeq => //; exact (proj1 le1). move => h. have x2: \2c //; apply /NatP; fprops. have yx:= (cle_ltT (proj1 (cantor (proj1 icy))) (h _ x2)). have [on xv]:= (ord_index_pr1 icx). case: (ordinal_trichot on) => nz. move: yx; have ->: x = omega0 by rewrite -xv nz aleph0E. by move: icy => /infinite_c_P2 icy /(cleNgt icy). move:nz=> [m om nv]. move: (regular_initial_successor om) => /regular_cardinalP [_ ww]. move: yx h; rewrite -xv nv ww => yo h;split; last by move=> /(cltNge yo). have le2 := (h _ (aleph_pr10c om)). move => _. move: (infinite_power2 om ynz). have pa: (infinite_c (\aleph (osucc m))) by apply: CIS_aleph; ue. have pb:=(cpow_nz (b := y) (aleph_nz om)). by rewrite cprodC (cprod_inf (proj1 le2) pa pb). split. rewrite -xv (regular_initial_limit1 nz) => yc. move: (infinite_power7e nz ynz). rewrite (infinite_power7f nz yc). set T := fun_image _ _; move=> le1. apply: cleA => //. apply: (card_ub_sup (proj31 le1)). move => a /funI_P [z zn ->]; rewrite - xv in h. have aux : \aleph z /oltP []. apply: (proj1 (h _ aux)). rewrite -xv; move=> cf1. have oxne: \aleph (ord_index x) <> \0c by ue. apply: cleA; last by apply: cpow_Meqle. rewrite {1} (infinite_power8 on cf1); set T2:= fun_image _ _. case: (equal_or_not (union T2) \0c) => unz. rewrite unz cpow0x. apply: czero_least;rewrite /cpow; fprops. apply: infinite_nz; apply:cofinality_infinite_cardinal; ue. apply: cpow_Mleeq => //. apply: card_ub_sup; first by rewrite xv; exact (proj1 icx). move=> a; rewrite /T2 xv => /funI_P [z zi ->]. move: zi => /(cardinals_ltP (proj1 icx)) zi. exact: (proj1 (h _ zi)). Qed. Lemma infinite_power7g x y: infinite_c x -> x <=c y -> x ^c y = (csumb (cardinals_lt x) (fun z => z ^c y)) *c x. Proof. move => icx xy. have [cx cy _]:= xy. have icy: infinite_c y by apply: (ge_infinite_infinite icx xy). have ynz: y <> \0c by apply: infinite_nz. have x2: \2c <=c x by apply: infinite_ge2. rewrite (infinite_power1_a (infinite_ge2 icx) xy icy) /csumb. have pa:= cleT xy (proj1 (cantor cy)). move: (infinite_power7d (proj1 icx) (infinite_nz icx)) => [pb pc]. set f := Lg _ _. have cf: fgraph f by rewrite /f; fprops. have pd: infinite_c (\2c ^c y) by apply: (ge_infinite_infinite icx pa). have fl: forall i, inc i (domain f) -> Vg f i <=c \2c ^c y. rewrite /f; bw; move=> i idf; bw. move: idf => /(cardinals_ltP cx) idf. have p1:= (proj1 (clt_leT idf xy)). case: (equal_or_not i \0c) => iz. rewrite iz (cpow0x ynz); apply: czero_least; rewrite /cpow; fprops. case: (equal_or_not i \1c) => io. rewrite io (cpow1x); apply: finite_le_infinite => //. apply /NatP; fprops. have i2: \2c <=c i. have ci := (proj31 p1). case: (finite_dichot ci) => iB. move: iB;rewrite /NatP => iB. rewrite - succ_one; apply/(cleSltP NS1); split; fprops. apply: cge1 => //. apply: (infinite_ge2 iB). rewrite (infinite_power1_a i2 p1 icy). apply: cleR; rewrite /cpow; fprops. move: (csum_of_small_b1 (conj cf fl)); rewrite {2} /f; bw. have -> : (\2c ^c y) *c cardinals_lt x = (\2c ^c y) *c cardinal (cardinals_lt x). by symmetry;apply cprod2cr. move => le2. have le3:= (cleT le2 (cprod_inf1 (cleT pb pa) pd)). apply:cleA; last by apply: cprod_inf4. have xnz: x <> \0c by apply: infinite_nz. have pe: csum f <=c csum f *c x. apply: cprod_M1le => //; rewrite /csum; fprops. apply: (cleT _ pe). have d2: inc \2c (cardinals_lt x). apply/(cardinals_ltP cx). apply: finite_lt_infinite => //; rewrite /NatP; fprops. have ->: \2c ^c y = Vg f \2c by rewrite /f; bw. apply csum_increasing6; rewrite /f;hnf;bw => t ta; bw; fprops. Qed. Lemma infinite_power7h x y: regular_cardinal x -> \0c x ^c y = (csumb (cardinals_lt x) (fun z => z ^c y)) *c x. Proof. move=> /regular_cardinalP [ic cfx] [[_ cy _] nzy]. case: (cleT_el (proj1 ic) cy) => xy; last first. rewrite - cfx in xy; exact: (infinite_power7 ic xy (nesym nzy)). by apply: infinite_power7g. Qed. Lemma infinite_power6w y: infinite_c y -> ( (exists2 x, y h; split. exists (\2c ^c y); first by apply: (cantor (proj1 h)). rewrite - cpow_pow csquare_inf //. move: (ord_index_pr1 h)=> [on yv]. move: (cnextE on); rewrite yv; set z:= cnext y => zv. have yz: y z. move=> eq; rewrite {2} zv in eq. move: (aleph_inj oz osn eq). move: (aleph_limit osn); rewrite - zv; move => [la lb lc] zs. have nz: inc (ord_index y) z by rewrite zs /osucc; fprops. move: (lc _ nz); rewrite - zs => bad; exact (ordinal_irreflexive oz bad). have tp:= (normal_ofs_fix aleph_normal oz). have cft:= (cofinality_least_fp_normal aleph_normal zp tp). move: tp =>[]; set t := the_least_fixedpoint_ge _ _ => tp1 tp2 tp3. have cz: cardinalp z by rewrite zv; apply: CS_aleph. have ct: cardinalp t by rewrite -tp2; apply: (CS_aleph (proj32 tp1)). have yt: y //. apply: (clt_leT (power_cofinality (infinite_ge2 ict))). apply: cpow_Mlele. by apply: infinite_nz. move: ict => [cat _]; fprops. by rewrite (cofinality_card ict) cft; apply /infinite_c_P2. Qed. Definition cpow_less x y := \csup (fun_image (cardinals_lt y) (fun t => x ^c t)). Notation "x ^ x ^c t)). Proof. move => t /funI_P [z _ ->]; fprops. Qed. Lemma cpow_less_alt x y : infinite_c y -> \2c <=c x -> x ^ x ^c t). Proof. move=> icy xy. rewrite /cpow_less; set E := (cardinals_lt y). set f := (Lg E [eta cpow x]). have cf: cardinal_fam f by rewrite/f;hnf;bw => t te; bw; fprops. set s:= (union (range f)). have <-: s = union (fun_image E (cpow x)) by rewrite /s Lg_range. have cy:=(proj1 icy). move: (infinite_power7d cy (infinite_nz icy)); rewrite -/E; move => [pw _]. suff aux: y <=c s. symmetry; apply: csum_of_small_b4; fprops. - apply: (ge_infinite_infinite icy aux). - move: (cleT pw aux); bw. have fgf: fgraph f by rewrite /f; fprops. have csr: cardinal_set (range f). move => t /(range_gP fgf); rewrite /f;bw;move => [z ze ->]; bw; fprops. case: (cleT_el cy (CS_sup csr)) => //; rewrite -/s => sy. move: (cantor (CS_sup csr)); rewrite -/s => /cltNge; case. have sE: inc s E by apply /(cardinals_ltP cy). apply: (cleT (cpow_Mleeq s xy card2_nz)). apply: card_sup_ub => //; apply /(range_gP fgf). rewrite /f; bw; exists s; bw; split => //. Qed. Lemma cpow_less_pr1 x y: \0c cardinalp y -> x ^ [[_ cx _] xnz] cy; apply:card_ub_sup; fprops. move => t /funI_P [z zy ->]; apply: cpow_Mlele => //. - by apply:nesym. - by apply:cleR. - by move: zy => /cardinals_ltP []. Qed. Lemma cpow_less_pr2 x y z: z x ^c z <=c (x ^ lt1; apply: card_sup_ub; first by apply: cpow_less_pr0. apply /funI_P;exists z => //; apply /(cardinals_ltP (proj32_1 lt1)) => //. Qed. Lemma cpow_less_pr3 x y: \0c natp y -> x ^ [[_ cx _] xnz] yN. apply: cleA; last by apply: cpow_less_pr2; apply: cltS. apply: card_ub_sup. - fprops. - move => i /funI_P [z zi ->]; apply: cpow_Mlele; fprops. have cs: cardinalp (csucc y) by apply: CS_succ. by move: zi => /(cardinals_ltP cs) /(cltSleP yN). Qed. Lemma cpow_less_pr4 x y: \0c infinite_c y -> x ^ [[_ cx _] xnz] yi. have cy := proj1 yi. apply: cleA; last by (apply: cpow_less_pr2; apply:(cnext_pr2 cy)). apply: card_ub_sup. - fprops. - move => i /funI_P [z /Zo_hi zi ->]; apply: cpow_Meqle;fprops. apply: cnext_pr4 => //. Qed. Lemma CS_cpow_less x y: cardinalp (x ^ (x <=c \2c ^ icx; move: (proj1 icx) => cx. have x2:= (infinite_ge2 icx). split. move: (@cpow_less_pr0 \2c x) => aux. case: (cleT_el cx (CS_cpow_less \2c x)) => // pa. set u := \2c ^ //; apply /funI_P;exists u => //. apply /cardinals_ltP => //. case: (cleNgt le (cantor (proj31_1 pa))). split. apply: card_sup_image; move=> t tx; apply: (cpow_Mleeq _ x2);fprops. apply: cpow_less_pr1 => //; split; first by apply: czero_least. exact: (nesym (infinite_nz icx)). Qed. Lemma cpow_less_pr5a x y: cardinalp x -> \2c <=c y -> x <=c x ^ cx y2. move: (cpow_less_pr2 x (clt_leT (clt_12) y2)). by rewrite cpowx1. Qed. Lemma cpow_less_pr5b x y: infinite_c x -> \2c <=c y -> infinite_c (x ^ cx y2; apply: (ge_infinite_infinite cx (cpow_less_pr5a (proj1 cx) y2)). Qed. Lemma cpow_less_pr5c x: \2c <=c x -> finite_c x -> x ^ x2 xf. have co:= CS_omega. have aux:= (@cpow_less_pr0 x omega0). have oic:= CIS_omega. have xb: natp x by apply /NatP. have le1: x ^ // i /funI_P [z zx ->]. move: zx => /(cardinals_ltP co) zx. apply: finite_le_infinite => //; apply /NatP; apply NS_pow; fprops. by move: (oclt zx) =>/oltP0 [_ _]. ex_middle neq1. set t := x ^ x ^ icx; move: (proj1 icx) => cx. apply: cleA (cpow_less_pr5a cx (infinite_ge2 CIS_omega)). apply: card_ub_sup => // i /funI_P [z za ->]; move: za. move /(cardinals_ltP CS_omega) => za. move: (oclt za) => /oltP0; move=> [_ _ xn]. by apply: cpow_inf1. Qed. Lemma cpow_less_pr5f (x := omega0): x ^ \2c <=c z -> z ^c x = (z ^ icx t2. move: (cofinality_c_pr3 icx) => [f [ [[pa1 pa2 pb pc] pd] _]]. apply: cleA. rewrite - (cofinality_card icx) -{1} pd (cpow_sum _ f). rewrite - pc - cpow_pr2 /cst_graph; bw. apply: cprod_increasing; fprops; bw => t td; bw. by apply: cpow_less_pr2; apply: pb. have tp:=(clt_leT clt_02 t2). have h:= (cpow_less_pr1 tp (proj1 icx)). have cnz:= (infinite_nz (cofinality_infinite_cardinal icx)). case: (equal_or_not (z ^ aux. rewrite aux cpow0x //; by apply: czero_least; fprops. move: (cpow_Mleeq (\cf x) h aux). by rewrite - cpow_pow (cprod_inf (cofinality_small icx) icx cnz). Qed. Lemma cpow_less_pr6a x: infinite_c x -> \2c ^c x = (\2c ^ icx; apply: cpow_less_pr6 => //; fprops. Qed. Lemma cpow_less_pr7a x: infinite_c x -> csumb (cardinals_le x) (fun t => x ^c t) = \2c ^c x. Proof. move => icx; move: (icx) => [cx _]. set f := (Lg (cardinals_le x) [eta cpow x]). set a := cardinals_lt x. have h1P:= (cardinals_ltP cx). have h2P:= (cardinals_leP cx). have fgf: fgraph f by rewrite /f; fprops. have pa: (a +s1 x) = (domain f). rewrite /f /a; bw; set_extens t. case/setU1_P => ha;apply /h2P; [by move/h1P: ha => []| rewrite ha; fprops]. move /h2P=> aux; apply /setU1_P; case:(equal_or_not t x) => tx; [by right |]. by left ; apply /h1P; split. have pb: sub (a +s1 x) (domain f) by rewrite pa; fprops. have pc: ~(inc x a) by move /h1P => [_]. move: (induction_sum0 f pc). rewrite pa (restr_to_domain fgf (@sub_refl f)) /csumb; move => ->. have pd : inc x (cardinals_le x) by apply/ h2P; fprops. have ->: (restr f a) = Lg a (cpow x). apply: Lg_exten => t tx; rewrite /f; bw. move: pa; rewrite /f; bw;move => <-; fprops. rewrite -/(csumb _ _) - (cpow_less_alt icx (infinite_ge2 icx)). move: (cpow_less_compare icx) => [_ [_ pe]]. rewrite /f; bw; rewrite -(infinite_power1_b icx). rewrite csumC (csum_inf pe) //; apply: CIS_pow => //. by apply: infinite_nz. Qed. Lemma cpow_less_pr7b x (y := cnext x) : infinite_c x -> csumb (cardinals_lt y) (fun t => y ^c t) = \2c ^c x. Proof. move => icx; move: (icx) => [cx _]. have pa:=(cnext_pr2 cx). have iy:= (ge_infinite_infinite icx (proj1 pa)). have y2:= (infinite_ge2 iy). have