Geometrica Home Publications of year 2010

Publications of year 2010
Books and proceedings
  1. Mario Botsch, Leif Kobbelt, Mark Pauly, Pierre Alliez, and Bruno Lévy. Polygon Mesh Processing. AK Peters, 2010. [WWW]

  2. Monique Teillaud, editor. Computational Geometry: Theory and Applications - Special Issue on the 24th Annual Symposium on Computational Geometry, 43(3), pages 233--328, April 2010. Elsevier. ISSN: 0925-7721. [WWW]

  1. Manuel Caroli. Triangulating Point Sets in Orbit Spaces. Thèse de doctorat en sciences, Université de Nice Sophia Antipolis, France, 2010. [WWW]

  2. Pooran Memari. Geometric tomography with topological guarantees. Thèse de doctorat en sciences, Université de Nice Sophia Antipolis, France, 2010. [WWW]

  3. Nicolas Montana. Calcul robuste d'enveloppes de solides en mouvement. Application à la simulation de l'enlèvement de matière en usinage. Thèse de doctorat en sciences, Université Paris XI, France, 2010.

  4. Nader Salman. From 3D point clouds to feature preserving meshes. Thèse de doctorat en sciences, Université de Nice Sophia Antipolis, France, 2010. [WWW]

  5. Pedro Machado Manhães de Castro. Practical Ways to Accelerate Delaunay Triangulations. Thèse de doctorat en sciences, Université de Nice Sophia Antipolis, France, 2010. [WWW]

Articles in journal, book chapters
  1. Vicente H. F. Batista, David L. Millman, Sylvain Pion, and Johannes Singler. Parallel Geometric Algorithms for Multi-Core Computers. Comput. Geom. Theory Appl., 43:663-677, October 2010. Note: Special Issue on the 25th Annual Symposium on Computational Geometry (SoCG'09). [WWW] [doi:10.1016/j.comgeo.2010.04.008]

  2. Jean-Daniel Boissonnat, Frank Nielsen, and Richard Nock. Bregman Voronoi Diagrams. Discrete and Computational Geometry, 44(2), 2010. [WWW]

  3. Frédéric Chazal, David Cohen-Steiner, and Quentin Mérigot. Boundary Measures for Geometric Inference. Journal on Foundations of Computational Mathematics, 10:221-240, 2010. [WWW] [doi:10.1007/s10208-009-9056-2]

  4. David Cohen-Steiner, Herbert Edelsbrunner, John Harer, and Yuriy Mileyko. Lipschitz functions have Lp-stable persistence. Foundations of Computational Mathematics, (2):127-139, 2010. [doi:10.1007/s10208-010-9060-6]

  5. Michael Hemmer, Laurent Dupont, Sylvain Petitjean, and Elmar Schömer. A Complete, Exact and Efficient Implementation for Computing the Edge-adjacency Graph of an Arrangement of Quadrics. Journal of Symbolic Computation, 6108, 2010. [WWW]

  6. Patrick Mullen, Fernando de Goes, Mathieu Desbrun, David Cohen-Steiner, and Pierre Alliez. Signing the Unsigned: Robust Surface Reconstruction from Raw Pointsets. Computer Graphics Forum, 29:1733-1741, 2010. Note: Special issue 7th Annu. Sympos. Geometry Processing. [WWW]

  7. Steve Y. Oudot, Leonidas J. Guibas, Jie Gao, and Yue Wang. Geodesic Delaunay Triangulations in Bounded Planar Domains. ACM Trans. Algorithms, 6:67:1-67:47, 2010. [WWW] [doi:10.1145/1824777.1824787]

  8. Steve Oudot, Laurent Rineau, and Mariette Yvinec. Meshing Volumes Bounded by Smooth Surfaces. Engineering with Computers, 26:265-279, 2010. [WWW]

  9. Maks Ovsjanikov, Quentin Mérigot, Fac`undo Mémoli, and Leonidas Guibas. One Point Isometric Matching with the Heat Kernel. Computer Graphics Forum, 29:1555-1564, 2010. Note: Special issue 7th Annu. Sympos. Geometry Processing. [WWW]

