
(* Definition of Subalgebras of a given algebra. *)
(* Venanzio Capretta, January 1999               *)
(* Coq version 6.2.3                             *)

Require Export Algebras.

Implicit Arguments On.

Section Subalgebra_Definition.

Variable sigma : Signature.
Variable A : (Algebra sigma).

Local n := (sorts_num sigma).
Local m := (fun_num sigma).
Local fs := (function_types sigma).

Local As := (sorts A).
Local Afs := (functions A).

(* A subalgebra consists first of all of a family of subsetoids
   of the sorts of A.

Variable P : (i : (Finite n))(Setoid_predicate (As i)).

Local Bs : (Sorts_interpretation n) :=
  [i:(Finite n)](subsetoid (P i)).

(* Now let us assume that we have an algebra with sorts Bs,
   i. e. we have an interpretation of the functions for sorts Bs.

Variable Bfs : (Function_list_interpretation Bs fs).

(* Thus we have a new algebra. *)
Local B : (Algebra sigma) := (algebra Bfs).

(* For B to be a subalgebra of A it is necessary that the functions of
   B are restrictions of those of A. This is defined in the following.

Section Function_Restriction.

Variable i : (Finite m). (* we choose the i-th function *)

Local fi := (nth_function i).
Local h := (nth_result i).

(* We now considere the interpretations of fi in A and B,
   in the form of functions with functional arguments.

Local giA := (functions A i).
Local giB := (functions B i).

(* Now we have to require that giA and giB behave in the same way
   on arguments coming from B.

Definition giB_restriction_of_giA :=
  (args : (Fun_arg_arguments B i))
  (s_inj (giB args)) [=] (giA ([j](s_inj (args j)))).

End Function_Restriction.

(* We now must require that every function of B is the restriction
   of the corresponding function of A.

is_Subalgebra := (i : (Finite m))(giB_restriction_of_giA i).

(* In general we will construct the subalgebra B by just proving that
   Bs is closed under the functions of A.

Section Closure_Under_Functions.

Variable i : (Finite m).

Local h := (nth_arity i).
Local a := (nth_arg 2!i).
Local r := (nth_result i).

Local fiA := (functions A i).

function_closure :=
  (args : (Fun_arg_arguments A i))
  ((j : (Finite h))((P (a j)) (args j)))
  -> ((P r) (fiA args)).

End Closure_Under_Functions.

Fun_closure :=
  (i : (Finite m))(function_closure i).

(* Let us then suppose that Bs is closed under the functions. *)
Variable B_closed : Fun_closure.

(* We then define the subalgebra with sorts Bs and functions the restrictions
   of the functions of A.

Section Function_Interpretation.

Variable i : (Finite m).

Local fi := (nth_function i).
Local h := (nth_arity i).
Local a := (nth_arg 2!i).
Local r := (nth_result i).

Local fiA := (functions A i).

fiB_fun : ((j : (Finite h))(Bs (a j))) -> (Bs r) :=
  (exist (As r) (P r)
         (fiA [j:(Finite h)](proj1_sig ? ? (args j)))
         (!B_closed i
                    [j:(Finite h)](proj1_sig (As (a j)) (P (a j)) (args j))
                    [j:(Finite h)](proj2_sig (As (nth_arg j))
                                                 (P (nth_arg j))
                                                 (args j)

Remark fiB_fun_well_defined :
  (fun_well_defined 1!(FF_setoid h [j:(Finite h)](Bs (a j)))

subalgebra_functions : (Function_type_interpretation Bs fi) :=
  (setoid_function fiB_fun_well_defined).

End Function_Interpretation.

Subalgebra : (Algebra sigma) :=
  (algebra subalgebra_functions).

End Subalgebra_Definition.

(* We still have to prove that Subalgebra is a subalgebra. *)

Section Subalgebra_Is_Subalgebra.

Variable sigma : Signature.
Local n := (sorts_num sigma).

Variable A : (Algebra sigma).
Local As := (sorts A).

Variable P : (i:(Finite n))(Setoid_predicate (As i)).
Variable P_closed : (Fun_closure P).

Local B := (Subalgebra P_closed).

subalgebra_is_subalgebra :
  (is_Subalgebra (functions B)).

End Subalgebra_Is_Subalgebra.

Implicit Arguments Off.

25/02/99, 14:36