qa:= (clt_leT clt_02 y2). rewrite - (cpow_less_alt iy y2). by rewrite (cpow_less_pr4 qa icx) infinite_power1 //; apply: cnext_pr3. Qed. Lemma cpow_less_pr8 x: infinite_c x -> (forall y, y \2c ^c y [/\ \2c ^c x = gimel_fct x, x \2c ^c x = x ^c omega0)]. Proof. move => icx h. have cx := proj1 icx. have pa: \2c ^c x = gimel_fct x. rewrite (cpow_less_pr6a icx). have le1 : (\2c ^i /funI_P [z] /(cardinals_ltP cx) pa. move => ->; apply: (proj1 (h _ pa)). by rewrite (cleA le1 (proj1 (cpow_less_compare icx))). split; first by exact. by rewrite -pa; apply: power_cofinality2. by rewrite pa /gimel_fct => ->. Qed. Lemma cpow_less_pr9 x (y := cnext x): infinite_c x -> ( y ^ icx; move: (icx) => [cx _]. have sp:= (cle_ltT(czero_least cx) (cnext_pr2 cx)). rewrite (cpow_less_pr4 clt_02 icx) (cpow_less_pr4 sp icx). by rewrite (infinite_power1_c icx). Qed. Definition cpow_less_ecb x := (exists2 a, a b \2c ^c a = \2c ^c b). Lemma cpow_less_pr10 x: singular_cardinal x -> (cpow_less_ecb x) -> \2c ^c x = \2c ^ [icx sx] [a ax ha]. have H:=(cofinality_card icx). have cg:= (cofinality_small icx). have [c [ac cf cx]]: exists c, [/\ a <=c c, \cf x <=c c& c h; first by exists (\cf x). by exists a. have p2: (\2c ^ i /funI_P [z zi ->]. move: zi => /(cardinals_ltP (proj1 icx)) zx. case: (cleT_ee (proj31_1 zx) (proj31_1 cx)) => zc. apply: cpow_Mlele ; fprops. rewrite - (ha _ (cleT ac zc) zx); apply: cpow_Mlele ; fprops. move: (cpow_less_pr6a icx). move: (cofinality_infinite icx); rewrite H => coi. have cnz := (infinite_nz coi). rewrite p2 - cpow_pow cprod_inf//; apply (ge_infinite_infinite coi cf). Qed. Lemma gimel_prop n (x:= \aleph n): ordinalp n -> [/\ (n = \0c -> \2c ^c x = gimel_fct x), (osuccp n) -> \2c ^c x = gimel_fct x, (limit_ordinal n -> cpow_less_ecb x -> \2c ^c x = \2c ^ not (cpow_less_ecb x) -> \2c ^c x = gimel_fct (\2c ^ on. have res1: n = \0c -> \2c ^c x = gimel_fct x. move => h; apply: gimel_prop1. by rewrite /x h aleph0E; apply: regular_cardinal_omega. have res2: osuccp n -> \2c ^c x = gimel_fct x. move => [m om nm]. move: (regular_initial_successor om); rewrite -nm;apply: gimel_prop1. move: (CIS_aleph on); rewrite -/x => icx. move: (cofinality_infinite_cardinal icx)(gimel_prop2 icx)(icx) => coi g2 [cx _]. have pa: limit_ordinal n -> infinite_c (\2c ^ ln. have h:= (cpow_less_pr2 \2c (aleph_lt_ltc (limit_pos ln))). have ip2o:= (infinite_powerset (CIS_aleph OS0)). exact (ge_infinite_infinite ip2o h). split => //. move=> ln cs; move: (infinite_powerset icx) => ip2x. case: (equal_or_not x (\cf x)) => xcx. have rx: regular_cardinal x by apply /regular_cardinalP. rewrite - (gimel_prop1 rx) cprodC; symmetry; apply cprod_inf => //. apply: (cpow_less_pr1 clt_02 cx). exact (infinite_nz (pa ln)). have si: singular_cardinal x by split => //; apply:nesym. rewrite - (cpow_less_pr10 si cs). symmetry; apply cprod_inf => //. apply: infinite_nz; apply: CIS_pow2 => //. move => ln nl. have paln:= (pa ln). rewrite /gimel_fct (cpow_less_pr6a icx). suff aux: \cf (\2c ^ [pb _]; apply: OS_cardinal. move: (cofinality_rw ox) (cofinality_rw oy) => [qa qb qc] [qd qe qf]. have x1: forall t, t \2c ^c t t tx; split; first by apply: cpow_less_pr2. move => ub; case: nl; exists t => //. move => b b1 b2. move: (cpow_M2le b1) (cpow_less_pr2 \2c b2); rewrite - ub. apply:cleA. have x2: forall t, t exists2 u, t <=o \2c ^c u & u t tl. have ot:= proj31_1 tl. move /(ocle2P (proj1 paln) ot): tl => tl. case: (oleT_el OS_omega ot) => cto; last first. exists omega0. exact (oleT (proj1 cto) (proj1 (oclt (cantor CS_omega)))). rewrite - aleph0E; apply: aleph_lt_ltc. by move: ln => [_ ok _]; apply /oltP. have ict:= (infinite_set_pr3 cto). move: (cnext_pr1 (proj1 ict)) => []; set st := cnext (cardinal t). move=> sa sc sb; move: (sb _ tl) => sd. set sst:= Yo (cardinalp t) t st. have pc: t <=o sst. rewrite /sst; Ytac ct; first by apply: oleR. case: (oleT_ee ot (proj1 sa)) => // xx. by move: (ocle1 xx); rewrite -/st (card_card sa) =>/(cltNge sc). have sdd : sst bad ]. case: (p_or_not_p (exists2 u, u H. by move: H => [u ua ub]; move: (x1 _ ua) => [_ xbad]. have bad2: forall w, w \2c ^c w <=c (cardinal t). move=> w wc;apply: (cnext_pr4 (proj1 ict)); rewrite -/st bad; split. exact: (cpow_less_pr2 \2c wc). by move => eq; case: H; exists w. have bad3: \2c ^ i /funI_P [z zs ->]; apply: bad2; apply /(cardinals_ltP cx). case: (cltNge sc (cleT sd bad3)). suff: (exists2 u, sst <=c \2c ^c u & u [u /ocle p1 p2]; exists u => //; exact: (oleT pc p1). ex_middle bad; case: (cltNge sdd). have cs:= (proj31_1 sdd). apply:card_ub_sup; first exact cs. move =>i /funI_P [z /(cardinals_ltP cx) zx ->]. have c2: cardinalp (\2c ^c z) by fprops. by case: (cleT_ee cs c2) => // le4; case: bad; exists z. apply: oleA. move: (qb) => [f [[ff sf tf] cf]]. set g := Lf (fun z => \2c ^c (Vf f z)) (\cf x) (\2c ^ \2c ^c (Vf f z)) (\cf x) (\2c ^ t ts /=; rewrite - cpowcr. set zz := cardinal _. have zzx: zz //;rewrite -tf; fprops. move: (cpow_less_pr2 \2c zzx) => [a1 a2 a3]. case: (ordinal_sub (OS_cardinal a1) (OS_cardinal a2) a3) => // eq1. by move: (proj2 (x1 _ zzx)); rewrite eq1. have fg: function g by apply: lf_function. apply: (qf _ qa); exists g. split; [ by hnf; rewrite /g; split => //; aw | move => t tp]. have tl: t [u u1 u2]. have ui: inc u x by move: (oclt u2) => /oltP0 [_ _]. move: (cf _ ui) => [z zx le2]; exists z => //. rewrite /g; aw. have le3:= (ocle1 le2). move: (cpow_M2le le3); rewrite cpowcr cpowcr. move => le4; exact: (oleT u1 (ocle le4)). move: (qe) => [f [[ff sf tf] cf]]. pose g t := choose (fun u => (Vf f t (Vf f t t /(Vf_target ff); rewrite tf => xx. have [sa _ sc]:= (infinite_card_limit2 paln). move/(oltP sa): (sc _ xx) => /x2 [u /oleSltP aux ux]. by apply choose_pr; exists u. set G:= Lf g (cofinality (\2c ^ t; rewrite - sf => stf; move: (gp _ stf) => [_]. by move /oclt =>/(oltP0) [_ _]. apply: qc => //; exists G; split. by rewrite /G; hnf; aw;split => //; apply: lf_function. move=> t tx; ex_middle bad. have pb: forall z, inc z (cofinality (\2c ^ Vf G z z zsf; move: (zsf); rewrite - sf => zt. have ow: ordinalp (Vf G z). rewrite /G; aw;exact: (OS_cardinal (proj31_1 (proj2 (gp _ zt)))). case: (oleT_el (ordinal_hi ox tx) ow) => // yy; case: bad; ex_tac. have pc: forall z, inc z (cofinality (\2c ^ Vf f z z zc;move: (zc); rewrite - sf => /gp [lt1 _]. move: (pb _ zc); rewrite /G; aw; move => [] /ocle1 /cpow_M2le. rewrite cpowcr cpowcr => /ocle x6 _; apply:(olt_leT lt1 x6). have bad2: inc (\2c ^c t) (\2c ^ : (\2c ^c t = \2c ^c (cardinal t)) by apply: cpow_pr; fprops. have ot:= (ordinal_hi ox tx). by apply: x1 ; apply /(ocle2P cx ot); apply /oltP. by move => x3; move: (oclt x3); move/(oltP oy). by move: (cf _ bad2) => [z zc le]; move: (oleNgt le (pc _ zc)). Qed. Lemma gimel_prop3 x: infinite_c x -> [/\ (regular_cardinal x -> \2c ^c x = gimel_fct x), (singular_cardinal x -> cpow_less_ecb x -> \2c ^c x = \2c ^ not (cpow_less_ecb x) -> \2c ^c x = gimel_fct (\2c ^ icx. move: (ord_index_pr1 icx); set n := (ord_index x); move => [pa pb]. have qa: singular_cardinal x -> limit_ordinal n. by rewrite - pb; apply: singular_limit. move: (gimel_prop pa) => [pc pd pe pf]. rewrite pb in pe pf. split; first by apply: gimel_prop1. by move => qb qc; rewrite cpow_less_pr10. by move => qb qc; exact (pf (qa qb) qc). Qed. Definition cpow_less_ec_prop x y a:= a b x ^c a = x ^c b. Lemma cpow_less_ec_pr0 x y: infinite_c y -> \2c <=c x -> infinite_c (x ^ icy x2. have pa: forall n, natp n -> n <=c x ^ n nN; apply (cleT (proj1 (cantor (CS_nat nN)))). move: nN => /NatP nN. apply: cleT _ (cpow_less_pr2 x (finite_lt_infinite nN icy)). by apply: cpow_Mleeq => //; apply: card2_nz. apply: (ge_infinite_infinite CIS_omega). by rewrite omega_limit0; apply: (card_ub_sup (proj32 (pa _ NS2))). Qed. Lemma cpow_less_ec_pr1 x y: cardinalp y -> exists a, cpow_less_ec_prop x (cnext y) a. Proof. move=> cy. exists y; split; first by move: (cnext_pr1 cy) => [_ pb _]. move => b yb /(cnext_pr4 cy) bs; by rewrite (cleA bs yb). Qed. Lemma card_ge2_nz x: \2c <=c x -> x <> \0c. Proof. move => x2. exact: (nesym (proj2 (clt_leT clt_02 x2))). Qed. Lemma cpow_less_ec_pr2 x y a: cpow_less_ec_prop x y a -> \2c <=c x -> forall b, a<=c b -> b x ^[ay h] x2 b le1 le2. have xnz := (card_ge2_nz x2). apply: cleA; last by apply: cpow_less_pr2. have cy:= proj32_1 le2. apply: card_ub_sup; first fprops. move => i /funI_P [z /(cardinals_ltP cy) lt1 ->]. case: (cleT_ee (proj31 le1) (proj31_1 lt1)) => az. rewrite - (h _ az lt1) (h _ le1 le2). apply: (cleR); fprops. exact (cpow_Meqle xnz (cleT az le1)). Qed. Lemma cpow_less_ec_pr3 x y a: cpow_less_ec_prop x y a -> \2c <=c x -> singular_cardinal y -> (x ^ h x2 [icy sy]; move: (h) => [ay h0]. have h1:= (cpow_less_ec_pr2 h x2). have ca:= (proj31_1 ay). rewrite (h1 _ (cleR ca) ay). split; first by exact. have cg:= (cofinality_small icy). have [c [ac cf cx]]: exists c, [/\ a <=c c, \cf y <=c c &c cp; last by exists a; split;fprops. exists (\cf y); split => //; split; fprops. have coi:=(cofinality_infinite_cardinal icy). have cnz:=(infinite_nz coi). have icc:= (ge_infinite_infinite coi cf). rewrite (cpow_less_pr6 icy x2) (h1 _ ac cx) - cpow_pow. by rewrite (cprod_inf cf icc cnz) (h0 _ ac cx). Qed. Lemma cpow_less_ec_pr4 x y: infinite_c y -> \2c <=c x -> (exists a, cpow_less_ec_prop x y a) -> y <=c \cf (x ^ icy x2 [a ha]. have hb:= (cpow_less_ec_pr2 ha x2). move: (ord_index_pr1 icy); set i := ord_index y; move=> [oi yv]. have xnz: \0c li. have yo: y = omega0 by rewrite -yv li aleph0E. move: ha => [ay h1]. rewrite (hb _ (cleR (proj31_1 ay)) ay). move: (oclt ay); rewrite yo => /olt_omegaP aN. have sN:= (NS_succ aN). have sy: (csucc a) //; first by apply /NatP. apply: CIS_omega. have eq1:= (h1 _ (cleS aN) sy). case: (finite_dichot (proj32 x2)) => icx. have xN: natp x by apply /NatP. have x1:=(clt_leT (clt_12) x2). by move: (cpow_Meqlt xN sN (cltS aN) x1) => [_ bad]; case: bad. have pa:= (cofinality_infinite_cardinal (CIS_pow icx (@succ_nz a))). by rewrite eq1;apply /infinite_c_P2. move: li => [j oj jv]. have ->: y = cnext (\aleph j) by rewrite -yv jv cnextE. have ipy:= (CIS_aleph oj). rewrite (cpow_less_pr4 xnz ipy). by move: (power_cofinality5 x2 ipy)(cnext_pr1 (proj1 ipy)) => s [_ _]; apply. rewrite -yv. rewrite {1} (proj2 (aleph_normal) _ li). move: (ha) => [ay _]; move: (ay) => [[ca _] _ _]. have aa:= cleR ca. have [c [ic ac cy]]: exists c, [/\ infinite_c c, a <=c c & c fa; exists omega0; split => //; first by apply: finite_le_infinite. rewrite - aleph0E -yv; apply: aleph_lt_ltc. by move: li => [ori zi _]; apply/oltP. rewrite yv (hb _ ac cy). apply: card_ub_sup. apply: CS_cofinality; exact: (proj1 (CS_pow x