Electronic Purse Case Study

Below are the annotated versions of the classes in the electronic purse case study, provides as the Applet Benchmark Kit by Gemplus.
We have a paper describing the process to construct the annotations.

Formal specification of Gemplus' electronic purse case study
N. Cataño, M. Huisman
In the proceedings of Formal Methods Europe (FME 2002), to appear.
Number 2391 of LNCS, pages 272-289. Springer-Verlag, 2002.
© Springer-Verlag

The annotations are constructed by Néstor Cataño and Marieke Huisman.

This work is done as part of the VerifiCard project at INRIA.

Package Utils

Filename Remarks
Decimal Post conditions of isGreaterThan and isSmallerThan cannot be established, needs reformulation of postconditions of equal
Several postconditions commented out, because of simplify error

Package Pacapinterfaces

Filename Remarks

Package Purse

Filename Remarks
AccessCondition ESC/Java cannot establish that the invariant is preserved by method addCondition
AccessControlTable We can not fully specify the postcondition of the method verify
AllowedLoyalty Postcondition of delSaler can not be established by ESC/Java
Date Explicit assumption needed in method getDate on array length in JavaCard
ExchangeRecord - ESC/Java can not establish that addExchangeSession preserves invariant
- ESC/Java can not establish that precondition of clone is satisfied in defrag, because we can not express that arrays are referenced to only once
- ESC/Java can not establish that defrag preserves invariant
- ESC/Java can not establish postconditions of prevIndex and nextIndex
Heure Explicit assumption needed in method getHeure on offset in array
LoyaltiesTable - ESC/Java can not establish postcondition of delLoyalty
- ESC/Java can not establish postcondition of getAllowedLoyalty
- ESC/Java can not establish postcondition of removeNotification
- ESC/Java can not establish postcondition of contents
LoyaltyInterfaceObject Uses javacardx.crypto.Cipher.spec and visa.openplatform.OPSystem.spec
PacapCertificate Light weight specification
Assumptions needed for ESC/Java that casting an array length to a short preserves that the value is >= 0
PacapCipher - Light weight specification
- Uses javacardx.crypto.Cipher.spec
- Precondition of call to Util.arrayFillNonAtomic cannot be established by ESC/Java
PacapKey Light weight specification
PacapRandom Light weight specification
PacapSecureMessaging - Light weight specification
- Assumptions needed for ESC/Java that casting an array length to a short preserves that the value is >= 0
PacapSignature - Light weight specification
- Preconditions of Util.arrayFillNonAtomic, instance.sign and instance.verify in methods sign and verify cannot be established by ESC/Java
Purse - Light weight specification
- Uses javacardx.crypto.Cipher.spec and visa.openplatform.OPSystem.spec - Several specifications not completely checked, because too much time required
PurseApplet - Light weight specification
- Uses visa.openplatform.OPSystem.spec - Several specifications not completely checked, because too much time required
Security - Light weight specification
- Uses javacardx.crypto.Cipher.spec and visa.openplatform.OPSystem.spec - Several specifications not completely checked, because too much time required
TransactionRecord - ESC/Java can not establish that addTransaction preserves invariant
- ESC/Java can not establish that precondition of clone is satisfied in defrag, because we can not express that arrays are referenced to only once
- ESC/Java can not establish that defrag preserves invariant
- ESC/Java can not establish postconditions of prevIndex and nextIndex
- No postcondition specified for getTransaction and getNbTransactions

Néstor Catano Collazos and Marieke Huisman
Last modified: Fri Jul 12 16:03:42 MEST 2002