  10. Nader Salman and Mariette Yvinec. Surface Reconstruction from Multi-View Stereo of Large-Scale Outdoor Scenes. The International Journal of Virtual Reality, 9:19-26, 2010. Note: Special issue for ACCV09. [WWW]

  11. Nader Salman, Mariette Yvinec, and Quentin Mérigot. Feature Preserving Mesh Generation from 3D Point Clouds. Computer Graphics Forum, 29:1623-1632, 2010. Note: Special issue 7th Annu. Sympos. Geometry Processing. [WWW]

  12. Jane Tournois, Pierre Alliez, and Olivier Devillers. 2D Centroidal Voronoi Tessellations with Constraints. Numer. Math. Theor. Meth. Appl., 3:212-222, 2010. Note: Special issue for Centroidal Voronoi Tessellations. [WWW] [doi:10.4208/nmtma.2010.32s.6]

Conference articles
  1. Omid Amini, Jean-Daniel Boissonnat, and Pooran Memari. Geometric tomography with topological guarantees. In Proc. 26th Annual Symposium on Computational Geometry, 2010. [WWW]

  2. Jean-Daniel Boissonnat and Arijit Ghosh. Manifold reconstruction using Tangential Delaunay Complexes. In Proc. 26th Annual Symposium on Computational Geometry, 2010. [WWW]

  3. Manuel Caroli, Vissarion Fisikopoulos, and Monique Teillaud. Meshing of Triply-Periodic Surfaces in CGAL. In 7th International Conference on Curves and Surfaces, 2010. Note: Poster presentation. [WWW]

  4. Manuel Caroli and Monique Teillaud. Delaunay Triangulations of Point Sets in Closed Euclidean $d$-Manifolds. In Abstracts 26th European Workshop on Computational Geometry, pages 101-104, 2010. [PDF]

  5. Manuel Caroli, Pedro M. M. de Castro, Sébastien Loriot, Olivier Rouiller, Monique Teillaud, and Camille Wormser. Robust and Efficient Delaunay Triangulations of Points on or Close to a Sphere. In 9th International Symposium on Experimental Algorithms, volume 6049 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 462-473, 2010. [WWW]

  6. Dan Chen, Olivier Devillers, John Iacono, Stefan Langerman, and Pat Morin. Oja Medians and Centers of Gravity. In Proc. 22th Canad. Conf. Comput. Geom., 2010. [WWW]

  7. Marc Glisse and Sylvain Lazard. On the Complexity of Sets of Free Lines and Line Segments Among Balls in Three Dimensions. In Proc. 26th Annual Symposium on Computational Geometry, 2010. [WWW] [doi:10.1145/1810959.1810969]

  8. Michael Hemmer, Ophir Setter, and Dan Halperin. Constructing the Exact Voronoi Diagram of Arbitrary Lines in Space. In Proc. of the 18th Ann. Europ. Symp. on Algorithms, volume 6346 of LNCS, pages 398-409, 2010.

  9. Benoît Hudson, Steve Oudot, Gary L. Miller, and Donald R. Sheehy. Topological Inference via Meshing. In Proc. 26th Annual Symposium on Computational Geometry, pages 277-286, 2010.

  10. Philippe Moireau, Dominique Chapelle, and Mariette Yvinec. Cardiac motion extraction from images by filtering estimation based on a biomechanical model. In Proc. of Fifth International Conference on Functional Imaging and Modeling of the Heart., volume 5528 of LNCS, pages 220,228, 2010.

  11. Daniel Sieger, Pierre Alliez, and Mario Botsch. Optimizing Voronoi Diagrams for Polygonal Finite Element Computations. In Proceedings of the 19th International Meshing Roundtable, pages 335-350, 2010. [WWW]

  12. P. Skraba, M. Ovsjanikov, F. Chazal, and L. Guibas. Persistence-Based Segmentation of Deformable Shapes. In Proc. Workshop on Nonrigid Shape Analysis and Deformable Image Alignment (NORDIA), Proc. CVPR 2010 (Best Paper Award), 2010.