c)). move => t /funI_P [z zi ->]. have zi1: z /oltP []. move: (aleph_lt_ltc zi1); rewrite yv => lt. move: (ic) => [cc _]. case: (cleT_el cc (proj31_1 lt)) => le1. rewrite - (hb _ ac cy) (hb _ (cleT ac le1) lt). apply: (proj1 (power_cofinality5 x2 (CIS_aleph (proj31_1 zi1)))). exact:(cleT (proj1 le1) (proj1 (power_cofinality5 x2 ic))). Qed. Lemma cpow_less_ec_pr5 x y: infinite_c y -> \2c <=c x -> ~ (exists a, cpow_less_ec_prop x y a) -> exists X, let Y := Lg (domain X) (fun z => x ^c (Vg X z)) in [/\ domain X = \cf y, (forall i, inc i (domain X) -> Vg X i Vg Y i omega0 -> card_nz_fam X) & \csup (range Y) = x ^ icy x2 ha. move: (ord_index_pr1 icy); set c := ord_index y; move => [oc yv]. case: (equal_or_not c \0c)=> cz. have yo: y = omega0 by rewrite -yv cz aleph0E. have oic:=CIS_omega. case: (finite_dichot (proj32 x2)) => fcx; last first. case: ha; rewrite yo;exists \1c; split; first by apply /clt_omegaP; fprops. move => b b1 bo. have bnz: b <> \0c by move/cge1P:b1 => [_ /nesym]. by rewrite(cpowx1 (proj1 fcx)) (cpow_inf fcx) //;apply /clt_omegaP. exists (Lg y id); simpl; rewrite yo; split => //. - bw. - by rewrite (proj2 (regular_omega)). - by hnf;bw;move => a ay; bw; apply/clt_omegaP. - bw => i ib; bw; rewrite (cpow_less_pr5c x2 fcx); apply/clt_omegaP; fprops. - bw; rewrite /cpow_less Lg_range; congr union. set_extens t;move /funI_P => [z zo ->]; apply/funI_P. exists z; bw;by apply/(cardinals_ltP CS_omega); apply/clt_omegaP. move /(cardinals_ltP CS_omega): zo => /clt_omegaP zb; exists z => //; bw. case: (ordinal_trichot oc) => // lc. move: lc => [d od dv]; case: ha; exists (\aleph d). have ipy := (CIS_aleph od). move: (cnext_pr1 (proj1 ipy)) => [pb pc pd]. move: (cnextE od); rewrite -dv yv => <-; split => //. by move => b l1 /(cnext_pr4 (proj1 ipy)) pe; rewrite (cleA l1 pe). have xnz:= (card_ge2_nz x2). have pa: forall a, a exists b, [/\ a a ay; ex_middle bad; case: ha; exists a; split => //. move => b ab lby; ex_middle ne. case: bad; exists b; split => //; split => //; first by dneg eq0; rewrite eq0. exact: (cpow_Meqle xnz ab). have cfy:= (regular_initial_limit1 lc). move: (cofinality_pr4 (proj31 lc)); rewrite - cfy yv; move=> [f fa qe]. move: fa; set cy := \cf y; move => [[[ff sf tf]] cff [_ nf nf1]]. set X := Lg cy (fun z => \aleph (Vf f z)). have fap: forall z, inc z cy -> inc (Vf f z) c. by move => z zx; rewrite -tf; Wtac. have faq: forall z, inc z cy -> ordinalp (Vf f z). move=> z zx; exact: (ordinal_hi oc (fap _ zx)). have pb: cardinal_fam X. by rewrite /X;hnf;bw; move => a ay; bw;apply: CS_aleph; apply: faq. have pc: fg_Mlt_ltc X. hnf; rewrite /X; bw;move => a b ac bc ab; bw;apply: aleph_lt_ltc. by apply: nf. have pb': fgraph X by rewrite /X; fprops. have pd: cardinal_set (range X). by move => t /(range_gP pb') [z zd ->]; apply: pb. have pe: \osup (range X) = y. set S := \osup (range X); move: (proj1 icy) => ccy. case: (cleT_el ccy (CS_sup pd)) => pr1. apply:cleA => //; apply: card_ub_sup=> // i /(range_gP pb'). rewrite /X; bw; move => [z zy ->]; bw; move /(oltP oc): (fap _ zy) => []. by rewrite - yv => /aleph_le_lec. have [ra rb rc]: limit_ordinal cy. apply: infinite_card_limit2. by rewrite /cy - yv cfy; apply: cofinality_infinite_limit. have: infinite_c S. have: inc (\aleph (Vf f \0c)) (range X). apply /(range_gP pb'); rewrite /X; bw; ex_tac; bw. move /(card_sup_ub pd); apply: ge_infinite_infinite; apply: CIS_aleph. by apply: faq. move/ord_index_pr1 => []; set s := ord_index S => os sv. move: pr1; rewrite - /S - sv - yv; move /(aleph_ltc_lt os oc). move: lc => [_ c0 cl]; move => /(oltP oc) /cl /cff [z zc h]. have: inc (\aleph (Vf f z)) (range X). apply /(range_gP pb'); rewrite /X; bw; ex_tac; bw. move/(card_sup_ub pd); rewrite -/S - sv; move /(aleph_lec_le(proj32 h) os). by move /oltSleP => /(oleNgt h). have pi : card_nz_fam X. by rewrite /X; hnf; bw; move => i idx; bw; apply: aleph_nz; apply: faq. have ph: (forall i, inc i (domain X) -> Vg X i i ic;bw; rewrite -yv. apply: aleph_lt_ltc; move: (fap _ ic). by move /(oltP oc). set Y := (Lg (domain X) (fun z => x ^c (Vg X z))). have pf: forall i, inc i (domain X) -> Vg Y i i idx; rewrite /Y; bw. move: (ph _ idx) => /pa [b [ba /(cpow_less_pr2 x) bb bc]]. exact:(clt_leT bc bb). have pg: union (range Y) = x ^ t/ (range_gP rb); rewrite /Y; bw; move => [u ud ->]; bw; fprops. have rc: cardinalp (x ^ re. rewrite /Y; bw. apply: cleA. apply: card_ub_sup => // i /(range_gP rb). by move=> [z]; rewrite {1}/ Y; bw => /pf [] h _ ->. apply: card_ub_sup => // i /funI_P [z]. move /(cardinals_ltP (proj1 icy)) => rf ->. have [t tr xt]: exists2 t, inc t (range X) & z <=c t. ex_middle bad; case:(cltNge rf). have ccz := proj31_1 rf. rewrite -pe; apply : card_ub_sup => //. move => j jr; case: (cleT_ee (pd _ jr) (proj31_1 rf)) => //. move => zj; case: bad; ex_tac. apply: (cleT (cpow_Meqle xnz xt)). have fgx:fgraph X by rewrite /X; fprops. move: tr => /(range_gP fgx) [v va ->]. apply: card_sup_ub => //; apply /(range_gP rb); bw. exists v; bw => //; rewrite /Y; bw. exists X; split => //; rewrite /X; bw. Qed. Lemma cpow_less_ec_pr6 x y: infinite_c y -> \2c <=c x -> ~ (exists a, cpow_less_ec_prop x y a) -> \cf (x ^ pa pb pc. symmetry. move: (cpow_less_ec_pr5 pa pb pc) => [X [q1 q2 q3 q4 q5]]. have icz: infinite_c (x ^ x ^c Vg X z)) by fprops. move: (icz) => [[oz _] _]; move: (icz) => [cz _]. apply: cleA; last first. move: q5; set v := range _ => e1. have h: sub v (x ^ t /(range_gP fgY); bw; move => [z /q3 h ->]. by move :(oclt h) => /(oltP oz). move: (cofinality_pr8 oz h e1). move: (range_smaller fgY); rewrite -/v q1; bw. rewrite (card_card (CS_cofinality (proj1 (proj1 pa)))) => l1 l2. exact: cleT l2 l1. move: (cofinality_pr4 oz). move => [f [[[ff sf tf] cff] fb] fc]. have xnz:= (card_ge2_nz pb). have ra: forall a, a exists b, [/\ a a ay; ex_middle bad; case: pc; exists a; split => //. move => b ab lby; ex_middle ne. case: bad; exists b; split => //; split => //; first by dneg eq0; rewrite eq0. exact (cpow_Meqle xnz ab). have rb: forall i, inc i (source f) -> exists t, inc t y /\ cardinal (Vf f i) <=c x ^c t. move => i isf. have /(oltP oz) la: inc (Vf f i) (x ^ lb. move:pa => [cy _]; move: (cy) => [oy _]. move: (clt_sup (@cpow_less_pr0 x y) lb) => [v /funI_P[w]]. move /(cardinals_ltP cy)=> /oclt => rb -> rc. by exists w; split => //; apply /(oltP oy). pose g i := choose (fun t => inc t y /\ cardinal (Vf f i) <=c x ^c t). have gp: forall i, inc i (source f) -> inc (g i) y /\ cardinal (Vf f i) <=c x ^c (g i). move => i /rb h; apply: (choose_pr h). move: (fun_image_smaller (source f) g). have oy:=(proj1 (proj1 pa)). set G := fun_image (source f) g; rewrite sf (card_card (CS_cofinality oz)). have sgy: sub G y by move => t /funI_P [z /gp [ h _] ->]. suff ugy: \osup G = y by apply: cleT; exact (cofinality_pr8 oy sgy ugy). have osy: ordinal_set y by move => t/(ordinal_hi oy). have ->: y = union y. by move: (limit_nonsucc (infinite_card_limit2 pa)). apply: (ord_sup_1cofinal) => //; split => // a /(oltP oy) lay. have oa:= proj31_1 lay. move /(ocle2P (proj1 pa) oa): lay => /ra [b [sa sb sc]]. have: inc (x ^c b) (x ^ [b' [b1 b2 b3]]. move: (clt_leT b3 (cpow_less_pr2 x b2)). apply: oclt. rewrite - sf in cff; move /cff => [c c1 /ocle1 c2]. exists (g c); first by apply/funI_P; ex_tac. move/gp: c1 => [sd se]. move: (cleT c2 se); rewrite (card_card (CS_pow x b)) => sg. case: (oleT_ee oa (ordinal_hi oy sd)) => //. move /ocle1 => /(cpow_Meqle xnz); rewrite cpowcr => l3. by move: (clt_leT sc (cleT sg l3)) => []. Qed. Lemma cpow_less_ec_pr7 x y z (p := (x ^ \2c <=c x -> [/\ ( \1c <=c z -> z p = x ^ z p = x ^c y) & (y <=c z -> p = x ^c z)]. Proof. move => icy x2. have ia:= (cpow_less_ec_pr0 icy x2). have ca := proj1 ia. have aux: forall z, infinite_c z -> \cf z <=c z. move =>t icz;move: (icz) => [cz _]; move:(cz) => [oz _]. apply: ocle3 => //; first by apply: CS_cofinality. by apply: cofinality_pr3. have cfys := (aux _ icy). case: (p_or_not_p (exists a, cpow_less_ec_prop x y a)). move => [a ha]; split. - move=> z1 z2. have znz: z <> \0c by move/cge1P:z1 => [_ /nesym]. have hb:= (cpow_less_ec_pr2 ha x2). have pb:= (clt_leT z2 cfys). have cz := (proj31_1 z2). rewrite /p. case: (finite_dichot cz) => fz. have zN: natp z by apply /NatP. by rewrite (cpow_inf ia zN znz). have [b [b1 b2 b3]]: exists b, [/\ a <=c b, z <=c b & b [ay _]; move: (ay) => [[ca1 _] _ _]. case: (cleT_ee ca1 cz) => le1. by exists z; split => //; apply: cleR. exists a; split;fprops. have ib:=(ge_infinite_infinite fz b2). by rewrite /p (hb _ b1 b3) - cpow_pow (cprod_inf b2 ib znz). - move => pa pb. have sy: singular_cardinal y. by split => //; move: (cle_ltT pa pb) => [_]. move: (cpow_less_ec_pr3 ha x2 sy) => [pc pd]. rewrite /p pd - cpow_pow (cprod_inf (proj1 pb) icy) //. move: (cofinality_infinite_cardinal icy) => i1. exact: (infinite_nz (ge_infinite_infinite i1 pa)). - move => yz. move: (cpow_less_ec_pr2 ha x2) => hb. move: ha => [ay _];move: (ay) => [[oa _] _ _]. case: (equal_or_not a \0c) => az. have y1: \1c ab. rewrite /p (hb _ ab y1) (cpowx1 (proj32 x2)) //. rewrite /p (hb _ (cleR oa) ay) - cpow_pow (cprodC). have iz:= (ge_infinite_infinite icy yz). by rewrite (cprod_inf (cleT (proj1 ay) yz) iz az). move => ha. have hb:= (cpow_less_ec_pr6 icy x2 ha). move: (cpow_less_ec_pr5 icy x2 ha) => [X]. set Y := Lg (domain X) (fun z0 : Set => x ^c Vg X z0). move => [q1 q2 q3 q4 q5]. have fgY: fgraph Y by rewrite /Y; fprops. have q6: cardinal_fam Y by rewrite /Y; hnf;bw;move => t td; bw; fprops. have q10: csum Y = x ^ z p = x ^ z1 zcy. rewrite -hb in zcy. have znz: z <> \0c by move/cge1P:z1 => [_ /nesym]. rewrite /p (infinite_power7 ia zcy znz) /csumb. set T := Lg _ _. have pa: (forall i, inc i (domain T) -> Vg T i <=c x ^ i id; bw. move: id => /(cardinals_ltP ca) => le2. have csr: cardinal_set (range Y). by move => t /(range_gP fgY) [w wi ->]; apply: q6. move: le2; rewrite - {1} q5 => le2. move: (clt_sup csr le2); move => [v ]. move /(range_gP fgY); rewrite /Y;bw; move => [w wdx ->]; bw => le3. case: (equal_or_not i \0c) => iz. rewrite iz (cpow0x znz); apply: (czero_least ca). move: (cpow_Mleeq z le3 iz); rewrite - (cpow_pow) => pb. apply (cleT pb); apply: (cpow_less_pr2). move: (q2 _ wdx) => le1. rewrite hb in zcy; move: (clt_leT zcy cfys) => le4. by apply: cprod_inf5. have ct: cardinal_fam T by rewrite /T; hnf;bw; move => a ad;bw; fprops. have ct': fgraph T by rewrite /T; fprops. have dt: domain T = cardinals_lt (x ^ [le2 tnz]. have snz: csum T <> \0c. have zt: inc \1c (domain T). rewrite /T; bw; apply /(cardinals_ltP ca). apply: (finite_lt_infinite finite_1 ia). move: (csum_increasing6 ct zt). move: zt; rewrite {1}/T; bw => zt;rewrite {1} /T; bw. by rewrite cpow1x; move/cge1P => [_ /nesym]. rewrite (cprod_inf le2 ia tnz) => le3. by rewrite cprodC (cprod_inf le3 ia snz). case: (equal_or_not y omega0) => yo. split => //. by move:regular_omega => [ra rb];rewrite yo rb => l1 /(cleNgt l1). move => yz;rewrite /p yo. have oic:= CIS_omega. have o2:=(finite_le_infinite finite_2 oic). rewrite yo in yz. have icz: infinite_c z by apply: (ge_infinite_infinite oic yz). case: (finite_dichot (proj32 x2)) => fx. rewrite (cpow_less_pr5c x2 fx). rewrite (infinite_power1_a o2 yz icz). by rewrite (infinite_power1_a x2 (finite_le_infinite fx icz) icz). by rewrite (cpow_less_pr5e fx). have xnz:= (card_ge2_nz x2). have pa: forall z, infinite_c z -> (x ^ (Vg X t) *c z))). move => w wi; rewrite - q10. have pb: (forall i, inc i (domain Y) -> \2c <=c Vg Y i). rewrite /Y; bw => i idx; bw. move: (q4 yo _ idx) => enz. exact: (cleT x2 (cpow_Mle1 (proj32 x2) enz)). have le1 := (compare_sum_prod1 pb). have le0: csum Y <> \0c by rewrite q10; apply: infinite_nz. apply: (cleT (cpow_Mleeq w le1 le0)). rewrite (cpow_prod _ Y) cpow_sum /Y. rewrite /cprodb. rewrite Lg_domain Lg_domain; set f1 := Lg _ _; set f2 := Lg _ _. have ->: f1 = f2 by apply: Lg_exten => t te; bw; rewrite - cpow_pow. apply: cleR; rewrite /cprod; fprops. move: (cofinality_infinite_cardinal icy) => cyi. split => //. move => p1 p2. have icz: (infinite_c z) by apply: (ge_infinite_infinite cyi p1). move: (pa _ icz); set f := Lg _ _ => pb. have pc: csum f <=c y. have df: domain f = \cf y by rewrite /f; bw; ue. have cf0: fgraph f by rewrite /f; fprops. have cf2: (forall i, inc i (domain f) -> Vg f i <=c y). rewrite /f; bw => i idx; bw; rewrite cprodC. apply: (cprod_inf4 (proj1 p2) (proj1 (q2 _ idx)) icy). move: (csum_of_small_b1 (conj cf0 cf2)). by rewrite df (cprod_inf cfys icy (infinite_nz cyi)). apply:cleA; first by apply: (cleT pb (cpow_Meqle xnz pc)). rewrite /p (cpow_less_pr6 icy x2); apply: (cpow_Meqle (infinite_nz ia) p1). move => p1. have icz: (infinite_c z) by apply: (ge_infinite_infinite icy p1). move: (pa _ icz); set f := Lg _ _ => p2. have pb: x ^c csum f <=c x ^c z. apply: (cpow_Meqle xnz). have cf1: fgraph f by rewrite /f; fprops. have cf2: (forall i, inc i (domain f) -> Vg f i <=c z). rewrite /f; bw => i idx; bw; rewrite cprodC. apply: cprod_inf1 => //. exact (cleT (proj1 (q2 _ idx)) p1). have df: domain f = \cf y by rewrite /f; bw; ue. move: (csum_of_small_b1 (conj cf1 cf2))=> l3; apply:(cleT l3). rewrite df; exact: (cprod_inf1 (cleT cfys p1) icz). apply: (cleA (cleT p2 pb)). exact: (cpow_Mleeq z (cpow_less_pr5a (proj32 x2) (infinite_ge2 icy)) xnz). Qed. (** inaccessible cardinals *) Lemma inaccessible_pr2 x: inaccessible_w x -> cardinal (Zo x regular_cardinal) = x. Proof. move=> ix; move: ix (inaccessible_pr1 ix) => [rx [n ln xv]] xx. have cx: cardinalp x by apply: (proj1 (proj1 rx)). rewrite - {2} (card_card cx). apply: cleA; first by apply: sub_smaller; apply Zo_S. set S := (Zo x regular_cardinal). have ox:= proj1 cx. have lx: limit_ordinal x. suff : x = n by move => ->. apply:aleph_inj => //; [ by move: ln => [] | by ue]. have oo:= OS_aleph ox. have pa: forall i, inc i x -> inc (\aleph (osucc i)) S. move=> i ix; apply: Zo_i. rewrite xx; apply /(oltP oo); apply: aleph_lt_lto. by apply/(oltP ox); move: lx => [_ _ ]; apply. apply: regular_initial_successor; apply: (ordinal_hi ox ix). set f := Lf (fun z => (\aleph (osucc z))) x S. have inf: injection f. apply: lf_injective => // u v ux vx sv. have ou:= (ordinal_hi ox ux). have ov :=(ordinal_hi ox vx). apply: ord_succ_inj => //; apply: aleph_inj; fprops. have ->: x = source f by rewrite /f; aw. have ->: S = target f by rewrite /f; aw. by apply: incr_fun_morph. Qed. Definition next_dominant x := the_least_fixedpoint_ge (cpow \2c) x. Definition card_dominant x:= infinite_c x /\ forall a b, a b a ^c b x <> \0c -> (forall m, m \2c ^c m card_dominant x. Proof. move=> cx xnz h. have ix: infinite_c x. case: (finite_dichot cx) => // fx. have xN: natp x by apply /NatP. move: (cpred_pr xN xnz) => [pa pb]. have pc: (cpred x) h1. case: (cleNgt h1 (cantor (proj32 h1))). split => //. move=> a b ax bx. case: (equal_or_not b \0c) => bz. rewrite bz cpowx0; apply: finite_lt_infinite => //. rewrite /NatP; fprops. case: (equal_or_not a \0c) => az. rewrite az cpow0x // ; apply: finite_lt_infinite => //. rewrite /NatP; fprops. have [c [ca cb ccx]]: exists c, [/\ a <=c c, b <=c c & c fc. apply: finite_lt_infinite => //. by apply /NatP; apply NS_pow; apply /NatP. by rewrite (infinite_power1_b fc); apply h. Qed. Lemma card_dominant_pr2: card_dominant omega0. Proof. have io: infinite_c omega0 by rewrite - aleph0E; apply: CIS_aleph; fprops. split => //. have lo: forall c, c natp c. move=> c; split => h. by apply /olt_omegaP; apply: oclt. by apply: finite_lt_infinite => //; apply /NatP. move=> a b /lo aN /lo bN; apply/lo; fprops. Qed. Lemma next_dominant_pr x (y:= next_dominant x): cardinalp x -> [/\ card_dominant y , x x y <=c z)]. Proof. move => cx; rewrite /y /next_dominant; clear y. rewrite /the_least_fixedpoint_ge. move: (induction_defined_pr (cpow \2c) x). set f := induction_defined _ _; move=> [sf [ff sjf f0 fnz]]. have cs1: forall n, natp n -> cardinalp (Vf f n). apply: Nat_induction; first ue. move=> n nN _; rewrite (fnz _ nN) /cpow; fprops. have cs: cardinal_set (target f). by move => t /sjf; rewrite sf; move=> [u ub <-]; apply: cs1. set y:= \osup (target f). have ltxy: x //. apply: card_dominant_pr1 => //; first by apply: (CS_sup cs). move => yz; rewrite yz in ltxy; case: (clt0 ltxy). move=> m my. have [n pd pe]: exists2 n, inc n (target f) & m <=c n. ex_middle bad. have cm:= proj31_1 my. have pd: forall t, (inc t (target f) -> t <=c m). move=> t ti. case: (cleT_ee (cs _ ti) cm) => // b1; case: bad;ex_tac. case: (cltNge my (card_ub_sup cm pd)). move: (sjf _ pd) => [u us uv]. have le1: \2c ^c m <=c \2c ^c n by apply: cpow_Meqle; fprops. have le2: \2c ^c n z [iz dz] xz; apply card_ub_sup; first by exact (proj1 iz). move => a /sjf; rewrite sf; move=> [n nB <-]. suff : Vf f n []. move: n nB; apply: Nat_induction; first by ue. move=> n nB le1; rewrite (fnz _ nB); apply: dz => //. apply: finite_lt_infinite => //; rewrite /NatP; fprops. Qed. Lemma card_dominant_pr3 x (y := next_dominant x) : cardinalp x -> \2c ^c y = y ^c omega0. Proof. move => cx; move: (next_dominant_pr cx); rewrite -/y. move=> [[iy yp] _]. move: (iy) => [cy _ _]. have oy: omega0 <=c y by apply /infinite_c_P2. have co:= CS_omega. apply: cleA; last first. rewrite -(infinite_power1_b iy). apply:cpow_Mlele; fprops; by apply: infinite_nz. move: (induction_defined_pr (cpow \2c) x) => /=. set f := (induction_defined (cpow \2c) x). move => [qa [rb qb2] qc qd]. have bv: y = \osup (target f) by done. have ra: fgraph (Lg omega0 (Vf f)) by fprops. have bv1: y = \osup (range (Lg omega0 (Vf f))). rewrite bv; apply: f_equal; set_extens t. move /qb2=> [u usf <-]; apply /(range_gP ra); bw. rewrite qa in usf;exists u; bw. move /(range_gP ra); bw; move => [u usf ]; bw; move => ->; Wtac; ue. have rd0: forall u, natp u -> cardinalp (Vf f u). apply: Nat_induction; first ue. move=> n nN _; rewrite (qd _ nN) /cpow; fprops. have rd: cardinal_fam (Lg omega0 (Vf f)) by hnf; bw => t tw; bw; fprops. have bv2: y = csum (Lg omega0 (Vf f)). by rewrite csum_of_small_b4 // - bv1 //; bw; rewrite (card_card co). rewrite {1} bv2 cpow_sum; bw; rewrite - cpow_pr2. have cs1: (cardinal_set (target f)). by move => t /qb2 [u usf <-];apply: rd0; rewrite /natp - qa. apply: cprod_increasing; bw => t tN; bw. by rewrite -(qd _ tN); apply: (card_sup_ub cs1); Wtac;rewrite qa; apply:NS_succ. Qed. Definition least_non_trivial_dominant := next_dominant omega0. Lemma card_dominant_pr4 (b:= least_non_trivial_dominant): [/\ card_dominant b, omega0 omega0 b <=c z), (b ^c omega0 = omega0 ^c b) & (b ^c omega0 = \2c ^c b) /\ (b ^c omega0 = (\2c ^c b) ^c b) ]. Proof. have co:= CS_omega. move: (next_dominant_pr co) (card_dominant_pr3 co). rewrite (_: (next_dominant omega0) = b ) //. move => [pa pb pc] pd; move: (pa) => [pf _]. have io: infinite_c omega0 by rewrite - aleph0E; apply: CIS_aleph; fprops. have pe: omega0 ^c b = \2c ^c b. apply: infinite_power1_a => //. apply: finite_le_infinite;fprops. apply: (proj1 pb). by rewrite - cpow_pow (csquare_inf pf) pe pd. Qed. Lemma dominant_limit a: ordinalp a -> ~ (card_dominant (\aleph (osucc a))). Proof. move=> oa [cd1 cd2]. set x := \omega a. rewrite - (cnextE oa) in cd2. move: (CIS_aleph oa) => icx. move: (cnext_pr2 (proj1 icx))(cnext_pr3 (proj1 icx)) => lt1 pa. by move: (cd2 _ _ lt1 lt1); rewrite (infinite_power1_b icx) => /cltNge. Qed. Lemma card_dominant_pr5 x: card_dominant x -> (\2c ^ [icx cdx]. suff pa: \2c ^ [cx _]. have aux:= (@cpow_less_pr0 \2c x). apply: cleA. apply:card_ub_sup => //i /funI_P [z zi ->]. have pa:=(finite_lt_infinite finite_2 icx). move: zi => /(cardinals_ltP cx) pb. exact (proj1 (cdx _ _ pa pb)). by case: (cpow_less_compare icx). Qed. (* x is y-strong *) Definition rel_strong_card x y:= forall t, t t ^c y \aleph z ^c B))): rel_strong_card A B -> B <> \0c -> ordinalp a -> (s <=c A /\ (limit_ordinal a -> s = A)). Proof. move => sab bnz oa. have cA:= (CS_aleph oa). move: (CIS_aleph oa); rewrite -/A => iA. have pa: s <=c A. apply: card_ub_sup => // i /funI_P [z za ->]. have lt1: \omega z /oltP []. exact: (proj1 (sab _ lt1)). split => // la. set g := (fun z => \omega z ^c B). set f := (fun z => \omega z). have pb: (forall x, inc x a -> f x <=c g x). move => x xa; rewrite /f/g. have ox:= ordinal_hi oa xa. apply: (cpow_Mle1 (CS_aleph ox) bnz). apply: cleA; first by exact. apply: cleT (card_sup_image pb). move: aleph_normal => [_ h]; move: (h _ la). have ->: (fun_image a \omega) = (fun_image a f) by set_extens t; bw. move => <-; apply: cleR; apply: (CS_aleph oa). Qed. Lemma card_dominant_pr8 a b (A := \aleph a) (B:= \aleph b) (X := A ^c B): ordinalp a -> ordinalp b -> rel_strong_card A B -> ( (B X = A) /\ (\cf A <=c B -> X = gimel_fct A)). Proof. move => oa ob sab. move: (CIS_aleph oa) (CIS_aleph ob) => ia ib. move: (infinite_power9 ia ib) => [_ _ i9]; exact (i9 sab). Qed. Definition the_nondominant_least A B := select (fun z => [/\ z A <=c t ^c B -> z <=c t)]) A. Lemma the_nondominant_least_pr1 A B (C:= the_nondominant_least A B): ~ (rel_strong_card A B) -> cardinalp A -> [/\ C A <=c t ^c B -> C <=c t)]. Proof. move => h cA. rewrite /C/the_nondominant_least. apply select_pr; last first. move => x y p1 [p2 p3 p4] q1 [q2 q3 q4]. exact: (cleA (p4 _ q2 q3) (q4 _ p2 p3)). pose p c := c u ua. have cp: cardinalp (u ^c B) by fprops. case: (cleT_el (proj32_1 ua) cp) => // h2. case: h1; exists u; rewrite /p;split => //. have oc: ordinalp c by move: cp => [[[[cx _] _] _] _]. move: (least_ordinal4 oc cp);set z := least_ordinal _ _. move=> [_ [p1 p2] p3]. have iaa: inc z A. by move: (oclt p1) => /oltP0 [_ _]. ex_tac;split => // => t ta le. have pt: (p t) by split. have ot: ordinalp t by move: pt => [[[[cx _] _] _] _]. move: (ocle1 (p3 _ ot pt)). rewrite (card_card (proj31_1 p1)). by rewrite (card_card (proj31_1 (proj1 pt))). Qed. Lemma the_nondominant_least_pr2 a b (A := \aleph a) (B:= \aleph b) (c := (ord_index (the_nondominant_least A B))): ~ (rel_strong_card A B) -> ordinalp a -> ordinalp b -> (A <=c \2c ^c B) \/ [/\ c A <=c \aleph t ^c B -> c <=o t)]. Proof. move => h oa ob. move: (the_nondominant_least_pr1 h (CS_aleph oa)). set C := the_nondominant_least A B; move => [pa pb pc]. have cc:= proj31_1 pa. case: (finite_dichot cc) => ifc. left. have bnz: B <> \0c by apply: aleph_nz. have iB:= (CIS_aleph ob). have cp:= (CS_pow \2c B). case: (equal_or_not C \0c) => cnz. move: pb; rewrite cnz (cpow0x bnz) => le2. exact: (cleT le2 (czero_least cp)). case: (equal_or_not C \1c) => cno. move: pb; rewrite cno cpow1x => le2. exact: (cleT le2 (cge1 cp (@cpow_nz _ B card2_nz))). have c2:= (cge2 cc cnz cno). have le1: C <=c B by apply: finite_le_infinite. have <- //: C ^c B = \2c ^c B by apply: infinite_power1_a. right. move: (ord_index_pr1 ifc); rewrite {1 2}/C -/c; move => [oc ac]. have ltca: c //; rewrite ac. rewrite ac; split => //. move => t ta tb. have lt1: \aleph t C A <=c C ^c B -> A ^c B = C ^c B. Proof. move => ib ca le1. case: (equal_or_not C \0c) => cnz. move: le1; rewrite cnz (cpow0x (infinite_nz ib)) => az. case: (clt0 (clt_leT ca az)). have anz: A <> \0c. move=> h; rewrite h in ca; case: (clt0 ca). move: (cpow_Mleeq B le1 anz). rewrite - cpow_pow (csquare_inf ib) -/B => le4. exact: (cleA le4 (cpow_Mleeq B (proj1 ca) cnz)). Qed. Lemma card_dominant_pr10 a b (A := \aleph a) (B:= \aleph b) (X := A ^c B) (C := (the_nondominant_least A B)): ordinalp a -> ordinalp b -> \2c ^c B ~ (rel_strong_card A B) -> [/\ rel_strong_card C B, singular_cardinal C, \cf C <=c B, B oa ob lt2 nsr. move: (CIS_aleph oa) (CIS_aleph ob) => ia ib. move: (the_nondominant_least_pr1 nsr (proj1 ia)). rewrite -/C; move => [pa pb pc]. move: (card_dominant_pr9 ib pa pb); rewrite -/A -/B -/C => eq1. have na2b: ~(A <=c \2c ^c B). move => bad. move: (cpow_Mleeq B bad (aleph_nz oa)). by rewrite - cpow_pow (csquare_inf ib) => /(cltNge lt2). have cc:=(proj31_1 pa). case: (cleT_el cc (proj1 ib)) => lBC. case: na2b. have cp := (CS_pow \2c B). case: (equal_or_not C \0c) => cnz. move: pb; rewrite cnz (cpow0x (aleph_nz ob)) => le2. exact: (cleT le2 (czero_least cp)). case: (equal_or_not C \1c) => cno. move: pb; rewrite cno cpow1x => le2. exact: (cleT le2 (cge1 cp (@cpow_nz _ B card2_nz))). by rewrite - (infinite_power1_a (cge2 cc cnz cno) lBC ib). have pd:rel_strong_card C B. move => t tC. case: (cleT_el cc (CS_pow t B)) => // cb. move: (card_dominant_pr9 ib tC cb); rewrite -/B => le1. rewrite le1 in pb. case: (cltNge tC (pc _ (cle_ltT (proj1 tC) pa) pb)). have ic: infinite_c C by apply: (ge_infinite_infinite ib (proj1 lBC)). move: (ord_index_pr1 ic); set c:= (ord_index C); move => [oc qb]. rewrite -qb in pd. move: (card_dominant_pr8 oc ob pd); rewrite qb -/B; move => [pe pf]. rewrite qb in pd. case: (cleT_el (CS_cofinality (proj1 cc)) (proj1 ib)) => h. move: (cle_ltT h lBC) => [_ ne]. by rewrite - (pf h) - eq1. by move: pb; rewrite (pe h) => /(cltNge pa). Qed. Lemma card_dominant_pr11 A B (X := A ^c B): infinite_c A -> infinite_c B -> [\/ X = A, X = \2c ^c B | exists C, [/\ infinite_c C, rel_strong_card C B, \cf C <=c B , B ia ib. move: (ord_index_pr1 ia); set a:= (ord_index A); move => [oa qa]. move: (ord_index_pr1 ib); set b:= (ord_index B); move => [ob qb]. case: (equal_or_not (\2c ^c B) (A ^c B)) => eq0; first by constructor 2. have pa: \2c ^c B //; apply: (cpow_Mleeq B (infinite_ge2 ia) card2_nz). case: (cleT_el (proj1 ia) (proj1 ib)) => cab. constructor 2; exact :(infinite_power1_a (infinite_ge2 ia) cab ib). case: (p_or_not_p (rel_strong_card A B)) => sr. move: (card_dominant_pr8 oa ob); rewrite qa qb => h. move: (h sr) => [h1 h2]. have cco:=(CS_cofinality (proj1 (proj1 ia))). case: (cleT_el cco (proj1 ib)) => h3. constructor 3; exists A;split;fprops. by constructor 1 ; apply: h1. move: (card_dominant_pr10 oa ob). set C := the_nondominant_least _ _; rewrite qa qb. move => xx; move: (xx pa sr); move => [q1 q2 q4 q5 q6]. constructor 3; exists C; split => //. apply (ge_infinite_infinite ib (proj1 q5)). Qed. Definition inaccessible x := inaccessible_w x /\ (forall t, t \2c ^c t Vg f i card_dominant x. Proof. move => [[pa1 pa2] pb]. move: pa2 => [n [on _ _] xv]. move: (CIS_aleph on); rewrite - xv => icx. apply: (card_dominant_pr1 (proj1 icx) (infinite_nz icx) pb). Qed. Lemma inaccessible_pr3 x: \2c (forall f, cprod_of_small f x -> cprod f card_dominant x. Proof. move => cx h. have ccx := proj32_1 cx. apply: card_dominant_pr1 => //. move => p; rewrite p in cx; case: (clt0 cx). move => m mx; rewrite - cpow_pr2; apply: h; hnf; bw; split => //. hnf;bw => t te; bw; fprops. move => t te; bw. Qed. Lemma inaccessible_pr4 x: \2c (forall f, cprod_of_small f x -> cprod f (x = omega0 \/ (exists2 n, limit_ordinal n & x = \aleph n)). Proof. move=> x2 h. move: (inaccessible_pr3 x2 h) => [pa pb]. move: (ord_index_pr1 pa) => [on xv]; rewrite -xv. case: (ordinal_trichot on) => ln; last by right; exists (ord_index x). left; rewrite ln; apply: aleph0E. move: ln => [m om mv]. move: (cnext_pr1 (CS_aleph om)). rewrite (cnextE om) - mv xv; move => [pc pd pe]. move: (pb _ _ pd pd); rewrite (infinite_power1_b (CIS_aleph om)). rewrite - {1} xv mv => /(aleph_pr10a om) => l2. case: (cleNgt l2 (cantor (proj31_1 pd))). Qed. Lemma inaccessible_pr5 x: \2c (forall f, cprod_of_small f x -> cprod f (x = omega0 \/ inaccessible x). Proof. move=> h1 h2. case: (inaccessible_pr4 h1 h2) => lx; first by left. move: (inaccessible_pr3 h1 h2) => [pa pb]. right; split; last by move => t tx; apply: pb. split => //; split => //. have H:=(cofinality_card pa). rewrite H;ex_middle cs. have pe: \cf x //; exact (cofinality_small pa). move: (cofinality_c_pr3 pa) =>[f [[qa qb] df sf etc]]. have cff: cardinal_fam f by move => t /qb /proj31_1. have: cprod_of_small f x by split => //; rewrite df H. move /h2 => l2. by move: (compare_sum_prod1 etc); rewrite sf => /(cltNge l2). Qed. Lemma inaccessible_pr6 x: inaccessible x -> (forall f, cprod_of_small f x -> cprod f [[[cx rx] pb] pc] f [pe pf pg]. set z := domain f in pg. set f' := (Lg z (Vg f)). have df' : domain f' = z by rewrite /f'; bw. have pa: csum_of_small1 x f'. by rewrite /f';split; fprops;hnf; bw => i idf; bw; apply: pf. have cff: cardinal_fam f' by move => t /(proj2 pa) /proj31_1. set su := csum f'. have sux: su <=c x. move: (csum_of_small_b2 pa); rewrite df' => qb. exact: (cleT qb (cprod_inf1 (proj1 pg) cx)). case: (equal_or_not su x) => sux1. have: cofinality_c x <=o z. move: (cofinality_c_rw (infinite_ge2 cx)) => [_ _ cfxp]. by apply: (cfxp _ (proj1 (proj31_1 pg))); exists f'. by move: (oclt pg); rewrite rx => qa /(oltNge qa). have dx:card_dominant x. apply: card_dominant_pr1 => //; [ exact: (proj32 sux) | by apply infinite_nz]. apply: cle_ltT ((proj2 dx) _ _ (conj sux sux1) pg). rewrite - cpow_pr2; apply cprod_increasing; rewrite /cst_graph; bw. move => i idf; bw. have udf': inc i (domain f') by ue. move: (csum_increasing6 cff udf'); rewrite {1}/f'; bw. Qed. Lemma inaccessible_pr7 x y: inaccessible x -> y <> \0c -> y x ^c y = x. Proof. move => [[[icx cfx] pb] pc] pd pe. rewrite (cofinality_card icx) in cfx. rewrite - cfx in pe. move: (icx) => [cx _]. rewrite (infinite_power7 icx pe pd) /csumb. set f := Lg _ _. have cff: cardinal_fam f. rewrite /f; hnf;bw; move => a adf; bw; fprops. have snz: csum f <> \0c. have zi: inc \1c (cardinals_lt x). by apply /(cardinals_ltP cx); apply: infinite_gt1. have zi1: inc \1c (domain f) by rewrite /f; bw. move: (csum_increasing6 cff zi1); rewrite {1}/f; bw; rewrite cpow1x. by move => qa qb; rewrite qb in qa; move: (cleNgt qa clt_01). rewrite cprodC; apply: (cprod_inf) => //. have dx:card_dominant x. by apply: card_dominant_pr1 => //; apply infinite_nz. rewrite cfx in pe. have pf: csum_of_small1 x f. rewrite /f;split; fprops; hnf; bw; move => i idf; bw. by move: idf => /(cardinals_ltP cx) => idf;apply (proj2 dx). move: (csum_of_small_b2 pf) => le1. have df: cardinal (domain f) <=c x. rewrite /f; bw. by case: (infinite_power7d cx (infinite_nz icx)). by move: (cprod_inf1 df icx);rewrite cprod2cr; apply: cleT. Qed. Lemma inaccessible_pr8 x: inaccessible x -> x = x ^ h; move: (h) => [[[pa1 pa2] pb] pc]; move: (proj1 pa1) => cx. apply: cleA. by move: (cpow_less_pr2 x (infinite_gt1 pa1)); rewrite (cpowx1 cx). apply: card_ub_sup => // t /funI_P [z z1 ->]. move: z1 => /(cardinals_ltP cx) => z1. case: (equal_or_not z \0c) => xnz. rewrite xnz cpowx0; apply (proj1 (infinite_gt1 pa1)). move: (inaccessible_pr7 h xnz z1) => ->. apply: (cleR (proj32_1 z1)). Qed. Lemma inaccessible_dominant1 x: card_dominant x -> (x = omega0 \/ (exists2 n, limit_ordinal n & x = \aleph n)). Proof. move => [pa pb]. move: (ord_index_pr1 pa); set c := ord_index x; move => [pd pe]. case: (ordinal_trichot pd) => ln;last by right; exists c. by left; rewrite -pe ln aleph0E. move: ln => [m om mv]. set y:= \aleph m. have yx: y le1. by move: (cnext_pr3(CS_aleph om));rewrite (cnextE om) -mv pe => /(cltNge le1). Qed. Lemma inaccessible_dominant2 x (p1 := forall z, \0c z x ^c z = x) (p2:= forall z, \0c x ^c z = x *c \2c ^c z): [/\ (infinite_c x -> p1 -> p2), (card_dominant x -> (p1 <-> p2)), (card_dominant x -> p1 -> (x = omega0 \/ inaccessible x)) & (x = omega0 \/ inaccessible x -> (card_dominant x /\ p1))]. Proof. have r1:infinite_c x -> p1 -> p2. move=> icx hp1 z zp. have x2:= (infinite_ge2 icx). have xnz:=(infinite_nz icx). have cz:= proj32_1 zp. case: (cleT_ee (proj1 icx) (CS_pow \2c z)) => le1. have icp:= (ge_infinite_infinite icx le1). case: (finite_dichot cz) => icz. have f1: finite_c (\2c ^c z). by apply /NatP; apply NS_pow; fprops. case: (infinite_dichot1 f1 icp). rewrite (infinite_power1 x2 le1 icz). by rewrite cprodC cprod_inf. have pnz: \2c ^c z <> \0c by apply: cpow2_nz. rewrite (hp1 _ zp (clt_leT (cantor cz) le1)). rewrite cprod_inf //. have r2: card_dominant x -> (p1 <-> p2). move=> [icx cdx]; split; first by apply: r1. move => hp2 z z0 zx. have pnz: \2c ^c z <> \0c by apply: cpow2_nz. move: (cdx _ _ (finite_lt_infinite finite_2 icx) zx) => [l1 _]. rewrite (hp2 _ z0) cprod_inf //. have r3: card_dominant