(* Definition of a sigma-algebra. *)
(* Venanzio Capretta, January 1999 *)
(* Coq version 6.2.3 *)
Require Export Signatures.
Require Export Setoids.
Require Export Type_Constructions.
Require Export Finite_Sets.
Require Export Type_Products.
Require Export Parametric_Arity_Functions.
Implicit Arguments On.
Section Signature_Interpretations.
Variable n : nat.
(* Definition of the interpretation of the sorts. *)
Sorts_interpretation := (Finite n) -> Setoid.
Variable sorts : Sorts_interpretation.
(* Interpretation of a function type. The function takes its arguments
in the form of a function.
Fun_type_int : (list (Finite n)) -> (Finite n) -> Setoid :=
(Fun_arg_function (length args)
[i](sorts (Fin_proj args i))
(sorts res)
Function_type_interpretation : (Function_type n) -> Setoid :=
[f](Fun_type_int (function_type_arguments f)
(function_type_result f)
Function_list_interpretation :
(list (Function_type n)) -> Setoid :=
(FF_setoid (length fs)
[i](Function_type_interpretation (Fin_proj fs i))
End Signature_Interpretations.
Algebra [sign : Signature] : Type := algebra
{ sorts :> (Sorts_interpretation (sorts_num sign));
functions : (Function_list_interpretation sorts (function_types sign))
(* The selector functions gives the family of curried functions. *)
(* For some purposes it is desirable to have them in a different
form where the arguments are given as a function on a finite set.
We already defined the commuting operator in Parametric_Arity_Functions.
Now we use it to obtain the desired representation of the functions.
Section Fun_Arg_Functions.
Variable sigma : Signature.
Variable A : (Algebra sigma).
Local As := (sorts A).
Local n := (sorts_num sigma).
Local m := (fun_num sigma).
Variable i : (Finite m). (* we consider the i-th function *)
Local fi := (nth_function i).
Local r := (nth_arity i).
Local a := (nth_arg 2!i).
Local h := (nth_result i).
Local fiA := (functions A i).
(* The family of indexes of sorts of the arguments of fi. *)
Function_arguments_sorts := [j : (Finite r)](As (a j)).
(* Now from fiA we define the corresponding function that takes
a function argument.
curry_functions :
(Curry_setoid_function r Function_arguments_sorts (As h))
((fun_arg_to_curry r Function_arguments_sorts (As h)) fiA).
(* In general it will be also useful to have the type of argument for
such a function.
Fun_arg_arguments :=
(FF_setoid r Function_arguments_sorts).
End Fun_Arg_Functions.
Implicit Arguments Off.
25/02/99, 14:36