Require Import Ascii String List EqNat NArith. Open Scope N_scope. (*********************************************************************************) (* *) (* A Coq version of the 2048 game *) (* tested with 8.4pl2 *) (* *) (* *) (*********************************************************************************) (* Possible moves *) Inductive move := Rm (* right *) | Lm (* left *) | Um (* up *) | Dm (* down *). (* Remove all the elements a of l such that p a holds *) Fixpoint strip {A : Type} (p : A -> bool) l := match l with | nil => l | a :: l1 => if p a then strip p l1 else a :: strip p l1 end. (* Cumulative action on a line *) Fixpoint cumul (n : nat) (l : list N) {struct n} : list N := match n with | 0%nat => nil | 1%nat => hd 0 l :: nil | S (S _ as n1) => let a := hd 0 l in let l1 := tl l in let b := hd 0 l1 in if a =? b then (a + b) :: cumul n1 (tl l1) else a :: cumul n1 l1 end. (* Cumulative action + strip on lines *) Definition icumul n := map (fun x => cumul n (strip (N.eqb 0) x)). (* Count the number of occurrences of p on a line *) Definition count (p : N -> bool) := fold_right (fun n => if p n then N.succ else id) 0. (* Count the number of occurrences of p on lines *) Definition icount p := fold_right (fun l => N.add (count p l)) 0%N. (* Check if v occurs in the lines *) Definition is_won v ll := negb ((icount (N.eqb v) ll) =? 0). (* Count the number of zeros in the lines *) Definition zeros := icount (N.eqb 0). (* Replace the n th occurrence of p with v in ligne l *) Fixpoint replace n (p : N -> bool) (v : N) l := match l with | a :: l1 => if p a then if n =? 0 then v :: l1 else a :: replace (n - 1) p v l1 else a :: replace n p v l1 | nil => nil end. (* Replace the n th occurrence of p with v in lignes ll *) Fixpoint ireplace n (p : N -> bool) v ll := match ll with | l :: ll1 => let m := count p l in if n nil end. (* Flip the board *) Definition iflip (n : nat) := map (@rev N). (* Rotate the board *) Fixpoint irotate (n : nat) ll := match n with | O => nil | S n1 => map (hd 0%N) ll :: irotate n1 (map (@tl _) ll) end. (* Iterator *) Fixpoint iter {A : Type} n (f : A -> A) a := match n with O => a | S n1 => f (iter n1 f a) end. (* Make Empty board *) Fixpoint make_board n := let l := iter n (cons 0) nil in iter n (cons l) nil. (* Apply a test on a list *) Fixpoint test_list {A: Type} (f : A -> A -> bool) l1 l2 := match l1, l2 with | nil, nil => true | a :: l3, b :: l4 => if f a b then test_list f l3 l4 else false | _, _ => false end. (* Equal boards *) Definition eq_board := test_list (test_list N.eqb). (* Make a move *) Definition make_move n move b := match move with | Lm => icumul n b | Rm => iflip n (icumul n (iflip n b)) | Um => irotate n (icumul n (irotate n b)) | Dm => irotate n (iflip n (icumul n (iflip n (irotate n b)))) end. (* Fast mod like *) Definition mmod m n := let l := N.log2 n in let mask := N.shiftl 1 (l + 1) - 1 in let v := mask m in v mod n. (* Fast div like *) Definition mdiv m n := let l := N.log2 n in N.shiftr m (l + 1). (* Add a number from gl inside b *) Definition add_val s (gl : list N) b := let z := zeros b in if z =? 0 then None else (* Which empty cell gets the new number *) let k := mmod s z in let s1 := mdiv s z in (* Which value to put in the empty cell *) let le := N.of_nat (length gl) in let v1 := nth (N.to_nat (mmod s1 le)) gl 0 in let s2 := mdiv s1 le in let b1 := ireplace k (N.eqb 0) v1 b in Some (s2, b1). (* Encoding of the result *) Definition Invalid_Move := False. Definition Lost := False. Definition Won (t : list move) := True. (* Printing Stuff *) Definition nl := (String (ascii_of_nat 10) "")%string. (* Number of digits of a number *) Fixpoint digit_aux m n := if n =? 0 then 0 else match m with 0%nat => 0 | S m1 => digit_aux m1 (n / 10) + 1 end. Definition digit n := N.to_nat (digit_aux (N.to_nat (N.log2 n)) n). (* Digit to ascii *) Definition d2a d := ascii_of_N (48 + d). (* Number to string *) Fixpoint n2s n m := match n with 0%nat => ""%string | S n1 => if m =? 0 then iter n (fun l => " " ++ l)%string ""%string else ((n2s n1 (m / 10)%N) ++ (String (d2a (m mod 10)%N) ""))%string end. (* Line to string *) Definition l2s n l := (fold_right (fun r s => "|" ++ n2s n r ++ s) ("|" ++ nl) l)%string. (* Make a line *) Definition make_line n := iter n (fun l => "-" ++ l)%string nl. (* Board to string *) Definition b2s n m l := let li := make_line ((m + 1) * n + 1) in (nl ++ fold_right (fun r s => li ++ l2s n r ++ s) li l)%string. (* Possible result after a game *) Inductive result := iresult (*invalid *) | lresult (* lost *) | wresult (* win *) | vresult (_ : N) (_ : list (list N)) (* valid *). (* Compute the next board *) Definition next_board n s gl v m b := let b1 := make_move n m b in if eq_board b b1 then iresult else if is_won v b1 then wresult else let z := zeros b1 in if z =? 