x -> p1 -> x = omega0 \/ inaccessible x. move => pa pc; case: (inaccessible_dominant1 pa); first by left. move => h; right. move: pa => [pa pb]. split; last first. by move => t tx; apply: pb => //; apply: (finite_lt_infinite finite_2 pa). split; last by exact. have h1:= (cofinality_c_small (infinite_ge2 pa)). split => //; ex_middle eq1. have pd: \0c [_]. split => //. case => ix. rewrite ix; split; first by apply: card_dominant_pr2. move => z z0 zf. have pa: infinite_c x by rewrite ix; apply: CIS_omega. have pb: natp z by rewrite ix in zf; move:(oclt zf) => /oltP0 [_ _]. have pc: z <> \0c by move: z0 => [_] /nesym. by rewrite cpow_inf. split; first by apply: inaccessible_dominant. by move => z [_ /nesym zc] zx;apply: inaccessible_pr7. Qed. Lemma inaccessible_dominant3 x: omega0 (inaccessible x <-> ( (forall a b, a b a ^c b z x ^c z = x))). Proof. move => [h1 h2]. have ix: infinite_c x by apply /infinite_c_P2. move: (inaccessible_dominant2 x) => [pa pb pc pd]; split. move => h; move: (pd (or_intror h)) => [[_ pe] pf]; split => //. move => [h3 h4]. by case: (pc (conj ix h3) h4) => // eq; move: h2; rewrite eq. Qed. Lemma cofinality_sum1 a: ordinalp a -> \cf (\aleph(a +o omega0)) = omega0. Proof. move => oa. rewrite (regular_initial_limit1 (osum_limit oa omega_limit)). rewrite (cofinality_sum oa olt_0omega). exact (proj2 regular_omega). Qed. Lemma cofinality_sum2 a: ordinalp a -> singular_cardinal (\aleph(a +o omega0)). Proof. move => oa; move: (OS_sum2 oa OS_omega) => os. split; first by apply: CIS_aleph. rewrite (cofinality_sum1 oa) - {1} aleph0E => h. symmetry in h; move: (aleph_inj os OS0 h) => /(osum2_zero oa OS_omega) [_]. by move: omega_nz. Qed. Lemma singular_non_collectivizing: not (exists E, forall x, singular_cardinal x -> inc x E). Proof. move=> [E ep]. set F := Zo E singular_cardinal. have ce: cardinal_set F by move => t /Zo_P [_ [[pa _] _]]. move: regular_initial_limit4 => h. have ef: inc (\aleph omega0) F by apply: Zo_i => //; apply: ep. move: (ge_infinite_infinite (CIS_aleph OS_omega) (card_sup_ub ce ef)) => ins. move: (ord_index_pr1 ins) =>[]; set n := ord_index _ => on yv. have h1:= (cofinality_sum2 on). have xf: inc (\aleph (n +o omega0)) F by apply: Zo_i => //; apply: ep. move: (card_sup_ub ce xf); rewrite -yv => h2. move: (aleph_lec_le (OS_sum2 on OS_omega) on h2). by move: (osum_Meqlt olt_0omega on); rewrite (osum0r on) => pa /(oltNge pa). Qed. Lemma genconthypothesis_alt b: ordinalp b -> (forall a, ordinalp a -> \2c ^c (\aleph a) = \aleph (a +o b)) -> b ob h. have oo:= OS_omega. case: (oleT_el oo ob) => // lob. pose p x := b [oa pa al]. have ab: a <=o b by apply: al. have a0: \0o nz; first by case: (proj2 a0). move: nz => [m om mv]. have pm: p m. move: OS1 pa; rewrite /p mv => o1. rewrite - osucc_pr // - osumA // osum_1inf //. by move: (al _ om pm); rewrite mv; move/(oltNge (oltS om)). set k := \aleph (a +o a). have oaa:=(OS_sum2 oa oa). have sk: singular_cardinal k. split; first by apply:CIS_aleph. have laa:= (osum_limit oa nz). have anz: a <> \0o by apply: limit_nz. rewrite /k (regular_initial_limit1 laa) (cofinality_sum oa a0). move=> bad; move: (cofinality_pr3 oa); rewrite bad. move: (aleph_pr6 oaa) => le1 le2. case: (oltNge paa (oleT le1 le2)). set s1 := \aleph (a +o b). have pc : forall c, c \2c ^c (\aleph (a +o c)) = s1. move => c ca. have oc:= proj31_1 ca. have oac: ordinalp (a +o c) by apply: OS_sum2 => //. rewrite (h _ oac) - (osumA oa oc ob). have <- //: b = (c +o b). ex_middle neq. have p1: b <=o c +o b by apply osum_M0le. case: (oltNge ca (al _ oc (conj p1 neq))). have pd: forall c, a<=o c -> c \2c ^c (\aleph c) = s1. move=> c ac caa; move: (odiff_pr ac) => [qa qb]. rewrite qb in caa; move: (osum_Meqltr qa oa oa caa) => da. by move: (pc _ da); rewrite -qb. have px: (cpow_less_ecb k). exists (\aleph a); first by apply: (aleph_lt_ltc paa). move=> c c1 c2. move: (ge_infinite_infinite (CIS_aleph oa) c1) => ic. move: (ord_index_pr1 ic) => [om mv]. rewrite (pd _ (oleR oa) paa). rewrite -mv in c1 c2. have p1:= (aleph_lec_le oa om c1). have p2:= (aleph_ltc_lt om oaa c2). by rewrite -mv (pd _ p1 p2). move: (cpow_less_pr10 sk px); rewrite (h _ oaa). set s2 := \aleph ((a +o a) +o b) => eq1. have c12: s1 //. suff: \2c ^ /(cltNge c12). apply:card_ub_sup; first exact: (proj31_1 c12). move => i /funI_P [z zv ->]. have ck: cardinalp k by move: sk => [[ok _] _]. move: zv => /(cardinals_ltP ck) zv. have cz:=proj31_1 zv. have is1: infinite_c s1 by apply: CIS_aleph; apply: OS_sum2. case: (finite_dichot cz) => fz. apply: finite_le_infinite => //. by apply /NatP; apply: NS_pow; fprops; apply /NatP. move: (ord_index_pr1 fz)=> [om zv1]. have lt1: (ord_index z) le1. by rewrite (pd _ le1 lt1); apply: cleR; move: is1 => []. by rewrite (h _ om); apply: aleph_le_lec; apply: osum_Mleeq. Qed. Section GenContHypothesis_Props. Hypothesis gch: GenContHypothesis. Lemma infinite_power10 x y (z := x ^c y): infinite_c x -> [/\ (y = \0c -> z = \1c), (y <> \0c -> y z = x), (\cf x <=c y -> y <=c x -> z = cnext x)& (x z = cnext y)]. Proof. move=> ic; rewrite /z. have x2:= (infinite_ge2 ic). have cx:= proj1 ic. have xx:=(cleR cx). have xnz:= infinite_nz ic. have r1: y = \0c -> x ^c y = \1c by move => ->; rewrite cpowx0. have r2: x x ^c y = cnext y. move=> [xy _]. have icy:(infinite_c y) by apply: (ge_infinite_infinite ic xy). rewrite (gch icy); apply: (infinite_power1_a _ xy icy). apply: finite_le_infinite => //; rewrite /NatP; fprops. move: (cnext_pr1 cx) => [qa qb qc]. have r3: \cf x <=c y -> y <=c x -> x ^c y = cnext x. move=> pa pb. move: (power_cofinality x2); rewrite (cofinality_card ic) => pc. have pd: x ^c (\cf x) <=c x ^c y by apply: cpow_Mlele. have lt1:= (qc _ (clt_leT pc pd)). apply: cleA lt1. rewrite (gch ic) - (infinite_power1_b ic). by apply: cpow_Mlele. split => // ynz ycx. have cy := (proj31_1 ycx). have yl1:=(cge1 cy ynz). apply: cleA; last by apply: cpow_Mle1. rewrite (infinite_power7 ic ycx ynz) /csumb. set f := Lg _ _. have cf: cardinal_fam f by rewrite /f;hnf;bw => a ac; bw; fprops. have fl: forall i, inc i (domain f) -> Vg f i <=c x. rewrite /f; bw; move=> i id; bw. case: (equal_or_not i \0c) => iz. rewrite iz (cpow0x ynz); apply: czero_least; rewrite /cpow; fprops. case: (equal_or_not i \1c) => io. rewrite io (cpow1x); apply: finite_le_infinite => //; apply: finite_1. move: id => /(cardinals_ltP cx) lt. have ci:= proj31_1 lt. case: (Nat_dichot cy) => yN. case: (Nat_dichot ci) => iN. by apply: (finite_le_infinite _ ic); apply /NatP;apply: NS_pow. exact: (cleT (cpow_inf1 iN yN) (proj1 lt)). have ra: forall t, infinite_c t -> t \2c ^c t <=c x. move=> t it tx. by rewrite - (gch it); move: (cnext_pr1 (proj1 it))=> [ _ _]; apply. have ray: \2c ^c y <=c x. by apply: ra => //; apply: (clt_leT ycx); apply: cofinality_small. case: (Nat_dichot ci) => iN. have b1:= NS1. have iy: i <=c y by apply (Nat_le_infinite). have i2: \2c <=c i. rewrite - succ_one ; apply /(cleSltP b1). by split; [apply: cge1 | apply:nesym]. rewrite (infinite_power1_a i2 iy yN) //. have i2:= (finite_le_infinite finite_2 iN). case: (cleT_ee ci cy) => cp1. rewrite (infinite_power1_a i2 cp1 yN) //. have le1: i ^c y <=c i ^c i by apply: cpow_Mlele => //; fprops. apply: (cleT le1). rewrite (infinite_power1_b iN); exact: (ra _ iN lt). have df: domain f = (cardinals_lt x) by rewrite /f; bw. move: (infinite_power7d cx xnz)=> [pe pf]. have fgf: fgraph f by rewrite /f; fprops. move: (csum_of_small_b1 (conj fgf fl)). rewrite {2} /f; bw; rewrite - (cprod2cr)(cprod_inf pe ic pf) => aux. by apply cprod_inf4. Qed. Lemma infinite_power10_a x: infinite_c x -> x ^c (\cf x) = cnext x. Proof. move => icx; move: (infinite_power10 (\cf x) icx) => [_ _ pa _]. have h:=(cofinality_small icx). apply: pa => //;apply (cleR (proj31 h)). Qed. Lemma infinite_power10_b x y: infinite_c x -> y y <> \0c -> x ^c y = x. Proof. move=> icx yc ynz. by move: (infinite_power10 y icx) => [_ pb _ _]; apply: pb. Qed. Lemma cpow_less_pr11a x y: infinite_c y -> \2c <=c x -> finite_c x -> x ^ icy x2 xf. have cy := proj1 icy. have cs:= (@cpow_less_pr0 y x). have le1: x ^ // i /funI_P [z /(cardinals_ltP cy) zs ->]. have cz:=proj31_1 zs. case: (finite_dichot cz) => fz. apply: finite_le_infinite => //. by apply /NatP; apply: NS_pow; fprops; apply /NatP. rewrite (infinite_power1_a x2 (finite_le_infinite xf fz) fz). rewrite - (gch fz). by move: (cnext_pr1 cz) => [_ _ ]; apply. ex_middle neq. move: (cpow_less_pr2 x (conj le1 neq)); set t := (x ^ le2. move: (cleT (cpow_Mleeq t x2 card2_nz) le2) => le3. case: (cleNgt le3(cantor (proj32 le3))). Qed. Lemma cpow_less_pr11b x: infinite_c x -> \2c ^ icx; apply: cpow_less_pr11a;fprops. Qed. Lemma cpow_less_pr12 x: regular_cardinal x -> x ^ /regular_cardinalP [ix cx]; move: (ix) => [cax _]. have aux: x ^c \1c = x by rewrite cpowx1. have x1:=(infinite_gt1 ix). apply: cleA; last by rewrite - {1} aux; apply cpow_less_pr2. apply: (card_ub_sup cax) => i. move /funI_P => [z] /(cardinals_ltP cax) zx ->. case: (equal_or_not z \0c) => zz. by rewrite zz cpowx0; move: x1 => []. rewrite (infinite_power10_b); fprops; ue. Qed. Lemma inaccessible_weak_strong x: inaccessible_w x -> inaccessible x. Proof. move => h; split => // t th. move: h => [[pa pb] [n [on _ ln xv]]]. case: (finite_dichot (proj31_1 th)) => it. apply:(finite_lt_infinite) => //. apply /NatP; apply: NS_pow; apply /NatP;fprops. move: th; rewrite - (gch it). move: (ord_index_pr1 it) => [om <-]; rewrite (cnextE om) xv => le1. move: (aleph_ltc_lt om on le1) => mn. apply: aleph_lt_ltc; apply /oltP0; split;fprops. apply: ln; apply /oltP => //. Qed. Lemma inaccessible_pr8_gch x: \2c ([\/ (x = omega0), (exists2 n, ordinalp n & x = \aleph (osucc n)) | inaccessible x] <-> x = x ^ x2. set p:= (exists2 n, ordinalp n & x = \aleph (osucc n)). have cx:=proj32_1 x2. have xnz : x <> \0c. move => xz; rewrite xz in x2; case: (clt0 x2). have xp:=(clt_ltT clt_02 x2). have aux: p -> x = x ^ [n on xv]. rewrite {3} xv; move: (cpow_less_pr4 xp (CIS_aleph on)). rewrite (cnextE on); move => ->. have i1:=(CIS_aleph on). by rewrite xv - (cnextE on) (gch i1) - cpow_pow (csquare_inf). split. case =>//; first by move ->; symmetry; apply: cpow_less_pr5f. by apply: inaccessible_pr8. move => h. case: (finite_dichot cx) => fx. have xN: natp x by apply /NatP. move: (cpred_pr xN xnz)=> [ub uv]. move: (cpow_less_pr3 xp ub); rewrite -uv -h. move: (cltS ub); rewrite -uv => pa. have xp1: \1c []. move: (ord_index_pr1 fx) => [om xv]; symmetry in xv. case: (ordinal_trichot om) => ln. by constructor 1; rewrite - aleph0E - ln. move: ln => [n on nv]; constructor 2; exists n => //. by rewrite -nv. constructor 3;apply: inaccessible_weak_strong. split; last by exists (ord_index x). split => //; ex_middle cs. have cs1:=(cofinality_c_small (proj1 x2)). move: (cpow_less_pr2 x (conj cs1 cs)); rewrite -h => lt1. case: (cleNgt lt1(power_cofinality (proj1 x2))). Qed. Lemma infinite_power7h_rev x: \0c (forall y, \0c x ^c y = (csumb (cardinals_lt x) (fun z => z ^c y)) *c x) -> regular_cardinal x. Proof. move => xp h. move: (xp) => [_ /nesym xnz]. have cx:=proj32_1 xp. case: (equal_or_not x \1c) => x1. move: (h _ (clt_02)); rewrite x1 cpow1x; rewrite x1 in xp. have ->: (cardinals_lt \1c) = singleton \0c. apply : set1_pr; first by apply /(cardinals_ltP CS1). by move => t /(cardinals_ltP CS1) /clt1. rewrite csum_trivial3 (cpow0x card2_nz) (card_card CS0) cprod0l. by move => /card1_nz. case: (equal_or_not x \2c) => x2. move: (h _ (clt_02)); rewrite x2; rewrite x2 in xp. rewrite /csumb;set f := Lg _ _. have aux: (cardinals_lt \2c) = doubleton \0c \1c. set_extens t. move => aux; apply /set2_P; apply: clt2. by apply /(cardinals_ltP CS2). case /set2_P => ->; apply /(cardinals_ltP CS2); [apply: clt_02 | apply: clt_12]. have df: doubleton_fam f \0c \1c. have pa: inc \1c (cardinals_lt \2c) by rewrite aux; fprops. have pb: inc \0c (cardinals_lt \2c) by rewrite aux; fprops. exists \0c; exists \1c; rewrite /f; bw;split; fprops. rewrite cpow0x; fprops. rewrite cpow1x; fprops. rewrite - (csum2_pr df) (csum0l CS1) (cprod1l CS2) cpowx2 two_times_two. move: (cltS NS2) (cltS NS3). rewrite / card_four / card_three => lt1 lt2 eq3. by move: (clt_leT lt1 (proj1 lt2)); rewrite eq3; move => []. case: (Nat_dichot cx) => fx. move: (h _ (clt_01)); rewrite /csumb; set f := Lg _ _. have i2d: inc \2c (domain f). rewrite /f; bw; apply /(cardinals_ltP cx); split; last by apply:nesym. by apply: cge2. have xx: inc \2c (cardinals_lt x) by move: i2d; rewrite /f; bw. have cf: cardinal_fam f. rewrite /f; hnf; bw => a ai; bw; fprops. move: (csum_increasing6 cf i2d); rewrite {1}/f; bw. rewrite (cpowx1 CS2) (cpowx1 cx) => pa pb. move: (cprod_Mlele pa (cleR cx)); rewrite -pb two_times_n => qb. by move: (csum_Mlteq fx xp);rewrite (csum0l cx) => /(cleNgt qb). have H:= (cofinality_card fx). split => //. move: (cofinality_infinite fx); rewrite H => coi. move: (h _ (finite_lt_infinite finite_0 coi)). rewrite /csumb; set f := Lg _ _. rewrite (infinite_power10_a fx) => pa. ex_middle cnx. have pc:= (cofinality_small fx). have pb: forall i, inc i (domain f) -> Vg f i <=c x. rewrite /f;bw;move=> i idf; bw. move: idf => /(cardinals_ltP cx) => idf. case: (equal_or_not i \0c) => i0. rewrite i0 cpow0x; [ exact (proj1 xp) | by apply: infinite_nz ]. case: (equal_or_not i \1c) => i1. by rewrite i1 cpow1x; apply (proj1 (infinite_gt1 fx)). have y2:= (cge2 (proj31_1 idf) i0 i1). have aux: forall z, infinite_c z -> z \2c ^c z <=c x. move => z iz zx; rewrite - (gch iz). by move: (cnext_pr1 (proj1 iz)) => [_ _]; apply. case: (cleT_ee (proj31_1 idf) (proj31 pc)) => le1. by rewrite (infinite_power1_a y2 le1 coi); apply: aux. have iy:= (ge_infinite_infinite coi le1). move: (cpow_Meqle i0 le1); rewrite (infinite_power1_b iy) => ce. apply: (cleT ce (aux _ iy idf)). have cff: fgraph f by rewrite /f; fprops. move: (csum_of_small_b1 (conj cff pb)). rewrite {2} /f; bw. move: (infinite_power7d cx xnz) => [ca _]. move: (cprod_Mlele (cleR cx) ca); rewrite cprod2cr => cb cc. move: (cleT cc cb); rewrite (csquare_inf fx) => cd. move: (cprod_Mlele cd (cleR cx)); rewrite (csquare_inf fx) - pa. by move: (cnext_pr1 cx) => [_ aa _ ]=> /(cltNge aa). Qed. Lemma infinite_increasing_power5gch X (Y:= Lg (domain X) (fun z => \aleph (Vg X z))) (a := \osup (range X)): ofg_Mlt_lto X -> limit_ordinal (domain X) -> ((cprod Y) = \aleph a ^c (cardinal (domain X)) /\ (cprod Y) = \aleph (osucc a)). Proof. move => pa pb. move: (infinite_increasing_power5 pa pb). move: (increasing_sup_limit4 pa pb);rewrite -/Y -/a; move => [pc pd pe]. have ia:=(CIS_aleph (proj31 pc)). rewrite -/a -/Y. rewrite - (cnextE (proj31 pc)) - (gch ia). move: (cnext_pr1 (proj1 ia)) => [_]. set A := \omega a; set B := A ^c cardinal (domain X). move=> _ qa [qb qc qd]. have qe:= (qa _ qb). have bv := (cleA qc (cleT qd qe)). by split => //; apply:cleA => //; rewrite bv. Qed. Lemma cpow_less_ec_pr8 x y ( z := x ^ infinite_c x -> [/\ (y <=c \cf x -> z = x), (\cf x y <=c cnext x -> z = cnext x) & (cnext x z = y)]. Proof. move => icy icx; rewrite /z. have cy:= proj1 icy. have cx:= proj1 icx. have sp1:=(cnext_pr2 cx). have sp1' := proj1 sp1. split. move => pa; move: (cpow_less_pr5a cx (infinite_ge2 icy)) => le1. apply: cleA; last by exact. apply: (card_ub_sup cx) => i /funI_P [t ta ->]; move: ta. move/ (cardinals_ltP cy) => ty. move: (clt_leT ty pa) => lt2. case: (equal_or_not t \0c) => tnz. rewrite tnz cpowx0; apply: (finite_le_infinite finite_1 icx). rewrite (infinite_power10_b icx lt2 tnz); fprops. move => p1 p2; apply: cleA; last first. by move: (cpow_less_pr2 x p1); rewrite (infinite_power10_a icx). apply: (card_ub_sup (proj32 p2)) => i /funI_P [t ta ->]; move: ta. move /(cardinals_ltP cy) => ty. move: (infinite_power10 t icx) => [pa pb pc pd]. case: (equal_or_not t \0c) => tz. rewrite (pa tz); apply: cleT p2. apply: (finite_le_infinite finite_1 icy). case: (cleT_el (proj31_1 p1) (proj31_1 ty)) => ctc. rewrite (pc ctc (cnext_pr4 cx (clt_leT ty p2))); exact:(cleR (proj32 p2)). by rewrite (pb tz ctc). move => qa. apply: cleA. apply: (card_ub_sup cy). move => i /funI_P [t ta ->]; move: ta. move /(cardinals_ltP cy) => ty. move: (infinite_power10 t icx) => [pa pb pc pd]. case: (equal_or_not t \0c) => tz. by rewrite (pa tz); apply: (finite_le_infinite finite_1 icy). move: (cofinality_small icx) => p1. case: (cleT_el (proj31 p1) (proj31_1 ty)) => ctc. case: (cleT_el (proj31_1 ty) cx) => ctx. rewrite (pc ctc ctx); apply: (proj1 qa). rewrite (pd ctx); move: (cnext_pr1 (proj32_1 ctx)). by move => [_ _]; apply. by rewrite (pb tz ctc); apply: (cleT sp1' (proj1 qa)). move: (ord_index_pr1 icy); set c := (ord_index y); move => [qb qc]. move: (ord_index_pr1 icx); set d := (ord_index x); move => [qd qe]. move: (qa); rewrite - {1} qe -qc (cnextE qd) => qa1. move: (aleph_ltc_lt (OS_succ qd) qb qa1) => qa2. case: (ordinal_trichot qb) => ln. rewrite ln in qa2;case: (olt0 qa2). move:ln => [e oe se]. move: (cnextE oe); rewrite - se => <-. move: (CIS_aleph oe) => icz. rewrite (cpow_less_pr4 (finite_lt_infinite finite_0 icx) icz). move: (infinite_power10 ( \omega e) icx) => [ra rb rc rd]. have xe: x i /funI_P [w wi ->]. have wc: w le1. apply: cleT (cpow_less_pr2 x le1). apply: (cleT (proj1 (cantor (proj31_1 le1)))). apply: (cpow_Mleeq (\omega w) (infinite_ge2 icx) card2_nz). Qed. End GenContHypothesis_Props. Definition beth x := let p := fun z => \2c ^c z in let osup := fun y f => \osup (fun_image y (fun z => (p (f z)))) in let osupp:= fun f => Yo (domain f = \0o) omega0 (osup (domain f) (Vg f)) in let f:= transdef_ord osupp in f x. Lemma beth_prop: [/\ normal_ofs beth, beth \0o = omega0 & (forall x, ordinalp x -> beth (osucc x) = \2c ^c (beth x)) ]. Proof. apply: normal_ofs_existence. - move => x ox. move: (CS_pow \2c x) => cp. case: (oleT_el (proj1 cp) ox) => //. move /ocle1; rewrite (card_card cp) => /cleNgt; case. by move: (cantor (CS_cardinal x)); rewrite cpowcr. - move => x y /ocle1 /(cpow_Meqle card2_nz). rewrite cpowcr cpowcr; apply: ocle. - apply: OS_omega. Qed. Lemma beth0: beth \0o = omega0. Proof. by move: (beth_prop) => [_ pa _]. Qed. Lemma beth_succ x: ordinalp x -> beth (osucc x) = \2c ^c (beth x). Proof. move: (beth_prop) => [_ _ ]; apply. Qed. Lemma beth_normal: normal_ofs beth. Proof. by move: (beth_prop) => [pa _ _ ]. Qed. Lemma CS_beth x: ordinalp x -> cardinalp (beth x). Proof. move: (beth_prop) => [pa pb pc] ox. case: (least_ordinal6 (fun z => cardinalp (beth z)) ox) => //. set y := least_ordinal _ _;move=> [pd pe]; case. case: (ordinal_trichot pd). - move ->; rewrite pb; apply: CS_omega. - move => [z oz za]; rewrite za pc; fprops. - by move /(proj2 pa) => ->; apply: CS_sup => t /funI_P [z zy ->]; apply: pe. Qed. Lemma beth_M x y: x beth x pa ineq. exact: (oclt3 (CS_beth (proj31_1 ineq))(CS_beth (proj32_1 ineq)) (pa _ _ ineq)). Qed. Lemma beth_pr1 x: ordinalp x -> infinite_c (beth x). Proof. move => ox; case: (ozero_dichot ox). move => ->; rewrite beth0; apply CIS_omega. by move /beth_M; rewrite beth0; move => [/infinite_c_P2 le1 _]. Qed. Lemma beth_gch: GenContHypothesis <-> beth =1o \aleph. Proof. split; last first. move => h x icx. move: (ord_index_pr1 icx) => [oy <-]. by rewrite (cnextE oy) - (h _ oy) - (beth_succ oy) (h _ (OS_succ oy)). move =>h x ox. case:(least_ordinal6 (fun z => beth z = \aleph z) ox) => //. set y := least_ordinal _ _; move =>[pa pb];case. case: (ordinal_trichot pa). - by move => ->; rewrite aleph0E beth0. - move=> [u ou u1]. rewrite u1 (beth_succ ou) - (cnextE ou) (h _ (CIS_aleph ou)). rewrite pb // u1; fprops. move=> lt. rewrite (proj2 beth_normal _ lt) (proj2 aleph_normal _ lt). by apply: ord_sup_2funI => s st; apply: pb. Qed. Lemma beth_fixed_point x: ordinalp x -> beth x = x -> card_dominant x. Proof. move => ox bfx. have icx: infinite_c x by rewrite -bfx; apply: beth_pr1. have xnz:= (infinite_nz icx). have cx := proj1 icx. apply: card_dominant_pr1 => // m mx. have cm:= proj31_1 mx. move: (infinite_card_limit2 icx) => lx; move: (lx) =>[qa qb qc]. have [b pa pb]: exists2 b, m <=c beth b & b i <=c m. move => t /funI_P [i ix ->]. have oi:= ordinal_hi qa ix. case: (cleT_ee (CS_beth oi) cm) => // h; case: bad; exists i => //. by apply /oltP. have : union (fun_image x beth) <=c m. by apply: card_ub_sup. by rewrite - ((proj2 beth_normal) _ lx) bfx => /(cltNge mx). apply: (cle_ltT (cpow_Meqle card2_nz pa)). have ob:= proj31_1 pb. rewrite -(beth_succ ob) - bfx; apply: beth_M. by move: pb => /(oltP ox) hh; apply / (oltP ox);apply: qc. Qed. Lemma cofinality_least_fp_beth x y: beth x <> x -> least_fixedpoint_ge beth x y -> cofinality y = omega0. Proof. apply: (cofinality_least_fp_normal beth_normal). Qed. Lemma aleph_and_beth a: ordinalp a -> exists b, [/\ ordinalp b, beth b <=c \aleph a & \aleph a oa; case: (normal_ofs_bounded (OS_aleph oa) (beth_normal)). by rewrite beth0 => /(oleNgt (aleph_pr5 oa)). move => [y [oy ha hb]]. have hc:=(CS_aleph oa). have hd:= (ocle3 (proj1 (beth_pr1 oy)) hc ha). have he:= (oclt3 hc (proj1 (beth_pr1 (OS_succ oy))) hb). by exists y. Qed. Lemma beth_limit a: limit_ordinal a -> exists2 b, limit_ordinal b & beth a = \aleph b. Proof. move => la. have oa := proj31 la. move/limit_ordinal_P:la => [ap al]. move: (ord_index_pr1 (beth_pr1 oa)); set b := ord_index _; move => [ob bv]. case: (ordinal_trichot ob) =>lb. - by