Infomation Flow Monitor Inlining for JavaScript and Web APIs

Article: Modular Monitor Extensions for Information Flow Security in JavaScript
Full version can be found in Chapter 6 and Appendix C of Fragoso Santos Phd thesis
Proofs: Modular Monitor Extensions for Information Flow Security in JavaScript
IFlow Signatures for DOM APIs
Extra IFlow Signatures
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Instructions on how to use the tool


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var div1, div2, div3, h, l; h = 1; upgVar(h, '2'); div1 = document.createElement('div'); div2 = document.createElement('div'); div3 = document.createElement('div'); div1.appendChild(div2); if (h) { div3.appendChild(div2); } l = div1.childNodes.length; var div1, div2, div3, h, l; h = 1; upgVar(h, '2'); div1 = document.createElement('div'); div2 = document.createElement('div'); div3 = document.createElement('div'); div1.appendChild(div2); upgStruct(div1, '2'); upgStruct(div3, '2'); div2.upgTreeLevel('2'); if (h) { div3.appendChild(div2); } l = div1.childNodes.length; var div1, div2, div3, h, l; h = 1; upgVar(h, '2'); div1 = document.createElement('div'); div2 = document.createElement('div'); div3 = document.createElement('div'); div1.appendChild(div2); upgStruct(div1, '2'); upgStruct(div3, '2'); div2.upgTreeLevel('2'); if (h) { div3.appendChild(div2); } l = div1.childNodes.length; alert(l); var div1, div2, div3, h, l; h = 1; upgVar(h, '2'); div1 = document.createElement("div"); div2 = document.createElement("div"); div3 = document.createElement("div"); div3.appendChild(div2); if (h) { div1.appendChild(div2); } div1.appendChild(div3); l = div1.childNodes[0]; var div1, div2, div3, h, l; h = 1; upgVar(h, '2'); div1 = document.createElement("div"); div2 = document.createElement("div"); div1.appendChild(div2); if (h) { div1.removeChild(div2); } l = div1.childNodes[0]; var div1, div2, h, l; h = confirm("Do you want to execute the if-then branch?"); div1 = document.createElement("DIV"); div2 = document.createElement("DIV"); div1.appendChild(div2); if (h) { div1.removeChild(div2); } l = div1.childNodes.length; alert(l); var div1, div2, h, l; h = confirm('Do you want to execute the if-then branch?'); div1 = document.createElement('DIV'); div2 = document.createElement('DIV'); div1.appendChild(div2); upgStruct(div1, '5'); div2.upgTreeLevel('5'); if (h) { div1.removeChild(div2); } l = div1.childNodes.length; var div1, div2, div3, h, l; h = confirm("Do you want to execute the if-then branch?"); div1 = document.createElement("DIV"); div2 = document.createElement("DIV"); div3 = document.createElement("DIV"); div3.appendChild(div2); if (h) { div1.appendChild(div2); } div1.appendChild(div3); l = div1.childNodes[0]; alert(l); var div1, div2, div3, h, l; h = confirm('Do you want to execute the if-then branch?'); div1 = document.createElement('DIV'); div2 = document.createElement('DIV'); div3 = document.createElement('DIV'); div3.appendChild(div2); upgStruct(div1, '5'); upgStruct(div3, '5'); div2.upgTreeLevel('5'); if (h) { div1.appendChild(div2); } div1.appendChild(div3); l = div1.childNodes[0]; var div1, div2, div3, divs, h, l; h = 1; upgVar(h, '2'); div1 = document.createElement("DIV"); div2 = document.createElement("DIV"); div3 = document.createElement("DIV"); div2.appendChild(div3); document.body.appendChild(div1); document.body.appendChild(div2); divs = document.getElementsByTagName("DIV"); if (h) { div2.appendChild(div1); } l = divs[0]; var div1, div2, div3, divs, h, l; h = 1; upgVar(h, '2'); div1 = document.createElement("DIV"); div2 = document.createElement("DIV"); div3 = document.createElement("DIV"); div2.appendChild(div3); document.body.appendChild(div1); document.body.appendChild(div2); divs = document.getElementsByTagName("DIV"); upgStruct(div1, '2'); upgStruct(div2, '2'); upgStruct(document.body, '2'); div2.upgTreeLevel('2'); div1.upgTreeLevel('2'); if (h) { div2.appendChild(div1); } l = divs[1]; var div, divs, h, l; h = confirm("Do you want to execute the if-then branch?"); divs = document.getElementsByTagName("DIV"); if (h) { div = document.createElement("DIV"); document.body.appendChild(div); } l = divs.length; alert(l); var body, div, divs, h, l; h = confirm('Do you want to execute the if-then branch?'); body = document.body; divs = document.getElementsByTagName('DIV'); upgStruct(body, '5'); upgGlobalTagLevel('DIV', '5'); upgVar(div, '5'); if (h) { div = document.createElement('DIV'); document.body.appendChild(div); } l = divs.length; var div1, div2, div3, divs, h, l; h = confirm("Do you want to execute the if-then branch?"); div1 = document.createElement("DIV"); div2 = document.createElement("DIV"); document.body.appendChild(div1); document.body.appendChild(div2); divs = document.getElementsByTagName("DIV"); if (h) { div3 = document.createElement("DIV"); div1.appendChild(div3); } l = divs[1]; var div1, div2, div3, divs, h, l, body; body = document.body; h = confirm('Do you want to execute the if-then branch?'); div1 = document.createElement('DIV'); div2 = document.createElement('DIV'); body.appendChild(div1); body.appendChild(div2); divs = document.getElementsByTagName('DIV'); upgStruct(body, '5'); upgStruct(div1, '5'); upgGlobalTagLevel('DIV', '5'); upgVar(div3, '5'); div2.upgTreeLevel('5'); if (h) { div3 = document.createElement('DIV'); div1.appendChild(div3); } l = divs[1]; var x, y; x = 4; upgVar(x, '2'); y = x + 4; var x, y; y = 3; upgVar(y, '2'); if (y) { x = 2; } var x, y, z; y = 3; upgVar(y, '2'); z = {}; z['p'] = null; upgProp(z, 'p', '2'); if (y) { z['p'] = 2; } var x, y, z; y = 3; upgVar(y, '2'); z = {}; z['p'] = null; if (y) { z['p'] = 2; } var o, h; o = {}; h = 3; upgVar(h, '2'); if(h) { o['p'] = 2; } var o, h; o = {}; h = 3; upgVar(h, '2'); upgStruct(o, '2'); if(h) { o['p'] = 2; } var x; eval('x = 3; x') var x, y; x = 0; y = 2; upgVar(y, '2'); if (y) { eval('x = 3; x'); } var xhr, cookie, url; var xhr, cookie, url; document.cookie = ''; upgProp(document, 'cookie', '2'); xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); cookie = document.cookie; url = '' + cookie;'POST', cookie); xhr.send(); var xhr, cookie, url; xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); cookie = document.cookie; url = '' + cookie;'POST', cookie); xhr.send(); var xhr, cookie, url; document.cookie = 'hello'; upgProp(document, 'cookie', '2'); xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); cookie = document.cookie; url = '' + cookie;'POST', cookie); xhr.send(); var n, o; n = 10; o = {}; while(n) { o[n] = n; n = n - 1; alert(n); } var o1, o2, public1, public2, secret, tmp; o1 = {}; o2 = {}; secret = confirm('Do you have a secret?'); tmp = function () { return 'p'; }; o1.toString = tmp; o2.p = secret; public1 = o2[o1]; if (public1) { public2 = 3; } var o1, o2, public1, public2, secret, f; o1 = {}; o2 = {}; secret = confirm('Do you have a secret?'); f = function () { return 'p'; }; o1.toString = f; o2.p = secret; public1 = o2[o1.toString()]; upgVar(public2, '5'); if (public1) { public2 = 3; } var o, f, h; o = {}; o.p = 0; upgStruct(o, '2'); f = function () { return false; }; o.hasOwnProperty = f; h = 1; upgVar(h, '2'); if (h) { o.p = 1; } var o, f_aux, h; var o, f, h; o = {}; upgStruct(o, '2'); f = function () { return false; }; o.hasOwnProperty = f; h = 1; upgVar(h, '2'); if (h) { o.p = 1; } var o, f_aux, h; o = {}; upgStruct(o, '2'); f_aux = function () { return false; }; o['hasOwnProperty'] = f_aux; h = 1; upgVar(h, '2'); if (h) { o['p'] = 1; } var Person, p1, low; Person = function (id, name, age) { = id; = name; this.age = age; upgProp(this, 'id', '2'); }; p1 = new Person(1, 'Raquel', 22); low =; var Person, p1, high, low, high; Person = function (id, name, age) { = id; = name; this.age = age; upgProp(this, 'id', '2'); }; p1 = new Person(1, 'Raquel', 22); high =; if (high) { low = high + 4; } var Person, person_proto, low, high, p1; Person = function (id, name, age) { = id; = name; this.age = age; upgProp(this, 'id', '2'); }; person_proto = Person.prototype; person_proto.secret = 'secret'; upgProp(person_proto, 'secret', '2'); p1 = new Person(1, 'Raquel', 22); high = p1.secret; if (high) { low = high + ' other secret'; } var Person, person_proto, fun_say_id, new_person, high; Person = function (name, id) { = name; = id; upgProp(this, 'id', '2'); }; person_proto = Person.prototype; fun_say_id = function () { return; }; person_proto.sayYourId = fun_say_id; new_person = new Person('raquel', 1); high = new_person.sayYourId(); var Person, person_proto, fun_say_id, new_person, high, low; Person = function (name, id) { = name; = id; upgProp(this, 'id', '2'); }; person_proto = Person.prototype; fun_say_id = function () { return; }; person_proto.sayYourId = fun_say_id; new_person = new Person('raquel', 1); high = new_person.sayYourId(); if (high) { low = high * 2; } var x, y, h, z1, z2; h = 0; upgVar(h, '2'); x = {}; x.f = 0; y = x; y.f = h; z1 = y.f; alert(z1); z2 = x.f; alert(z2); var cookie, url; document.cookie = ''; upgProp(document, 'cookie', '2'); cookie = document.cookie; url = '' + cookie; window.location = url; var h, l, o, aux; h = 1; l = false; o = {}; aux = function(){ var aux; if(h) { aux = {}; return aux; } else { return 1; } } o['valueOf'] = aux; aux = function(){ l = true; return 5; } o['toString'] = aux; o+1; var l, p, o; o = {}; o.q = 'foo'; o.p = 'bar'; l = ''; upgProp(o, 'p', '2'); for (p in o) { l = l + p; } alert(l); var l, p, o; o = {}; o.q = 'foo'; o.p = 'bar'; l = ''; upgProp(o, 'p', '2'); for (p in o) { l = l + p; } var l, p, o, s; o = {}; o.q = 'foo'; o.p = 'bar'; l = ''; upgProp(o, 'p', '2'); for (p in o) { s = o.p; alert(s); }