Dissemination and Training

Please edit the three pages linked below to record all dissemination and training activities related to the Mobius project. We need this information in order to complete the annual Dissemination and Training Report; and also to satisfy the intellectual property requirements of the project contract (Annex II.33.3).

  • Presentations:? Conferences, workshops, seminars; details of participation, together with slides or other relevant material.

  • Publications:? Notice of intention to submit papers, articles, etc.

    Once an item is published, add details to the public Mobius bibliography by editing the bibtex page.

  • Training activities:? Courses, seminars, tutorials, workshops, and so forth; either within Mobius itself, for other academics, or for industry.

Required Wording

Any publication or presentation related to Mobius must contain the following text, or equivalent:

  • This work was funded in part by the Sixth Framework programme of the European Community under the MOBIUS project FP6-015905.

  • This (paper|article|presentation|poster|...) reflects only the author’s views and the Community is not liable for any use that may be made of the information contained therein.

Publication Resources

Note that some of these templates are also available in the Mobius subversion repository in the Tex Inputs? directory.

Revision: r1.1 - 12 Sep 2006 - 09:07 - IanStark
Sandbox > DisseminationTraining
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