case:(proj2 (beth_M ap)); move: bv; rewrite lb aleph0E - beth0. - move:lb => [c oc cv]. move:bv; rewrite cv => ea. move: (aleph_and_beth oc) => [d [od ha hb]]. move: (cle_ltT ha (aleph_lt_ltc (oltS oc))); rewrite ea => la. case: (oleT_ell oa od) => lb. by case: (proj2 la); rewrite lb. by case : (cltNge la (proj1(beth_M lb))). case: (cltNge (beth_M (al _ (al _ lb)))). move: (cleT (aleph_pr12f oc) (cpow_M2le (proj1 hb))). by rewrite ea - (beth_succ (OS_succ od)). - by exists b. Qed. Lemma beth_inaccessible a k : inaccessible k -> a beth a [ina inb] sb. have oa:= (proj31_1 sb). move: sb. case: (least_ordinal6 (fun a => a beth a //. set y:= least_ordinal _ _; move => [oy pb]; case => lyk. case: (ordinal_trichot oy). - by move ->; rewrite beth0; move: (inaccessible_uncountable ina). - move => [x ox yv]. have xy: inc x y by rewrite yv; fprops. have lxk: x ly; rewrite (proj2 beth_normal _ ly). have ck:= (proj1 (proj1(proj1 ina))). move/(ocle2P ck (proj31_1 lyk)): (lyk) => cyk. have ha:=(cle_ltT (fun_image_smaller y beth) cyk). apply: (regular_sup (proj1 ina) ha) => i /funI_P [z zy ->]. have lzy: z beth k = k. Proof. move => ik. move: beth_normal => [sa sb]. have infk:= (proj1 (proj1 (proj1 ik))). have ck := (proj1 infk); have ok := (proj1 ck). apply: cleA. rewrite (sb _ (infinite_card_limit2 infk)); apply:card_ub_sup => //. move => i /funI_P [z /(oltP ok) zk ->]. exact: (proj1(beth_inaccessible ik zk)). move:(ocle1 (osi_gex sa ok)). by rewrite (card_card ck) (card_card (CS_beth ok)). Qed. Lemma card_dominant_pr12 x: infinite_c x -> (forall m, infinite_c m -> m \2c ^c m card_dominant x. Proof. move => icx ha; apply:(card_dominant_pr1 (proj1 icx) (infinite_nz icx)). move => m lmx. case: (finite_dichot (proj31_1 lmx)) => li; last by apply:ha. by apply:finite_lt_infinite icx; apply/NatP; apply:(NS_pow NS2); apply/NatP. Qed. Lemma beth_dominant a: limit_ordinal a -> card_dominant (beth a). Proof. move => la; have oa:= (proj31 la). apply: (card_dominant_pr12 (beth_pr1 oa)). move => m /ord_index_pr1; set c := ord_index _; move => [oc <- lt0]. move: (aleph_and_beth oc) => [b [ob lt1 lt2]]. move/limit_ordinal_P:la => [anz sa]. have lt3: b //. by move => ba; move: (proj2 la4); rewrite ba. move/beth_M => /cltNge; case; exact (proj1 la4). move: (cpow_M2le (proj1 lt2)); rewrite - (beth_succ (OS_succ ob)) => sb. by apply: (cle_ltT sb); apply:beth_M; apply: (sa); apply:sa. Qed. Lemma beth_dominantP x: infinite_c x -> (card_dominant x <-> exists2 a, (a = \0c \/ limit_ordinal a) & x = beth a). Proof. move => icx;split; last first. move => [a oa ->]; case: oa=> oa; last by apply:beth_dominant. by rewrite oa beth0; apply:card_dominant_pr2. move/ord_index_pr1: icx; set c := ord_index _; move => [oc <- xd]. move:(aleph_and_beth oc) => [b [ob lt1 lt2]]. have lt4:= (finite_lt_infinite finite_2 (proj1 xd)). case: (equal_or_not (beth b) (\aleph c)) => eqa; last first. have lt3 : beth b /cltNge; case. exact (proj1 lt2). exists b => //; case: (ordinal_trichot ob) => lb; [by left | | by right]. move: lb => [d od bv]. have lc: d lt3. by move: (proj2 (proj2 xd _ _ lt4 lt3)); rewrite -(beth_succ od) - bv eqa. Qed. Lemma beth_pow0 m: m m <> \0c -> (beth \0c) ^c m = beth \0c. Proof. rewrite beth0; move => /clt_omegaP mN mz. exact:(cpow_inf CIS_omega mN mz). Qed. Lemma beth_pow1 m: beth \0c <=c m -> (beth \0c) ^c m = \2c ^c m. Proof. rewrite beth0 => bm. move/clt_omegaP:NS2 => [ha _]. by apply: (infinite_power1_a ha bm); apply/infinite_c_P2. Qed. Lemma beth_pow2 m a: ordinalp a -> m <=c beth a -> m <> \0c -> (beth (osucc a)) ^c m = beth (osucc a). Proof. move => oa lmb mz. by rewrite (beth_succ oa) - cpow_pow (cprod_inf lmb (beth_pr1 oa) mz). Qed. Lemma beth_pow3 m a: ordinalp a -> beth a <=c m -> (beth (osucc a)) ^c m = \2c ^c m. Proof. move => oa lmb. have ib:= (beth_pr1 oa). have im:= ge_infinite_infinite ib lmb. by rewrite (beth_succ oa) - cpow_pow cprodC (cprod_inf lmb im (infinite_nz ib)). Qed. Lemma beth_pow4c m a: limit_ordinal a -> (beth a) <=c m -> (beth a) ^c m = \2c ^c m. Proof. move => sa sb. have ib := (beth_pr1 (proj31 sa)). exact: (infinite_power1_a (infinite_ge2 ib) sb (ge_infinite_infinite ib sb)). Qed. Lemma beth_pow4b m a: limit_ordinal a -> \cf a <=c m -> m <=c (beth a) -> (beth a) ^c m = \2c ^c (beth a) /\ (beth a) ^c m = m ^c (beth a). Proof. move => sa sb sc. have ib := (beth_pr1 (proj31 sa)). have icfa:= (cofinality_infinite_limit sa). have im:= (ge_infinite_infinite icfa sb). have r1:= (infinite_power1_a (infinite_ge2 im) sc ib). suff: beth a ^c m = \2c ^c beth a by rewrite r1. apply:cleA. by rewrite - (infinite_power1_b ib); apply:(cpow_Meqle (infinite_nz ib) sc). have: exists X, fgraph X /\ domain X = \cf a /\ ofg_Mlt_lto X /\ a = union (range X). admit. move => [X [fgX [dX [ iX srX]]]]. move: (infinite_prod4 sa sb dX iX srX). admit. Qed. Lemma beth_pow4 m a: limit_ordinal a -> m m <> \0c -> (beth a) ^c m = beth a. Proof. move => oa lmb mnz. move:beth_normal => [sa sb]. have bav:=(sb a oa). move:(beth_limit oa) => [b ob bbv]. have cf1: \cf (beth a) = \cf b by move:(regular_initial_limit1 ob); rewrite - bbv. admit. Qed. Lemma beth_monotone2 x: cardinalp x -> x <=c (beth x). Proof. move => cx; apply: (ocle3 cx (CS_beth (proj1 cx))). exact:(osi_gex (proj1 beth_normal) (proj1 cx)). Qed. Lemma beth_pow5a (x:= beth aleph0): x ^c aleph0 = \2c ^c x /\ x ^c aleph0 = aleph0 ^c x. Proof. apply: beth_pow4b. - apply: omega_limit. - rewrite/aleph0 (proj2 regular_omega); apply:cleR; apply:CS_aleph0. - apply:(beth_monotone2 CS_aleph0). Qed. Lemma beth_pow5b (x:= beth aleph1): x ^c aleph0 = x. Proof. apply: beth_pow4. - apply: aleph_limit; apply OS1. - have ->: \cf beth aleph1 = \cf aleph1 by admit. move:regular_cardinal_aleph1 => [s1 s2]. rewrite -(cofinality_card s1) s2 /aleph0 - aleph0E. exact: (aleph_lt_ltc (olt_01)). - apply:omega_nz. Qed. Lemma beth_pow5c (x:= beth aleph1): x ^c aleph1 = \2c ^c x /\ x ^c aleph1 = aleph1 ^c x. Proof. apply: beth_pow4b. - apply: aleph_limit; apply OS1. - move:regular_cardinal_aleph1 => [s1 s2]. rewrite -(cofinality_card s1) s2; apply:(cleR (proj1 s1)). - apply:beth_monotone2; apply:(CS_aleph OS1). Qed. Definition SingCardHypothesis:= forall x, infinite_c x -> \2c ^c (\cf x) x ^c (\cf x) = cnext x. Lemma sch_gch: GenContHypothesis -> SingCardHypothesis. Proof. move => gch x ix pa. have pb:= (cofinality_small ix). move: (infinite_power10 gch (\cf x) ix); move => [_ _ pc _]. apply: pc => //; apply: (cleR (proj31 pb)). Qed. Lemma SCH_case1 x: infinite_c x -> \2c ^c (\cf x) <> x. Proof. move => icx eq1. move: (cofinality_infinite_cardinal icx) => ic. by move: (power_cofinality2 ic); rewrite eq1; move => [_]. Qed. Lemma SCH_prop2 x (p:= cpow_less_ecb x): singular_cardinal x -> SingCardHypothesis -> ( (p -> \2c ^c x = \2c ^ \2c ^c x = cnext (\2c ^ sc sch; split; first by apply: cpow_less_pr10. move => pf. have aux: forall a, a exists b, [/\ a <=c b, b a ax; ex_middle ba1. case: pf; exists a => //; move => b b1 b2. have le1:= (cpow_Meqle card2_nz b1). by ex_middle ne1; case: ba1; exists b. have le22: \2c <=c \2c by fprops. move: sc => [ix sx]. have pf':~ (exists a : Set, cpow_less_ec_prop \2c x a). by move => [a [px py]]; case: pf; exists a. move: (cpow_less_ec_pr6 ix le22 pf') => eq1. have pa: (\2c ^c \cf (\2c ^ [b [p1 p2 p3]]. by rewrite eq1; apply: (clt_leT p3); apply: cpow_less_pr2. rewrite (cpow_less_pr6a ix) - eq1. exact (sch _ (cpow_less_ec_pr0 ix le22) pa). Qed. Lemma SCH_prop3 x y (z := x ^c y): infinite_c x -> \1c <=c y -> SingCardHypothesis -> ( (x <=c \2c ^c y -> z = \2c ^c y) /\ ((\2c ^c y ( (y z = x) /\ ((\cf x <=c y) -> z = cnext x)))). Proof. move => icx y1 sch; rewrite /z. have cy:= proj32 y1. have x2:= (infinite_ge2 icx). split => pa. apply: infinite_power1 => //. case: (finite_dichot cy) => // fy. have f2: finite_c (\2c ^c y). by apply /NatP; apply: NS_pow; fprops; apply /NatP. case: (infinite_dichot1 (le_finite_finite f2 pa) icx). have coi:=(cofinality_infinite_cardinal icx). case: (finite_dichot cy) => // fy. split => h. have yN: natp y by apply /NatP. rewrite (cpow_inf icx yN) //. by move/cge1P:y1 => [_ /nesym]. case: (cleNgt h (finite_lt_infinite fy coi)). have yx:=(clt_leT (cantor (proj1 fy)) (proj1 pa)). move: (ord_index_pr1 icx); set c := (ord_index x); move => [oc cv]. pose p1 x y :=( y x ^c y = x) /\ (\cf x <=c y -> x ^c y = cnext x). pose p2 x := forall y, infinite_c y -> \2c ^c y p1 x y. pose p c := p2 (\aleph c). rewrite -/(p1 _ _). suff: p2 x by move => h; apply: (h y). rewrite- cv. apply: (least_ordinal2 (p:= p)) oc => d od lyd. rewrite /p /p2. clear cy pa fy z y1 yx y. move => y icy yl1. have yx:=(clt_leT (cantor (proj1 icy)) (proj1 yl1)). case: (ordinal_trichot od) => ln. by move: icy yx => / infinite_c_P2; rewrite ln aleph0E => h1 /(cleNgt h1). move: ln => [e oe es]. move: (CS_aleph oe) => ie. have l1: \2c ^c y <=c \omega e. by apply: cnext_pr4 => //; rewrite (cnextE oe) - es. have l2: (\aleph e) ^c y <=c \aleph d. case: (equal_or_not (\2c ^c y) (\aleph e)) => eq1. rewrite -eq1 - cpow_pow (csquare_inf icy);exact (proj1 yl1). have l3: \2c ^c y [q4 q5]. move: (CS_cofinality (proj1 ie)) => cc. case: (cleT_el cc (proj1 icy)) => cyx. rewrite (q5 cyx) (cnextE oe) -es; apply: cleR. by apply: CS_aleph. rewrite (q4 cyx); apply: aleph_le_lec;exact (proj1 ed). have l3: (\omega d) ^c y = \omega d. rewrite es (infinite_power2 oe (infinite_nz icy)). rewrite cprodC -es (cprod_inf l2 (CIS_aleph od)) //. by apply: cpow_nz ; apply: aleph_nz. move: (regular_initial_successor oe) => /regular_cardinalP [ _ h]. by rewrite /p1 es h -es; split => // /(cltNge yx). have aux: forall z, z z ^c y z z1. case: (finite_dichot (proj31_1 z1)) => fz. case: (equal_or_not z \0c) => znz. by rewrite znz (cpow0x (infinite_nz icy)) - znz. case: (equal_or_not z \1c) => zno. by rewrite zno cpow1x - zno. move: (cge2 (proj31_1 z1) znz zno) => z2. by rewrite (infinite_power1_a z2 (finite_le_infinite fz icy) icy). move: (ord_index_pr1 fz); set e := (ord_index z); move=> [z2 z3]. have ed: e q1. by rewrite (infinite_power1 (infinite_ge2 fz) q1 icy). rewrite - z3 in q1. move: (lyd _ ed _ icy q1) => []; rewrite z3 => pa pb. move: (CS_cofinality (proj1 (proj1 fz))) => cc. case: (cleT_el cc (proj1 icy)) => cyx; last by rewrite (pa cyx). rewrite (pb cyx) - z3 (cnextE z2); apply: aleph_lt_ltc. move: ln => [_ _ ln1]; apply /oltP0. by split;fprops;apply: ln1; apply /oltP. move: (CIS_aleph od) => icz. move: (infinite_power9 icz icy) => [_ _ h]; move: (h aux) => [h1 h2]. split => p3; first by apply: h1. rewrite (h2 p3). exact (sch _ icz (cle_ltT (cpow_Meqle card2_nz p3) yl1)). Qed. End Ordinals5. Export Ordinals5.