0 then lresult else match add_val s gl b1 with | None => lresult | Some (s2, b2) => vresult s2 b2 end. (* Apply the list of moves ms to a position b *) Fixpoint games n d s gl v ms b st := match ms with | m :: ms1 => let nb := next_board n s gl v m b in match nb with | iresult => Invalid_Move | lresult => Lost | wresult => Won ms1 | vresult s1 b1 => games n d s1 gl v ms1 b1 (b2s d n b1) end | _ => Lost end. Lemma gamesE n d s gl v m ms1 b st : games n d s gl v (m :: ms1) b st = let nb := next_board n s gl v m b in match nb with | iresult => Invalid_Move | lresult => Lost | wresult => Won ms1 | vresult s1 b1 => games n d s1 gl v ms1 b1 (b2s d n b1) end. Proof. trivial. Qed. Definition start_game n s gl v ms b := match add_val s gl b with | None => Lost | Some (s1, b1) => let d := digit v in games n d s1 gl v ms b1 (b2s d n b1) end. Definition new_game n s gl v ms := start_game n s gl v ms (make_board n). (* Start a new games with empty board *) Definition g2048 s := new_game 4 s (2 :: 4 :: nil) 2048. (* Start a new games with a given board *) Definition s2048 s := start_game 4 s (2 :: 4 :: nil) 2048. (* Compute the string version of the board *) Ltac bsimpl := try match goal with |- context[b2s ?X1 ?X2 ?X3] => let v := eval vm_compute in (b2s X1 X2 X3) in replace (b2s X1 X2 X3) with v; [idtac | vm_compute; apply refl_equal] end. (* Simplifications lemmas *) Lemma gamesE1 n d s gl v m ms1 b st : next_board n s gl v m b = iresult -> games n d s gl v (m :: ms1) b st = Invalid_Move. Proof. intros H; simpl; rewrite H; auto. Qed. Lemma gamesE2 n d s gl v m ms1 b st : next_board n s gl v m b = lresult -> games n d s gl v (m :: ms1) b st = Lost. Proof. intros H; simpl; rewrite H; auto. Qed. Lemma gamesE3 n d s gl v m ms1 b st : next_board n s gl v m b = wresult -> games n d s gl v (m :: ms1) b st = Won ms1. Proof. intros H; simpl; rewrite H; auto. Qed. Lemma gamesE4 s1 b1 n d s gl v m ms1 b st : next_board n s gl v m b = vresult s1 b1 -> games n d s1 gl v ms1 b1 (b2s d n b1) -> games n d s gl v (m :: ms1) b st. Proof. intros H; simpl; rewrite H; auto. Qed. (* Compute the next board *) Ltac nsimpl := match goal with |- games ?X1 ?X2 ?X3 ?X4 ?X5 (?X6 :: _) ?X7 ?X8 => let v := eval vm_compute in (next_board X1 X3 X4 X5 X6 X7) in (match v with | iresult => rewrite gamesE1; [idtac | vm_compute; apply refl_equal] | lresult => rewrite gamesE2; [idtac | vm_compute; apply refl_equal] | wresult => rewrite gamesE3; [idtac | vm_compute; apply refl_equal] | vresult ?s1 ?b1 => apply (gamesE4 s1 b1); [vm_compute; apply refl_equal | idtac] end ) end. (* Generic tactic for move *) Ltac gen_tac v := match goal with |- games ?X1 ?X2 ?X3 ?X4 ?X5 ?X6 ?X7 ?X8 => refine (_ : games X1 X2 X3 X4 X5 (v :: _) X7 X8) end. (* Four tactic for the moves *) Ltac R := gen_tac Rm; nsimpl; bsimpl. Ltac L := gen_tac Lm; nsimpl; bsimpl. Ltac U := gen_tac Um; nsimpl; bsimpl. Ltac D := gen_tac Dm; nsimpl; bsimpl. (* Four tactic for the moves fast version : no printing *) Ltac Rf := gen_tac Rm; nsimpl. Ltac Lf := gen_tac Lm; nsimpl. Ltac Uf := gen_tac Um; nsimpl. Ltac Df := gen_tac Dm; nsimpl. (* Start tactic *) Ltac S := eexists; do 3 red; simpl; try (set (x := b2s _ _ _); vm_compute in x; unfold x; clear x). (* Final tactic *) Ltac F := refine (_ : Won nil); apply I. (* Fail if the board is invalid, end the proof when it is won *) Ltac STOP := match goal with |- Invalid_Move => fail 1 | |- Won _ => F | |- _ => idtac end. (* Trick the prettyprinter *) Notation "[T2048] a " := (games _ _ _ _ _ _ _ a) (at level 10). Notation "! Won" := (Won _) (at level 10). (******************************************************************************) (* In order to win the game we have to provide a list of moves *) (* A game is parametrised by a seed that determines which of 2 and 4 appears *) (* and where (there is no random number inside Coq ;-) ) *) (* You can either give the winning list of moves or try to build it *) (* interactively : *) (* S to start *) (* D to move down *) (* U to move up *) (* R to move right *) (* L to move left *) (* F to end a winning game *) (******************************************************************************) (* An example *) Definition seed := 0. (* The 2 always appears in the first free cell *) Lemma thm1 : exists ms, g2048 seed ms. Proof. S. R. L. D. U. Abort. (* Lemma thm2 : forall seed, exists ms, g2048 seed ms. *)