Geometrica Home Publications of year 1997

Publications of year 1997
Books and proceedings
  1. J-P. Merlet. Les Robots parallèles. Hermès, Paris, 1997.

Articles in journal, book chapters
  1. F. Avnaim, J-D. Boissonnat, O. Devillers, F. P. Preparata, and M. Yvinec. Evaluating signs of determinants using single-precision arithmetic. Algorithmica, 17:111-132, 1997. [WWW]

  2. J-P. Merlet. DEMOCRAT: A DEsign MethodOlogy for the Conception of Robots with parallel ArchiTecture. Robotica, 15:367-373, 1997.

  3. J-P. Merlet. Designing a parallel manipulator for a specific workspace. International Journal of Robotics Research, 16(4):545-556, 1997.

  4. J. Ponce, A. Sudsang, S. Sullivan, B. Faverjon, J-D. Boissonnat, and J-P. Merlet. On Computing Four-Finger Equilibrium and Force-Closure Grasps of Polyhedral Objects. International Journal of Robotics Research, 16(1):11-35, 1997.

  5. M. de Berg, O. Devillers, K. Dobrindt, and O. Schwarzkopf. Computing a single cell in the union of two simple polygons. Inform. Process. Lett., 63:215-219, 1997. [WWW]

Conference articles
  1. J-D. Boissonnat, E. de Lange, and M. Teillaud. Minkowski operations for satellite antenna layout. In Proc. 13th Annual Symposium on Computational Geometry, pages 67-76, 1997. [PDF]

  2. H. Brönnimann, I. Emiris, V. Pan, and S. Pion. Computing Exact Geometric Predicates Using Modular Arithmetic with Single Precision. In Proc. 13th Annual Symposium on Computational Geometry, pages 174-182, 1997. [WWW]

  3. H. Brönnimann and S. Pion. Exact rounding for geometric constructions. In GAMM/IMACS International Symposium on Scientific Computing, Computer Arithmetic and Validated Numerics, 1997. [WWW]

  4. H. Brönnimann and M. Yvinec. Efficient Exact Evaluation of Signs of Determinants. In Proc. 13th Annual Symposium on Computational Geometry, pages 166-173, 1997.

  5. O. Chételat, J-P. Merlet, P. Myszkorowski, and R. Longchamp. Globally convergent iterative algorithms for the coordinate transformations in the articulated mechanisms. In Syroco, Nantes, 1997.

  6. O. Devillers, G. Liotta, F. P. Preparata, and R. Tamassia. Checking the convexity of polytopes and the planarity of subdivisions. In Proc. 5nd Workshop Algorithms Data Struct., volume 1272 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 186-199, 1997. Springer-Verlag. [WWW]

  7. J-P. Merlet. Articular velocities of parallel manipulators, Part II: Finding all the robots with fixed extremal articular velocity for performing a fixed cartesian velocity over a whole workspace. In IEEE Internat. Conf. on Robotics and Automation, Albuquerque, pages 3262-3267, 1997.

  8. J-P. Merlet. DEMOCRAT: A DEsign MethodOlogy for the Conception of Robots with parallel ArchiTecture. In IROS, pages 1630-1636, 1997.

  9. J-P. Merlet. First experiments with MIPS 1 (Mini In-Parallel Positionning System). In ISER, Barcelone, pages 372-379, 1997.

  10. J-P. Merlet. Miniature in-parallel positionning system MIPS for minimally invasive surgery. In World Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering, Nice, 1997.

  11. J-P. Merlet. Robot parallèle: Etat de l'art. In ${\rm 13^{eme}}$ Congrès Français de Mécanique, volume 1, Poitiers, pages 331-334, 1997.

Research reports
  1. P. Alliez, O. Devillers, and J. Snoeyink. Removing Degeneracies by Perturbing the Problem or the World. Research Report 3316, INRIA, 1997. [WWW]

  2. Jean-Daniel Boissonnat, Olivier Devillers, and Sylvain Lazard. Motion planning of legged robots. Research Report 3214, INRIA, 1997. [WWW]

  3. J.-D. Boissonnat, S. Ghosh, and S. Lazard. A linear time algorithm for computing a convex path of bounded curvature in a simple polygon. Technical Report TCS-97/1, Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Bombay India, 1997.

  4. J.-D. Boissonnat and F. P. Preparata. Robust Plane Sweep for Intersecting Segments. Research Report 3270, INRIA, 1997. [WWW]

  5. H. Brönnimann, I. Emiris, V. Pan, and S. Pion. Computing Exact Geometric Predicates Using Modular Arithmetic with Single Precision. Research Report 3213, INRIA, 1997. [WWW]

  6. H. Brönnimann and M. Yvinec. Efficient Exact Evaluation of Signs of Determinants. Research Report 3140, INRIA, 1997. [WWW]

  7. O. Devillers. Improved incremental randomized Delaunay triangulation. Research Report 3298, INRIA, 1997. [WWW]

  8. J-P. Merlet. Estimation efficace des caractéristiques de robots parallèles: Extremums des raideurs et des coordonnées, vitesses, forces articulaires et singularités dans un espace de travail en translation. Technical report 3243, INRIA, 1997. [WWW]

Manuals, booklets
  1. O. Devillers, A. Fabri, E. Flato, W. Freiseisen, B. Gärtner, G.-J. Giezeman, D. Halperin, M. Hoffmann, L. Kettner, G. Neyer, S. Har Peled, R. Rickenbach, S. Schirra, S. Schönherr, M. Teillaud, C. Vam Geem, R. Veltkamp, W. Wesselink, and M. Yvinec. The CGAL Reference Manual. Part 2: Basic Library. 1997. Note: Release 0.9. [WWW]

  2. A. Fabri, G.-J. Giezeman, L. Kettner, S. Schirra, and S. Schönherr. The CGAL Reference Manual. Part 1: Kernel. 1997. Note: Release 0.9. [WWW]

  3. A. Fabri, G.-J. Giezeman, L. Kettner, S. Schirra, and S. Schönherr. The CGAL Reference Manual. Part 3: Support Library. 1997. Note: Release 0.9. [WWW]

  4. A. Fabri and L. Kettner. The use of STL and STL extensions in CGAL. 1997. Note: Release 0.9. [WWW]

  5. G.-J. Giezeman, R. Veltkamp, and W. Wesselink. Getting started with CGAL. 1997. Note: Release 0.9. [WWW]

  1. Pierre Alliez. Classes d'interface de CGAL pour des métriques non euclidiennes. Rapport de DEA Aravis, Université de Nice Sophia Antipolis, France, 1997.

  2. Prolégomènes, 1997. Note: 17 numéros de 92 à 1997. [WWW]



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Last modified: Mon Sep 29 16:15:56 2014
Author: odevil.

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