  13. Jihun Yu, Chee Yap, Zilin Du, Sylvain Pion, and Hervé Brönnimann. The Design of Core 2: A Library for Exact Numeric Computation in Geometry and Algebra. In Proceedings of the 3rd International Congress on Mathematical Software, LNCS 6327, pages 121-141, 2010. [WWW]

Research reports
  1. David Arthur and Steve Oudot. Reverse Nearest Neighbors Search in High Dimensions using Locality-Sensitive Hashing. Research Report 7084, INRIA, 2010. Note: Version 5. [WWW]

  2. Eric Berberich, Michael Hemmer, and Michael Kerber. A Generic Algebraic Kernel for Non-linear Geometric Applications. Research Report 7274, INRIA, 2010. [WWW]

  3. Manuel Caroli and Monique Teillaud. Delaunay Triangulations of Point Sets in Closed Euclidean $d$-Manifolds. Research Report 7352, INRIA, 2010. [WWW]

  4. Frédéric Chazal, David Cohen-Steiner, and Quentin Mérigot. Geometric Inference for Measures based on Distance Functions. Research Report 6930, INRIA, 2010. [WWW]

  5. Olivier Devillers. Delaunay Triangulation of Imprecise Points, Preprocess and Actually Get a Fast Query Time. Research Report 7299, INRIA, 2010. [WWW]

  6. Michael Hemmer, Ophir Setter, and Dan Halperin. Constructing the Exact Voronoi Diagram of Arbitrary Lines in Space. Research Report 7273, INRIA, 2010. [WWW]

  7. Nikola Milosavljevic, Dmitriy Morozov, and Primoz Skraba. Zigzag Persistent Homology in Matrix Multiplication Time. Research Report 7393, INRIA, 2010. [WWW]

  8. Pedro Machado Manhães de Castro and Olivier Devillers. On the Size of Some Trees Embedded in $\mathbb{R}^d$. Research Report 7179, INRIA, 2010. [WWW]

  9. Pedro Machado Manhães de Castro and Olivier Devillers. Walking Faster in a Triangulation. Research Report 7322, INRIA, 2010. [WWW]

Manuals, booklets
  1. Pierre Alliez, Laurent Rineau, Stéphane Tayeb, Jane Tournois, and Mariette Yvinec. 3D Mesh Generation. 3.7 edition, 2010. [WWW]

  2. Eric Berberich, Michael Hemmer, Michael Kerber, Sylvain Lazard, Luis Peñaranda, and Monique Teillaud. Algebraic Kernel. 3.7 edition, 2010. [WWW]

  3. Eric Berberich, Michael Hemmer, Sylvain Lazard, Luis Peñaranda, and Monique Teillaud. Algebraic Kernel. 3.6 edition, 2010. [WWW]

  4. Manuel Caroli and Monique Teillaud. 3D Periodic Triangulations. 3.7 edition, 2010. [WWW]

  5. Tran Kai Frank Da and Mariette Yvinec. 3D Alpha Shapes. 3.7 edition, 2010. Note: \{\tiny http\://\:AlphaShapes3. [WWW]

  6. Pedro Machado Manhães de Castro, Frédéric Cazals, Sébastien Loriot, and Monique Teillaud. 3D Spherical Geometry Kernel. 3.6 edition, 2010. [WWW]

  1. F. Chazal, A. Lieutier, and N. Montana. Computing of a resulting closed triangulated polyhedral surface from a first and a second modeled objects, 2010. Note: Submitted with number 10305555.4-2224.

  2. Quentin Merigot. Size of the medial axis and stability of Federer's curvature measures. Note: 15 pages, 2 figures, 2010. [WWW]



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Last modified: Mon Sep 29 16:15:55 2014
Author: odevil.

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