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Algorithms in Structural Bio-informatics :

Winter School

2-7 december 2012, Inria Sophia Antipolis, France

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    The goal of this winter school is to present state-of-the-art concepts, algorithms and software tools meant to analyze and predict macro-molecular assemblies, with a focus on methodological developments and the corresponding software. It aims at gathering 20 students from all over Europe during 5,5 days, at the master and phd level, and is organized as follows:

    • During the first afternoon, the students will introduce their research interests. Pairs of students will be formed, for the so-called projects to be undertaken during the practicals.
    • Each of the remaining five days will consist of a lecture (morning session), followed by a computer practical (afternoon). The practical will consist of applying concepts and tools learned during the lecture to macro-molecular structures related to the project.

With the support of : GDR CNRS 3003
Bioinformatique Moléculaire
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