(:title Contact us:)(:Summary:How to reach the PmWiki developers and community:) This page contains information about some ways to contact us. The primary author of PmWiki is Dr. Patrick R. Michaud (Pm) who can be contacted at http://www.pmichaud.com. The current core developer of PmWiki and webmaster of pmwiki.org is [[PmWiki:Petko|Petko Yotov]] who can be contacted via e-mail at [[(mailto:)5ko@5ko.fr]]. For security bug disclosures please [[mailto:5ko@5ko.fr?cc=pmichaud@pobox.com&subject=PmWiki+security+disclosure|e-mail Petko with cc: to Pm]]. You can report bugs to our [[(PITS:)PITS]] issue tracking system. If you have questions about the software, you can ask them on the [[(http://)www.pmwiki.org]] site talk pages. You can also join our public [[(PmWiki:)mailing lists]].