/** * Copyright (c) 1999 GEMPLUS group. All Rights Reserved. *------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Project name: PACAP - cas d'étude - * * * Platform : Java virtual machine * Language : JAVA 1.1.x * Devl tool : Symantec VisualCafe * * @author: Thierry Bressure * @version 1 *------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ package com.gemplus.pacap.purse; // temporarily removed by Rodolphe Muller on 31/05/2000 //import com.gemplus.pacap.utils.Decimal; // added by RM on 26/07/2000 import com.gemplus.pacap.pacapinterfaces.TransactionInterface; /* this class is used to send to the loyalty the information about a transaction related to this loyalty * @see TransactionInterface*/ class TransactionInterfaceObject extends Transaction implements TransactionInterface{ /*@ invariant reste >= 0 ; */ //////////////// ATTRIBUTES //////////////// /* the number of remaining transactions in the history file and that concerns the calling loyalty*/ /*@ spec_public */private byte reste; /////////////// CONSTRUCTOR //////////////// //////////////// METHODS /////////////// // temporarily removed by Rodolphe Muller on 16/08/2000 /*@ //also_modifies \nothing ; also_requires true ; also_ensures \result == super.montant.intPart ; //exsures (NOException) false ; */ public short getIntPartMontant() { return getMontant().getIntPart(); } /*@ //also_modifies \nothing ; also_requires true ; also_ensures \result == super.montant.decPart ; //exsures (RuntimeException) false ; */ public short getDecPartMontant() { return getMontant().getDecPart(); } /* // temporarily added by Rodolphe Muller on 16/08/2000 public byte getMontantDigit(short index) { return getMontant().number[index]; } */ /*@ //also_modifies \nothing ; also_ensures \result == super.devise ; //also_exsures (RuntimeException) false ; */ public byte getDevise() { return super.getDevise(); } /* return the bytes of the index n that represents the saler id*/ /*@ //also_modifies \nothing ; also_requires n < super.id.length ; also_ensures \result == super.id[n] ; //also_exsures (NOException) false ; */ public byte getId (byte n) { return getPartnerID()[n]; } /* return the lenght of the saler id*/ /*@ //also_modifies \nothing ; also_requires true ; also_ensures \result == super.id.length ; //also_exsures (NOException) false ; */ public short getIdLength() { return (short) getPartnerID().length; } /*@ modifies reste ; requires n >= 0; ensures reste == n ; //exsures (RuntimeException) false ; */ void setReste(byte n) { reste = n; } /*@ //also_modifies \nothing ; also_requires true ; also_ensures \result == reste ; //also_exsures (NOException) false ; */ public byte getReste() { return reste; } /*@ //also_modifies \nothing also_ensures true ; //also_exsures (NOException) false ; */ public byte getMois() { return super.getMois(); } /*@ //also_modifies \nothing also_ensures true ; //also_exsures (NOException) false ; */ public byte getJour() { return super.getJour(); } /*@ //also_modifies \nothing also_ensures true ; //also_exsures (NOException) false ; */ public byte getAnnee() { return super.getAnnee(); } /*@ //also_modifies \nothing also_ensures true ; //also_exsures (NOException) false ; */ public short getTypeProduit() { return super.getTypeProduit(); } }